예제 #1
    def _decode_message(cls, data, offset):
        Decode a single Message

        The only caller of this method is decode_message_set_iter.
        They are decoupled to support nested messages (compressed MessageSets).
        The offset is actually read from decode_message_set_iter (it is part
        of the MessageSet payload).
        ((crc, magic, att), cur) = relative_unpack('>IBB', data, 0)
        if crc != crc32(data[4:]):
            raise ChecksumError("Message checksum failed")

        (key, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)
        (value, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)

        codec = att & ATTRIBUTE_CODEC_MASK

        if codec == CODEC_NONE:
            yield (offset, Message(magic, att, key, value))

        elif codec == CODEC_GZIP:
            gz = gzip_decode(value)
            for (offset, msg) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message_set_iter(gz):
                yield (offset, msg)

        elif codec == CODEC_SNAPPY:
            snp = snappy_decode(value)
            for (offset, msg) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message_set_iter(snp):
                yield (offset, msg)
예제 #2
    def _decode_message(cls, data, offset):
        Decode a single Message

        The only caller of this method is decode_message_set_iter.
        They are decoupled to support nested messages (compressed MessageSets).
        The offset is actually read from decode_message_set_iter (it is part
        of the MessageSet payload).
        ((crc, magic, att), cur) = relative_unpack('>IBB', data, 0)
        if crc != crc32(data[4:]):
            raise ChecksumError("Message checksum failed")

        (key, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)
        (value, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)

        codec = att & ATTRIBUTE_CODEC_MASK

        if codec == CODEC_NONE:
            yield (offset, Message(magic, att, key, value))

        elif codec == CODEC_GZIP:
            gz = gzip_decode(value)
            for (offset, msg) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message_set_iter(gz):
                yield (offset, msg)

        elif codec == CODEC_SNAPPY:
            snp = snappy_decode(value)
            for (offset, msg) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message_set_iter(snp):
                yield (offset, msg)
예제 #3
    def _decode_message_set_iter(cls, data):
        Iteratively decode a MessageSet

        Reads repeated elements of (offset, message), calling decode_message
        to decode a single message. Since compressed messages contain futher
        MessageSets, these two methods have been decoupled so that they may
        recurse easily.
        cur = 0
        read_message = False
        while cur < len(data):
                ((offset, ), cur) = relative_unpack('>q', data, cur)
                (msg, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)
                for (offset, message) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message(msg, offset):
                    read_message = True
                    yield OffsetAndMessage(offset, message)
            except BufferUnderflowError:
                # NOTE: Not sure this is correct error handling:
                # Is it possible to get a BUE if the message set is somewhere
                # in the middle of the fetch response? If so, we probably have
                # an issue that's not fetch size too small.
                # Aren't we ignoring errors if we fail to unpack data by
                # raising StopIteration()?
                # If _decode_message() raises a ChecksumError, couldn't that
                # also be due to the fetch size being too small?
                if read_message is False:
                    # If we get a partial read of a message, but haven't
                    # yielded anything there's a problem
                    raise ConsumerFetchSizeTooSmall()
                    raise StopIteration()
예제 #4
    def _decode_message_set_iter(cls, data):
        Iteratively decode a MessageSet

        Reads repeated elements of (offset, message), calling decode_message
        to decode a single message. Since compressed messages contain futher
        MessageSets, these two methods have been decoupled so that they may
        recurse easily.
        cur = 0
        read_message = False
        while cur < len(data):
                ((offset, ), cur) = relative_unpack('>q', data, cur)
                (msg, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)
                for (offset, message) in KafkaProtocol._decode_message(msg, offset):
                    read_message = True
                    yield OffsetAndMessage(offset, message)
            except BufferUnderflowError:
                # NOTE: Not sure this is correct error handling:
                # Is it possible to get a BUE if the message set is somewhere
                # in the middle of the fetch response? If so, we probably have
                # an issue that's not fetch size too small.
                # Aren't we ignoring errors if we fail to unpack data by
                # raising StopIteration()?
                # If _decode_message() raises a ChecksumError, couldn't that
                # also be due to the fetch size being too small?
                if read_message is False:
                    # If we get a partial read of a message, but haven't
                    # yielded anything there's a problem
                    raise ConsumerFetchSizeTooSmall()
                    raise StopIteration()
예제 #5
    def decode_fetch_response(cls, data):
        Decode bytes to a FetchResponse

            data: bytes to decode
        ((correlation_id, num_topics), cur) = relative_unpack('>ii', data, 0)

        for _ in range(num_topics):
            (topic, cur) = read_short_string(data, cur)
            ((num_partitions, ), cur) = relative_unpack('>i', data, cur)

            for j in range(num_partitions):
                ((partition, error, highwater_mark_offset), cur) = \
                    relative_unpack('>ihq', data, cur)

                (message_set, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)

                yield FetchResponse(
                    topic, partition, error, highwater_mark_offset,
예제 #6
    def decode_fetch_response(cls, data):
        Decode bytes to a FetchResponse

            data: bytes to decode
        ((correlation_id, num_topics), cur) = relative_unpack('>ii', data, 0)

        for _ in range(num_topics):
            (topic, cur) = read_short_string(data, cur)
            ((num_partitions,), cur) = relative_unpack('>i', data, cur)

            for j in range(num_partitions):
                ((partition, error, highwater_mark_offset), cur) = \
                    relative_unpack('>ihq', data, cur)

                (message_set, cur) = read_int_string(data, cur)

                yield FetchResponse(
                    topic, partition, error,