예제 #1
 class MockModel(dict):
     field = Field(unicode)
     typeless = Field()
     required = Field(required=True)
     string = Field(basestring)
     reference = ReferenceField(Base)
     number = Field(float)
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: nod/controll
class SurveyResponse(Model):

    surveykey = Field()
    user = ReferenceField(User)
    answers = Field()

    def answer(self, key, default=None):
        return self.answers.get(key, default)
예제 #3
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class SportsCar(Car):
    """ Alternate car """
    doors = Field(int, default=2)
    type = Field(unicode, default=u"sportscar")

    def drive(self):
        """ Overwritten """
        return True
예제 #4
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: nod/controll
class Session(Model):

    title = Field()
    speaker = ReferenceField(SessionLocation)
    descr = Field()
    tags = Field()
    start_at = Field()
    duration = Field()
    location = ReferenceField(SessionLocation)
예제 #5
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class Foo(Model):
    bar = Field(unicode)
    typeless = Field()
    dflt = Field(unicode, default=u'dflt')
    callme = Field(unicode, default=lambda: u'funtimes')
    dtnow = Field(datetime, default=lambda: datetime.now())

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "FOOBAR"
예제 #6
class CloudClient(Model):
    # id              = AutoField(primary_key=True)
    serial = Field(required=True)  # Serial of the client
    enabled = Field(bool, default=True,
                    required=True)  # Allows to activate or deactivate a client
    paired = Field(
        bool, default=False,
        required=True)  # True when the client is currently connected
    date_paired = Field(datetime)  # Date of the last successful pairing
    shared_key = Field()
    domain_affinity = Field()
    group = Field()  # group name, empty for default
    version = Field()
    settings = Field()

    _id_type = int

    # class Meta:
    #     database = DATABASE
    #     collection = "cloud_client"
    #     indices = (
    #         Index("serial"),
    #     )

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._id:
        return super(CloudClient, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #7
class Comment(Model):
    replied_to = Field(bool, default=False)
    is_troll = Field(bool, default=False)
    is_classified = Field(bool, default=False)
    object_id = Field(unicode, required=True)
    author_id = Field(unicode, required=True)
    author_name = Field(unicode, required=True)
    body = Field(unicode, required=True)
    body_html = Field(unicode, required=True)
    permalink = Field(unicode, required=True)
    submission = ReferenceField(Submission)
    date_added = Field(int, required=True)
예제 #8
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class Car(PolyModel):
    """ Base model for alternate inheritance """
    doors = Field(int, default=4)
    wheels = Field(int, default=4)
    type = Field(unicode, default=u"car")

    def get_child_key(cls):
        return "type"

    def drive(self):
        """ Example method to overwrite """
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement this in child classes")
예제 #9
class Submission(Model):
    object_id = Field(unicode, required=True)
    title = Field(unicode, required=True)
    permalink = Field(unicode, required=True)
    url = Field(unicode, required=True)
    date_added = Field(int, required=True)

    def comments(self):
        return Comment.search(submission=self, is_classified=False)

    def troll_count(self):
        total_comments = Comment.search(submission=self).count()
        not_trolls = Comment.search(submission=self,
        return total_comments - not_trolls
예제 #10
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class Convertible(SportsCar):
    """ New methods """

    _top_down = False

    type = Field(unicode, default=u"convertible")

    def toggle_roof(self):
        """ Opens / closes roof """
        self._top_down = not self._top_down
        return self._top_down
예제 #11
class HourlyStats(Model):
    date        = Field(datetime)
    epoch_hour  = Field(int)
    sent        = Field(int, default=0)
    failed      = Field(int, default=0)
    tries       = Field(int, default=0)  # Total tentatives count, including sent, failed and temporary failed.
    up_to_date  = Field(bool, default=False)  # If false, this entry needs to be sent to the CloudMaster.

    def __generic_update(operations):
        r = HourlyStats.update({'epoch_hour': int(time.time() / 3600)},
                               dict(operations, **{'$set': {'up_to_date': False}}),
        if r is None or not r['updatedExisting']:
            # entry = HourlyStats.search_or_create(epoch_hour=int(time.time() / 3600))
            entry = HourlyStats.grab(r['upserted'])
            entry.update(date=datetime.utcnow().replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0))

    def add_sent():
        HourlyStats.__generic_update({'$inc': {'sent': 1, 'tries': 1}})

    def add_failed():
        HourlyStats.__generic_update({'$inc': {'failed': 1, 'tries': 1}})

    def add_try():
        HourlyStats.__generic_update({'$inc': {'tries': 1}})
예제 #12
class DomainConfiguration(Model):
    domain_name = Field(required=True)
#   - 'active_relayers': list of active relayers for this domain
    mx_servers = Field()  # list of MX's IPs addresses
    mx_last_updated = Field(datetime)   # datetime of the last update of MX list
    max_relayers = Field(int)   # the maximum simultaneous relayers for this domain (taken from DB
                                # or None to use the default rule = half of the MX servers)
    cnx_per_mx = Field(int)     # the maximum simultaneous connections per MX server
    max_mx = Field(int)         # the maximum simultaneous connected MX servers
예제 #13
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: nod/controll
class User(Model):

    key = Field()
    name = Field()
    email = Field()
    created_at = Field()
    access_token = Field()
    caste = Field()

    def survey_results(self, surveykey):
        return SurveyResponse.search(user=self, surveykey=surveykey).first()
예제 #14
class MailingHourlyStats(Model):
    sender = Field()  # Serial of the sender
    date = Field(datetime)
    epoch_hour = Field(int)
    sent = Field(int, default=0)
    failed = Field(int, default=0)
    tries = Field(
        int, default=0
    )  # Total tentatives count, including sent, failed and temporary failed.

    # class Meta:
    #     database = DATABASE
    #     collection = "mailing_hourly_stats"
    #     indices = (
    #         Index("serial"),
    #         Index("epoch_hour"),
    #     )

    def __generic_update(serial, operations):
        r = MailingHourlyStats.update(
                'epoch_hour': int(time.time() / 3600),
                'sender': serial
        if r is None or not r['updatedExisting']:
            # entry = MailingHourlyStats.search_or_create(epoch_hour=int(time.time() / 3600), sender=serial)
            entry = MailingHourlyStats.grab(r['upserted'])
                minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0))

    def add_sent(serial):
                                            {'$inc': {
                                                'sent': 1,
                                                'tries': 1

    def add_failed(serial):
            serial, {'$inc': {
                'failed': 1,
                'tries': 1

    def add_try(serial):
        MailingHourlyStats.__generic_update(serial, {'$inc': {'tries': 1}})
예제 #15
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class SubPerson(Person):
    """ Testing inheritance """
    another_field = Field(str)
예제 #16
 class MockModel(Model):
     abbreviated = Field(unicode, field_name="abrv")
     long_name = Field(unicode, field_name="ln", required=True)
     regular = Field(unicode, required=True)
예제 #17
class Mailing(Model):
    """Used to store headers and body."""
    # id              = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)  # Should be the same as mailing_id in Master
    type            = Field()
    testing         = Field(bool, default=False)    # If True, emails are sent to a testing SMTP server instead of the real one.
    backup_customized_emails = Field(bool, default=False)  # If True, customized emails will be included in recipients reports.
    read_tracking   = Field(bool, default=True)     # If True, read tracking image are added to html bodies
    click_tracking  = Field(bool, default=False)    # If True, links found into html bodies are converted to allow clicks tracking
    body_downloaded = Field(bool, default=False)
    header          = Field()
    body            = Field()
    tracking_url    = Field()       # Base url for all tracking links
    deleted         = Field(bool, default=False)    # Mailing deletion requested. Will occur once all its recipients will be removed.
    dkim            = Field()  # dkim settings (dictionary). Fields are enabled (Default=True), selector, domain, privkey
    feedback_loop   = Field()  # Settings needed to implement the Google Feedback Loop requirements (dictionary)
                                # Fields are `campain_id`, `customer_id`, `mail_type_id`, `sender_id`
                                # and `dkim` which contains dkim settings for fbl domain.
                                # defaults are (in order): 'mailing.id', 'mailing.domain_name', 'mailing.type'.
                                # Other are mandatory.
    domain_name     = Field()   # sender domain
    return_path_domain = Field()   # domain used to fill Return-Path header. If None, header won't be added.
    url_encoding    = Field()

    created         = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    modified        = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)

    _id_type = int

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"Queue[%d]" % self.id

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._id:
            raise ValueError("Mailing model: An id have to be provided")
            # super(Model, self).__setitem__(self._id_field, Sequence.get_next('mailing_id'))
        self.modified = datetime.utcnow()
        return super(Mailing, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #18
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class FooWithNew(Model):
    bar = Field(unicode)

    def new(cls):
        return cls(bar=u"whatever")
예제 #19
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
 class OrderTest(Model):
     up = Field(int)
     down = Field(int)
     mod = Field(int)
예제 #20
 class TestDefaultModel(Model):
     field = Field()  # i.e. no default value
예제 #21
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
 class Bar(Model):
     field = Field()
예제 #22
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
 class Mod(Model):
     val = Field(int)
     mod = Field(int)
예제 #23
class DomainStats(Model):
    Tracks DNS resolution statistics as well as handled recipients count per domains.
    Also tracks any DNS error on domains resolution. It allows to take decision for domain's recipients if error
    is fatal (no-retry) or not (retry).
    For DNS error, there are two levels:
        - recoverable errors: these errors can be due to temporary network problems. So they should never be fatal for
         concerned recipients.
        - fatal errors: these errors are clearly identified as fatal, i.e. we CAN'T address these recipients in any way
         (for example, the DNS really answer us that the domain doesn't exist). In this case, we will try again later
         (in case in unexpected error with the DNS) but only few times (5 by default).
    domain_name     = Field(required=True)  # Recipient's domain name

    # at recipient level (+1 for each recipient)
    sent        = Field(default=0)
    failed      = Field(default=0)
    tries       = Field(default=0)  # help_text="Total tentatives count, including sent, failed and temporary failed.")

    # at DNS level (+1 for each DNS query)
    dns_tries           = Field(default=0)  # help_text="Total tentatives count, including fatal and temporary failed.")
    dns_temp_errors     = Field(default=0)  # help_text="Errors due to temporal circumstances. Its can be solved later.")
    dns_fatal_errors    = Field(default=0)
    dns_last_error      = Field()           # help_text="Full class name of the exception.")

    dns_cumulative_temp_errors  = Field(default=0)  # help_text="This counter is never reset")
    dns_cumulative_fatal_errors = Field(default=0)  # help_text="This counter is never reset")

    created         = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    modified        = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.modified = datetime.utcnow()
        return super(DomainStats, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_exception_fullname(ex):
        return "%s.%s" % (ex.__class__.__module__, ex.__class__.__name__)

    def check_error(self, ex):
        return DomainStats.get_exception_fullname(ex) == self.dns_last_error

    def __generic_update(domain, operations):
        r = DomainStats.update({'domain_name': domain},
        # if r is None or not r['updatedExisting']:
        #     entry = DomainStats.search_or_create(domain_name=domain)
        #     kwargs = {}
        #     for key, value in operations['$inc'].items():
        #         kwargs[key] = value
        #     entry.update(date=datetime.utcnow().replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), **kwargs)

    def add_sent(domain):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'sent': 1, 'tries': 1}})

    def add_failed(domain):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'failed': 1, 'tries': 1}})

    def add_try(domain):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'tries': 1}})

    def add_dns_success(domain):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'dns_tries': 1},
                                              '$set': {'dns_temp_errors': 0,
                                                       'dns_fatal_errors': 0,
                                                       'dns_last_error': None}})

    def add_dns_temp_error(domain, ex):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'tries': 1,
                                                       'dns_tries': 1,
                                                       'dns_temp_errors': 1,
                                                       'dns_cumulative_temp_errors': 1},
                                              '$set': {'dns_last_error': DomainStats.get_exception_fullname(ex)}})

    def add_dns_fatal_error(domain, ex):
        DomainStats.__generic_update(domain, {'$inc': {'tries': 1,
                                                       'failed': 1,
                                                       'dns_tries': 1,
                                                       'dns_fatal_errors': 1,
                                                       'dns_cumulative_fatal_errors': 1},
                                              '$set': {'dns_last_error': DomainStats.get_exception_fullname(ex)}})
예제 #24
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
 class CustomModel(Model):
     custom1 = Field(get_callback=custom_get, set_callback=custom_set)
     custom2 = CustomField()
     custom3 = CustomField(get_callback=custom_get,
예제 #25
class ActiveQueue(Model):
    domain_name = Field(required=True)
    recipients = Field()
    created = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
예제 #26
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class Company(Model):
    name = Field(str)

    def people(self):
        return Person.search(company=self)
예제 #27
class MailingRecipient(Model):
    # id              = AutoField(primary_key=True)
    # recipient_id     = models.IntegerField(db_index=True)   # ID on master
    mailing         = ReferenceField(Mailing, required=True)
    tracking_id     = Field()
    contact_data    = Field()  # Python dictionary containing all recipient fields
    email           = Field(required=True)
    mail_from       = Field(required=False)
    sender_name     = Field()
    domain_name     = Field(required=True)   # Recipient's domain name
    first_try       = Field(datetime)
    next_try        = Field(datetime) # TODO maybe a int from EPOCH would be faster
    try_count       = Field(int)
    send_status     = EnumField(recipient_status, default=RECIPIENT_STATUS.READY)
    reply_code      = Field(int)
    reply_enhanced_code = Field()
    reply_text      = Field()
    smtp_log        = Field()
    in_progress     = Field(bool, default=False)  # added in temp queue
    created         = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    modified        = Field(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    finished        = Field(bool, default=False)  # True if this recipient have been handled (successfully or not) and should be returned back to the master.

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.email

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.modified = datetime.utcnow()
        return super(MailingRecipient, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def set_send_mail_in_progress(self):
        self.send_status = RECIPIENT_STATUS.IN_PROGRESS
        if self.try_count is None:
            self.try_count = 0
        self.try_count += 1
        self.in_progress = True
        if not self.first_try:
            self.first_try = datetime.utcnow()
        self.next_try = datetime.utcnow()

    def update_send_status(self, send_status, smtp_code=None, smtp_e_code=None, smtp_message=None, in_progress=False,
                           smtp_log=None, target_ip=None):
        Updates the contact status.
        LiveStats.add_log(mailing_id = self.mailing.id, domain_name=self.domain_name,
                          mail_from=self.mail_from, mail_to=self.email,
                          send_status=send_status, reply_code=smtp_code, reply_enhanced_code=smtp_e_code,
                          reply_text=smtp_message, target_ip=target_ip)
        self.send_status = send_status
        if send_status == RECIPIENT_STATUS.FINISHED:
            self.next_try = datetime.utcnow()
        self.reply_code = smtp_code and smtp_code or None
        self.reply_enhanced_code = smtp_e_code and smtp_e_code or None
        self.reply_text = smtp_message and unicode(smtp_message, errors='replace') or None
        self.smtp_log = smtp_log and unicode(smtp_log, errors='replace') or None
        self.in_progress = in_progress
            #self.contact.status = CONTACT_STATUS.ERROR
        #elif send_status == RECIPIENT_STATUS.FINISHED:
            #self.contact.status = CONTACT_STATUS.VALID

    def set_send_mail_next_time(self):
        This implement the mailing specific strategy for retries and mark this entry as removable from queue.
        self.in_progress = False
        if self.try_count < 3:
            self.next_try = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=10)
        elif self.try_count < 10:
            self.next_try = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=60)
            self.next_try = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=6)
        self.finished = True

    def mark_as_finished(self):
        self.finished = True
예제 #28
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
class Person(Model):
    _name = "people"
    company = ReferenceField(Company)
    name = Field(str)
    email = Field(str)
예제 #29
파일: test_usage.py 프로젝트: jjmalina/mogo
 class ConstantModel(Model):
     name = Field(unicode, required=True)
     constant = ConstantField(int, required=True)
예제 #30
 class TestDefaultModel2(Model):
     field = Field(default=None)