예제 #1
def test_output_invalidation():
    graph = Graph('')
    n1 = graph.addNewNode('SampleNode', input='/tmp')
    n2 = graph.addNewNode('SampleNode')
    n3 = graph.addNewNode('SampleNode')

    graph.addEdges((n1.output, n2.input), (n1.output, n3.input))

    # N1.output ----- N2.input
    #                \
    #                 N3.input

    # Compare UIDs of similar attributes on different nodes
    n2inputUid = n2.input.uid()
    n3inputUid = n3.input.uid()
    assert n3inputUid == n2inputUid  # => UIDs are equal

    # Change a parameter outside UID
    n1.paramA.value = 'a'
    assert n2.input.uid() == n2inputUid  # => same UID as before

    # Change a parameter impacting UID
    n1.input.value = "/a/path"
    assert n2.input.uid() != n2inputUid  # => UID has changed
    assert n2.input.uid() == n3.input.uid(
    )  # => UIDs on both node are still equal
예제 #2
def test_graph_reverse_dfs():
    graph = Graph('Test reverse DFS')

    #    ------------\
    #   /   ~ C - E - F
    # A - B
    #      ~ D

    A = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    B = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=A.output)
    C = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=B.output)
    D = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=B.output)
    E = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input=C.output)
    F = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', input=A.output, inputText=E.output)

    # Get all nodes from A (use set, order not guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.nodesFromNode(A)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, D, C, E, F}
    # Get all nodes from B
    nodes = graph.nodesFromNode(B)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {B, D, C, E, F}
    # Get all nodes of type AppendText from B
    nodes = graph.nodesFromNode(B, filterTypes=['AppendText'])[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {B, D, C, F}
    # Get all nodes from C (order guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.nodesFromNode(C)[0]
    assert nodes == [C, E, F]
예제 #3
def hdri(inputImages=list(),
    Create a new Graph with a complete HDRI pipeline.

        inputImages (list of str, optional): list of image file paths
        inputViewpoints (list of Viewpoint, optional): list of Viewpoints
        output (str, optional): the path to export reconstructed model to

        Graph: the created graph
    if not graph:
        graph = Graph('HDRI')
    with GraphModification(graph):
        nodes = hdriPipeline(graph)
        cameraInit = nodes[0]
            'path': image
        } for image in inputImages])

        if output:
            stitching = nodes[-1]

    return graph
예제 #4
def test_graph_reverse_dfsOnDiscover():
    graph = Graph('Test dfsOnDiscover(reverse=True)')

    #    ------------\
    #   /   ~ C - E - F
    # A - B
    #      ~ D

    A = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    B = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=A.output)
    C = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=B.output)
    D = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=B.output)
    E = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input=C.output)
    F = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', input=A.output, inputText=E.output)

    # Get all nodes from A (use set, order not guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[A], reverse=True)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, D, C, E, F}
    # Get all nodes from B
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[B], reverse=True)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {B, D, C, E, F}
    # Get all nodes of type AppendText from B
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[B],
    assert set(nodes) == {B, D, C, F}
    # Get all nodes from C (order guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[C], reverse=True)[0]
    assert nodes == [C, E, F]
    # Get all nodes
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(reverse=True)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, C, D, E, F}
예제 #5
def test_duplicate_nodes():
    Test nodes duplication.

    # n0 -- n1 -- n2
    #   \          \
    #    ---------- n3

    g = Graph('')
    n0 = g.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    n1 = g.addNewNode('Ls', input=n0.output)
    n2 = g.addNewNode('Ls', input=n1.output)
    n3 = g.addNewNode('AppendFiles', input=n1.output, input2=n2.output)

    # duplicate from n1
    nMap = g.duplicateNodesFromNode(fromNode=n1)
    for s, d in nMap.items():
        assert s.nodeType == d.nodeType

    # check number of duplicated nodes
    assert len(nMap) == 3

    # check connections
    assert nMap[n1].input.getLinkParam() == n0.output
    assert nMap[n2].input.getLinkParam() == nMap[n1].output
    assert nMap[n3].input.getLinkParam() == nMap[n1].output
    assert nMap[n3].input2.getLinkParam() == nMap[n2].output
예제 #6
def photogrammetry(inputImages=list(),
    Create a new Graph with a complete photogrammetry pipeline.

        inputImages (list of str, optional): list of image file paths
        inputViewpoints (list of Viewpoint, optional): list of Viewpoints
        output (str, optional): the path to export reconstructed model to

        Graph: the created graph
    graph = Graph('Photogrammetry')
    with GraphModification(graph):
        sfmNodes, mvsNodes = photogrammetryPipeline(graph)
        cameraInit = sfmNodes[0]
            'path': image
        } for image in inputImages])

    if output:
        texturing = mvsNodes[-1]
                             texturing.outputMesh, texturing.outputMaterial,
    return graph
예제 #7
def panoramaHdr(inputImages=None, inputViewpoints=None, inputIntrinsics=None, output='', graph=None):
    Create a new Graph with a Panorama HDR pipeline.

        inputImages (list of str, optional): list of image file paths
        inputViewpoints (list of Viewpoint, optional): list of Viewpoints
        output (str, optional): the path to export reconstructed model to

        Graph: the created graph
    if not graph:
        graph = Graph('PanoramaHDR')
    with GraphModification(graph):
        nodes = panoramaHdrPipeline(graph)
        cameraInit = nodes[0]
        if inputImages:
            cameraInit.viewpoints.extend([{'path': image} for image in inputImages])
        if inputViewpoints:
        if inputIntrinsics:

        if output:
            imageProcessing = nodes[-1]
            graph.addNewNode('Publish', output=output, inputFiles=[imageProcessing.outputImages])

    return graph
예제 #8
def test_depth_diamond_graph2():
    graph = Graph('Tests tasks depth')

    tA = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    tB = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo B')
    tC = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo C')
    tD = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo D')
    tE = graph.addNewNode('AppendFiles')
    #         C
    #       /   \
    #  /---/---->\
    # A -> B ---> E
    #      \     /
    #       \   /
    #         D
        (tA.output, tB.input),
        (tB.output, tC.input),
        (tB.output, tD.input),

        (tA.output, tE.input),
        (tB.output, tE.input2),
        (tC.output, tE.input3),
        (tD.output, tE.input4),

    assert tA.depth == 0
    assert tB.depth == 1
    assert tC.depth == 2
    assert tD.depth == 2
    assert tE.depth == 3

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish()
    assert len(nodes) == 5
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tE
    assert len(edges) == 7

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=[tE])
    assert len(nodes) == 5
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tE
    assert len(edges) == 7

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=[tD])
    assert len(nodes) == 3
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[1] == tB
    assert nodes[2] == tD
    assert len(edges) == 2

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=[tB])
    assert len(nodes) == 2
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tB
    assert len(edges) == 1
예제 #9
def test_depth():
    graph = Graph('Tests tasks depth')

    tA = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    tB = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo B')
    tC = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo C')

        (tA.output, tB.input),
        (tB.output, tC.input),

    assert tA.depth == 0
    assert tB.depth == 1
    assert tC.depth == 2
예제 #10
def test_upgradeAllNodes():

    g = Graph('')
    n1 = g.addNewNode("SampleNodeV1")
    n2 = g.addNewNode("SampleNodeV2")
    n1Name = n1.name
    n2Name = n2.name
    graphFile = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "test_description_conflict.mg")

    # make SampleNodeV2 an unknown type
    # replace SampleNodeV1 by SampleNodeV2
    meshroom.core.nodesDesc[SampleNodeV1.__name__] = SampleNodeV2

    # reload file
    g = loadGraph(graphFile)

    # both nodes are CompatibilityNodes
    assert len(g.compatibilityNodes) == 2
    assert g.node(n1Name).canUpgrade      # description conflict
    assert not g.node(n2Name).canUpgrade  # unknown type

    # upgrade all upgradable nodes

    # only the node with an unknown type has not been upgraded
    assert len(g.compatibilityNodes) == 1
    assert n2Name in g.compatibilityNodes.keys()

예제 #11
def test_unknown_node_type():
    Test compatibility behavior for unknown node type.
    g = Graph('')
    n = g.addNewNode("SampleNodeV1", input="/dev/null", paramA="foo")
    graphFile = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "test_unknown_node_type.mg")
    internalFolder = n.internalFolder
    nodeName = n.name

    # reload file
    g = loadGraph(graphFile)

    assert len(g.nodes) == 1
    n = g.node(nodeName)
    # SampleNodeV1 is now an unknown type
    # check node instance type and compatibility issue type
    assert isinstance(n, CompatibilityNode)
    assert n.issue == CompatibilityIssue.UnknownNodeType
    # check if attributes are properly restored
    assert len(n.attributes) == 3
    assert n.input.isInput
    assert n.output.isOutput
    # check if internal folder
    assert n.internalFolder == internalFolder

    # upgrade can't be perform on unknown node types
    assert not n.canUpgrade
    with pytest.raises(NodeUpgradeError):
예제 #12
def test_graph_nodes_sorting():
    graph = Graph('')

    ls0 = graph.addNewNode('Ls')
    ls1 = graph.addNewNode('Ls')
    ls2 = graph.addNewNode('Ls')

    assert graph.nodesByType('Ls', sortedByIndex=True) == [ls0, ls1, ls2]

    graph = Graph('')
    # 'Random' creation order (what happens when loading a file)
    ls2 = graph.addNewNode('Ls', name='Ls_2')
    ls0 = graph.addNewNode('Ls', name='Ls_0')
    ls1 = graph.addNewNode('Ls', name='Ls_1')

    assert graph.nodesByType('Ls', sortedByIndex=True) == [ls0, ls1, ls2]
예제 #13
def test_graph_dfsOnDiscover():
    graph = Graph('Test dfsOnDiscover(reverse=False)')

    #    ------------\
    #   /   ~ C - E - F
    # A - B
    #      ~ D
    #    G

    G = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    A = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    B = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=A.output)
    C = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText=B.output)
    D = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', input=G.output, inputText=B.output)
    E = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input=C.output)
    F = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', input=A.output, inputText=E.output)

    # Get all nodes from A (use set, order not guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[A], reverse=False)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A}
    # Get all nodes from D
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[D], reverse=False)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, D, G}
    # Get all nodes from E
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[E], reverse=False)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, C, E}
    # Get all nodes from F
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[F], reverse=False)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, C, E, F}
    # Get all nodes of type AppendText from C
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[C],
    assert set(nodes) == {B, C}
    # Get all nodes from D (order guaranteed)
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(startNodes=[D],
    assert nodes == [D, B, A, G]
    # Get all nodes
    nodes = graph.dfsOnDiscover(reverse=False)[0]
    assert set(nodes) == {A, B, C, D, E, F, G}
예제 #14
def test_inputLinkInvalidation():
    Input links should not change the invalidation.
    graph = Graph('')
    n1 = graph.addNewNode('SampleNode')
    n2 = graph.addNewNode('SampleNode')

    graph.addEdges((n1.input, n2.input))
    assert n1.input.uid() == n2.input.uid()
    assert n1.output.value == n2.output.value
예제 #15
def test_transitive_reduction():

    graph = Graph('Tests tasks depth')

    tA = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    tB = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo B')
    tC = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo C')
    tD = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo D')
    tE = graph.addNewNode('AppendFiles')
    #         C
    #       /   \
    #  /---/---->\
    # A -> B ---> E
    #      \     /
    #       \   /
    #         D
        (tA.output, tE.input),

        (tA.output, tB.input),
        (tB.output, tC.input),
        (tB.output, tD.input),

        (tB.output, tE.input4),
        (tC.output, tE.input3),
        (tD.output, tE.input2),
    edgesScore = graph.dfsMaxEdgeLength()

    flowEdges = graph.flowEdges()
    flowEdgesRes = [(tB, tA),
                    (tD, tB),
                    (tC, tB),
                    (tE, tD),
                    (tE, tC),
    assert set(flowEdgesRes) == set(flowEdges)

    assert len(graph._nodesMinMaxDepths) ==  len(graph.nodes)
    for node, (minDepth, maxDepth) in graph._nodesMinMaxDepths.items():
        assert node.depth == maxDepth
예제 #16
def test_depth_diamond_graph():
    graph = Graph('Tests tasks depth')

    tA = graph.addNewNode('Ls', input='/tmp')
    tB = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo B')
    tC = graph.addNewNode('AppendText', inputText='echo C')
    tD = graph.addNewNode('AppendFiles')

        (tA.output, tB.input),
        (tA.output, tC.input),
        (tB.output, tD.input),
        (tC.output, tD.input2),

    assert tA.depth == 0
    assert tB.depth == 1
    assert tC.depth == 1
    assert tD.depth == 2

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish()
    assert len(nodes) == 4
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tD
    assert len(edges) == 4

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=[tD])
    assert len(nodes) == 4
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tD
    assert len(edges) == 4

    nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=[tB])
    assert len(nodes) == 2
    assert nodes[0] == tA
    assert nodes[-1] == tB
    assert len(edges) == 1
예제 #17
def test_conformUpgrade():

    g = Graph('')
    n1 = g.addNewNode("SampleNodeV5")
    n1.paramA.value = [{
        'b': [{
            'a': 0,
            'b': [1.0, 2.0]
        }, {
            'a': 1,
            'b': [1.0, 2.0]
    n1Name = n1.name
    graphFile = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "test_conform_upgrade.mg")

    # replace SampleNodeV5 by SampleNodeV6
    meshroom.core.nodesDesc[SampleNodeV5.__name__] = SampleNodeV6

    # reload file
    g = loadGraph(graphFile)

    # node is a CompatibilityNode
    assert len(g.compatibilityNodes) == 1
    assert g.node(n1Name).canUpgrade

    # upgrade all upgradable nodes

    # only the node with an unknown type has not been upgraded
    assert len(g.compatibilityNodes) == 0

    upgradedNode = g.node(n1Name)

    # check upgrade
    assert isinstance(upgradedNode, Node) and isinstance(
        upgradedNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV6)

    # check conformation
    assert len(upgradedNode.paramA.value) == 1

예제 #18
def test_description_conflict():
    Test compatibility behavior for conflicting node descriptions.
    # copy registered node types to be able to restore them
    originalNodeTypes = copy.copy(meshroom.core.nodesDesc)

    nodeTypes = [SampleNodeV1, SampleNodeV2, SampleNodeV3, SampleNodeV4, SampleNodeV5]
    nodes = []
    g = Graph('')

    # register and instantiate instances of all node types except last one
    for nt in nodeTypes[:-1]:
        n = g.addNewNode(nt.__name__)

        if nt == SampleNodeV4:
            # initialize list attribute with values to create a conflict with V5
            n.paramA.value = [{'a': 0, 'b': [1.0, 2.0]}]


    graphFile = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "test_description_conflict.mg")

    # reload file as-is, ensure no compatibility issue is detected (no CompatibilityNode instances)
    g = loadGraph(graphFile)
    assert all(isinstance(n, Node) for n in g.nodes)

    # offset node types register to create description conflicts
    # each node type name now reference the next one's implementation
    for i, nt in enumerate(nodeTypes[:-1]):
        meshroom.core.nodesDesc[nt.__name__] = nodeTypes[i+1]

    # reload file
    g = loadGraph(graphFile)

    assert len(g.nodes) == len(nodes)
    for srcNode in nodes:
        nodeName = srcNode.name
        compatNode = g.node(srcNode.name)
        # Node description clashes between what has been saved
        assert isinstance(compatNode, CompatibilityNode)
        assert srcNode.internalFolder == compatNode.internalFolder

        # case by case description conflict verification
        if isinstance(srcNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV1):
            # V1 => V2: 'input' has been renamed to 'in'
            assert len(compatNode.attributes) == 3
            assert hasattr(compatNode, "input")
            assert not hasattr(compatNode, "in")

            # perform upgrade
            upgradedNode = g.upgradeNode(nodeName)[0]
            assert isinstance(upgradedNode, Node) and isinstance(upgradedNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV2)

            assert not hasattr(upgradedNode, "input")
            assert hasattr(upgradedNode, "in")
            # check uid has changed (not the same set of attributes)
            assert upgradedNode.internalFolder != srcNode.internalFolder

        elif isinstance(srcNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV2):
            # V2 => V3: 'paramA' has been removed'
            assert len(compatNode.attributes) == 3
            assert hasattr(compatNode, "paramA")

            # perform upgrade
            upgradedNode = g.upgradeNode(nodeName)[0]
            assert isinstance(upgradedNode, Node) and isinstance(upgradedNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV3)

            assert not hasattr(upgradedNode, "paramA")
            # check uid is identical (paramA not part of uid)
            assert upgradedNode.internalFolder == srcNode.internalFolder

        elif isinstance(srcNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV3):
            # V3 => V4: 'paramA' has been added
            assert len(compatNode.attributes) == 2
            assert not hasattr(compatNode, "paramA")

            # perform upgrade
            upgradedNode = g.upgradeNode(nodeName)[0]
            assert isinstance(upgradedNode, Node) and isinstance(upgradedNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV4)

            assert hasattr(upgradedNode, "paramA")
            assert isinstance(upgradedNode.paramA.attributeDesc, desc.ListAttribute)
            # paramA child attributes invalidate UID
            assert upgradedNode.internalFolder != srcNode.internalFolder

        elif isinstance(srcNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV4):
            # V4 => V5: 'paramA' elementDesc has changed from SampleGroupV1 to SampleGroupV2
            assert len(compatNode.attributes) == 3
            assert hasattr(compatNode, "paramA")
            groupAttribute = compatNode.paramA.attributeDesc.elementDesc

            assert isinstance(groupAttribute, desc.GroupAttribute)
            # check that Compatibility node respect SampleGroupV1 description
            for elt in groupAttribute.groupDesc:
                assert isinstance(elt, next(a for a in SampleGroupV1 if a.name == elt.name).__class__)

            # perform upgrade
            upgradedNode = g.upgradeNode(nodeName)[0]
            assert isinstance(upgradedNode, Node) and isinstance(upgradedNode.nodeDesc, SampleNodeV5)

            assert hasattr(upgradedNode, "paramA")
            # parameter was incompatible, value could not be restored
            assert upgradedNode.paramA.isDefault
            assert upgradedNode.internalFolder != srcNode.internalFolder
            raise ValueError("Unexpected node type: " + srcNode.nodeType)

    # restore original node types
    meshroom.core.nodesDesc = originalNodeTypes