예제 #1
파일: input.py 프로젝트: fgoudreault/abipy
class Dataset(MappingMixin, Has_Structure):
    This object stores the ABINIT variables for a single dataset.
    # TODO this should be the "actual" input file
    Error = AbinitInputError

    def __init__(self, index, dt0, *args, **kwargs):
        self._mapping_mixin_ = collections.OrderedDict(*args, **kwargs)
        self._index = index
        self._dt0 = dt0

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s at %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.to_string()

    def vars(self):
        return self._mapping_mixin_

    def index(self):
        """The index of the dataset within the input."""
        return self._index

    def dt0(self):
        return self._dt0

    def global_vars(self):
        """Copy of the dictionary with the global variables."""
        return self.dt0.vars.copy()

    def allvars(self):
        Dictionay with the variables of the dataset + the global variables.
        Variables local to the dataset overwrite the global values (if any).
        all_vars = self.global_vars
        return all_vars.copy()

    def deepcopy(self):
        """Deepcopy of the `Dataset`"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    #def runlevel(self):
    #    """String defining the Runlevel. See _runl2optdriver."""
    # Mapping runlevel --> optdriver variable
    #_runl2optdriver = {
    #    "scf": 0,
    #    "nscf": 0,
    #    "relax": 0,
    #    "dfpt": 1,
    #    "screening": 3,
    #    "sigma": 4,
    #    "bse": 99,
    #    # Find the value of optdriver (firt in self, then in globals finally use default value.
    #    optdriver = self.get("optdriver")
    #    if optdriver is None: optdriver = self.dt0.get("optdriver")
    #    if optdriver is None: optdriver = 0

    #    # At this point we have to understand the type of calculation.

    def set_mnemonics(self, boolean):
        """True if mnemonics should be printed"""
        self._mnemonics = bool(boolean)

    def mnemonics(self):
        """Return True if mnemonics should be printed"""
            return self._mnemonics
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def to_string(self, sortmode=None, post=None):
        String representation.

            sortmode: "a" for alphabetical order, None if no sorting is wanted
            post: String that will be appended to the name of the variables
                Note that post is usually autodetected when we have multiple datatasets
                It is mainly used when we have an input file with a single dataset
                so that we can prevent the code from adding "1" to the name of the variables 
                (In this case, indeed, Abinit complains if ndtset=1 is not specified 
                and we don't want ndtset=1 simply because the code will start to add 
                _DS1_ to all the input and output files.
        lines = []
        app = lines.append

        if self.comment:
            app("# " + self.comment.replace("\n", "\n#"))

        if post is None:
            post = "" if self.index == 0 else str(self.index)
            post = post

        if sortmode is None:
            # no sorting.
            keys = self.keys()
        elif sortmode == "a":
            # alphabetical order.
            keys = sorted(self.keys())
            raise ValueError("Unsupported value for sortmode %s" %

        with_mnemonics = self.mnemonics
        if with_mnemonics:
            var_database = get_abinit_variables()

        for var in keys:
            value = self[var]
            # Do not print NO_MULTI variables except for dataset 0.
            if self.index != 0 and var in _ABINIT_NO_MULTI:

            # Print ndtset only if we really have datasets.
            # This trick prevents abinit from adding DS# to the output files.
            # thus complicating the creation of workflows made of separated calculations.
            if var == "ndtset" and value == 1:

            if with_mnemonics:
                v = var_database[var]
                app("# <" + v.definition + ">")

            varname = var + post
            variable = InputVariable(varname, value)

        return "\n".join(lines)

    def comment(self):
            return self._comment
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def set_comment(self, comment):
        """Set a comment to be included at the top of the file."""
        self._comment = comment

    def set_var(self, varname, value):
        """Set a the value of a variable."""
        # Check if varname is in the internal database.
        if not is_abivar(varname):
            raise self.Error("varname %s is not a valid ABINIT variable\n."
                             "Modify abipy/htc/abinit_vars.json" % varname)

        # Debugging section.
        if False and varname in self:
                iseq = (self[varname] == value)
                iseq = np.all(iseq)
            except ValueError:
                # array like.
                iseq = np.allclose(self[varname], value)
                iseq = False

            if not iseq:
                msg = "%s is already defined with a different value:\nOLD:\n %s,\nNEW\n %s" % (
                    varname, str(self[varname]), str(value))

        self[varname] = value

        # Handle no_multi variables.
        if varname in _ABINIT_NO_MULTI and self.index != 0:

            if varname in self.dt0:
                glob_value = np.array(self.dt0[varname])
                isok = np.all(glob_value == np.array(value))
                if not isok:
                    err_msg = "NO_MULTI variable: dataset 0: %s, dataset %d: %s" % (
                        str(glob_value), self.index, str(value))
                    raise self.Error(err_msg)
                self.dt0.set_var(varname, value)

    # Alias
    set_variable = set_var
    set_variable = deprecated(replacement=set_var)(set_variable)

    def set_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set the value of the variables provied in the dictionary **kwargs"""
        for varname, varvalue in kwargs.items():
            self.set_var(varname, varvalue)

    # Alias
    set_variables = set_vars
    set_variables = deprecated(replacement=set_vars)(set_variables)

    def remove_vars(self, keys):
        """Remove the variables listed in keys."""
        for key in list_strings(keys):
            if key not in self:
                raise KeyError("key: %s not in self:\n %s" %
                               (key, list(self.keys())))

    # Alias
    remove_variables = remove_vars
    remove_variables = deprecated(replacement=remove_vars)(remove_variables)

    def structure(self):
        """Returns the :class:`Structure` associated to this dataset."""
        # TODO: Avoid calling Structure.from_abivars, find a way to cache the object and invalidate it.
        return Structure.from_abivars(self.allvars)
        # Cannot use lazy properties here because we may want to change the structure

        #if hasattr(self, "_structure") and self._structure is None:
        #    return self._structure
        #    return self._structure
        #except AttributeError:
        #    structure = Structure.from_abivars(self.allvars)
        #    self.set_structure(structure)
        #    return self._structure

    def set_structure(self, structure):
        structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)

        self._structure = structure
        if structure is None: return


    # Helper functions to facilitate the specification of several variables.
    def set_kmesh(self, ngkpt, shiftk, kptopt=1):
        Set the variables for the sampling of the BZ.

            ngkpt: Monkhorst-Pack divisions
            shiftk: List of shifts.
            kptopt: Option for the generation of the mesh.
        shiftk = np.reshape(shiftk, (-1, 3))


    def set_autokmesh(self, nksmall, kptopt=1):
        Set the variables (ngkpt, shift, kptopt) for the sampling of the BZ.
            nksmall: Number of k-points used to sample the smallest lattice vector.
            kptopt: Option for the generation of the mesh.
        shiftk = self.structure.calc_shiftk()


    def set_kpath(self, ndivsm, kptbounds=None, iscf=-2):
        Set the variables for the computation of the band structure.

            ndivsm: Number of divisions for the smallest segment.
            kptbounds: k-points defining the path in k-space.
                If None, we use the default high-symmetry k-path defined in the pymatgen database.
        if kptbounds is None: kptbounds = self.structure.calc_kptbounds()
        kptbounds = np.reshape(kptbounds, (-1, 3))

                      kptopt=-(len(kptbounds) - 1),

    def set_kptgw(self, kptgw, bdgw):
        Set the variables (k-points, bands) for the computation of the GW corrections.

            kptgw: List of k-points in reduced coordinates.
            bdgw: Specifies the range of bands for the GW corrections.
                Accepts iterable that be reshaped to (nkptgw, 2) 
                or a tuple of two integers if the extrema are the same for each k-point.
        kptgw = np.reshape(kptgw, (-1, 3))
        nkptgw = len(kptgw)
        if len(bdgw) == 2: bdgw = len(kptgw) * bdgw

                      bdgw=np.reshape(bdgw, (nkptgw, 2)))
예제 #2
파일: input.py 프로젝트: fgoudreault/abipy
class AbiInput(Input, Has_Structure):
    This object represents an ABINIT input file. It supports multi-datasets a
    and provides an easy-to-use interface for defining the variables of the calculation.

    Usage example:

    .. code-block:: python

        inp = AbiInput(pseudos="si.pspnc", pseudo_dir="directory_with_pseudos")
        inp.set_vars(ecut=10, nband=3)

        # Print it to get the final input.
    Error = AbinitInputError

    def __init__(self,
            pseudos: String or list of string with the name of the pseudopotential files.
            pseudo_dir: Name of the directory where the pseudopotential files are located.
            structure: file with the structure, :class:`Structure` object or dictionary with ABINIT geo variable
            ndtset: Number of datasets.
            comment: Optional string with a comment that will be placed at the beginning of the file.
            decorators: List of `AbinitInputDecorator` objects.
        # Dataset[0] contains the global variables common to the different datasets
        # Dataset[1:ndtset+1] stores the variables specific to the different datasets.
        self._ndtset = ndtset

        self._datasets = []
        for i in range(ndtset + 1):
            dt0 = None
            if i > 0: dt0 = self._datasets[0]
            self._datasets.append(Dataset(index=i, dt0=dt0))

        self._datasets[0]["ndtset"] = ndtset

        # Setup of the pseudopotential files.
        if isinstance(pseudos, PseudoTable):
            self._pseudos = pseudos

        elif all(isinstance(p, Pseudo) for p in pseudos):
            self._pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos)

            # String(s)
            pseudo_dir = os.path.abspath(pseudo_dir)
            pseudo_paths = [
                os.path.join(pseudo_dir, p) for p in list_strings(pseudos)

            missing = [p for p in pseudo_paths if not os.path.exists(p)]
            if missing:
                raise self.Error(
                    "Cannot find the following pseudopotential files:\n%s" %

            self._pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudo_paths)

        if structure is not None: self.set_structure(structure)
        if comment is not None: self.set_comment(comment)

        self._decorators = [] if not decorators else decorators

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation i.e. the input file read by Abinit."""
        if self.ndtset > 1:
            s = ""
            for i, dataset in enumerate(self):
                header = "### DATASET %d ###" % i
                if i == 0:
                    header = "### GLOBAL VARIABLES ###"

                str_dataset = str(dataset)
                if str_dataset:
                    header = len(header) * "#" + "\n" + header + "\n" + len(
                        header) * "#" + "\n"
                    s += "\n" + header + str(dataset) + "\n"
            # single datasets ==> don't append the dataset index to the variables in self[1]
            # this trick is needed because Abinit complains if ndtset is not specified
            # and we have variables that end with the dataset index e.g. acell1
            # We don't want to specify ndtset here since abinit will start to add DS# to
            # the input and output files thus complicating the algorithms we have to use
            # to locate the files.
            d = self[0].deepcopy()
            s = d.to_string(post="")

        # Add JSON section with pseudo potentials.
        ppinfo = ["\n\n\n#<JSON>"]
        d = {"pseudos": [p.as_dict() for p in self.pseudos]}
        ppinfo.extend(json.dumps(d, indent=4).splitlines())

        return s + "\n#".join(ppinfo)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._datasets[key]

    def __getattr__(self, varname):
            return super(AbiInput, self).__geattr__(self, varname)
        except AttributeError:
                idt, varname = _idt_varname(varname)
                return self._datasets[idt][varname]
            except Exception as exc:
                raise AttributeError(str(exc))

    def __setattr__(self, varname, value):
        if varname.startswith("ndtset"):
            raise self.Error("Cannot change read-only variable ndtset")

        if varname.startswith("_"):
            # Standard behaviour for "private" variables.
            super(AbiInput, self).__setattr__(varname, value)
            idt, varname = _idt_varname(varname)

            if idt == 0:
                # Global variable.
                self[0].set_var(varname, value)
                if not (self.ndtset >= idt >= 1):
                    raise self.Error("Invalid dataset index %d, ndtset %d " %
                                     (idt, self.ndtset))

                self[idt].set_var(varname, value)

                # Handle no_multi variables.
                if varname in _ABINIT_NO_MULTI:

                    if varname in self[0]:
                        glob_value = np.array(self[0][varname])
                        isok = np.all(glob_value == np.array(value))
                        if not isok:
                            err_msg = "NO_MULTI variable: dataset 0: %s, dataset %d: %s" % (
                                str(glob_value), idt, str(value))
                            raise self.Error(err_msg)
                        self[0].set_var(varname, value)

    def ndtset(self):
        """Number of datasets."""
        return self[0]["ndtset"]

    def pseudos(self):
        """List of :class:`Pseudo` objects."""
        return self._pseudos

    def ispaw(self):
        """True if PAW calculation."""
        return all(p.ispaw for p in self.pseudos)

    def isnc(self):
        """True if norm-conserving calculation."""
        return all(p.isnc for p in self.pseudos)

    def num_valence_electrons(self):
        """Number of valence electrons computed from the pseudos and the structure."""
        return self.structure.num_valence_electrons(self.pseudos)

    def structure(self):
        Returns the :class:`Structure` associated to the ABINIT input.

            ValueError if we have multi datasets with different 
            structure so that users will learn that multiple datasets are bad.
        structures = [dt.structure for dt in self[1:]]

        if all(s == structures[0] for s in structures):
            return structures[0]

        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot extract a unique structure from an input file with multiple datasets!\n"
            + "Please DON'T use multiple datasets with different unit cells!")

    def is_abivar(self, varname):
        """True if varname is a valid Abinit variable."""
        return is_abivar(varname)

    def new_with_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Generate a new input (deep copy) with these variables"""
        new = self.deepcopy()
        new.set_vars(*args, **kwargs)
        return new

    def decorators(self):
        return self._decorators

    def register_decorator(self, decorator):
        """Register a :class:`AbinitInputDecorator`."""

    def generate(self, **kwargs):
        Generate new inputs by replacing the variables specified in kwargs.

        .. code-block:: python

            # To generate two input files with different values of ecut:
            for inp_ecut in gs_inp.generate(ecut=[10, 20])):
                print("do something with inp_ecut %s" % inp_ecut)

            # To generate four input files with all the possible combinations of ecut and nsppol:
            for inp_ecut in gs_inp.generate(ecut=[10, 20], nsppol=[1, 2]):
                print("do something with inp_ecut %s" % inp_ecut)
        if self.ndtset != 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot use generate methods when ndtset != 1")
        return input_gen(self, **kwargs)

    def _dtset2range(self, dtset):
        """Helper function to convert dtset into a range. Accepts int, slice objects or iterable."""
        if isinstance(dtset, int):
            return [dtset]

        elif isinstance(dtset, slice):
            start = dtset.start if dtset.start is not None else 0
            stop = dtset.stop
            step = dtset.step if dtset.step is not None else 1
            return range(start, stop, step)

        elif isinstance(dtset, collections.Iterable):
            return dtset

        raise self.Error(
            "Don't know how to convert %s to a range-like object" % str(dtset))

    def split_datasets(self):
        Split an input file with multiple datasets into a  list of `ndtset` distinct input files.
        news = []
        for i in range(self.ndtset):
            my_vars = self[i + 1].allvars
            my_vars.pop("ndtset", None)

            # Cannot use get*, ird* variables since links must be explicit.
            for varname in my_vars:
                if varname.startswith("get") or varname.startswith("ird"):
                    err_msg = "get* or ird variables should not be present in the input when you split it into datasets"
                    raise self.Error(err_msg)

            new = self.__class__(pseudos=self.pseudos,

        return news

    def set_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set the value of a set of input variables.

            dtset: Int with the index of the dataset, slice object of iterable 
            kwargs: Dictionary with the variables.

        dtset = kwargs.pop("dtset", 0)
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):

        return self

    # Alias
    set_variables = set_vars
    set_variables = deprecated(replacement=set_vars)(set_variables)

    def remove_vars(self, keys, dtset=0):
        Remove the variables listed in keys
            dtset: Int with the index of the dataset, slice object of iterable 
            keys: List of variables to remove.
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):

    # Alias
    remove_variables = remove_vars
    remove_variables = deprecated(replacement=remove_vars)(remove_variables)

    def set_comment(self, comment, dtset=0):
        """Set the main comment in the input file."""
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):

    def set_mnemonics(self, boolean):
        """True if mnemonics should be printed"""
        self._mnemonics = bool(boolean)
        for idt in range(self.ndtset):

    def mnemonics(self):
        """Return True if mnemonics should be printed"""
            return self._mnemonics
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def get_ibz(self,
        This function, computes the list of points in the IBZ and the corresponding weights.
        It should be called with an input file that contains all the mandatory variables required by ABINIT.

            ngkpt: Number of divisions for the k-mesh (default None i.e. use ngkpt from self)
            shiftk: Shiftks (default None i.e. use shiftk from self)
            qpoint: qpoint in reduced coordinates. Used to shift the k-mesh (default None i.e no shift)
            workdir: Working directory of the fake task used to compute the ibz. Use None for temporary dir.
            manager: :class:`TaskManager` of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.

            `namedtuple` with attributes:
                points: `ndarray` with points in the IBZ in reduced coordinates.
                weights: `ndarray` with weights of the points.

        .. warning::

            Multiple datasets are ignored. Only the list of k-points for dataset 1 are returned.
        if self.ndtset != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "get_ibz cannot be used if the input contains more than one dataset"

        # Avoid modifications in self.
        inp = self.split_datasets()[0].deepcopy()

        # The magic value that makes ABINIT print the ibz and then stop.
        inp.prtkpt = -2

        if ngkpt is not None: inp.ngkpt = ngkpt
        if shiftk is not None:
            inp.shiftk = np.reshape(shiftk, (-1, 3))
            inp.nshiftk = len(inp.shiftk)

        if kptopt is not None:
            inp.kptopt = kptopt

        if qpoint is not None:
            inp.qptn, inp.nqpt = qpoint, 1

        # Build a Task to run Abinit in a shell subprocess
        task = AbinitTask.temp_shell_task(inp,

        # Read the list of k-points from the netcdf file.
            with NetcdfReader(os.path.join(task.workdir, "kpts.nc")) as r:
                ibz = collections.namedtuple("ibz", "points weights")
                return ibz(

        except Exception as exc:
            # Try to understand if it's a problem with the Abinit input.
            report = task.get_event_report()
            if report.errors: raise self.Error(str(report))
            raise exc

    def get_irred_perts(self,
        This function, computes the list of irreducible perturbations for DFPT.
        It should be called with an input file that contains all the mandatory variables required by ABINIT.

            ngkpt: Number of divisions for the k-mesh (default None i.e. use ngkpt from self)
            shiftk: Shiftks (default None i.e. use shiftk from self)
            qpoint: qpoint in reduced coordinates. Used to shift the k-mesh (default None i.e no shift)
            workdir: Working directory of the fake task used to compute the ibz. Use None for temporary dir.
            manager: :class:`TaskManager` of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.

            List of dictionaries with the Abinit variables defining the irreducible perturbation

                [{'idir': 1, 'ipert': 1, 'qpt': [0.25, 0.0, 0.0]},
                 {'idir': 2, 'ipert': 1, 'qpt': [0.25, 0.0, 0.0]}]

        .. warning::

            Multiple datasets are ignored. Only the list of k-points for dataset 1 are returned.
        if self.ndtset != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "get_irred_perts cannot be used if the input contains more than one dataset"

        warnings.warn("get_irred_perts is still under development.")
        # Avoid modifications in self.
        inp = self.split_datasets()[0].deepcopy()

        # Use the magic value paral_rf = -1 to get the list of irreducible perturbations for this q-point.
        d = dict(
            rfatpol=[1, len(inp.structure)],  # Set of atoms to displace.
            rfdir=[1, 1, 1],  # Along this set of reduced coordinate axis.

        # Build a Task to run Abinit in a shell subprocess
        task = AbinitTask.temp_shell_task(inp,

        # Parse the file to get the perturbations.
            return yaml_read_irred_perts(task.log_file.path)
        except Exception as exc:
            # Try to understand if it's a problem with the Abinit input.
            report = task.get_event_report()
            if report.errors: raise self.Error(str(report))
            raise exc

    def linspace(self, varname, start, stop, endpoint=True):
        Returns `ndtset` evenly spaced samples, calculated over the interval [`start`, `stop`].

        The endpoint of the interval can optionally be excluded.

            start: The starting value of the sequence.
            stop: The end value of the sequence, unless `endpoint` is set to False.
                In that case, the sequence consists of all but the last of ``ndtset + 1``
                evenly spaced samples, so that `stop` is excluded.  Note that the step
                size changes when `endpoint` is False.
        if varname in self[0]:
            raise self.Error("varname %s is already defined in globals" %

        lspace = np.linspace(start,

        for dataset, value in zip(self[1:], lspace):
            dataset.set_var(varname, value)

    def arange(self, varname, start, stop, step):
        Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.

        Values are generated within the half-open interval ``[start, stop)``
        (in other words, the interval including `start` but excluding `stop`).

        When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not
        be consistent.  It is better to use ``linspace`` for these cases.

            start:  Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start value is 0.
            stop: End of interval.  The interval does not include this value, except
                in some cases where `step` is not an integer and floating point
            step: Spacing between values.  For any output `out`, this is the distance
                between two adjacent values, ``out[i+1] - out[i]``.  The default
                step size is 1.  If `step` is specified, `start` must also be given.
        if varname in self[0]:
            raise self.Error("varname %s is already defined in globals" %

        arang = np.arange(start=start, stop=stop, step=step)
        if len(arang) != self.ndtset:
            raise self.Error("len(arang) %d != ndtset %d" %
                             (len(arang), self.ndtset))

        for (dataset, value) in zip(self[1:], arang):
            dataset.set_var(varname, value)

    def product(self, *items):
        Cartesian product of input iterables. Equivalent to nested for-loops.

        .. code-block:: python

            inp.product("tsmear", "ngkpt", [[2,2,2], [4,4,4]], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        # Split items into varnames and values
        for i, item in enumerate(items):
            if not is_string(item): break

        varnames, values = items[:i], items[i:]
        if len(varnames) != len(values):
            raise self.Error(
                "The number of variables must equal the number of lists")

        varnames = [[varnames[i]] * len(values[i]) for i in range(len(values))]
        varnames = itertools.product(*varnames)
        values = itertools.product(*values)

        idt = 0
        for names, values in zip(varnames, values):
            idt += 1
            self[idt].set_vars(**{k: v for k, v in zip(names, values)})

        if idt != self.ndtset:
            raise self.Error(
                "The number of configurations must equal ndtset while %d != %d"
                % (idt, self.ndtset))

    def set_structure(self, structure, dtset=0):
        """Set the :class:`Structure` object for the specified dtset."""
        structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)

        if dtset is None:
            dtset = slice(self.ndtset + 1)
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):

    def set_structure_from_file(self, filepath, dtset=0, cls=Structure):
        Set the :class:`Structure` object for the specified dtset. 
        data is read from filepath. cls specifies the class to instantiate.
        structure = cls.from_file(filepath)
        self.set_structure(structure, dtset=dtset)
        return structure

    def set_kmesh(self, ngkpt, shiftk, kptopt=1, dtset=0):
        """Set the variables defining the k-point sampling for the specified dtset."""
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):
            self[idt].set_kmesh(ngkpt, shiftk, kptopt=kptopt)

    def set_autokmesh(self, nksmall, kptopt=1, dtset=0):
        Set the variables (ngkpt, shift, kptopt) for the sampling of the BZ.
            nksmall: Number of k-points used to sample the smallest lattice vector.
            kptopt: Option for the generation of the mesh (ABINIT variable).
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):
            self[idt].set_autokmesh(nksmall, kptopt=kptopt)

    def set_autokpath(self, ndivsm, dtset=0):
        Set automatically the k-path from the lattice 
        and the number of divisions for the smallest segment (ndivsm)
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):
            self[idt].set_kpath(ndivsm, kptbounds=None)

    def set_kpath(self, ndivsm, kptbounds=None, iscf=-2, dtset=0):
        Set the variables defining the k-path for the specified dtset.
        The list of K-points is taken from the pymatgen database if `kptbounds` is None.

            ndivsm: Number of divisions for the smallest segment.
            kptbounds: k-points defining the path in k-space.
            iscf: iscf variable.
            dtset: Index of the dataset. 0 for global variables.
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):
            self[idt].set_kpath(ndivsm, kptbounds=kptbounds, iscf=iscf)

    def set_kptgw(self, kptgw, bdgw, dtset=0):
        """Set the variables defining the k point for the GW corrections"""
        for idt in self._dtset2range(dtset):
            self[idt].set_kptgw(kptgw, bdgw)

    def as_dict(self):
        dtsets = []
        for ds in self:
            ds_copy = ds.deepcopy()
            for key, value in ds_copy.items():
                if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                    ds_copy[key] = value.tolist()

        return {
            'pseudos': [p.as_dict() for p in self.pseudos],
            'datasets': dtsets,
            "decorators": [dec.as_dict() for dec in self._decorators],

    def from_dict(cls, d):
        pseudos = []
        for p in d['pseudos']:

        dtsets = d['datasets']
        abiinput = cls(pseudos,

        for n, ds in enumerate(dtsets):
            abiinput.set_vars(dtset=n, **ds)

        return abiinput

    def new_from_decorators(self, decorators):
        This function receives a list of :class:`AbinitInputDecorator` objects or just a single object,
        applyes the decorators to the input and returns a new :class:`AbiInput` object.
        self is not changed.
        if not isinstance(decorators, (list, tuple)): decorators = [decorators]

        # Deepcopy only at the first step to improve performance.
        inp = self
        for i, dec in enumerate(decorators):
            inp = dec(inp, deepcopy=(i == 0))

        return inp

    def validate(self):
        Run ABINIT in dry mode to validate the input file.

            `namedtuple` with the following attributes:

                retcode: Return code. 0 if OK.
                log_file:  log file of the Abinit run, use log_file.read() to access its content.
                stderr_file: stderr file of the Abinit run. use stderr_file.read() to access its content.

            `RuntimeError` if executable is not in $PATH.
        task = AbinitTask.temp_shell_task(inp=self)
        retcode = task.start_and_wait(autoparal=False, exec_args=["--dry-run"])
        return dict2namedtuple(retcode=retcode,