예제 #1
def _block_form_preprocessing(block_form,
    assert isinstance(block_form, (array, list))
    if block_form_rank is None:
        block_form_rank = _get_block_form_rank(block_form)
        assert block_form_rank is not None, \
            "A block form rank should be provided when assemblying a zero block vector/matrix."
    assert block_form_rank in (1, 2)
    if block_form_rank == 2:
        # Extract BlockFunctionSpace from the current form, if required
        if not block_function_space:
            assert not all([_is_zero(block_form_I_J) for block_form_I in block_form for block_form_I_J in block_form_I]), \
                "A BlockFunctionSpace should be provided when assemblying a zero block matrix."
            block_function_space = _extract_block_function_space_2(block_form)
            assert len(block_function_space) == 2
            assert block_function_space[0] is not None
            assert block_function_space[1] is not None
            block_function_space = [
                block_function_space[0], block_function_space[1]
            ]  # convert from dict to list
            assert isinstance(block_function_space, list)
            assert len(block_function_space) == 2
            assert isinstance(block_function_space[0], BlockFunctionSpace)
            assert isinstance(block_function_space[1], BlockFunctionSpace)

        # Flatten nested blocks, if any
        block_form = block_flatten_nested(block_form, block_function_space)

        # Return preprocessed data
        return (block_form, block_function_space, block_form_rank)
    elif block_form_rank == 1:
        # Extract BlockFunctionSpace from the current form, if required
        if not block_function_space:
            assert not all([_is_zero(block_form_I) for block_form_I in block_form]), \
                "A BlockFunctionSpace should be provided when assemblying a zero block vector."
            block_function_space = _extract_block_function_space_1(block_form)
            assert len(block_function_space) == 1
            assert block_function_space[0] is not None
            block_function_space = [block_function_space[0]
                                    ]  # convert from dict to list
            assert isinstance(block_function_space, BlockFunctionSpace)
            block_function_space = [block_function_space]

        # Flatten nested blocks, if any
        block_form = block_flatten_nested(block_form, block_function_space)

        # Return preprocessed data
        return (block_form, block_function_space, block_form_rank)
예제 #2
def _block_form_preprocessing(block_form,
    assert isinstance(block_form, (array, list))
    if block_form_rank is None:
        block_form_rank = _get_block_form_rank(block_form)
        assert block_form_rank is not None, \
            "A block form rank should be provided when assemblying a zero block vector/matrix."
    assert block_form_rank in (1, 2)
    if block_form_rank is 2:
        # Extract BlockFunctionSpace from the current form, if required
        if not block_function_space:
            assert not all([_is_zero(block_form_I_J) for block_form_I in block_form for block_form_I_J in block_form_I]), \
                "A BlockFunctionSpace should be provided when assemblying a zero block matrix."
            block_function_space = _extract_block_function_space_2(block_form)
            assert len(block_function_space) == 2
            assert block_function_space[0] is not None
            assert block_function_space[1] is not None
            block_function_space = [
                block_function_space[0], block_function_space[1]
            ]  # convert from dict to list
            assert isinstance(block_function_space, list)
            assert len(block_function_space) is 2
            assert isinstance(block_function_space[0], BlockFunctionSpace)
            assert isinstance(block_function_space[1], BlockFunctionSpace)

        # Flatten nested blocks, if any
        block_form = block_flatten_nested(block_form, block_function_space)
        # ... and compute size accordingly
        if block_function_space[0] == block_function_space[1]:
        N = len(block_form)
        M = len(block_form[0])

        # Replace zero blocks, if any
        replaced_block_form = empty((N, M), dtype=object)
        for I in range(N):
            for J in range(M):
                replaced_block_form[I, J] = block_replace_zero(
                    block_form, (I, J), block_function_space)

        # Return preprocessed data
        return (replaced_block_form, block_function_space, block_form_rank)
    elif block_form_rank is 1:
        # Extract BlockFunctionSpace from the current form, if required
        if not block_function_space:
            assert not all([_is_zero(block_form_I) for block_form_I in block_form]), \
                "A BlockFunctionSpace should be provided when assemblying a zero block vector."
            block_function_space = _extract_block_function_space_1(block_form)
            assert len(block_function_space) == 1
            assert block_function_space[0] is not None
            block_function_space = [block_function_space[0]
                                    ]  # convert from dict to list
            assert isinstance(block_function_space, BlockFunctionSpace)
            block_function_space = [block_function_space]

        # Flatten nested blocks, if any
        block_form = block_flatten_nested(block_form, block_function_space)
        # ... and compute size accordingly
        N = len(block_form)

        # Replace zero blocks, if any
        replaced_block_form = empty((N, ), dtype=object)
        for I in range(N):
            replaced_block_form[I] = block_replace_zero(
                block_form, (I, ), block_function_space)

        # Return preprocessed data
        return (replaced_block_form, block_function_space, block_form_rank)