예제 #1
def test_eq_one_agent():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True}), World('2', {'p': True})]
    relations = {'a': {('1', '2')}}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    ks_expected = KripkeStructure(
        [World('1', {'p': True}),
         World('2', {'p': True})], {'a': {('1', '2')}})
    assert ks_expected.__eq__(ks)
예제 #2
def test_get_power_set_of_worlds():
    worlds = [
        World('1', {'p': True}),
        World('2', {'p': True}),
        World('3', {'p': True})
    relations = {('1', '2'), ('1', '1'), ('2', '2')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    expected_result = [{}, {'1'}, {'2'}, {'3'}, {'1', '2'}, {'1', '3'},
                       {'2', '3'}, {'1', '2', '3'}]
    result = ks.get_power_set_of_worlds()
    for i, j in zip(result, expected_result):
        assert i == j
예제 #3
    def preprocess(self):
        self.game_state = "Generating Kripke Models"
        combination_numbers = combinations(range(self.n_players),
        self.possible_combinations = []
        for combo in combination_numbers:
            atoms = ["{}=fascist".format(p) for p in combo] + [
                for p in range(self.n_players) if p not in combo
        self.worlds = [
            World("{}".format(idx), {atom: True
                                     for atom in atoms})
            for idx, atoms in enumerate(self.possible_combinations)
        self.n_worlds = len(self.worlds)

        self.models = []
        for player in range(self.n_players):

            worlds = copy.deepcopy(self.worlds)

            relations = {
                # Just the liberal relations
                (str(x), str(y))
                for x, y in list(combinations((range(self.n_worlds)), 2))
            } if self.is_liberal(player) else set()

            relations.update(self.add_reflexive_edges(worlds, relations))

            model = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
            atom = Atom('{}=fascist'.format(player)) if self.is_fascist(
                player) else Atom('{}=liberal'.format(player))

            model = model.solve(atom)
        for player in range(self.n_players):
            if self.is_fascist(player):
                for p in range(self.n_players):
                    if self.is_liberal(p):
                        a = Atom('{}=liberal'.format(p))
                        self.models[player] = self.models[player].solve(a)
        t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.run_game)
예제 #4
파일: test_model.py 프로젝트: Remco32/MAS
def test_solve_with_model_first_ann():
    wise_men_model = WiseMenWithHat()
    ks = wise_men_model.ks
    model = ks.solve(wise_men_model.knowledge_base[1])

    worlds_expected = [
        World('RRW', {
            '1:R': True,
            '2:R': True,
            '3:W': True
        World('RRR', {
            '1:R': True,
            '2:R': True,
            '3:R': True
        World('WRR', {
            '1:W': True,
            '2:R': True,
            '3:R': True
        World('WWR', {
            '1:W': True,
            '2:W': True,
            '3:R': True
        World('RWR', {
            '1:R': True,
            '2:W': True,
            '3:R': True
        World('WRW', {
            '1:W': True,
            '2:R': True,
            '3:W': True

    relations_expected = {
        '1': {('RRW', 'WRW'), ('RWR', 'WWR'), ('WRR', 'RRR')},
        '2': {('RWR', 'RRR'), ('WRR', 'WWR')},
        '3': {('RRR', 'RRW'), ('WRW', 'WRR')}

        Model.add_reflexive_edges(worlds_expected, relations_expected))
    ks_expected = KripkeStructure(worlds_expected, relations_expected)
    assert ks_expected.__eq__(model)
예제 #5
def test_kripke_structure_init():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    assert ks.relations == {}
    assert ks.worlds[0].name == '1'
    assert ks.worlds[0].assignment == {'p': True}
예제 #6
def test_semantic_box_a_true():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': False}), World('2', {'p': True})]

    relations = {'a': {('1', '2'), ('1', '1')}}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond_a('a', Atom('p'))
    assert True == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #7
def test_semantic_box_a_two_agents():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': False}), World('2', {'p': False})]

    relations = {'a': {('1', '2')}, 'b': {}}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond_a('b', Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #8
def test_semantic_box_a_empty_relations():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': False}), World('2', {'p': True})]

    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond_a('a', Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #9
def kripke_model(game):
    deck = game.deck.dealt_cards

    # Worlds
    worlds = []
    for w, p in game.world.possible_worlds.items():
                w, {
                    str(0) + str(p[0]): True,
                    str(1) + str(p[1]): True,
                    str(2) + str(p[2]): True

    # Relations
    relations = {0: set([]), 1: set([]), 2: set([])}

    colors = game.players[0].colors
    for r_id, r in game.world.relations.items():
        relations[colors.index(r[2])].add((r[0], r[1]))

    # relations.update(add_reflexive_edges(worlds, relations))
    # relations.update(add_symmetric_edges(relations))

    # Make kripke model
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)

    # This doesn't work
    # formula = str(2) + str(('1S', '2S'))
    # g = Box_a('0', Not(Atom(formula)))
    # model = ks.solve(g)

예제 #10
    def __init__(self, n):
        print("Agents: ", self.agents)
        worlds, propositions = self.build_worlds(n)
        #print("Worlds:", worlds)

        kripke_worlds = []

        self.propositions = propositions
        #print("Propositions:", propositions)

        # create World objects for the Kripke structure
        for world in worlds:
            kripke_worlds.append(World(world, worlds[world]))

        # initialize the agent world relations
        relations = {}
        for i in range(n):
            id = str(i)
            relations[id] = []

        for world in worlds:
            for i in range(n):
                id = str(i)

                # if the agent has no murderer in a world, the agent cannot possibly access this world (because the
                # agent is dead in this case)
                if (id not in world):

                # an agent only has an accessibility relation to a world where their target is the same
                # find the current agent's target
                formulas = worlds[world]
                for formula in formulas:
                    if (formula[0]) == str(i):
                # look for other worlds where the agent has the same target
                for other_world in worlds:
                    if (formula in worlds[other_world] and id in other_world):
                        relations[id].append((world, other_world))

        for r in relations:
            relations[r] = set(relations[r])
        self.ks = KripkeStructure(kripke_worlds, relations)
예제 #11
파일: test_not.py 프로젝트: Remco32/MAS
def test_semantic_not_q():
    worlds = [
        World('1', {'q': False})
    relations = {('1', '2'), ('1', '3')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Not(Atom('q'))
    assert True == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #12
def test_remove_node_trivial_case():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True}), World('2', {'p': True})]
    relations = {('1', '2')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    ks_expected = KripkeStructure([World('2', {'p': True})], {})
    assert ks_expected.__eq__(ks)
예제 #13
def test_remove_node_one_agent():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True}), World('2', {'p': True})]
    relations = {'a': {('1', '2')}}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    ks_expected = KripkeStructure([World('2', {'p': True})], {'a': set()})
    assert ks_expected.__eq__(ks)
예제 #14
def test_nodes_not_follow_formula():
    worlds = [
        World('RWW', {
            '1:R': True,
            '2:W': True,
            '3:W': True
        World('RRW', {
            '1:R': True,
            '2:R': True,
            '3:W': True
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    formula = And(Atom('2:W'), Atom('3:W'))
    expected_result = ['RRW']
    result = ks.nodes_not_follow_formula(formula)
    assert expected_result == result
예제 #15
def test_semantic_diamond_p_three_worlds_false():
    worlds = [
        World('1', {'p': False}),
        World('2', {'p': True}),
        World('3', {'p': False}),
    relations = {('1', '2'), ('1', '3')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond(Atom('p'))
    assert True == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #16
def test_semantic_box_p_implies_p():
    worlds = [
        World('1', {'p': False}),
        World('2', {'p': True}),
        World('3', {'p': True}),
    relations = {('1', '2'), ('1', '3')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Implies(Box(Atom('p')), Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #17
파일: kripke.py 프로젝트: ThomasB94/LAMAS
def initialize_model(num_agents, played_cards, top_card, stacks):

    #Ml solver objects
    worlds = []
    #worlds identifiable by their numbers for building the relations
    worldsNumValues = []

    # All cards that fit on the first stack
    for cardP1S1 in range(stacks[0][0][-1] + 1, top_card):
        # Card wasn't seen before
        if not played_cards.get(cardP1S1, False):
            # All cards that fit on the  second stack
            for cardP1S2 in range(2, stacks[1][0][-1]):
                #cannot be played already, and cannot better for stack 1.
                if (not played_cards.get(cardP1S2, False)
                        and not (cardP1S2 > stacks[0][0][-1]
                                 and cardP1S2 < cardP1S1)):
                    for cardP2S1 in range(stacks[0][0][-1] + 1, top_card):
                        if (not played_cards.get(cardP2S1, False)
                                and (cardP2S1 != cardP1S1)
                                and (cardP2S1 != cardP1S2)):

                            for cardP2S2 in range(2, stacks[1][0][-1]):
                                #cannot be played already, cannot better for stack 1 and no duplicates
                                if (not played_cards.get(cardP2S2, False)
                                        and not (cardP2S2 > stacks[0][0][-1]
                                                 and cardP2S2 < cardP2S1)
                                        and (cardP2S2 != cardP1S1)
                                        and (cardP2S2 != cardP1S2)):
                                    #Create the worlds and add them to the numiric value list
                                        createWorld(cardP1S1, cardP1S2,
                                                    cardP2S1, cardP2S2))
                                        cardP1S1, cardP1S2, cardP2S1, cardP2S2

    #make relations
    P1relations = set()
    P2relations = set()

    #Use numeric value list for relations
    for world1 in worldsNumValues:
        for world2 in worldsNumValues:
            if (world1[0] == world2[0] and world1[1] == world2[1]):
                    (createNameFromArray(world1), createNameFromArray(world2)))
            if (world1[2] == world2[2] and world1[3] == world2[3]):
                    (createNameFromArray(world1), createNameFromArray(world2)))

    relations = {'1': P1relations, '2': P2relations}

    return KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
예제 #18
 def __init__(self):
     # There are only two possible configurations of killer-targer pairs
     # Note that world 231, for example, stands for the world where 1 targets 2, 2 targets 3, 3 targets 1
     worlds = [
         World('231', {
             't12': True,
             't23': True,
             't31': True
         World('312', {
             't13': True,
             't21': True,
             't32': True
     # In the 3-agent case, from each world only the world itself is accessible for each agents
     relations = {
         '1': {('231', '231'), ('312', '312')},
         '2': {('231', '231'), ('312', '312')},
         '3': {('231', '231'), ('312', '312')}
     # Build the Kripke model and store it in ks
     self.ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
예제 #19
파일: test_atom.py 프로젝트: Remco32/MAS
def test_ks_one_world():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    atom = Atom('p')
    assert True == atom.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #20
파일: test_and.py 프로젝트: Remco32/MAS
def test_semantic_p_and_q():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True, 'q': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = And(Atom('p'), Atom('q'))
    assert True == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #21
파일: test_atom.py 프로젝트: Remco32/MAS
def test_atom_is_false_if_q_not_in_V():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    atom = Atom('q')
    assert False == atom.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #22
def test_semantic_diamond_p_one_world_reflex_edge_false():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': False})]
    relations = {('1', '1')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond(Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #23
def test_semantic_diamond_p_one_world_true():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Diamond(Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #24
def test_semantic_box_p_two_worlds_false():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': False}), World('2', {'p': False})]
    relations = {('1', '2')}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Box(Atom('p'))
    assert False == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #25
def test_semantic_box_p_one_world_true():
    worlds = [World('1', {'p': True})]
    relations = {}
    ks = KripkeStructure(worlds, relations)
    mpl = Box(Atom('p'))
    assert True == mpl.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #26
def test_eq_empty_set():
    ks_one = KripkeStructure([World('2', {'p': True})], {'a': set()})
    ks_two = KripkeStructure([World('2', {'p': True})], {'a': set()})
    assert ks_one.__eq__(ks_two)
예제 #27
def test_box_star_three_agents_box_phi_not_hold():
    ks = KripkeStructure(
        [World('1', {'p': True}), World('2', {'p': False}), World('3', {'p': True}), World('4', {'p': True})],
        {'agent_1': {('1', '2'), ('1', '1')}, 'agent_2': {('1', '3'), ('1', '1')}, 'agent_3': {('1', '4'), ('1', '1')}})
    formula = Box_star(Atom('p'))
    assert not formula.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #28
def test_box_star_empty_relations():
    ks = KripkeStructure([World('1', {'p': True})], {})
    formula = Box_star(Atom('p'))
    assert formula.semantic(ks, '1')
예제 #29
def test_eq_empty_one_empty_world():
    ks_one = KripkeStructure([World('s', {'p': True})], {})
    ks_two = KripkeStructure([], {})
    assert not ks_one == ks_two
예제 #30
def test_ks_wrong_type():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        KripkeStructure("p", [])
    assert True