예제 #1

    total_frame = (stim_offset + stim_duration) / 1000.0 * fps

    # generate movie
    if NOMOVIE is False:
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
        out = cv2.VideoWriter('./' + dirname + '/' + filename + '.avi', fourcc,
                              fps, (480, 480), False)
        for t in range(int(total_frame)):
            im_gray = np.zeros((480, 480), dtype='uint8')
            for x, y in product(range(width), range(height)):
                hexarray[x, y] = SW.waveheightave(x, y, t * 1000.0 / fps)
                #            print(hexarray[x,y])
                xx, yy = coord(x * hex_size, y * hex_size)
                #draw.ellipse((int(xx),int(yy),int(xx+hex_size),int(yy+hex_size)), fill=(int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y])), outline=(0,0,0))
                for dx, dy in product(range(int(xx), int(xx + hex_size)),
                                      range(int(yy), int(yy + hex_size))):
                    if (dx - xx - hex_size / 2)**2 + (
                            dy - yy - hex_size / 2)**2 <= (hex_size / 2)**2:
                        im_gray[dy, dx] = int(255 * hexarray[x, y])
    #        print(im_gray)
    #        exit()

    # comvert array to stmfile
    if NOCONVERT is False:
        stims = []
        for x, y in product(range(width), range(height)):
    #    draw.ellipse((int(xx),int(yy),int(xx+hex_size),int(yy+hex_size)), fill=(int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y])), outline=(0,0,0))

    total_frame = (stim_offset + stim_duration) / 1000.0 * fps

    # generate movie
    if NOMOVIE is False:
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
        out = cv2.VideoWriter('./' + dirname + '/' + filename + '.avi',fourcc,fps,(480,480),False)
        for t in range(int(total_frame)):
            im_gray = np.zeros((480,480), dtype = 'uint8')
            for x,y in product(range(width),range(height)):
                hexarray[x,y] = SW.waveheightave(x,y,t * 1000.0 / fps)
    #            print(hexarray[x,y])
                xx,yy = coord(x*hex_size,y*hex_size)
                #draw.ellipse((int(xx),int(yy),int(xx+hex_size),int(yy+hex_size)), fill=(int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y]),int(255 * hexarray[x,y])), outline=(0,0,0))
                for dx,dy in product(range(int(xx),int(xx+hex_size)), range(int(yy),int(yy+hex_size))):
                    if (dx - xx - hex_size/2)**2 + (dy - yy - hex_size/2)**2 <= (hex_size/2)**2:
                        im_gray[dy,dx] = int(255 * hexarray[x,y])
    #        print(im_gray)
    #        exit()

    # comvert array to stmfile
    if NOCONVERT is False:
        stims = []
        for x,y in product(range(width),range(height)):
            start,end,period = SW.peaktiming(x,y)
            stim = {}