예제 #1
    def node_cmp(cls, tree, node_id):
        Compares first node of cst tree with node_id.

        @param tree:  CST
        @param node_id: integer representing a py_symbol or a py_token

                 - 0 if node_id is tree-root.
                 - -1 if tree is a py_token or node_id cannot be the node_id of any subtree.
                 - 1 otherwise
        tree_id = tree[0] % LANGLET_ID_OFFSET
        node_id = node_id % LANGLET_ID_OFFSET
        if tree_id == node_id:  # do we still want this? it makes nodes of two different langlets
            return 0  # comparable.
        elif is_token(tree_id):  # is token
            return -1
        if cls.activated:
            if is_symbol(node_id):
                    s0 = hierarchy[tree_id]  # global ???
                    s1 = hierarchy[node_id]
                    if s0 > s1:
                        return -1
                except KeyError:
                    return 1
                return 1
            return 1
예제 #2
    def node_cmp(cls, tree, node_id):
        Compares first node of cst tree with node_id.

        @param tree:  CST
        @param node_id: integer representing a py_symbol or a py_token

                 - 0 if node_id is tree-root.
                 - -1 if tree is a py_token or node_id cannot be the node_id of any subtree.
                 - 1 otherwise
        tree_id = tree[0] % LANGLET_ID_OFFSET
        node_id = node_id % LANGLET_ID_OFFSET
        if tree_id == node_id:           # do we still want this? it makes nodes of two different langlets
            return 0                     # comparable.
        elif is_token(tree_id): # is token
            return -1
        if cls.activated:
            if is_symbol(node_id):
                    s0 = hierarchy[tree_id]    # global ???
                    s1 = hierarchy[node_id]
                    if s0>s1:
                        return -1
                except KeyError:
                    return 1
                return 1
            return 1
예제 #3
def find_node(tree, nid, depth=MAX_DEPTH, exclude=()):
    Finds one node of a given node id.

    ( Non-recursive depth first search implementation. )
    if is_token(tree[0]):
        if nid == tree[0]:
            return tree
    dq = deque()
    for sub in tree[1:]:
        dq.append((sub, depth - 1))
    while dq:
        node, depth = dq.popleft()
        s = node[0]
        if s == nid:
            return node
        elif is_symbol(s) and s not in exclude and depth > 0:
            subnodes = zip(node[:0:-1], [depth - 1] * (len(node) - 1))
예제 #4
def find_node(tree, nid, depth = MAX_DEPTH, exclude = ()):
    Finds one node of a given node id.

    ( Non-recursive depth first search implementation. )
    if is_token(tree[0]):
        if nid == tree[0]:
            return tree
    dq = deque()
    for sub in tree[1:]:
        dq.append((sub, depth-1))
    while dq:
        node, depth = dq.popleft()
        s = node[0]
        if s == nid:
            return node
        elif is_symbol(s) and s not in exclude and depth>0:
            subnodes = zip(node[:0:-1], [depth-1]*(len(node)-1))