예제 #1
def tree_to_term(tree, f, phi):
    if len(tree.children) == 2:
        return FuncTerm(f, [tree_to_term(c, f, phi) for c in tree.children])
    elif len(tree.children) == 1:
        return FuncTerm(f, [tree_to_term(tree.children[0], f, phi), Const(phi)])
        return Const(tree.label)
예제 #2
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: hkrsnd/dilp-st
def list_to_term(ls, f):
    if len(ls) == 0:
        return Const('*')
    elif len(ls) == 1:
        return FuncTerm(f, [Const(str(ls[0])), Const('*')])
        return FuncTerm(f, [Const(str(ls[0])), list_to_term(ls[1:], f)])
예제 #3
 def get_backgrounds(self):
     for s in self.symbols:
         atom = Atom(
              list_to_term([s], self.funcs[0]),
예제 #4
 def get_language(self):
     self.preds = [Predicate('plus', 3)]
     self.funcs = [FuncSymbol('s', 1)]
     self.consts = [Const(x) for x in self.symbols]
     self.lang = Language(preds=self.preds,
예제 #5
 def get_language(self):
     self.preds = [Predicate('append', 3)]
     self.funcs = [FuncSymbol('f', 2)]
     self.consts = [Const(x) for x in self.symbols]
     self.lang = Language(preds=self.preds,
예제 #6
    def enumerate_facts(self, Q, C, infer_step):
        enumerate a set of necessary and sufficient ground atoms

        Q : (Set[.logic.Atom], Set[.logic.Atom], Set[.logic.Atom], Set[.logic.Atom])
            inductive logic programming problem (P, N, B, L)
        C : List[.logic.Clause]
            set of clauses from the clause-generation step
        infer_step : int
            number of steps of forward-chaining inference

        G : List[.logic.Atom]
            set of enumerated ground atoms
        pos_examples = Q.pos
        neg_examples = Q.neg
        backgrounds = Q.bk

        G = set(pos_examples + neg_examples + backgrounds)
        G_next = G
        G_past = G
        head_unifier_dic = {}

        for i in range(infer_step):
            S = set()
            for clause in C:
                for fi, fact in enumerate(G_next):
                    if (clause.head, fact) in head_unifier_dic:
                        unify_flag, theta_list = unify([fact, clause.head])
                        unify_flag, theta_list = unify([fact, clause.head])
                        head_unifier_dic[(clause.head, fact)
                                         ] = unify_flag, theta_list
                    if unify_flag:
                        clause_ = subs_list(clause, theta_list)
                        B_i_list = clause_.body
                        S = S.union(set(B_i_list))
            G = G.union(S)
            G_past = G_past.union(G_next)
            G_next = S.difference(G_past)

        # SPECIAL
        p_ = Predicate('.', 1)
        false = Atom(p_, [Const('__F__')])
        true = Atom(p_, [Const('__T__')])

        G_given = set([false, true] + pos_examples +
                      neg_examples + backgrounds)
        G_inter = G.intersection(G_given)
        G_add = G.difference(G_inter)
        return [false, true] + backgrounds + pos_examples + neg_examples + list(G_add)
예제 #7
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: hkrsnd/dilp-st
 def __init__(self, n=30, noise_rate=0.0):
     self.name = "member"
     self.pos_examples = []
     self.neg_examples = []
     self.backgrounds = []
     self.init_clauses = []
     p_ = Predicate('.', 1)
     false = Atom(p_, [Const('__F__')])
     true = Atom(p_, [Const('__T__')])
     self.facts = [false, true]
     self.lang = None
     self.noise_rate = noise_rate
     self.n = n
     self.max_len = 4
     self.symbols = list('abc')
예제 #8
def list_to_examples(ls, pred, f):
    atoms = []
    for x in ls:
        list_term = list_to_term(ls, f)
        atom = Atom(pred, [Const(x), list_term])
    return atoms
예제 #9
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: hkrsnd/dilp-st
 def get_language(self):
     self.preds = [Predicate('member', 2)]
     self.funcs = [FuncSymbol('f', 2)]
     self.consts = [Const(x) for x in self.symbols]
     self.lang = Language(preds=self.preds,
예제 #10
    def _get_witnesses(self, concept_name):
        # TODO: maybe this function should be in ConceptDomain? or Concept?
        Return a list of constant that are witnesses for the given unary
        constant, or [] if none are found

        A witness is a constant c s.t. concept(x) implies x=c. Note
        that this does not necessarily mean that concept(c) holds.
        concept = self.domain.concepts[concept_name]
        assert concept.arity == 1
        sort = concept.variables[0].sort
        assert sort != TopSort()

        constants = used_constants(concept.formula)
        x = Const(self._fresh_const_name(constants), sort)
        f = concept(x)

        def is_witness(c):
                return z3_implies(f, Eq(x, c))
            except SortError:
                return False

        return [c for c in constants if is_witness(c)]
예제 #11
    def get_neg_examples(self):
        i = 0
        while i < self.n:
            n1 = random.randint(0, int(self.max_len))
            n2 = random.randint(0, int(self.max_len))
            n3 = random.randint(int(self.max_len / 2), self.max_len)
            ls1 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n1)
            ls2 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n2)
            ls3 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n3)
            term1 = list_to_term(ls1, self.funcs[0])
            term2 = list_to_term(ls2, self.funcs[0])
            term3 = list_to_term(ls3, self.funcs[0])

            a1 = random.choice(self.symbols)

            n2 = random.randint(1, int(self.max_len))
            n3 = random.randint(1, int(self.max_len))

            ls2 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n2)
            ls3 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n3)

            if a1 in ls2 and delete(a1, ls2) != ls3:
                term1 = Const(a1)
                term2 = list_to_term(ls2, self.funcs[0])
                term3 = list_to_term(ls3, self.funcs[0])
                atom = Atom(self.preds[0], [term1, term2, term3])
                if not atom in self.neg_examples:
                    i += 1
예제 #12
def int_to_term(n):
    s = FuncSymbol('s', 1)
    zero = Const('0')

    num = zero
    for i in range(n):
        num = FuncTerm(s, [num])
    return num
예제 #13
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: hkrsnd/dilp-st
 def get_pos_examples(self):
     i = 0
     while len(self.pos_examples) < self.n:
         n = random.randint(2, self.max_len)
         x = random.choice(self.symbols)
         ls = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n)
         if x in ls:
             term1 = Const(x)
             term2 = list_to_term(ls, self.funcs[0])
             atom = Atom(self.preds[0], [term1, term2])
예제 #14
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: hkrsnd/dilp-st
 def get_neg_examples(self):
     i = 0
     while i < self.n:
         n = random.randint(1, self.max_len)
         # 長さnで満たすもの出すまで繰り返し
         flag = True
         while flag:
             x = random.choice(self.symbols)
             ls = random_choices(self.symbols, n)
             if not x in ls:
                 atom = Atom(
                     [Const(x), list_to_term(ls, self.funcs[0])])
                 i += 1
                 flag = False
예제 #15
    def get_pos_examples(self):
        i = 0
        while len(self.pos_examples) < self.n:
            a1 = random.choice(self.symbols)

            n2 = random.randint(1, int(self.max_len))
            ls2 = random_choices(self.symbols, k=n2)

            if a1 in ls2:
                term1 = Const(a1)
                term2 = list_to_term(ls2, self.funcs[0])
                term3 = list_to_term(delete(a1, ls2), self.funcs[0])
                atom = Atom(self.preds[0], [term1, term2, term3])
                if not atom in self.pos_examples:
                    i += 1
예제 #16
 def _materialize_node(self, concept_name):
     Materialize a node, returns the witness constant
     concept = self.domain.concepts[concept_name]
     assert concept.arity == 1
     sort = concept.variables[0].sort
     assert sort != TopSort()
     witnesses = self._get_witnesses(concept_name)
     if len(witnesses) > 0:
         c = witnesses[0]
         c = Const(self._fresh_const_name(), sort)
         # TODO: maybe we shouldn't split here, and create the concepts explicitly
         X = Var('X', c.sort)
         name = '={}'.format(c.name)
         self.domain.concepts[name] = Concept(name, [X], Eq(X, c))
         self.domain.split(concept_name, name)
     return c
예제 #17
 def get_backgrounds(self):
     # for s in self.symbols:
     #    atom = Atom(self.preds[0], [Const(s), Const(s)])
     #    self.backgrounds.append(atom)
     for s in self.symbols:
         self.backgrounds.append(Atom(self.preds[0], [Const(s), Const(s)]))
    def test(st):
        print st, "=", eval(st)

    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    UnaryRelation = FunctionSort(S, Boolean)
    BinaryRelation = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)

    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    U = Var('U', UnaryRelation)
    U1 = Var('U1', UnaryRelation)
    U2 = Var('U2', UnaryRelation)
    B = Var('B', BinaryRelation)
    B1 = Var('B1', BinaryRelation)
    B2 = Var('B2', BinaryRelation)

    nstar = Const('nstar', BinaryRelation)
    x = Const('x', S)
    y = Const('y', S)

    c11 = Concept('xy', [X], And(Eq(x, X), Eq(y, X)))
    c10 = Concept('x', [X], And(Eq(x, X), Not(Eq(y, X))))
    c01 = Concept('y', [X], And(Not(Eq(x, X)), Eq(y, X)))
    c00 = Concept('other', [X], And(Not(Eq(x, X)), Not(Eq(y, X))))

    cnstar = Concept('nstar', [X, Y], nstar(X, Y))
    cnplus = Concept('nplus', [X, Y], And(nstar(X, Y), Not(Eq(X, Y))))

    notexists = ConceptCombiner([U], Not(Exists([X], U(X))))
    exists = ConceptCombiner([U], Exists([X], U(X)))
    singleton = ConceptCombiner([U],
                                ForAll([X, Y],
예제 #19
 def get_backgrounds(self):
     # pass
     zero = Const('0')
     self.backgrounds.append(Atom(self.preds[0], [zero, zero, zero]))
예제 #20
 def parse_consts(self, line):
     Parse string to function symbols
     return [Const(x) for x in line.split(',')]
예제 #21
파일: concept.py 프로젝트: simudream/ivy
if __name__ == '__main__':
    def test(st):
        print st, "=", eval(st)

    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    T = TopSort()
    UnaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    UnaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, T, Boolean)

    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])

    r = Const('r', BinaryRelationS)
    n = Const('n', BinaryRelationS)
    p = Const('p', UnaryRelationS)
    q = Const('q', UnaryRelationS)
    u = Const('u', UnaryRelationS)

    c11 = Concept([X], And(p(X), q(X)))
    c10 = Concept([X], And(p(X), Not(q(X))))
    c01 = Concept([X], And(Not(p(X)), q(X)))
    c00 = Concept([X], And(Not(p(X)), Not(q(X))))
    cu = Concept([X], u(X))

    crn = Concept([X, Y], Or(r(X,Y), n(X,Y)))

    combiners = get_standard_combiners()
    combinations = get_standard_combinations()
예제 #22
파일: type_inference.py 프로젝트: e42s/ivy
    return [tt() for s, tt in pairs]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    T = TopSort()
    UnaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationS = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    UnaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, Boolean)
    BinaryRelationT = FunctionSort(T, T, Boolean)

    XS, YS = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y'])
    XT, YT = (Var(n, T) for n in ['X', 'Y'])

    xs, ys = (Const(n, S) for n in ['x', 'y'])
    xt, yt = (Const(n, T) for n in ['x', 'y'])

    rs = Const('r', BinaryRelationS)
    ps = Const('p', UnaryRelationS)
    rt = Const('r', BinaryRelationT)
    pt = Const('p', UnaryRelationT)
    tt = Const('tt', T)
    TT = Var('TT', T)

    f1 = And(ps(XS), ps(xs))
    cf1 = concretize_sorts(f1)
    print repr(f1)
    print repr(cf1)
    assert f1 == cf1
예제 #23
            elif res == z3.unsat:
                _implies_cache[key] = True
                # no caching of unknown results
                print "z3 returned: {}".format(res)
                assert False
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    BinRel = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    leq = Const('leq', BinRel)
    transitive1 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive2 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Or(Not(leq(X, Y)), Not(leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive3 = Not(
        Exists((X, Y, Z), And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z), Not(leq(X, Z)))))
    antisymmetric = ForAll((X, Y),
                           Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, X), true), Eq(Y, X)))

    print z3_implies(transitive1, transitive2)
    print z3_implies(transitive2, transitive3)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, transitive1)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, antisymmetric)
예제 #24
 def get_backgrounds(self):
     # pass
     atom = Atom(self.preds[0], [Const('*'), Const('*'), Const('*')])