예제 #1
def test_find_best_interval_input():
    # checking functions raise the correct errors for wrong input
    # time_df is not DataFrame
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=5, strain_num=2)
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "df should be pandas DataFrame"
    # strain_num is not integer in 0,1,2
    row_i = np.hstack(
        (np.zeros(13), np.ones(10), np.ones(10) * 2, np.ones(10) * 3))
    time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    time_df_eg.rename(columns={0: 'strain'}, inplace=True)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=time_df_eg, strain_num=3)
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "strain_num can only be 0, 1, 2"
    # interval_length_initial is a numpy array with positive integers
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                           interval_length_initial=np.array([1, 2, -1]))
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                           interval_length_initial=np.array([1, 2, 3.1]))
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
예제 #2
def test_find_best_interval_input():
    # checking functions raise the correct errors for wrong input
    # time_df is not DataFrame
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=5, strain_num=2)
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "df should be pandas DataFrame"
    # strain_num is not integer in 0,1,2
    row_i = np.hstack((np.zeros(13), np.ones(10),
                      np.ones(10)*2, np.ones(10)*3))
    time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    time_df_eg.rename(columns={0: 'strain'}, inplace=True)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=time_df_eg, strain_num=3)
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "strain_num can only be 0, 1, 2"
    # interval_length_initial is a numpy array with positive integers
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=time_df_eg, strain_num=0,
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=time_df_eg, strain_num=0,
                           interval_length_initial=np.array([1, 2, -1]))
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        find_best_interval(df=time_df_eg, strain_num=0,
                           interval_length_initial=np.array([1, 2, 3.1]))
    assert excinfo.value.args[0] == "interval_length_initial positive np.array"
예제 #3
def test_find_best_interval():
    row_i = np.hstack((np.zeros(40)))
    time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    time_df_eg.rename(columns={0: 'strain'}, inplace=True)
    time, fake, score = find_best_interval(time_df_eg, 0,
                                           np.arange(10, 40, 10))
    assert time == 10
    assert np.array_equal(fake, np.zeros(40))
    assert 1 - score < 0.05
예제 #4
def test_find_best_interval():
    row_i = np.hstack((np.zeros(40)))
    time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    time_df_eg.rename(columns={0: 'strain'}, inplace=True)
    time, fake, score = find_best_interval(time_df_eg, 0,
                                           np.arange(10, 40, 10))
    assert time == 10
    assert np.array_equal(fake, np.zeros(40))
    assert 1-score < 0.05
예제 #5
def plot_dynamics(df, strain_num,
                  interval_length_initial=np.arange(600, 7800, 600),
                  plot_time_range=np.arange(36000, 36100, 1)):
    returns a plot that can help understand the
    behavior dynamics that are obtained from the best
    simulation. The data used as input is the pandas
    DataFrame generated by function create_time_matrix.
    The output is a plot that summarizes the dynamics
    of a fake mouse of the given strain_num. The
    strain_num could be chosen. Of note is that
    0 represents IS, 1 represents eating, 2 represents
    drinking, 3 represents others activity in AS. In the
    plot, blue represents IS, bright green represents eating,
    yellow represents drinking, and red represents
    other activities in AS.

    df: Pandas.DataFrame
        a huge data frame containing info on strain, mouse
        no., mouse day, and different states at chosen time
    starin_num: int
        an integer specifying the desired mouse strain.
        strain_num is 0, 1, or 2.
    interval_length_initial: numpy.ndarray
        a numpy.ndarray specifying the range of time interval
        that it optimizes on.
    plot_time_range: numpy.ndarray
        a numpy.ndarray specifying the range of time range
        of the plot.

    dynamics_plot: plot
        a plot of behavior dynamics of a fake mouse of the
        given strain_num. The x-axis is the time stamps that
        start from 0. For strain_num = 0, the x-aixs is from
        0 to 92,400. For stain_num = 1, the x-axis is from 0
        90,000. For strain_num = 2, the x-axis is from 0 to
        88,800. We assign different colors for different
        states. In the plot, blue represents IS, bright green
        represents eating, yellow represents drinking,
        and red represents other activities in AS.

    >>> row_i = np.hstack((np.zeros(40)))
    >>> time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    >>> time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    >>> time_df_eg.rename(columns={0:'strain'}, inplace=True)
    >>> plot_dynamics_plot(time_df_eg, 0,
                  np.arange(10, 40, 10), np.arange(0, 40, 1))
    # check all the inputs
    condition_df = (type(df) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame)
    condition_strain_num = (strain_num in (0, 1, 2))
    condition_interval_length_initial = (type(interval_length_initial) ==
                                         np.ndarray and
                                         np.sum(interval_length_initial > 0) ==
                                         len(interval_length_initial) and
                                         all(isinstance(i, np.int64) for i
                                             in interval_length_initial))
    condition_plot_time_range = (type(plot_time_range) ==
                                 np.ndarray and
                                 np.sum(plot_time_range > 0) ==
                                 len(plot_time_range) and
                                 all(isinstance(i, np.int64) for i
                                     in plot_time_range))
    if not condition_df:
        raise ValueError("df should be pandas DataFrame")
    if not condition_strain_num:
        raise ValueError("strain_num can only be 0, 1, 2")
    if not condition_interval_length_initial:
        raise ValueError("interval_length_initial positive np.array")
    if not condition_plot_time_range:
        raise ValueError("plot_time_range positive np.array")

    value_array = find_best_interval(df, strain_num)[1][plot_time_range]
    value_list = list(value_array)
    time_list = list(plot_time_range)
    fig, dynamics_plot = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 1))
    dynamics_plot.scatter(time_list, [1] * len(time_list),
                          c=value_list, marker='s', s=100)
예제 #6
def plot_dynamics(df,
                  interval_length_initial=np.arange(600, 7800, 600),
                  plot_time_range=np.arange(36000, 36100, 1)):
    returns a plot that can help understand the
    behavior dynamics that are obtained from the best
    simulation. The data used as input is the pandas
    DataFrame generated by function create_time_matrix.
    The output is a plot that summarizes the dynamics
    of a fake mouse of the given strain_num. The
    strain_num could be chosen. Of note is that
    0 represents IS, 1 represents eating, 2 represents
    drinking, 3 represents others activity in AS. In the
    plot, blue represents IS, bright green represents eating,
    yellow represents drinking, and red represents
    other activities in AS.

    df: Pandas.DataFrame
        a huge data frame containing info on strain, mouse
        no., mouse day, and different states at chosen time
    starin_num: int
        an integer specifying the desired mouse strain.
        strain_num is 0, 1, or 2.
    interval_length_initial: numpy.ndarray
        a numpy.ndarray specifying the range of time interval
        that it optimizes on.
    plot_time_range: numpy.ndarray
        a numpy.ndarray specifying the range of time range
        of the plot.

    dynamics_plot: plot
        a plot of behavior dynamics of a fake mouse of the
        given strain_num. The x-axis is the time stamps that
        start from 0. For strain_num = 0, the x-aixs is from
        0 to 92,400. For stain_num = 1, the x-axis is from 0
        90,000. For strain_num = 2, the x-axis is from 0 to
        88,800. We assign different colors for different
        states. In the plot, blue represents IS, bright green
        represents eating, yellow represents drinking,
        and red represents other activities in AS.

    >>> row_i = np.hstack((np.zeros(40)))
    >>> time_df_eg = np.vstack((row_i, row_i, row_i))
    >>> time_df_eg = pd.DataFrame(time_df_eg)
    >>> time_df_eg.rename(columns={0:'strain'}, inplace=True)
    >>> plot_dynamics_plot(time_df_eg, 0,
                  np.arange(10, 40, 10), np.arange(0, 40, 1))
    # check all the inputs
    condition_df = (type(df) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame)
    condition_strain_num = (strain_num in (0, 1, 2))
    condition_interval_length_initial = (
        type(interval_length_initial) == np.ndarray
        and np.sum(interval_length_initial > 0) == len(interval_length_initial)
        and all(isinstance(i, np.int64) for i in interval_length_initial))
    condition_plot_time_range = (
        type(plot_time_range) == np.ndarray
        and np.sum(plot_time_range > 0) == len(plot_time_range)
        and all(isinstance(i, np.int64) for i in plot_time_range))
    if not condition_df:
        raise ValueError("df should be pandas DataFrame")
    if not condition_strain_num:
        raise ValueError("strain_num can only be 0, 1, 2")
    if not condition_interval_length_initial:
        raise ValueError("interval_length_initial positive np.array")
    if not condition_plot_time_range:
        raise ValueError("plot_time_range positive np.array")

    value_array = find_best_interval(df, strain_num)[1][plot_time_range]
    value_list = list(value_array)
    time_list = list(plot_time_range)
    fig, dynamics_plot = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 1))
    dynamics_plot.scatter(time_list, [1] * len(time_list),