예제 #1
def getMD5OfMorphology(m):
    #assert False # Is this Cruft?? Added Jan 2011
    treemd5 = getMD5OfSection(m._dummysection)
    nameMD5 = getStringMD5Checksum(m.name)
    assert not m.metadata
    regionsMD5 = ",".join( [ getMD5OfRegion(r) for r in m.getRegions() ])
    return getStringMD5Checksum(treemd5 + nameMD5 + regionsMD5)
예제 #2
def getMD5OfSection(s):
    #assert False # Is this Cruft?? Added Jan 2011
    sectionString = " %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f "
    regionsString = getMD5OfRegion(s.region) if s.region else ""
    childrenString = ",".join( [getMD5OfSection(s) for s in s.children] )
    idString = "" if not s.idTag else getStringMD5Checksum(s.idTag)
    return getStringMD5Checksum( sectionString + regionsString + childrenString + idString)
예제 #3
 def prepareSimBundle(cls, sim):
     simstring = cPickle.dumps(sim)
     simmd5sum = getStringMD5Checksum(simstring)
     simlocation = LocMgr.EnsureMakeDirs(LocMgr.getSimulationTmpDir() + simmd5sum[0:2])
     simfilename = Join(simlocation, simmd5sum + cls.simsuffix)
     WriteToFile(s=simstring, filename=simfilename)
     b = SimMetaDataBundle(sim)        
     return b
예제 #4
    def getNeuronSuffix(self):
        # Cache the result: (We shouldn't have to do this, but there is a bug
        # with EqnSetChlNeuron::getModFileChangeble(), which is not returning the same thing
        # on each call for some reason.
        if self.cachedNeuronSuffix is None:
            # We take the hash off the parameters that will change the mod-file.
            # This means we don't duplicate millions of mod-files
            #print 'At getNeuronSuffix'
            mod_file_changeables = self.getModFileChangeables()
            mod_file_changeables[None] = str( type(mod_file_changeables).__str__ ) 
            md5 = getStringMD5Checksum ( pickle.dumps(mod_file_changeables ) )
            self.cachedNeuronSuffix = 'MIKETMP%sChl'%md5
            #return 'MIKETMP%sChl'%md5

        return self.cachedNeuronSuffix 
        # Old Version:
        assert False
        return "MIKETMP%s%sChl" % (self.name, self.mm_neuronNumber)
예제 #5
 def getMD5Hash(self):
     return getStringMD5Checksum(self.modtxt)
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, sim):
     super(SimMetaDataBundleBase, self).__init__(sim=sim)
     self.simmd5sum = getStringMD5Checksum(cPickle.dumps(sim))
     self.postsimulationactions = []
예제 #7
def getMD5OfRegion(r):
    #assert False # Is this Cruft?? Added Jan 2011
    return getStringMD5Checksum(r.name)