예제 #1
    def validate_tweet(self, tweet):
        Check to see if a Tweet is valid (i.e. we want to reply to it), and returns True if so
        Tweets from ourselves, and mentions that are not directly addressed to us, returns False
        message = tweet.text

        # Bit of logging, plus we always return True for DMs
        if is_direct_message(tweet):
            logging.info("Have a DM from %s: %s", tweet.sender.screen_name, message)
            return True
            username = tweet.user.screen_name
            logging.info("Have an @ reply from %s: %s", username, message)

        # Don't start talking to yourself
        if username == self.username:
            logging.debug("Not talking to myself, that way madness lies")
            return False

        # Ignore mentions that are not direct replies
        if not message.lower().startswith('@%s' % self.username.lower()):
            logging.debug("Not a proper @ reply, skipping")
            return False

        return True
예제 #2
 def alert_admin_about_exception(self, tweet, exception_name):
     Alert the administrator about a non-WhensMyTransportException encountered when processing a Tweet
     if is_direct_message(tweet):
         tweet_time = tweet.created_at.strftime('%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S')
         error_message = "Hey! A DM from @%s at %s GMT caused me to crash with a %s" % (tweet.sender.screen_name, tweet_time, exception_name)
         twitter_permalink = "https://twitter.com/#!/%s/status/%s" % (tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.id)
         error_message = "Hey! A tweet from @%s caused me to crash with a %s: %s" % (tweet.user.screen_name, exception_name, twitter_permalink)
     self.twitter_client.send_reply_back(error_message, self.admin_name, True)
예제 #3
    def check_tweets(self):
        Check incoming Tweets, and reply to them
        tweets = self.twitter_client.fetch_tweets()
        logging.debug("%s Tweets to process", len(tweets))
        for tweet in tweets:
            # If the Tweet is not valid (e.g. not directly addressed, from ourselves) then skip it
            if not self.validate_tweet(tweet):

            # Try processing the Tweet. This may fail with a WhensMyTransportException for a number of reasons, in which
            # case we catch the exception and process an apology accordingly. Other Python Exceptions may occur too - we handle
            # these by DMing the admin with an alert
                replies = self.process_tweet(tweet)
            except WhensMyTransportException as exc:
                replies = (exc.get_user_message(),)
            except Exception as exc:
                logging.error("Exception encountered: %s", exc.__class__.__name__)
                logging.error("Traceback:\r\n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
                self.alert_admin_about_exception(tweet, exc.__class__.__name__)
                replies = (WhensMyTransportException('unknown_error').get_user_message(),)

            # If the reply is blank, probably didn't contain a bus number or Tube line, so check to see if there was a thank-you
            if not replies:
                replies = self.check_politeness(tweet)

            # Send a reply back, if we have one. DMs and @ replies have different structures and different handlers
            for reply in replies:
                if is_direct_message(tweet):
                    self.twitter_client.send_reply_back(reply, tweet.sender.screen_name, True, tweet.id)
                    self.twitter_client.send_reply_back(reply, tweet.user.screen_name, False, tweet.id)
