예제 #1
def kernel_optimal_bandwidth(x: NDArray, kernel: str = "bartlett") -> int:
    x : ndarray
        Array of data to use when computing optimal bandwidth
    kernel : str, optional
        Name of kernel to use.  Supported kernels include:

          * 'bartlett', 'newey-west' : Bartlett's kernel
          * 'parzen', 'gallant' : Parzen's kernel
          * 'qs', 'quadratic-spectral', 'andrews' : Quadratic spectral kernel

        Optimal bandwidth. Set to nobs - 1 if computed bandwidth is larger.


    .. todo::

      * Explain mathematics involved
      * References

    See Also
    t = x.shape[0]
    x = x.squeeze()
    if kernel in ("bartlett", "newey-west"):
        q, c = 1, 1.1447
        m_star = int(ceil(4 * (t / 100)**(2 / 9)))
    elif kernel in ("qs", "andrews", "quadratic-spectral"):
        q, c = 2, 1.3221
        m_star = int(ceil(4 * (t / 100)**(2 / 25)))
    elif kernel in ("gallant", "parzen"):
        q, c = 2, 2.6614
        m_star = int(ceil(4 * (t / 100)**(4 / 25)))
        raise ValueError("Unknown kernel: {0}".format(kernel))
    sigma = empty(m_star + 1)
    sigma[0] = x.T @ x / t
    for i in range(1, m_star + 1):
        sigma[i] = x[i:].T @ x[:-i] / t
    s0 = sigma[0] + 2 * sigma[1:].sum()
    sq = 2 * npsum(sigma[1:] * arange(1, m_star + 1)**q)
    rate = 1 / (2 * q + 1)
    gamma = c * ((sq / s0)**2)**rate
    m = gamma * t**rate
    return min(int(ceil(m)), t - 1)
예제 #2
    def _post_estimation(self, params: NDArray,
                         cov_estimator: CovarianceEstimator,
                         cov_type: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        columns = self._columns
        index = self._index
        eps = self.resids(params)
        y = self.dependent.pandas
        fitted = DataFrame(asarray(y) - eps, y.index, ["fitted_values"])
        weps = self.wresids(params)
        cov = cov_estimator.cov
        debiased = cov_estimator.debiased

        residual_ss = weps.T @ weps

        w = self.weights.ndarray
        e = self._wy
        if self.has_constant:
            e = e - sqrt(self.weights.ndarray) * average(self._y, weights=w)

        total_ss = float(e.T @ e)
        r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss

        fstat = self._f_statistic(params, cov, debiased)
        out = {
            "params": Series(params.squeeze(), columns, name="parameter"),
            "eps": Series(eps.squeeze(), index=index, name="residual"),
            "weps": Series(weps.squeeze(),
                           name="weighted residual"),
            "cov": DataFrame(cov, columns=columns, index=columns),
            "s2": float(cov_estimator.s2),
            "debiased": debiased,
            "residual_ss": float(residual_ss),
            "total_ss": float(total_ss),
            "r2": float(r2),
            "fstat": fstat,
            "vars": columns,
            "instruments": self._instr_columns,
            "cov_config": cov_estimator.config,
            "cov_type": cov_type,
            "method": self._method,
            "cov_estimator": cov_estimator,
            "fitted": fitted,
            "original_index": self._original_index,

        return out
예제 #3
    def _post_estimation(
        params: NDArray,
        cov_estimator: Union[HomoskedasticCovariance,
                             HeteroskedasticCovariance, KernelCovariance,
                             ClusteredCovariance, ],
        cov_type: str,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        columns = self._columns
        index = self._index
        eps = self.resids(params)
        fitted = DataFrame(
            self._dependent.ndarray - eps,
        absorbed_effects = DataFrame(
            to_numpy(self._absorbed_dependent) - to_numpy(fitted),

        weps = self.wresids(params)
        cov = cov_estimator.cov
        debiased = cov_estimator.debiased

        residual_ss = (weps.T @ weps)[0, 0]

        w = self.weights.ndarray
        root_w = sqrt(w)
        e = self._dependent.ndarray * root_w
        if self.has_constant:
            e = e - root_w * average(self._dependent.ndarray, weights=w)

        total_ss = float(e.T @ e)
        r2 = max(1 - residual_ss / total_ss, 0.0)

        e = to_numpy(self._absorbed_dependent)  # already scaled by root_w
        # If absorbing contains a constant, but exog does not, no need to demean
        if self._const_col is not None:
            col = self._const_col
            x = to_numpy(self._absorbed_exog)[:, col:col + 1]
            mu = (lstsq(x, e, rcond=None)[0]).squeeze()
            e = e - x * mu

        aborbed_total_ss = float(e.T @ e)
        r2_absorbed = max(1 - residual_ss / aborbed_total_ss, 0.0)

        fstat = self._f_statistic(params, cov, debiased)
        out = {
            "params": Series(params.squeeze(), columns, name="parameter"),
            "eps": Series(eps.squeeze(), index=index, name="residual"),
            "weps": Series(weps.squeeze(),
                           name="weighted residual"),
            "cov": DataFrame(cov, columns=columns, index=columns),
            "s2": float(cov_estimator.s2),
            "debiased": debiased,
            "residual_ss": float(residual_ss),
            "total_ss": float(total_ss),
            "r2": float(r2),
            "fstat": fstat,
            "vars": columns,
            "instruments": [],
            "cov_config": cov_estimator.config,
            "cov_type": cov_type,
            "method": self._method,
            "cov_estimator": cov_estimator,
            "fitted": fitted,
            "original_index": self._original_index,
            "absorbed_effects": absorbed_effects,
            "absorbed_r2": r2_absorbed,

        return out