예제 #1
    def test_atom(self):
        """Test the lib.structure.pdb_read.atom() function."""

        # Parse a PDB record.
        record = pdb_read.atom('ATOM    158  CG  GLU    11       9.590  -1.041 -11.596  1.00  0.00           C  ')

        # Test the elements.
        self.assertEqual(record[0], 'ATOM')
        self.assertEqual(record[1], 158)
        self.assertEqual(record[2], 'CG')
        self.assertEqual(record[3], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[4], 'GLU')
        self.assertEqual(record[5], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[6], 11)
        self.assertEqual(record[7], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[8], 9.59)
        self.assertEqual(record[9], -1.041)
        self.assertEqual(record[10], -11.596)
        self.assertEqual(record[11], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(record[12], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(record[13], 'C')
        self.assertEqual(record[14], None)
예제 #2
    def test_atom(self):
        """Test the lib.structure.pdb_read.atom() function."""

        # Parse a PDB record.
        record = pdb_read.atom('ATOM    158  CG  GLU    11       9.590  -1.041 -11.596  1.00  0.00           C  ')

        # Test the elements.
        self.assertEqual(record[0], 'ATOM')
        self.assertEqual(record[1], 158)
        self.assertEqual(record[2], 'CG')
        self.assertEqual(record[3], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[4], 'GLU')
        self.assertEqual(record[5], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[6], 11)
        self.assertEqual(record[7], None)
        self.assertEqual(record[8], 9.59)
        self.assertEqual(record[9], -1.041)
        self.assertEqual(record[10], -11.596)
        self.assertEqual(record[11], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(record[12], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(record[13], 'C')
        self.assertEqual(record[14], None)
예제 #3
    def fill_object_from_pdb(self, records, alt_loc_select=None):
        """Method for generating a complete Structure_container object from the given PDB records.

        @param records:             A list of structural PDB records.
        @type records:              list of str
        @keyword alt_loc_select:    The PDB ATOM record 'Alternate location indicator' field value to select which coordinates to use.
        @type alt_loc_select:       str or None

        # Loop over the records.
        for record in records:
            # Nothing to do.
            if not record or record == '\n':

            # Add the atom.
            if record[:4] == 'ATOM' or record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                # Parse the record.
                if record[:4] == 'ATOM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.atom(record)
                if record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.hetatm(record)

                # Handle the alternate locations.
                if alt_loc != None:
                    # Don't know what to do.
                    if alt_loc_select == None:
                        raise RelaxError("Multiple alternate location indicators are present in the PDB file, but the desired coordinate set has not been specified.")

                    # Skip non-matching locations.
                    if alt_loc != alt_loc_select:

                # Attempt at determining the element, if missing.
                if not element:
                    element = self._det_pdb_element(name)

                # Add.
                self.atom_add(pdb_record=record_type, atom_num=serial, atom_name=name, res_name=res_name, chain_id=chain_id, res_num=res_seq, pos=[x, y, z], element=element)

            # Connect atoms.
            if record[:6] == 'CONECT':
                # Parse the record.
                record_type, serial, bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4 = pdb_read.conect(record)

                # Loop over the atoms of the record.
                for bonded in [bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4]:
                    # Skip if there is no record.
                    if not bonded:

                    # Skip broken CONECT records (for when the record points to a non-existent atom).
                    if self._atom_index(serial) == None or self._atom_index(bonded) == None:

                    # Make the connection.
                    self.atom_connect(index1=self._atom_index(serial), index2=self._atom_index(bonded))
예제 #4
    def fill_object_from_pdb(self, records, alt_loc_select=None):
        """Method for generating a complete Structure_container object from the given PDB records.

        @param records:             A list of structural PDB records.
        @type records:              list of str
        @keyword alt_loc_select:    The PDB ATOM record 'Alternate location indicator' field value to select which coordinates to use.
        @type alt_loc_select:       str or None

        # Loop over the records.
        water = []
        missing_connect = []
        for record in records:
            # Nothing to do.
            if not record or record == '\n':

            # Add the atom.
            if record[:4] == 'ATOM' or record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                # Parse the record.
                if record[:4] == 'ATOM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.atom(record)
                if record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.hetatm(record)

                # Skip waters.
                if res_name == 'HOH':

                # Handle the alternate locations.
                if alt_loc != None:
                    # Don't know what to do.
                    if alt_loc_select == None:
                        raise RelaxError("Multiple alternate location indicators are present in the PDB file, but the desired coordinate set has not been specified.")

                    # Skip non-matching locations.
                    if alt_loc != alt_loc_select:

                # Attempt at determining the element, if missing.
                if not element:
                    element = self._det_pdb_element(name)

                # Add.
                self.atom_add(pdb_record=record_type, atom_num=serial, atom_name=name, res_name=res_name, chain_id=chain_id, res_num=res_seq, pos=[x, y, z], element=element)

            # Connect atoms.
            if record[:6] == 'CONECT':
                # Parse the record.
                record_type, serial, bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4 = pdb_read.conect(record)

                # Loop over the atoms of the record.
                for bonded in [bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4]:
                    # Skip if there is no record.
                    if not bonded:

                    # The atom indices.
                    serial_index = self._atom_index(serial)
                    bonded_index = self._atom_index(bonded)

                    # Skip broken CONECT records (for when the record points to a non-existent atom).
                    if serial_index == None:
                        if serial not in missing_connect:
                    if bonded_index == None:
                        if bonded not in missing_connect:

                    # Make the connection.
                    self.atom_connect(index1=serial_index, index2=bonded_index)

        # Warnings.
        if len(missing_connect):
            warn(RelaxWarning("The following atom numbers from the CONECT records cannot be found within the ATOM and HETATM records:  %s." % missing_connect))
        if len(water):
            warn(RelaxWarning("Skipping the water molecules HOH %s." % water))
예제 #5
파일: molecules.py 프로젝트: tlinnet/relax
    def fill_object_from_pdb(self,
        """Method for generating a complete Structure_container object from the given PDB records.

        @param records:             A list of structural PDB records.
        @type records:              list of str
        @keyword alt_loc_select:    The PDB ATOM record 'Alternate location indicator' field value to select which coordinates to use.
        @type alt_loc_select:       str or None
        @keyword reset_serial:      A flag which if True will cause the first serial number (or atom number) to be reset to 1, and all other numbers shifted.
        @type reset_serial:         bool

        # Loop over the records.
        water = []
        missing_connect = []
        number_offset = None
        for record in records:
            # Nothing to do.
            if not record or record == '\n':

            # Add the atom.
            if record[:4] == 'ATOM' or record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                # Parse the record.
                if record[:4] == 'ATOM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.atom(
                if record[:6] == 'HETATM':
                    record_type, serial, name, alt_loc, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode, x, y, z, occupancy, temp_factor, element, charge = pdb_read.hetatm(

                # The serial number.
                if reset_serial:
                    # The first number.
                    if number_offset == None:
                        number_offset = serial - 1

                    # Reset.
                    serial -= number_offset

                # Skip waters.
                if res_name == 'HOH':

                # Handle the alternate locations.
                if alt_loc != None:
                    # Don't know what to do.
                    if alt_loc_select == None:
                        raise RelaxError(
                            "Multiple alternate location indicators are present in the PDB file, but the desired coordinate set has not been specified."

                    # Skip non-matching locations.
                    if alt_loc != alt_loc_select:

                # Attempt at determining the element, if missing.
                if not element:
                    element = self._det_pdb_element(name)

                # Add.
                              pos=[x, y, z],

            # Connect atoms.
            if record[:6] == 'CONECT':
                # Parse the record.
                record_type, serial, bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4 = pdb_read.conect(

                # Reset the serial numbers.
                if reset_serial:
                    serial -= number_offset
                    bonded1 -= number_offset
                    if bonded2 != None:
                        bonded2 -= number_offset
                    if bonded3 != None:
                        bonded3 -= number_offset
                    if bonded4 != None:
                        bonded4 -= number_offset

                # Loop over the atoms of the record.
                for bonded in [bonded1, bonded2, bonded3, bonded4]:
                    # Skip if there is no record.
                    if not bonded:

                    # The atom indices.
                    serial_index = self._atom_index(serial)
                    bonded_index = self._atom_index(bonded)

                    # Skip broken CONECT records (for when the record points to a non-existent atom).
                    if serial_index == None:
                        if serial not in missing_connect:
                    if bonded_index == None:
                        if bonded not in missing_connect:

                    # Make the connection.
                    self.atom_connect(index1=serial_index, index2=bonded_index)

        # Warnings.
        if len(missing_connect):
                    "The following atom numbers from the CONECT records cannot be found within the ATOM and HETATM records:  %s."
                    % missing_connect))
        if len(water):
            warn(RelaxWarning("Skipping the water molecules HOH %s." % water))