예제 #1
    def test_sdml_supervised(self):
        seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500)
        sdml.fit(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)
        res_1 = sdml.transform()

        seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500)
        res_2 = sdml.fit_transform(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)

        assert_array_almost_equal(res_1, res_2)
예제 #2
  def test_sdml_supervised(self):
    seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500, balance_param=1e-5,
    sdml.fit(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)
    res_1 = sdml.transform(self.X)

    seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500, balance_param=1e-5,
    res_2 = sdml.fit_transform(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)

    assert_array_almost_equal(res_1, res_2)
  def test_sdml_supervised(self):
    seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(n_constraints=1500, balance_param=1e-5,
                           prior='identity', random_state=seed)
    sdml.fit(self.X, self.y)
    res_1 = sdml.transform(self.X)

    seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(n_constraints=1500, balance_param=1e-5,
                           prior='identity', random_state=seed)
    res_2 = sdml.fit_transform(self.X, self.y)

    assert_array_almost_equal(res_1, res_2)
예제 #4
 def test_sdml_supervised(self):
   seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
   sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500, use_cov=False,
   sdml.fit(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)
   L = sdml.transformer_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), sdml.get_mahalanobis_matrix())
예제 #5
def get_dist_func(data : Array[np.float64], target : Array[np.float64]) -> Callable[[Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64], np.int, np.int], np.float64]:
    Get function that returns distances between examples in learned space.

        data : Array[np.float64] - training data_trans
        target : int - target variable values (classes of training examples)
        Callable[[Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64], np.int, np.int], np.float64] -- higher
        order function that takes a matric function and returns a function that takes two indices of examples
        and returns distance between examples in learned metric space.

    # Get transformed data.
    data_trans : Array[np.float64] = SDML_Supervised().fit_transform(StandardScaler().fit_transform(data), target)

    # Computing distance:
    def dist_func_res(metric : Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64], i1 : np.int, i2 : np.int) -> np.float64:
        distance function that takes indices of examples in training set and returns distance
        in learned space using specified distance metric.

            i1 : int - index of first training example
            i2 : int - index of second training example
            np.float64 - distance in learned metric space using specified metric
                    between specified training examples.

        # Compute distance in learned metric space using specified metric.
        return metric(data_trans[i1, :], data_trans[i2, :])

    return dist_func_res  # Return distance function.
예제 #6
def sandwich_demo():
    x, y = sandwich_data()
    knn = nearest_neighbors(x, k=2)
    ax = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)  # take the whole top row
    plot_sandwich_data(x, y, ax)
    plot_neighborhood_graph(x, knn, y, ax)
    ax.set_title('input space')

    mls = [

    for ax_num, ml in enumerate(mls, start=3):
        ml.fit(x, y)
        tx = ml.transform()
        ml_knn = nearest_neighbors(tx, k=2)
        ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, ax_num)
        plot_sandwich_data(tx, y, axis=ax)
        plot_neighborhood_graph(tx, ml_knn, y, axis=ax)
 def test_sdml_supervised(self):
   seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
   sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500, prior='identity',
                          balance_param=1e-5, random_state=seed)
   sdml.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = sdml.components_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), sdml.get_mahalanobis_matrix())
예제 #8
 def test_sdml_works_on_non_spd_pb_with_skggm(self):
     """Test that SDML works on a certain non SPD problem on which we know
 it should work, but scikit-learn's graphical_lasso does not work"""
     X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
     sdml = SDML_Supervised(balance_param=0.5,
     sdml.fit(X, y)
예제 #9
파일: algorithms.py 프로젝트: RayGit/LINCS
    def process_sdml(self, **option):
        '''Metric Learning algorithm: SDML'''
        GeneExp = self.GeneExp_train
        Label = self.Label_train

        sdml = SDML_Supervised(**option)
        sdml.fit(GeneExp, Label)
        self.Trans['SDML'] = sdml.transformer()
예제 #10
    def test_iris(self):
        # Note: this is a flaky test, which fails for certain seeds.
        # TODO: un-flake it!
        rs = np.random.RandomState(5555)

        sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500)
        sdml.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels, random_state=rs)
        csep = class_separation(sdml.transform(), self.iris_labels)
        self.assertLess(csep, 0.25)
예제 #11
def test_verbose_has_not_installed_skggm_sdml_supervised(capsys):
    # Test that if users have installed skggm, a message is printed telling them
    # skggm's solver is used (when they use SDML_Supervised)
    # TODO: remove if we don't need skggm anymore
    X, y = make_classification(random_state=42)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(verbose=True, balance_param=1e-5, use_cov=False)
    sdml.fit(X, y)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "SDML will use scikit-learn's graphical lasso solver." in out
예제 #12
def test_verbose_has_installed_skggm_sdml_supervised(capsys):
    # Test that if users have installed skggm, a message is printed telling them
    # skggm's solver is used (when they use SDML_Supervised)
    # TODO: remove if we don't need skggm anymore
    X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(verbose=True, prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5)
    sdml.fit(X, y)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "SDML will use skggm's graphical lasso solver." in out
 def test_deprecation(self):
     # test that the right deprecation message is thrown.
     # TODO: remove in v.0.5
     X = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
     y = np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])
     sdml_supervised = SDML_Supervised(num_labeled=np.inf)
     msg = ('"num_labeled" parameter is not used.'
            ' It has been deprecated in version 0.5.0 and will be'
            'removed in 0.6.0')
     assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg, sdml_supervised.fit, X,
예제 #14
 def test_deprecation_num_labeled(self):
     # test that a deprecation message is thrown if num_labeled is set at
     # initialization
     # TODO: remove in v.0.6
     X, y = make_classification(random_state=42)
     sdml_supervised = SDML_Supervised(num_labeled=np.inf,
     msg = ('"num_labeled" parameter is not used.'
            ' It has been deprecated in version 0.5.0 and will be'
            'removed in 0.6.0')
     assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg, sdml_supervised.fit, X,
예제 #15
 def test_raises_no_warning_installed_skggm(self):
     # otherwise we should be able to instantiate and fit SDML and it
     # should raise no warning
     pairs = np.array([[[-10., 0.], [10., 0.]], [[0., -55.], [0., -60]]])
     y_pairs = [1, -1]
     X, y = make_classification(random_state=42)
     with pytest.warns(None) as record:
         sdml = SDML()
         sdml.fit(pairs, y_pairs)
     assert len(record) == 0
     with pytest.warns(None) as record:
         sdml = SDML_Supervised(use_cov=False, balance_param=1e-5)
         sdml.fit(X, y)
     assert len(record) == 0
예제 #16
 def test_raises_no_warning_installed_skggm(self):
   # otherwise we should be able to instantiate and fit SDML and it
   # should raise no error and no ConvergenceWarning
   pairs = np.array([[[-10., 0.], [10., 0.]], [[0., -55.], [0., -60]]])
   y_pairs = [1, -1]
   X, y = make_classification(random_state=42)
   with pytest.warns(None) as records:
     sdml = SDML(prior='covariance')
     sdml.fit(pairs, y_pairs)
   for record in records:
     assert record.category is not ConvergenceWarning
   with pytest.warns(None) as records:
     sdml_supervised = SDML_Supervised(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5)
     sdml_supervised.fit(X, y)
   for record in records:
     assert record.category is not ConvergenceWarning
예제 #17
 def test_sdml_supervised_raises_warning_msg_not_installed_skggm(self):
   """Tests that the right warning message is raised if someone tries to
   use SDML_Supervised but has not installed skggm, and that the algorithm
   fails to converge"""
   # TODO: remove if we don't need skggm anymore
   # load_iris: dataset where we know scikit-learn's graphical lasso fails
   # with a Floating Point error
   X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
   sdml_supervised = SDML_Supervised(balance_param=0.5, sparsity_param=0.01)
   msg = ("There was a problem in SDML when using scikit-learn's graphical "
          "lasso solver. skggm's graphical lasso can sometimes converge on "
          "non SPD cases where scikit-learn's graphical lasso fails to "
          "converge. Try to install skggm and rerun the algorithm (see "
          "the README.md for the right version of skggm). The following "
          "error message was thrown:")
   with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised_error:
     sdml_supervised.fit(X, y)
   assert str(raised_error.value).startswith(msg)
예제 #18
 def test_sdml_supervised_raises_warning_msg_installed_skggm(self):
   """Tests that the right warning message is raised if someone tries to
   use SDML_Supervised but has not installed skggm, and that the algorithm
   fails to converge"""
   # TODO: remove if we don't need skggm anymore
   # case on which we know that skggm's graphical lasso fails
   # because it will return non finite values
   rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
   # This example will create a diagonal em_cov with a negative coeff (
   # pathological case)
   X = np.array([[-10., 0.], [10., 0.], [5., 0.], [3., 0.]])
   y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
   sdml_supervised = SDML_Supervised(balance_param=0.5, prior='identity',
                                     sparsity_param=0.01, random_state=rng)
   msg = ("There was a problem in SDML when using skggm's graphical "
          "lasso solver.")
   with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised_error:
     sdml_supervised.fit(X, y)
   assert msg == str(raised_error.value)
예제 #19
                  (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
                  (SDML(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)]
ids_pairs_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                              [learner for (learner, _) in

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification),
               (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification),
               (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=5), build_classification),
               (SDML_Supervised(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5),
ids_classifiers = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                           [learner for (learner, _) in

regressors = [(MLKR(init='pca'), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                          [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))

WeaklySupervisedClasses = (_PairsClassifierMixin,

tuples_learners = pairs_learners + quadruplets_learners
ids_tuples_learners = ids_pairs_learners + ids_quadruplets_learners
예제 #20
                  (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 for faster
                  (SDML(use_cov=False, balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)]
ids_pairs_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                              [learner for (learner, _) in

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification),
               (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification),
               (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
               (SDML_Supervised(use_cov=False, balance_param=1e-5),
ids_classifiers = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                           [learner for (learner, _) in

regressors = [(MLKR(), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                          [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))

WeaklySupervisedClasses = (_PairsClassifierMixin,

tuples_learners = pairs_learners + quadruplets_learners
ids_tuples_learners = ids_pairs_learners + ids_quadruplets_learners
예제 #21
    (ITML(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (SDML(use_cov=False, balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
                                balance_param=1e-5), build_classification)]
ids_classifiers = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in classifiers]))

regressors = [(MLKR(), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))

WeaklySupervisedClasses = (_PairsClassifierMixin, _QuadrupletsClassifierMixin)

tuples_learners = pairs_learners + quadruplets_learners
ids_tuples_learners = ids_pairs_learners + ids_quadruplets_learners

supervised_learners = classifiers + regressors
예제 #22
 def __init__(self):
     self.metric_model = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=200)
     self.X_tr = None
     self.y_train = None
     self.X_te = None
예제 #23
    (ITML(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (SDML(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=5), build_classification),
                                balance_param=1e-5), build_classification)]
ids_classifiers = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in classifiers]))

regressors = [(MLKR(init='pca'), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))

WeaklySupervisedClasses = (_PairsClassifierMixin, _QuadrupletsClassifierMixin)

tuples_learners = pairs_learners + quadruplets_learners
ids_tuples_learners = ids_pairs_learners + ids_quadruplets_learners

supervised_learners = classifiers + regressors
 def test_sdml_supervised(self):
   seed = np.random.RandomState(1234)
   sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=1500)
   sdml.fit(self.X, self.y, random_state=seed)
   L = sdml.transformer_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), sdml.metric())
예제 #25
    (ITML(), build_pairs),
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 for faster
    (SDML(), build_pairs),
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
               (SDML_Supervised(), build_classification)]
ids_classifiers = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in classifiers]))

regressors = [(MLKR(), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))

WeaklySupervisedClasses = (_PairsClassifierMixin, _QuadrupletsClassifierMixin)

tuples_learners = pairs_learners + quadruplets_learners
ids_tuples_learners = ids_pairs_learners + ids_quadruplets_learners

supervised_learners = classifiers + regressors
예제 #26
    print("Method: NCA", '\n')
    #print('Max', TrainData.max(axis=0))
    #print('sssssssss', len(TrainData[0]))
    #print('sssssssss', len(TrainData.max(axis=0)))
    #print('Min', TrainData.min(axis=0))

    nca = NCA(max_iter=500, learning_rate=0.01)
    # print('ssssssss', TrainData)
    x = nca.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)

    TFSTestData = x.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')

elif Method == 'SDML':
    print("Method: SDML", '\n')
    sdml = SDML_Supervised(num_constraints=200)
    x = sdml.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)
    TFSTestData = x.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')

elif Method == 'RCA':
    print("Method: RCA", '\n')
    rca = RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=2, chunk_size=1)
    x = rca.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)
    TFSTestData = x.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')


#rca = RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=2, chunk_size=1)