def set_up_neighbor_arrays(self, grid):
        # This function gets arrays of neighboring horizontal and vertical
        # links which are needed for the de Almeida solution

        # First we identify all active links
        self.active_ids = links.active_link_ids(grid.shape, grid.node_status)

        # And then find all horizontal link IDs (Active and Inactive)
        self.horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(grid.shape)

        # And make the array 1-D
        self.horizontal_ids = self.horizontal_ids.flatten()

        # Find all horizontal active link ids
        self.horizontal_active_link_ids = links.horizontal_active_link_ids(
            grid.shape, self.active_ids)

        # Now we repeat this process for the vertical links.
        # First find the vertical link ids and reshape it into a 1-D array
        self.vertical_ids = links.vertical_link_ids(grid.shape).flatten()

        # Find the *active* verical link ids
        self.vertical_active_link_ids = links.vertical_active_link_ids(
            grid.shape, self.active_ids)

        if self.use_fixed_links:
            fixed_link_ids = links.fixed_link_ids(grid.shape, grid.node_status)
            fixed_horizontal_links = links.horizontal_fixed_link_ids(
                grid.shape, fixed_link_ids)
            fixed_vertical_links = links.vertical_fixed_link_ids(
                grid.shape, fixed_link_ids)
            self.horizontal_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.horizontal_active_link_ids, fixed_horizontal_links)
            self.vertical_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.vertical_active_link_ids, fixed_vertical_links)

        # Using the active vertical link ids we can find the north and south
        # vertical neighbors
        self.north_neighbors = links.vertical_north_link_neighbor(
            grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids)
        self.south_neighbors = links.vertical_south_link_neighbor(
            grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids)

        # Using the horizontal active link ids, we can find the west and east
        # neighbors
        self.west_neighbors = links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(
            grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids)
        self.east_neighbors = links.horizontal_east_link_neighbor(
            grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids)

        # Set up arrays for discharge in the horizontal and vertical
        # directions.
        self.q_horizontal = np.zeros(
        self.q_vertical = np.zeros(

        # Once the neighbor arrays are set up, we change the flag to True!
        self.neighbor_flag = True
# Get a list of the core nodes
core_nodes = mg.core_nodes
active_links = mg.active_links

# Display a message
print ("Running ...")
start_time = time.time()

# These functions find link neighbors for horizontal and vertical active links.
# First, we find all active links in the raster grid.
active_ids = links.active_link_ids(mg.shape, mg.status_at_node)

# Then we find all horizontal link ids...
horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(mg.shape)

# Get ids of left-most link ids for boundary issues...
left_inactive_ids = horizontal_ids[:, 0]

# Then we flatten our array so we can use it elsewhere.
horizontal_ids = horizontal_ids.flatten()

# ... and narrow them down to the active horizontal link ids.
horizontal_active_link_ids = links.horizontal_active_link_ids(mg.shape, active_ids)

# Here we actually identify, for each link, the id of its W and E neighbor. For the
# de Almeida solution, horizontal neighbors are west and east. Only
# active link ids are given, any inactive link id is replaced with a '-1'.
west_neighbors = links.find_horizontal_west_neighbor(mg.shape, horizontal_ids)
east_neighbors = links.find_horizontal_east_neighbor(mg.shape, horizontal_active_link_ids)
예제 #3
    def set_up_neighbor_arrays(self):
        """Create and initialize link neighbor arrays.

        Set up arrays of neighboring horizontal and vertical links that
        are needed for the de Almeida solution.
        # First we identify all active links

        self._active_ids = links.active_link_ids(
            self._grid.shape, self._grid.status_at_node

        self._active_links_at_open_bdy = _active_links_at_node(
            self.grid, self.grid.open_boundary_nodes

        self._active_links_at_open_bdy = self._active_links_at_open_bdy[
            np.where(self._active_links_at_open_bdy > -1)

        # And then find all horizontal link IDs (Active and Inactive)
        self._horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(self._grid.shape)

        # And make the array 1-D
        self._horizontal_ids = self._horizontal_ids.flatten()

        # Find all horizontal active link ids
        self._horizontal_active_link_ids = links.horizontal_active_link_ids(
            self._grid.shape, self._active_ids

        # Now we repeat this process for the vertical links.
        # First find the vertical link ids and reshape it into a 1-D array
        self._vertical_ids = links.vertical_link_ids(self._grid.shape).flatten()

        # Find the *active* verical link ids
        self._vertical_active_link_ids = links.vertical_active_link_ids(
            self._grid.shape, self._active_ids

        if self._default_fixed_links is True:
            fixed_link_ids = links.fixed_link_ids(
                self._grid.shape, self._grid.status_at_node
            fixed_horizontal_links = links.horizontal_fixed_link_ids(
                self._grid.shape, fixed_link_ids
            fixed_vertical_links = links.vertical_fixed_link_ids(
                self._grid.shape, fixed_link_ids
            self._horizontal_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self._horizontal_active_link_ids, fixed_horizontal_links
            self._vertical_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self._vertical_active_link_ids, fixed_vertical_links
            self._active_neighbors = find_active_neighbors_for_fixed_links(self._grid)

        self._vert_bdy_ids = self._active_links_at_open_bdy[
            links.is_vertical_link(self._grid.shape, self._active_links_at_open_bdy)

        self._vert_bdy_ids = links.nth_vertical_link(
            self._grid.shape, self._vert_bdy_ids

        self._horiz_bdy_ids = self._active_links_at_open_bdy[
            links.is_horizontal_link(self._grid.shape, self._active_links_at_open_bdy)

        self._horiz_bdy_ids = links.nth_horizontal_link(
            self._grid.shape, self._horiz_bdy_ids

        # Using the active vertical link ids we can find the north
        # and south vertical neighbors
        self._north_neighbors = links.vertical_north_link_neighbor(
            self._grid.shape, self._vertical_active_link_ids
        self._south_neighbors = links.vertical_south_link_neighbor(
            self._grid.shape, self._vertical_active_link_ids

        # Using the horizontal active link ids, we can find the west and
        # east neighbors
        self._west_neighbors = links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(
            self._grid.shape, self._horizontal_active_link_ids
        self._east_neighbors = links.horizontal_east_link_neighbor(
            self._grid.shape, self._horizontal_active_link_ids

        # replace bdy condition links
        (ids,) = np.where(self._west_neighbors[self._horiz_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self._horiz_bdy_ids[ids]
        self._west_neighbors[ids] = self._horizontal_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self._east_neighbors[self._horiz_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self._horiz_bdy_ids[ids]
        self._east_neighbors[ids] = self._horizontal_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self._north_neighbors[self._vert_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self._vert_bdy_ids[ids]
        self._north_neighbors[ids] = self._vertical_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self._south_neighbors[self._vert_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self._vert_bdy_ids[ids]
        self._south_neighbors[ids] = self._vertical_active_link_ids[ids]

        # Set up arrays for discharge in the horizontal & vertical directions.
        self._q_horizontal = np.zeros(
        self._q_vertical = np.zeros(links.number_of_vertical_links(self._grid.shape))

        # Once the neighbor arrays are set up, we change the flag to True!
        self._neighbor_flag = True
예제 #4
#rmg['node']['water_depth'] += h_init

# Now we'll identify our leftmost, but interior, column and the IDs of those
# nodes. One column in to prevent issues with BC.
inside_left_edge = rmg.nodes[1:-1, 1]

# Initializing our class...
of = OverlandFlow(rmg, mannings_n=n, theta=0.8, h_init=0.001)

# Now, we need to set a fixed value on the left edge, so we find the
# link neighbor arrays...

# ... and get a list of all horizonal ids, not just active ids (which is what
# the deAlmeida solution uses)
all_horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(rmg.shape)

# from there, we are going to reset our west neighbor array...
of.west_neighbors = (links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(
    rmg.shape, all_horizontal_ids))

# and find the ids of the arrays along the west edge of the grid. We actually
# will set the discharge values here at every time step in the loop.
left_inactive_ids = links.left_edge_horizontal_ids(rmg.shape)

# Let's see how long this run takes...
starttime = time()

while elapsed_time < run_time:

    # Now we are going to set the left edge horizontal links to their
예제 #5
    def set_up_neighbor_arrays(self):
        """Create and initialize link neighbor arrays.

        Set up arrays of neighboring horizontal and vertical links that are
        needed for the de Almeida solution.
        # First we identify all active links
        self.active_ids = links.active_link_ids(self.grid.shape,

        # And then find all horizontal link IDs (Active and Inactive)
        self.horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(self.grid.shape)

        # And make the array 1-D
        self.horizontal_ids = self.horizontal_ids.flatten()

        # Find all horizontal active link ids
        self.horizontal_active_link_ids = links.horizontal_active_link_ids(
            self.grid.shape, self.active_ids)

        # Now we repeat this process for the vertical links.
        # First find the vertical link ids and reshape it into a 1-D array
        self.vertical_ids = links.vertical_link_ids(self.grid.shape).flatten()

        # Find the *active* verical link ids
        self.vertical_active_link_ids = links.vertical_active_link_ids(
            self.grid.shape, self.active_ids)

        if self.default_fixed_links is True:
            fixed_link_ids = links.fixed_link_ids(self.grid.shape,
            fixed_horizontal_links = links.horizontal_fixed_link_ids(
                self.grid.shape, fixed_link_ids)
            fixed_vertical_links = links.vertical_fixed_link_ids(
                self.grid.shape, fixed_link_ids)
            self.horizontal_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.horizontal_active_link_ids, fixed_horizontal_links)
            self.vertical_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.vertical_active_link_ids, fixed_vertical_links)
            self.active_neighbors = find_active_neighbors_for_fixed_links(

        # Using the active vertical link ids we can find the north
        # and south vertical neighbors
        self.north_neighbors = links.vertical_north_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids)
        self.south_neighbors = links.vertical_south_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids)

        # Using the horizontal active link ids, we can find the west and
        # east neighbors
        self.west_neighbors = links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids)
        self.east_neighbors = links.horizontal_east_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids)

        # Set up arrays for discharge in the horizontal & vertical directions.
        self.q_horizontal = np.zeros(
        self.q_vertical = np.zeros(

        # Once the neighbor arrays are set up, we change the flag to True!
        self.neighbor_flag = True
# rmg['node']['surface_water__depth'] += h_init

# Now we'll identify our leftmost, but interior, column and the IDs of those
# nodes. One column in to prevent issues with BC.
inside_left_edge = rmg.nodes[1:-1, 1]

# Initializing our class...
of = OverlandFlow(rmg, mannings_n=n, theta=0.8, h_init=0.001)

# Now, we need to set a fixed value on the left edge, so we find the
# link neighbor arrays...

# ... and get a list of all horizonal ids, not just active ids (which is what
# the deAlmeida solution uses)
all_horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(rmg.shape)

# from there, we are going to reset our west neighbor array...
of.west_neighbors = links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(rmg.shape, all_horizontal_ids)

# and find the ids of the arrays along the west edge of the grid. We actually
# will set the discharge values here at every time step in the loop.
left_inactive_ids = links.left_edge_horizontal_ids(rmg.shape)

# Let's see how long this run takes...
starttime = time()

while elapsed_time < run_time:

    # Now we are going to set the left edge horizontal links to their
    # neighboring discharge value
    def set_up_neighbor_arrays(self):
        """Create and initialize link neighbor arrays.

        Set up arrays of neighboring horizontal and vertical links that are
        needed for the de Almeida solution.
        # First we identify all active links

        self.active_ids = links.active_link_ids(
            self.grid.shape, self.grid.status_at_node

        self.active_links_at_open_bdy = self.grid._active_links_at_node(

        self.active_links_at_open_bdy = self.active_links_at_open_bdy[
            np.where(self.active_links_at_open_bdy > -1)

        # And then find all horizontal link IDs (Active and Inactive)
        self.horizontal_ids = links.horizontal_link_ids(self.grid.shape)

        # And make the array 1-D
        self.horizontal_ids = self.horizontal_ids.flatten()

        # Find all horizontal active link ids
        self.horizontal_active_link_ids = links.horizontal_active_link_ids(
            self.grid.shape, self.active_ids

        # Now we repeat this process for the vertical links.
        # First find the vertical link ids and reshape it into a 1-D array
        self.vertical_ids = links.vertical_link_ids(self.grid.shape).flatten()

        # Find the *active* verical link ids
        self.vertical_active_link_ids = links.vertical_active_link_ids(
            self.grid.shape, self.active_ids

        if self.default_fixed_links is True:
            fixed_link_ids = links.fixed_link_ids(
                self.grid.shape, self.grid.status_at_node
            fixed_horizontal_links = links.horizontal_fixed_link_ids(
                self.grid.shape, fixed_link_ids
            fixed_vertical_links = links.vertical_fixed_link_ids(
                self.grid.shape, fixed_link_ids
            self.horizontal_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.horizontal_active_link_ids, fixed_horizontal_links
            self.vertical_active_link_ids = np.maximum(
                self.vertical_active_link_ids, fixed_vertical_links
            self.active_neighbors = find_active_neighbors_for_fixed_links(self.grid)

        self.vert_bdy_ids = self.active_links_at_open_bdy[
            links.is_vertical_link(self.grid.shape, self.active_links_at_open_bdy)

        self.vert_bdy_ids = links.nth_vertical_link(self.grid.shape, self.vert_bdy_ids)

        self.horiz_bdy_ids = self.active_links_at_open_bdy[
            links.is_horizontal_link(self.grid.shape, self.active_links_at_open_bdy)

        self.horiz_bdy_ids = links.nth_horizontal_link(
            self.grid.shape, self.horiz_bdy_ids

        # Using the active vertical link ids we can find the north
        # and south vertical neighbors
        self.north_neighbors = links.vertical_north_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids
        self.south_neighbors = links.vertical_south_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.vertical_active_link_ids

        # Using the horizontal active link ids, we can find the west and
        # east neighbors
        self.west_neighbors = links.horizontal_west_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids
        self.east_neighbors = links.horizontal_east_link_neighbor(
            self.grid.shape, self.horizontal_active_link_ids

        # replace bdy condition links
        (ids,) = np.where(self.west_neighbors[self.horiz_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self.horiz_bdy_ids[ids]
        self.west_neighbors[ids] = self.horizontal_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self.east_neighbors[self.horiz_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self.horiz_bdy_ids[ids]
        self.east_neighbors[ids] = self.horizontal_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self.north_neighbors[self.vert_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self.vert_bdy_ids[ids]
        self.north_neighbors[ids] = self.vertical_active_link_ids[ids]

        (ids,) = np.where(self.south_neighbors[self.vert_bdy_ids] == -1)
        ids = self.vert_bdy_ids[ids]
        self.south_neighbors[ids] = self.vertical_active_link_ids[ids]

        # Set up arrays for discharge in the horizontal & vertical directions.
        self.q_horizontal = np.zeros(links.number_of_horizontal_links(self.grid.shape))
        self.q_vertical = np.zeros(links.number_of_vertical_links(self.grid.shape))

        # Once the neighbor arrays are set up, we change the flag to True!
        self.neighbor_flag = True