예제 #1
def test_memoryFlags():
    Test that the returned memory flags meet the Vulkan speficiation.

    From the Vulkan specification:

        There must be at least one memory type with both the
        VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT bits set in its propertyFlags.
        There must be at least one memory type with the
        VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT bit set in its propertyFlags.

    session = ll.createSession()
    memFlags = session.getSupportedMemoryPropertyFlags()

    devFlagsFound = False
    hostFlagsFound = False

    for flags in memFlags:

        if ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.HostVisible in flags and ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.HostCoherent in flags:
            hostFlagsFound = True

        if ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.DeviceLocal in flags:
            devFlagsFound = True

    assert (hostFlagsFound and devFlagsFound)
예제 #2
파일: test_image.py 프로젝트: 0xafbf/lluvia
def test_creation():

    session = ll.createSession()

    mem = session.createMemory(ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.DeviceLocal)

    width = 640
    height = 480
    flags = [
        ll.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferSrc, ll.ImageUsageFlagBits.TransferDst,
        ll.ImageUsageFlagBits.Storage, ll.ImageUsageFlagBits.Sampled
    channelType = ll.ChannelType.Uint8

    img = mem.createImage([height, width, 1], channelType, flags)

    assert (img.width == width)
    assert (img.height == height)
    assert (img.depth == 1)
    assert (img.channels == 1)
    assert (img.channelType == channelType)
    assert (img.shape == (1, height, width, 1))

    assert (len(flags) == len(img.usageFlags))
    for f in img.usageFlags:
        assert (f in flags)
예제 #3
def test_compile():

    session = ll.createSession()
    memory = session.createMemory()

    shaderCode = """
    #version 450

    // default values for the local group size as well as
    // indexes for the specialization constants to override them.
    layout (
        local_size_x_id = 1, local_size_x = 1,
        local_size_y_id = 2, local_size_y = 1,
        local_size_z_id = 3, local_size_z = 1
    ) in;

    layout(binding = 0) buffer in0  {int A[]; };
    layout(binding = 1) buffer in1  {int B[]; };
    layout(binding = 2) buffer out0 {int C[]; };

    void main() {
        const uint index = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
        C[index] = A[index] + B[index];

    localLength = 32
    gridLength = 4
    length = gridLength * localLength

    dtype = np.int32

    A_host = np.arange(0, length, dtype=dtype)
    B_host = np.arange(0, length, dtype=dtype)
    C_host = A_host + B_host

    A = memory.createBufferFromHost(A_host)
    B = memory.createBufferFromHost(B_host)
    C = memory.createBufferLike(A_host)

    ports = [
        ll.PortDescriptor(0, 'in_A', ll.PortDirection.In, ll.PortType.Buffer),
        ll.PortDescriptor(1, 'in_B', ll.PortDirection.In, ll.PortType.Buffer),
        ll.PortDescriptor(2, 'out_C', ll.PortDirection.Out, ll.PortType.Buffer)

    node = session.compileComputeNode(ports,
                                      localSize=(localLength, 1, 1),
                                      gridSize=(gridLength, 1, 1))

    node.bind('in_A', A)
    node.bind('in_B', B)
    node.bind('out_C', C)

    C_copy = C.toHost(dtype=dtype)
    assert((C_copy == C_host).all())
예제 #4
def test_fromHost():

    session = ll.createSession()
    mem = session.createMemory()

    dtype = np.uint8

    arr = np.arange(0, 64, dtype=dtype)
    buf = mem.createBufferFromHost(arr)
    copy = buf.toHost(dtype=dtype)

    for i in range(len(arr)):
        assert (arr[i] == copy[i])
예제 #5
def test_load_library():

    import lluvia as ll

    print("LL_PATH: ", ll.__path__)

    session = ll.createSession()

    desc = session.createComputeNodeDescriptor('nodes/Assign')
    assert (desc != None)

    program = session.getProgram('nodes/Assign')
    assert (program != None)

    node = session.createComputeNode("nodes/Assign")
    assert (node != None)
예제 #6
def test_creation():

    session = ll.createSession()
    mem = session.createMemory(ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.DeviceLocal)

    size = 512
    # some flags different to the default values of mem.createBuffer()
    flags = [

    buf = mem.createBuffer(size, flags)

    assert (buf.size == size)
    assert (len(flags) == len(buf.usageFlags))

    # check that all flags have the correct value
    for f in buf.usageFlags:
        assert (f in flags)
예제 #7
파일: test_image.py 프로젝트: 0xafbf/lluvia
def test_imageFromHost():

    img = imageio.imread('../resources/autumn.jpg')
    imgRGBA = np.zeros(img.shape[:-1] + tuple([4]), dtype=img.dtype)
    imgRGBA[..., :3] = img

    session = ll.createSession()
    mem = session.createMemory()

    devImg = mem.createImageFromHost(imgRGBA)

    assert (devImg.depth == 1)
    assert (devImg.height == imgRGBA.shape[0])
    assert (devImg.width == imgRGBA.shape[1])
    assert (devImg.channels == imgRGBA.shape[2])

    hostImg = devImg.toHost()
    assert (hostImg.shape == imgRGBA.shape)

    # pixel-wise check
    assert ((hostImg[:] == imgRGBA[:]).all())
예제 #8
파일: test_image.py 프로젝트: 0xafbf/lluvia
def test_incorrectSize():

    session = ll.createSession()

    mem = session.createMemory(ll.MemoryPropertyFlagBits.DeviceLocal)

    width = 640
    height = 480
    depth = 10
    channels = 4
    channelType = ll.ChannelType.Uint8

    # wrong shapes that should raise ValueError
    shapes = [(0, height, width, channels), (depth, 0, width, channels),
              (depth, height, 0, channels), (depth, height, width, 0),
              (depth, height, height, 5)]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        for shape in shapes:
            img = mem.createImage(shape, channelType)
예제 #9
def test_session():

    session = ll.createSession()
예제 #10
def test_session():

    import lluvia as ll
