예제 #1
	def test_checkbox_field(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.boolean.CheckboxField}
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			selected		= boolean.CheckboxField(
								label		= 'Selected',
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.selected = 1
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-form')
		reference_form['selected'](type='checkbox', label='Selected', checked=True)
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002, attributes={'onClick':"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"})
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )	
예제 #2
	def test_select_field(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.select.SelectField}
		options = {'admin':'Administrator', 'user':'******'}
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			user_type		= select.SelectField(
								label		= 'Type',
								options		= options,
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.user_type = 'user'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		#options = {'admin':'Administrator', 'user':'******'}
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-form')
		reference_form['user_type'](type='select', label='Type', value='user', options=options)
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002, attributes={'onClick':"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"})
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )
예제 #3
	def test_foreign_labelfield(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.relational.ForeignLabelField}
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			category_id		= relational.ForeignLabelField(
								label		= 'Category',
								ftable		= 'category',
								fvalue		= 'code',
								flabel		= 'title',
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('page')
		test_storable.title = "My Title"
		test_storable.category_id = 'bio'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		reference_form = form.FormNode('page-form')
		reference_form['category_id'](type='label', label='Category', value='Biography')
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002, attributes={'onClick':"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"})
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )
예제 #4
	def test_stringfield_listing(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.string.StringField} as displayed in a generated form.
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			name			= string.StringField(
								label		= 'Name',
								listing		= True,
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.name = 'Test Name'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_listing(req, [test_storable])[0]
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-row')
		reference_form['name'](type='label', label='Name', value='Test Name')
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )	
예제 #5
	def test_linked_labelfield(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.string.LabelField}.
		...and any other datatype that could support a link prefix/suffix
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			# Normally base_path is set by the admin resource
			__config		= dict(
								base_path = '/admin'
			linked_name		= string.LabelField(
								label		= 'Name',
								link		= True,
								listing		= True,
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.linked_name = 'Linked Name'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_listing(req, [test_storable])
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-row')
		reference_form['linked_name'](type='label', label='Name', value='Linked Name',
										prefix=tags.a(href='http://____store-test-domain____:1234567/app-test/detail/test/0', __no_close=True), suffix='</a>')
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form[0].render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )
예제 #6
	def test_password_field_noencrypt(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.string.PasswordField} without encryption.
		post_data = [('page-form[title][entry]', 'Text Before Encryption'),
					 ('page-form[title][verify]','Text Before Encryption'),
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			title		= string.PasswordField(
								label		= 'Encrypted Title',
								encrypt		= False,
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request(post_data)
		test_storable = storable.Storable('page')
		test_storable.title = "My Title"
		test_storable.category_id = 3
		test_storable.content = 'Sample content'
		test_storable.code = 'my-title'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		self.failUnless(test_storable.get_id(), 'Storable was not saved.')
		self.failIfEqual(test_storable.title, "My Title", "Title field wasn't overwritten by password datatype")
		self.failUnlessEqual(test_storable.title, "Text Before Encryption", "Title field wasn't encrypted by password datatype")
예제 #7
	def test_checkbox_field_listing(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.boolean.CheckboxField} as displayed in a generated form.
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			selected		= boolean.CheckboxField(
								label		= 'Selected',
								listing		= True,
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.selected = 1
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_listing(req, [test_storable])[0]
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-row')
		reference_form['selected'](type='checkbox', label='Selected', checked=True, disabled=True)
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )	
예제 #8
	def test_validation(self):
		Test validation and prewrite callbacks in itemdefs.
		self.validation_test_bool = False
		self.prewrite_callback_bool = False
		def test_validator(req, form, storable):
			self.validation_test_bool = True
			return True
		def test_prewrite(req, form, storable):
			self.prewrite_callback_bool = True
			return True
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			__config		= dict(
								prewrite_callback = test_prewrite
			title			= string.StringField(
								label		= 'Title',
								validator	= test_validator
		form_data = [('page-form[title]','Sample Title'), ('page-form[save]','save')]
		req = self.get_request(form_data)
		test_storable = storable.Storable('page')
		test_storable.title = "My Title"
		test_storable.code = 'my-title'
		test_storable.category_id = 3
		test_storable.content = 'My Content'
		test_storable.modified_date = int(time.time())
		test_storable.created_date = int(time.time())
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		self.failUnless(self.validation_test_bool, "Validation function didn't run")
		self.failUnless(self.prewrite_callback_bool, "Pre-write callback function didn't run")
		def test_failed_prewrite(req, form, storable):
			return False
		test_itemdef.config['prewrite_callback'] = test_failed_prewrite
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		except RuntimeError, e:
			self.fail("Submit callback ran despite pre-write failure")
예제 #9
	def test_foreign_autocomplete_field(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.relational.ForeignAutocompleteField}
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			name			= relational.ForeignAutocompleteField(
								label		= 'Name',
								fvalue		= 'id',
								flabel		= 'title',
								ftable		= 'category',
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		test_storable.name = 'Test Name'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-form')
		reference_form['name'](type='fieldset', style='brief', label='Name')
		reference_form['name']['name-autocomplete'](type='textfield', weight=0,
		reference_form['name']['ac-support'](type="markup", weight=1, value=tags.script(type='text/javascript')
				[("""$("#test-form-name-autocomplete").autocomplete("http://____store-test-domain____:1234567/app-test/autocomplete/test/name", {
					extraParams:{t:%s}, minChars:3});""" + 
				'$("#test-form-name-autocomplete").result(select_item_handler("test-form-name-ac-callback"));') % int(time.time())])
		reference_form['name']['name'](type='hidden', weight=2, value=0,
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002, attributes={'onClick':"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"})
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )	
예제 #10
	def test_submit(self):
		Test submission, saving, and postwrite callbacks in itemdefs.
		def postwrite_callback(req, form, storable):
			raise RuntimeError('postwrite')
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			__config		= dict(
								postwrite_callback = postwrite_callback
			title			= string.StringField(
								label		= 'Title'
			bogus			= string.StringField(
								label		= 'Title',
								implicit_save	= False
		form_data = [('page-form[title]','Sample Title'), ('page-form[save]','save')]
		req = self.get_request(form_data)
		test_storable = storable.Storable('page')
		test_storable.title = "My Title"
		test_storable.code = 'my-title'
		test_storable.category_id = 3
		test_storable.content = 'My Content'
		test_storable.modified_date = int(time.time())
		test_storable.created_date = int(time.time())
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		self.failUnlessRaises(RuntimeError, itemdef_form.execute, req)
		self.failUnless(test_storable.get_id(), 'Storable was not saved.')
		self.failUnlessEqual(test_storable.title, 'Sample Title', 'Storable field `title` was not saved.')
예제 #11
	def test_foreign_select_field(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.relational.ForeignSelectField}
		options = {1:'Drama', 2:'Science Fiction', 3:'Biography', 4:'Horror', 5:'Science', 6:'Historical Fiction', 7:'Self-Help', 8:'Romance', 9:'Business', 10:'Technical', 11:'Engineering', 12:'Lanugage', 13:'Finance', 14:'Young Readers', 15:'Music', 16:'Dance', 17:'Psychology', 18:'Astronomy', 19:'Physics', 20:'Politics'}
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			category_id		= relational.ForeignSelectField(
								label		= 'Category',
								ftable		= 'category',
								fvalue		= 'id',
								flabel		= 'title',
								attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request()
		test_storable = storable.Storable('page')
		test_storable.title = "My Title"
		test_storable.category_id = 3
		test_storable.content = 'Sample content'
		test_storable.code = 'my-title'
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		reference_form = form.FormNode('page-form')
		reference_form['category_id'](type='select', label='Category', value=3, options=options)
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002, attributes={'onClick':"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"})
		itemdef_form_html = itemdef_form.render(req)
		reference_form_html = reference_form.render(req)
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )
예제 #12
# modusite
# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Phil Christensen
# http://modu.bubblehouse.org

from modu import util
from modu.editable import define
from modu.editable.datatypes import string, boolean, fck, select

__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
    __config=dict(name="page", label="pages", acl="access admin", category="site content", weight=1),
    id=string.LabelField(label="id:", weight=-10, listing=True),
    title=string.StringField(label="title:", size=60, maxlength=255, weight=1, listing=True, link=True, search=True),
        label="url code:", size=40, maxlength=255, help="the url code for this page's permalink", weight=3, listing=True
    data=string.TextAreaField(label="page body:", weight=4),
    # data				= string.TextAreaField(
    # 	label			= 'page body:',
    # 	rows			= 20,
    # 	cols			= 80,
    # 	weight			= 4
    # ),
    active=boolean.CheckboxField(label="active:", weight=4),
예제 #13
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'page',
		label			= 'pages',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		= 'site content',
		weight			= 1
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	title				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'title:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True
	url_code			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'url code:',
		size			= 40,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		help			= "the url code for this page's permalink",
		weight			= 3,
		listing			= True
	data				= fck.FCKEditorField(
		label			= 'page body:',
		weight			= 4
	active				= boolean.CheckboxField(
		label			= 'active:',
		weight			= 4
예제 #14
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'address',
		label			= 'addresses',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		='relationships',
		weight			= 2,
		model_class		= address.Address,
		hidden			= True,
	address_for			= editable.ItemTitleField(
		column			= 'item_id',
		label			= 'Address for:',
		flabel			= 'name',
		weight			= -4,
		listing			= True
	type				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'type:',
		options			= address.ADDRESS_TYPES,
		weight			= 1,
		search			= True,
		listing			= True,
	name				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'name:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True,
	address1			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'address 1:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 3,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
	address2			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'address 2:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 4,
	city				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'city:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 5,
		listing			= True,
	region				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'state:',
		options			= gigkeeper.states,
		weight			= 6,
		listing			= True,
	zip				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'zip:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 7,
		listing			= True,
	country				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'country:',
		options			= gigkeeper.countries,
		default_value	= 'US',
		weight			= 8,
	item_id				= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 100,
	item_table			= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 101,
예제 #15
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'media',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		weight			= 100,
		model_class		= media.Media,
		prewrite_callback = media_prewrite_callback,
		hidden			= True,
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		help			= 'the internal id of this item.',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True,
	item_title			= editable.ItemTitleField(
		column			= 'item_id',
		label			= 'media for:',
		flabel			= 'name',
		listing			= True,
		weight			= 2,
	filename			= fck.FCKFileField(
		label			= 'filename:',
		fck_root		= '/fck/content',
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		weight			= 3,
	created_date		= date.CurrentDateField(
		label			= 'created date:',
		style			= 'datetime',
		save_format		= 'datetime',
		default_checked	= True,
		weight			= 5,
	item_table			= string.LabelValueField(
		label			= 'from table:',
		listing			= True,
		weight			= 6,
	type				= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'media type:',
		listing			= True,
		weight			= 6.5,
		help			= 'This field will be updated on save',
	format				= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'media format:',
		weight			= 7,
		help			= 'This field will be updated on save',
	quality				= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'media quality:',
		weight			= 8,
		help			= 'This field will be updated on save',
	filesize			= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'file size:',
		weight			= 9,
		help			= 'This field will be updated on save',
	md5					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'checksum:',
		weight			= 10,
		help			= 'This field will be updated on save',
예제 #16
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'note',
		label			= 'notes',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		='relationships',
		weight			= 2,
		model_class		= note.Note,
		hidden			= True,
	note_for			= editable.ItemTitleField(
		column			= 'item_id',
		label			= 'Note for:',
		flabel			= 'name',
		weight			= -4,
		listing			= True
	type				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'type:',
		options			= note.NOTE_TYPES,
		weight			= 1,
		search			= True,
		listing			= True,
	summary				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'summary:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True,
	description			= fck.FCKEditorField(
		label			= 'description:',
		rows			= 8,
		cols			= 70,
		weight			= 3,
	created_date		= date.CurrentDateField(
		label			= 'created date:',
		save_format		= 'datetime',
		default_checked	= True,
		weight			= 3.5,
	item_id				= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 100,
	item_table			= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 101,
예제 #17
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'history',
		label			= 'event log',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		= 'relationships',
		weight			= 2,
		model_class		= history.History,
		hidden			= True,
		prewrite_callback = history_prewrite_callback,
	history_for			= editable.ItemTitleField(
		column			= 'item_id',
		label			= 'History for:',
		flabel			= 'name',
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True
	user_id				= relational.ForeignLabelField(
		label			= 'created by:',
		ftable			= 'user',
		flabel			= 'username',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		weight			= 2,
	contact_id			= relational.ForeignAutocompleteField(
		label			= 'contact:',
		ftable			= 'contact',
		flabel			= 'name',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		weight			= 3,
		autocomplete_callback = editable.contact_autocomplete_callback,
	type				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'type:',
		options			= history.HISTORY_TYPES,
		weight			= 4,
		search			= True,
		listing			= True,
		required		= True,
	summary				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'summary:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 5,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True,
	description			= string.TextAreaField(
		label			= 'description:',
		rows			= 8,
		cols			= 70,
		weight			= 6,
	created_date		= date.CurrentDateField(
		label			= 'created date:',
		save_format		= 'datetime',
		default_checked	= True,
		weight			= 7,
	item_id				= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 100,
	item_table			= string.HiddenField(
		weight			= 101,
예제 #18
	def test_date_field(self):
		Test for L{modu.editable.datatypes.date.DateField}
		from modu.editable.datatypes import date as date_datatype
		test_itemdef = define.itemdef(
			start_date			= date_datatype.DateField(
				label			= 'start date:',
				save_format		= 'datetime',
				attributes	= dict(basic_element=False),
		req = self.get_request([('test-form[start_date][date][month]',8),
		test_storable = storable.Storable('test')
		# +---------------------------+
		# | from_unixtime(1190864400) |
		# +---------------------------+
		# | 2007-09-26 23:40:00       | 
		# +---------------------------+
		test_storable.start_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1190864400)
		self.failUnlessEqual(test_storable.start_date.year, 2007, 'Test year was calculated incorrectly as %s' % test_storable.start_date.year)
		months, days = date.get_date_arrays()
		hours, minutes = date.get_time_arrays()
		itemdef_form = test_itemdef.get_form(req, test_storable)
		reference_form = form.FormNode('test-form')
		reference_form['start_date'](type='fieldset', style='brief', label='start date:')
		reference_form['start_date']['null'](type='checkbox', text="no value", weight=-1, suffix=tags.br(), 
		reference_form['start_date']['date']['month'](type='select', weight=0, options=months, value=8)
		reference_form['start_date']['date']['day'](type='select', weight=1, options=days, value=25)
		reference_form['start_date']['date']['year'](type='textfield', weight=2, size=5, value=2007)
		reference_form['start_date']['date']['hour'](type='select', weight=3, options=hours, value=23)
		reference_form['start_date']['date']['minute'](type='select', weight=4, options=minutes, value=40)
			suffix = tags.script(type="text/javascript")["""
				enableDateField($('#form-item-start_date input'));
		reference_form['save'](type='submit', value='save', weight=1000)
		reference_form['cancel'](type='submit', value='cancel', weight=1001)
		reference_form['delete'](type='submit', value='delete', weight=1002,
			attributes=dict(onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"))
		itemdef_form_html = str(itemdef_form.render(req))
		reference_form_html = str(reference_form.render(req))
		for i in range(len(itemdef_form_html)):
			if(reference_form_html[i] != itemdef_form_html[i]):
				self.fail('Expecting %s (%s) but found %s (%s) at position %d' % (
					reference_form_html[i], reference_form_html[i-20:i+20], itemdef_form_html[i], itemdef_form_html[i-20:i+20], i
		self.failUnlessEqual(itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html, "Didn't get expected form output, got:\n%s\n  instead of:\n%s" % (itemdef_form_html, reference_form_html) )
		test_storable.start_date = datetime.datetime.now()
		# this just loads the data, since there was
		# no submit button in the test post data
		test_itemdef['start_date'].update_storable(req, itemdef_form, test_storable)
		self.failUnlessEqual(test_storable.start_date, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1190864400), 'Date was calculated incorrectly as %s' % test_storable.start_date)
예제 #19
# $Id$

from modu import util
from modu.editable import define
from modu.editable.datatypes import string, boolean, fck, select

from gigkeeper import editable
from gigkeeper.model import url

__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
        acl="access admin",
    url_for=editable.ItemTitleField(column="item_id", label="URL for:", flabel="name", weight=-4, listing=True),
        label="type:", options=url.URL_TYPES, default_value=url.URL_TYPES.keys()[0], weight=1, search=True, listing=True
    url=string.StringField(label="url:", size=60, maxlength=255, weight=2, listing=True, link=True, search=True),
예제 #20
# See LICENSE for details

from modu.editable import define
from modu.editable.datatypes import string, relational

__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'permission',
		label			= 'permissions',
		category		= 'accounts',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		weight			= 2
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		size			= 10,
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	name			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'name:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True
예제 #21
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	# The configuration dict
	__config		= dict(
		# [r] A unique identifier for this itemdef, usually the table name
		name		= 'page',
		# [o] If the identifier is not the table name, it must be set here
		table		= '[default:<name>]',
		# [o] The display name of this itemdef
		label		= '[default:<name>]',
		# [o] The itemdef category
		category	= "[default:'other']",
		# [o] The position of this itemdef in relation to others in its category
		weight		= 5,
		# [o] The required user permission to use this itemdef
		acl			= '[default:'']',
		# [o] Alternate usage specifying multiple required permissions
		acl			= ['access pages',
		 				'access admin'],
		# [o] This is called during validation. If it returns false,
		#     validation will fail.
		prewrite_callback	= pre_post_write_callback,
		# [o] Called during submit, after writing the storable.
		postwrite_callback	= pre_post_write_callback,
		# [o] This is called during validation. If it returns false,
		#     validation will fail.
		predelete_callback	= pre_post_delete_callback,
		# [o] Called during submit, after writing the storable.
		postdelete_callback	= pre_post_delete_callback,
		# [o] Overrides the default theme class for form generation.
		theme				= theme.Theme,
		# [o] Factory to use to build Storable objects
		factory				= storable.DefaultFactory,
		# [o] Model class to use with DefaultFactory
		model_class			= storable.Storable,
		# [o] Overrides the default list template.
		list_template		= "[default:'admin-listing.tmpl.html']",
		# [o] Overrides the default detail template.
		detail_template		= "[default:'admin-detail.tmpl.html']",
		# [o] A dict of name-value pairs returned from this function
		#     will be added to the template
		template_variable_callback = template_variable_callback,
		# [o] The name of a result column that should be used as the title
		#     of a record
		title_column		= 'title',
		# [o] Don't allow anyone to create a new item.
		no_create			= False,
		# [o] The number of results to show per listing page.
		per_page			= 25,
		# [o] The title to be displayed on listing pages.
		listing_title		= "[default:'Listing <Name> Records']",
		# [o] When using the export feature, this function will be called to generate the query
		export_query_builder = export_query_builder
		# [o] Export type (may be 'csv' or 'tsv'
		export_type 		= 'csv',
예제 #22
# phylo
# Copyright (C) 2010 phylo
# $Id$

from modu.editable import define
from modu.editable.datatypes import string, relational

__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
    __config=dict(name="permission", label="permissions", category="accounts", acl="access admin", weight=2),
    id=string.LabelField(label="id:", size=10, weight=-10, listing=True),
    name=string.StringField(label="name:", size=60, maxlength=255, weight=1, listing=True, link=True),
예제 #23
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'faq',
		label			= 'FAQs',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		= 'site content',
		prewrite_callback = update_answered_by,
		weight			= 1
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	question				= string.TextAreaField(
		label			= 'question:',
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True
	answer				= string.TextAreaField(
		label			= 'answer:',
		weight			= 5
	answered_by		= relational.ForeignSelectField(
		label			= 'answered by:',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		flabel			= 'username',
		ftable			= 'user',
		help			= 'This field is filled/updated automatically when the record is saved.',
		weight			= 6
	answered_date		= date.DateField(
		label			= 'answered date:',
		style			= 'date',
		default_now		= True,
		save_format		= 'datetime',
		weight			= 7
	weight				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'weight:',
		size			= 5,
		weight			= 8,
		attributes		= dict(value=0)
예제 #24
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config				= dict(
		name				= 'release',
		label				= 'releases',
		acl					= 'access admin',
		category			= 'site content',
		model_class			= release.Release,
		prewrite_callback	= release_prewrite_callback,
		weight				= 4,
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True,
	project_id			= relational.ForeignSelectField(
		label			= 'related project:',
		ftable			= 'project',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		flabel			= 'name',
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
	version_weight		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'version weight:',
		size			= 5,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
		help			= 'The release version will be sorted by this string.',
	version_string		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'version string:',
		size			= 10,
		weight			= 3,
		listing			= True,
		help			= 'This is the version info that is actually displayed',
	filename			= fck.FCKFileField(
		label			= 'filename:',
		fck_root		= '/fck/releases',
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		weight			= 4,
	release_date		= date.DateField(
		label			= 'release date:',
		listing			= True,
		weight			= 4.5,
		default_now		= True,
		save_format		= 'datetime',
	tarball_url			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'tarball url:',
		weight			= 5,
	tarball_checksum	= string.StringField(
		label			= 'tarball checksum:',
		weight			= 6,
	description			= string.TextAreaField(
		label			= 'page body:',
		weight			= 7,
	nightly				= boolean.CheckboxField(
		label			= 'nightly:',
		weight			= 7.5,
		default_checked	= False,
	active				= boolean.CheckboxField(
		label			= 'active:',
		weight			= 8,
		default_checked	= True,
	license_name		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'license name:',
		weight			= 9,
		listing			= True,
	license_url			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'license url:',
		weight			= 10,
	installation_url	= string.StringField(
		label			= 'installation url:',
		weight			= 11,
	changelog_url		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'changelog url:',
		weight			= 12,
예제 #25
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'project',
		label			= 'projects',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		= 'site content',
		weight			= 2
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	name				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'name:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True
	shortname			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'shortname:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1.5,
		listing			= True,
	releases			= project.ReleaseListField(
		label			= 'releases:',
		weight			= 1.75,
		listing			= True,
	license_name		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'license name:',
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
	license_url			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'license url:',
		weight			= 3,
	installation_url	= string.StringField(
		label			= 'installation url:',
		weight			= 4,
	changelog_url		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'changelog url:',
		weight			= 5,
	active				= boolean.CheckboxField(
		label			= 'active:',
		weight			= 8,
		listing			= True,
예제 #26
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'company',
		label			= 'companies',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		='relationships',
		weight			= 2,
		model_class		= company.Company,
		title_column	= 'name',
	type				= select.SelectField(
		label			= 'type:',
		options			= company.COMPANY_TYPES,
		search			= True,
		listing			= True,
		weight			= 1,
		required		= True,
	name				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'name:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True,
		required		= True,
	phone				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'phone:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
	contacts			= contact.CompanyContactListField(
		label			= 'Contacts:',
		weight			= 2.1,
	history				= history.GenericHistoryListField(
		label			= 'History:',
		weight			= 2.2,
	event_history		= history.EventHistoryListField(
		label			= 'Event History:',
		weight			= 2.3,
	addresses			= address.AddressListField(
		label			= 'Addresses:',
		weight			= 2.5,
		address_name_callback = address_name_callback,
	urls				= url.URLListField(
		label			= 'URLs:',
		weight			= 3,
	notes				= note.NoteListField(
		label			= 'notes:',
		weight			= 4,
예제 #27
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'user',
		label			= 'users',
		category		= 'accounts',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		weight			= 0
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		size			= 10,
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	username			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'username:'******'first:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True
	last				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'last:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 3,
		listing			= True
	crypt				= string.PasswordField(
		label			= 'password:'******'roles:',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		flabel			= 'name',
		ftable			= 'role',
		ntof			= 'user_role',
		ntof_f_id		= 'role_id',
		ntof_n_id		= 'user_id'
예제 #28
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'blog',
		label			= 'blog entries',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		category		= 'site content',
		prewrite_callback = [update_published_by,
							util.get_url_code_callback('title', 'url_code')],
		weight			= 1
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	title				= string.StringField(
		label			= 'title:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True
	url_code			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'url code:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1.5,
	category_code		= string.StringField(
		label			= 'category:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 2,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True,
		search			= True
	teaser				= fck.FCKEditorField(
		label			= 'teaser:',
		weight			= 4,
		height			= 150,
		toolbar_set		= 'Basic'
	body				= fck.FCKEditorField(
		label			= 'page body:',
		weight			= 5
	published_by		= relational.ForeignSelectField(
		label			= 'author:',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		flabel			= 'username',
		ftable			= 'user',
		help			= 'This field is filled/updated automatically when the record is saved.',
		weight			= 6
	published_date		= date.DateField(
		label			= 'published date:',
		style			= 'datetime',
		default_now		= True,
		save_format		= 'datetime',
		weight			= 7
	active				= boolean.CheckboxField(
		label			= 'active:',
		weight			= 8
예제 #29
__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
	__config			= dict(
		name			= 'role',
		label			= 'roles',
		category		= 'accounts',
		acl				= 'access admin',
		weight			= 1
	id					= string.LabelField(
		label			= 'id:',
		size			= 10,
		weight			= -10,
		listing			= True
	name			= string.StringField(
		label			= 'name:',
		size			= 60,
		maxlength 		= 255,
		weight			= 1,
		listing			= True,
		link			= True
	permissions			= relational.ForeignMultipleSelectField(
		label			= 'permissions:',
		fvalue			= 'id',
		flabel			= 'name',
		ftable			= 'permission',
		ntof			= 'role_permission',
		ntof_f_id		= 'permission_id',
		ntof_n_id		= 'role_id'
예제 #30
# gigkeeper
# Copyright (C) 2008 gigkeeper
# $Id$

from modu.editable import define
from modu.editable.datatypes import string, relational

__itemdef__ = define.itemdef(
    __config=dict(name="role", label="roles", category="accounts", acl="access admin", weight=1),
    id=string.LabelField(label="id:", size=10, weight=-10, listing=True),
    name=string.StringField(label="name:", size=60, maxlength=255, weight=1, listing=True, link=True),