예제 #1
    def test_format_table5(self):
        """Test 5 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function - no headings."""

        # The table data.
        contents = [['A', 2], ['B', True]]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(contents=contents)
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " __________ ",
            "            ",
            "  A      2  ",
            "  B   True  ",
            " __________ ",
            "            ",
            ""  # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #2
    def test_format_table4(self):
        """Test 4 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [
            [None, 'Long text span test', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL],
            ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3', 'Column 4']
        contents = [
            ['A', 2, 3.4561234124, [1, 2.0]],
            ['B', 2, 4.567745674, 1e-6]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings, contents=contents, spacing=True, custom_format=[None, None, '%.3f', None])
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            "             Long text span test             ",
            "                                             ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2   Column 3   Column 4  ",
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            "  A                 2      3.456   [1, 2.0]  ",
            "                                             ",
            "  B                 2      4.568      1e-06  ",
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            ""    # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #3
    def test_format_table3(self):
        """Test 3 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [
            ['', 'Long text span test', MULTI_COL],
            ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3']
        contents = [
            ['A', '2', '3.456'],
            ['B', '2', '4.567']

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings, contents=contents, spacing=True)
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            "             Long text span test  ",
            "                                  ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2   Column 3  ",
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            "  A          2          3.456     ",
            "                                  ",
            "  B          2          4.567     ",
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            ""    # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #4
    def test_format_table4(self):
        """Test 4 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [[None, 'Long text span test', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL],
                    ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3', 'Column 4']]
        contents = [['A', 2, 3.4561234124, [1, 2.0]],
                    ['B', 2, 4.567745674, 1e-6]]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings,
                             custom_format=[None, None, '%.3f', None])
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            "             Long text span test             ",
            "                                             ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2   Column 3   Column 4  ",
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            "  A                 2      3.456   [1, 2.0]  ",
            "                                             ",
            "  B                 2      4.568      1e-06  ",
            " ___________________________________________ ",
            "                                             ",
            ""  # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #5
    def test_format_table2(self):
        """Test 2 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [
            ['Column 1', 'Column 2']
        contents = [
            ['A', '2'],
            ['B', '2']

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings, contents=contents, max_width=30, spacing=True, debug=True)
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2  ",
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            "  A          2         ",
            "                       ",
            "  B          2         ",
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            ""    # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #6
    def test_format_table3(self):
        """Test 3 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [['', 'Long text span test', MULTI_COL],
                    ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3']]
        contents = [['A', '2', '3.456'], ['B', '2', '4.567']]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings,
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            "             Long text span test  ",
            "                                  ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2   Column 3  ",
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            "  A          2          3.456     ",
            "                                  ",
            "  B          2          4.567     ",
            " ________________________________ ",
            "                                  ",
            ""  # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #7
def create_table(label):
    """Format and return the table as text.

    @param label:       The unique table label.
    @type label:        str
    @return:            The formatted table.
    @rtype:             str

    # Get the table.
    table = uf_tables.get_table(label)

    # Initialise some variables.
    text = ''
    num_rows = len(table.cells)
    num_cols = len(table.headings)

    # Generate and return the table.
    return format_table(headings=[table.headings], contents=table.cells, max_width=status.text_width, spacing=table.spacing, debug=status.debug)
예제 #8
    def test_format_table6(self):
        """Test 6 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function - no headings."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [['Model', 'k', 'chi2', 'AIC', 'Average position', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL, 'Motional eigenframe', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL, 'Order parameters (deg)', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL], [None, None, None, None, 'a', 'b', 'g', 'a', 'b/th', 'g/ph', 'thx', 'thy', 'smax']]
        contents = [['Rigid', 6, 1611.0583844357488, 1623.0583844357488, 2.7928187044509789, 6.241673451655573, 3.3350126302921255, None, None, None, None, None, None], ['Rotor', 9, 1393.0628812874404, 1411.0628812874404, 2.3720778521835015, 6.2511294411496241, 3.7347870727084764, None, 1.3782156252713658, 5.5998324326753401, None, None, 36.651271107544183], ['Iso cone, torsionless', 9, 1407.9014811061686, 1425.9014811061686, 2.2550248034078395, 6.2368882019396619, 3.891108977360032, None, 0.25090427716293384, 1.590485101074278, 21.287274572663485, None, None], ['Iso cone', 10, 1400.3558737738815, 1420.3558737738815, 2.8146957276396858, 6.2597080483925627, 3.2956149488567879, None, 1.3956123975976844, 5.5817149266639987, 10.300677006193942, None, 32.387495822632452], ['Pseudo ellipse, torsionless', 11, 1386.6214759007082, 1408.6214759007082, 2.6253119819082835, 6.2528446735668872, 3.4989380500907097, 2.692632830571366, 0.43833843941243616, 1.3038063115520346, 33.512494725673051, 15.888178532164503, None], ['Pseudo ellipse', 12, 1378.8893702060313, 1402.8893702060313, 2.7403158840045716, 6.259192518336242, 3.3759530521363121, 6.1651101516049849, 1.3600775439064279, 5.5851511636460813, 13.646328409458231, 0.74265383200964785, 31.027675419200627]]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings, contents=contents, custom_format=[None, None, "%.2f", "%.2f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.2f", "%.2f", "%.2f"])
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            "  Model                         k    chi2      AIC       Average position        Motional eigenframe     Order parameters (deg)  ",
            "                                                         a       b       g       a       b/th    g/ph    thx     thy     smax    ",
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            "  Rigid                          6   1611.06   1623.06   2.793   6.242   3.335                                                   ",
            "  Rotor                          9   1393.06   1411.06   2.372   6.251   3.735           1.378   5.600                    36.65  ",
            "  Iso cone, torsionless          9   1407.90   1425.90   2.255   6.237   3.891           0.251   1.590   21.29                   ",
            "  Iso cone                      10   1400.36   1420.36   2.815   6.260   3.296           1.396   5.582   10.30            32.39  ",
            "  Pseudo ellipse, torsionless   11   1386.62   1408.62   2.625   6.253   3.499   2.693   0.438   1.304   33.51   15.89           ",
            "  Pseudo ellipse                12   1378.89   1402.89   2.740   6.259   3.376   6.165   1.360   5.585   13.65    0.74    31.03  ",
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            ""    # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #9
    def test_format_table2(self):
        """Test 2 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [['Column 1', 'Column 2']]
        contents = [['A', '2'], ['B', '2']]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings,
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            "  Column 1   Column 2  ",
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            "  A          2         ",
            "                       ",
            "  B          2         ",
            " _____________________ ",
            "                       ",
            ""  # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #10
    def __repr__(self):
        """The string representation of the object.

        Rather than using the standard Python conventions (either the string representation of the value or the "<...desc...>" notation), a rich-formatted description of the object is given.

        # Intro.
        text = "Interatomic data container list:\n"

        # The data.
        table = []
        for i in range(len(self)):
                i, self[i]._hash, self[i].spin_id1, self[i].spin_id2,
                self[i]._spin_hash1, self[i]._spin_hash2
        text += format_table(headings=[[
            "Index", "Hash", "Spin ID 1", "Spin ID 2", "Spin hash 1",
            "Spin hash 2"

        return text
예제 #11
def create_table(label):
    """Format and return the table as text.

    @param label:       The unique table label.
    @type label:        str
    @return:            The formatted table.
    @rtype:             str

    # Get the table.
    table = uf_tables.get_table(label)

    # Initialise some variables.
    text = ''
    num_rows = len(table.cells)
    num_cols = len(table.headings)

    # Generate and return the table.
    return format_table(headings=[table.headings],
예제 #12
    def test_format_table5(self):
        """Test 5 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function - no headings."""

        # The table data.
        contents = [
            ['A', 2],
            ['B', True]

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(contents=contents)
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " __________ ",
            "            ",
            "  A      2  ",
            "  B   True  ",
            " __________ ",
            "            ",
            ""    # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #13
    def test_format_table6(self):
        """Test 6 of the lib.text.table.format_table() function - no headings."""

        # The table data.
        headings = [[
            'Model', 'k', 'chi2', 'AIC', 'Average position', MULTI_COL,
            MULTI_COL, 'Motional eigenframe', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL,
            'Order parameters (deg)', MULTI_COL, MULTI_COL
                        None, None, None, None, 'a', 'b', 'g', 'a', 'b/th',
                        'g/ph', 'thx', 'thy', 'smax'
        contents = [
                'Rigid', 6, 1611.0583844357488, 1623.0583844357488,
                2.7928187044509789, 6.241673451655573, 3.3350126302921255,
                None, None, None, None, None, None
                'Rotor', 9, 1393.0628812874404, 1411.0628812874404,
                2.3720778521835015, 6.2511294411496241, 3.7347870727084764,
                None, 1.3782156252713658, 5.5998324326753401, None, None,
                'Iso cone, torsionless', 9, 1407.9014811061686,
                1425.9014811061686, 2.2550248034078395, 6.2368882019396619,
                3.891108977360032, None, 0.25090427716293384,
                1.590485101074278, 21.287274572663485, None, None
                'Iso cone', 10, 1400.3558737738815, 1420.3558737738815,
                2.8146957276396858, 6.2597080483925627, 3.2956149488567879,
                None, 1.3956123975976844, 5.5817149266639987,
                10.300677006193942, None, 32.387495822632452
                'Pseudo ellipse, torsionless', 11, 1386.6214759007082,
                1408.6214759007082, 2.6253119819082835, 6.2528446735668872,
                3.4989380500907097, 2.692632830571366, 0.43833843941243616,
                1.3038063115520346, 33.512494725673051, 15.888178532164503,
                'Pseudo ellipse', 12, 1378.8893702060313, 1402.8893702060313,
                2.7403158840045716, 6.259192518336242, 3.3759530521363121,
                6.1651101516049849, 1.3600775439064279, 5.5851511636460813,
                13.646328409458231, 0.74265383200964785, 31.027675419200627

        # Create the table.
        table = format_table(headings=headings,
                                 None, None, "%.2f", "%.2f", "%.3f", "%.3f",
                                 "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.3f", "%.2f",
                                 "%.2f", "%.2f"
        table_lines = table.split('\n')

        # The true table.
        true_table = [
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            "  Model                         k    chi2      AIC       Average position        Motional eigenframe     Order parameters (deg)  ",
            "                                                         a       b       g       a       b/th    g/ph    thx     thy     smax    ",
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            "  Rigid                          6   1611.06   1623.06   2.793   6.242   3.335                                                   ",
            "  Rotor                          9   1393.06   1411.06   2.372   6.251   3.735           1.378   5.600                    36.65  ",
            "  Iso cone, torsionless          9   1407.90   1425.90   2.255   6.237   3.891           0.251   1.590   21.29                   ",
            "  Iso cone                      10   1400.36   1420.36   2.815   6.260   3.296           1.396   5.582   10.30            32.39  ",
            "  Pseudo ellipse, torsionless   11   1386.62   1408.62   2.625   6.253   3.499   2.693   0.438   1.304   33.51   15.89           ",
            "  Pseudo ellipse                12   1378.89   1402.89   2.740   6.259   3.376   6.165   1.360   5.585   13.65    0.74    31.03  ",
            " _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ",
            "                                                                                                                                 ",
            ""  # This is because split combined with a final \n character.

        # Printout.
        print("The formatted table:")
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            print("'%s'" % table_lines[i])
        print("\nWhat the table should look like:")
        for i in range(len(true_table)):
            print("'%s'" % true_table[i])

        # Check the table.
        self.assertEqual(len(true_table), len(table_lines))
        for i in range(len(table_lines)):
            self.assertEqual(true_table[i], table_lines[i])
예제 #14
def tensor_info_table(type=None,
    """Print out details of the diffusion tensor.

    @keyword type:      The diffusion tensor type - one of 'sphere', 'spheroid', or 'ellipsoid'.
    @type type:         str
    @keyword tm:        The isotropic correlation time in seconds.
    @type tm:           float
    @keyword Diso:      The isotropic diffusion rate.
    @type Diso:         float
    @keyword Da:        The anisotropic component of the tensor.
    @type Da:           float or None
    @keyword Dpar:      The parallel component of the spheroidal diffusion tensor.
    @type Dpar:         float or None
    @keyword Dper:      The perpendicular component of the spheroidal diffusion tensor.
    @type Dper:         float or None
    @keyword Dratio:    The ratio of Dpar and Dper.
    @type Dratio:       float or None
    @keyword Dr:        The rhombic component of the diffusion tensor.
    @type Dr:           float or None
    @keyword Dx:        The x component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dx:           float or None
    @keyword Dy:        The y component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dy:           float or None
    @keyword Dz:        The z component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dz:           float or None
    @keyword theta:     The azimuthal angle in radians.
    @type theta:        float or None
    @keyword phi:       The polar angle in radians.
    @type phi:          float or None
    @keyword alpha:     The Euler angle alpha in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type alpha:        float or None
    @keyword beta:      The Euler angle beta in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type beta:         float or None
    @keyword gamma:     The Euler angle gamma in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type gamma:        float or None

    # Build the data for a table.
    contents = [["Diffusion type", type]]
    contents.append(["tm (s)", tm])
    contents.append(["Diso (rad/s)", Diso])
    if Da != None:
        contents.append(["Da (rad/s)", Da])
    if Dpar != None:
        contents.append(["Dpar (rad/s)", Dpar])
    if Dper != None:
        contents.append(["Dper (rad/s)", Dper])
    if Dratio != None:
        contents.append(["Dratio", Dratio])
    if Dr != None:
        contents.append(["Dr", Dr])
    if Dx != None:
        contents.append(["Dx (rad/s)", Dx])
    if Dy != None:
        contents.append(["Dy (rad/s)", Dy])
    if Dz != None:
        contents.append(["Dz (rad/s)", Dz])
    if theta != None:
        contents.append(["theta (rad)", theta])
    if phi != None:
        contents.append(["phi (rad)", phi])
    if alpha != None:
        contents.append(["alpha (rad)", alpha])
    if beta != None:
        contents.append(["beta (rad)", beta])
    if gamma != None:
        contents.append(["gamma (rad)", gamma])
    if fixed != None:
        contents.append(["Fixed flag", fixed])

    # Print out the table.
예제 #15
def tensor_info_table(type=None, tm=None, Diso=None, Da=None, Dpar=None, Dper=None, Dratio=None, Dr=None, Dx=None, Dy=None, Dz=None, theta=None, phi=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, fixed=None):
    """Print out details of the diffusion tensor.

    @keyword type:      The diffusion tensor type - one of 'sphere', 'spheroid', or 'ellipsoid'.
    @type type:         str
    @keyword tm:        The isotropic correlation time in seconds.
    @type tm:           float
    @keyword Diso:      The isotropic diffusion rate.
    @type Diso:         float
    @keyword Da:        The anisotropic component of the tensor.
    @type Da:           float or None
    @keyword Dpar:      The parallel component of the spheroidal diffusion tensor.
    @type Dpar:         float or None
    @keyword Dper:      The perpendicular component of the spheroidal diffusion tensor.
    @type Dper:         float or None
    @keyword Dratio:    The ratio of Dpar and Dper.
    @type Dratio:       float or None
    @keyword Dr:        The rhombic component of the diffusion tensor.
    @type Dr:           float or None
    @keyword Dx:        The x component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dx:           float or None
    @keyword Dy:        The y component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dy:           float or None
    @keyword Dz:        The z component of the ellipsoid.
    @type Dz:           float or None
    @keyword theta:     The azimuthal angle in radians.
    @type theta:        float or None
    @keyword phi:       The polar angle in radians.
    @type phi:          float or None
    @keyword alpha:     The Euler angle alpha in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type alpha:        float or None
    @keyword beta:      The Euler angle beta in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type beta:         float or None
    @keyword gamma:     The Euler angle gamma in radians using the z-y-z convention.
    @type gamma:        float or None

    # Build the data for a table.
    contents = [["Diffusion type", type]]
    contents.append(["tm (s)", tm])
    contents.append(["Diso (rad/s)", Diso])
    if Da != None:
        contents.append(["Da (rad/s)", Da])
    if Dpar != None:
        contents.append(["Dpar (rad/s)", Dpar])
    if Dper != None:
        contents.append(["Dper (rad/s)", Dper])
    if Dratio != None:
        contents.append(["Dratio", Dratio])
    if Dr != None:
        contents.append(["Dr", Dr])
    if Dx != None:
        contents.append(["Dx (rad/s)", Dx])
    if Dy != None:
        contents.append(["Dy (rad/s)", Dy])
    if Dz != None:
        contents.append(["Dz (rad/s)", Dz])
    if theta != None:
        contents.append(["theta (rad)", theta])
    if phi != None:
        contents.append(["phi (rad)", phi])
    if alpha != None:
        contents.append(["alpha (rad)", alpha])
    if beta != None:
        contents.append(["beta (rad)", beta])
    if gamma != None:
        contents.append(["gamma (rad)", gamma])
    if fixed != None:
        contents.append(["Fixed flag", fixed])

    # Print out the table.