예제 #1
    def _delComic(self, **kwargs):
        if 'id' not in kwargs:
            self.data = self._failureResponse('Missing parameter: id')
            self.id = kwargs['id']

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID="' + self.id + '"')
        myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID="' + self.id + '"')
        myDB.action('DELETE from upcoming WHERE ComicID="' + self.id + '"')
예제 #2
    def _pauseComic(self, **kwargs):
        if 'id' not in kwargs:
            self.data = self._failureResponse('Missing parameter: id')
            self.id = kwargs['id']

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {'ComicID': self.id}
        newValueDict = {'Status': 'Paused'}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
예제 #3
파일: opds.py 프로젝트: xphillyx/mylar3
    def _dic_from_query(self, query):
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        rows = myDB.select(query)

        rows_as_dic = []

        for row in rows:
            row_as_dic = dict(list(zip(list(row.keys()), row)))

        return rows_as_dic
예제 #4
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: uipe/mylar
def no_searchresults(ComicID):
    # when there's a mismatch between CV & GCD - let's change the status to
    # something other than 'Loaded'
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    controlValue = {"ComicID": ComicID}
    newValue = {
        "Status": "Error",
        "LatestDate": "Error",
        "LatestIssue": "Error"
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValue, controlValue)
예제 #5
파일: api.py 프로젝트: warthogg/mylar
    def _resumeComic(self, **kwargs):
        if 'id' not in kwargs:
            self.data = 'Missing parameter: id'
            self.id = kwargs['id']

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {'ComicID': self.id}
        newValueDict = {'Status': 'Active'}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
예제 #6
    def _unqueueIssue(self, **kwargs):
        if 'id' not in kwargs:
            self.data = self._failureResponse('Missing parameter: id')
            self.id = kwargs['id']

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {'IssueID': self.id}
        newValueDict = {'Status': 'Skipped'}
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
예제 #7
파일: opds.py 프로젝트: sukhysall/mylar3
    def _StoryArcs(self, **kwargs):
        index = 0
        if 'index' in kwargs:
            index = int(kwargs['index'])
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        links = []
        arcs = []
        storyArcs = mylar.helpers.listStoryArcs()
        for arc in storyArcs:
            issuecount = 0
            arcname = ''
            updated = '0000-00-00'
            arclist = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?", (arc,))
            for issue in arclist:
                if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded':
                    issuecount += 1
                    arcname = issue['StoryArc']
                    if issue['IssueDate'] > updated:
                        updated = issue['IssueDate']
            if issuecount > 0:
                arcs.append({'StoryArcName': arcname, 'StoryArcID': arc, 'IssueCount': issuecount, 'updated': updated})
        newlist = sorted(arcs, key=itemgetter('StoryArcName'))
        subset = newlist[index:(index + self.PAGE_SIZE)]
        for arc in subset:
                    'title': '%s (%s)' % (arc['StoryArcName'],arc['IssueCount']),
                    'id': escape('storyarc:%s' % (arc['StoryArcID'])),
                    'updated': arc['updated'],
                    'content': '%s (%s)' % (arc['StoryArcName'],arc['IssueCount']),
                    'href': '%s?cmd=StoryArc&arcid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(arc['StoryArcID'])),
                    'kind': 'acquisition',
                    'rel': 'subsection',
        feed = {}
        feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - Story Arcs'
        feed['id'] = 'StoryArcs'
        feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now()
        links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home'))
        links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
        if len(arcs) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE):
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next'))
        if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE:
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous'))

        feed['links'] = links
        feed['entries'] = entries
        self.data = feed
예제 #8
    def _queueIssue(self, **kwargs):
        if 'id' not in kwargs:
            self.data = self._error_with_message('Missing parameter: id')
            self.id = kwargs['id']

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {'IssueID': self.id}
        newValueDict = {'Status': 'Wanted'}
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
예제 #9
def weekly_update(ComicName,
    if futurepull:
        logger.fdebug('future_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #:' +
                      str(IssueNumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))
        logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #:' +
                      str(IssueNumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))

    if altissuenumber:
        logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) +
                      ' (Alternate Issue #):' + str(altissuenumber) +
                      ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))

    # here we update status of weekly table...
    # added Issue to stop false hits on series' that have multiple releases in a week
    # added CStatus to update status flags on Pullist screen
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if futurepull is None:
        issuecheck = myDB.action(
            "SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?",
            [ComicName, IssueNumber]).fetchone()
        issuecheck = myDB.action(
            "SELECT * FROM future WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?",
            [ComicName, IssueNumber]).fetchone()
    if issuecheck is not None:
        controlValue = {"COMIC": str(ComicName), "ISSUE": str(IssueNumber)}
        if CStatus:
            newValue = {"STATUS": CStatus, "ComicID": CID}
            if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"}
                newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"}

        if futurepull is None:
            myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue)
            logger.info('checking ' + str(issuecheck['ComicID']) +
                        ' status of : ' + str(CStatus))
            if issuecheck['ComicID'] is not None and CStatus != None:
                newValue = {
                    "STATUS": "Wanted",
                    "ComicID": issuecheck['ComicID']
            logger.info('updating value: ' + str(newValue))
            logger.info('updating control: ' + str(controlValue))
            myDB.upsert("future", newValue, controlValue)
예제 #10
    def markFailed(self):
        #use this to forcibly mark a single issue as being Failed (ie. if a search result is sent to a client, but the result
        #ends up passing in a 404 or something that makes it so that the download can't be initiated).
        module = '[FAILED-DOWNLOAD]'

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        logger.info(module + ' Marking as a Failed Download.')

        logger.fdebug(module + 'nzb_name: ' + self.nzb_name)
        logger.fdebug(module + 'issueid: ' + str(self.issueid))
        logger.fdebug(module + 'nzb_id: ' + str(self.id))
        logger.fdebug(module + 'prov: ' + self.prov)

        logger.fdebug('oneoffinfo: ' + str(self.oneoffinfo))
        if self.oneoffinfo:
            ComicName = self.oneoffinfo['ComicName']
            IssueNumber = self.oneoffinfo['IssueNumber']

            if 'annual' in self.nzb_name.lower():
                logger.info(module + ' Annual detected.')
                annchk = "yes"
                issuenzb = myDB.selectone(
                    "SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",
                issuenzb = myDB.selectone(
                    "SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",

            ctrlVal = {"IssueID": self.issueid}
            Vals = {"Status": 'Failed'}
            myDB.upsert("issues", Vals, ctrlVal)
            ComicName = issuenzb['ComicName']
            IssueNumber = issuenzb['Issue_Number']

        ctrlVal = {
            "ID": self.id,
            "Provider": self.prov,
            "NZBName": self.nzb_name
        Vals = {
            "Status": 'Failed',
            "ComicName": ComicName,
            "Issue_Number": IssueNumber,
            "IssueID": self.issueid,
            "ComicID": self.comicid,
            "DateFailed": helpers.now()
        myDB.upsert("failed", Vals, ctrlVal)

        logger.info(module + ' Successfully marked as Failed.')
예제 #11
파일: importer.py 프로젝트: mriutta/mylar
def is_exists(comicid):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # See if the artist is already in the database
    comiclist = myDB.select(
        'SELECT ComicID, ComicName from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid])

    if any(comicid in x for x in comiclist):
        logger.info(comiclist[0][1] + u" is already in the database.")
        return False
        return False
예제 #12
파일: moveit.py 프로젝트: warthogg/mylar
def archivefiles(comicid, ogcname):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # if move files isn't enabled, let's set all found comics to Archive status :)
    result = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE ComicName=?",
    if result is None: pass
        ogdir = result['Location']
        origdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ogdir))

            archive=origdir)  #send to rescanner with archive mode turned on
예제 #13
def nzbdbsearch(seriesname,issue,comicid=None,nzbprov=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    seriesname_alt = None
    if comicid is None or comicid == 'None':
        snm = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
        if snm is None:
            logger.info('Invalid ComicID of ' + str(comicid) + '. Aborting search.')
            seriesname = snm['ComicName']
            seriesname_alt = snm['AlternateSearch']

    nsearch_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.\s]', '%',seriesname)
    formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '',seriesname)
    nsearch = nsearch_seriesname + "%"
    nresults = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site != 'comicBT' AND Site != 'KAT'", [nsearch])
    if nresults is None:
        logger.fdebug('nzb search returned no results for ' + seriesname)
        if seriesname_alt is None:
            logger.fdebug('no nzb Alternate name given. Aborting search.')
            return "no results"
            chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##')
            if chkthealt == 0:
                AS_Alternate = AlternateSearch
            for calt in chkthealt:
                AS_Alternate = re.sub('##','',calt)
                nresults += myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site != 'comicBT' AND Site != 'KAT'", [AS_Alternate])
            if nresults is None:
                logger.fdebug('nzb alternate name search returned no results.')
                return "no results"

    nzbtheinfo = []
    nzbinfo = {}

    for nzb in nresults:
        # no need to parse here, just compile and throw it back ....
                         'title':   nzb['Title'],
                         'link':    nzb['Link'],
                         'pubdate': nzb['Pubdate'],
                         'site':    nzb['Site'],
                         'length':    nzb['Size']
        logger.fdebug("entered info for " + nzb['Title'])

    nzbinfo['entries'] = nzbtheinfo
    return nzbinfo
예제 #14
파일: weeklypull.py 프로젝트: citrusy/mylar
def loaditup(comicname, comicid, issue, chktype):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    issue_number = helpers.issuedigits(issue)
    if chktype == 'annual':
        typedisplay = 'annual issue'
        logger.fdebug('[' + comicname + '] trying to locate ' + str(typedisplay) + ' ' + str(issue) + ' to do comparitive issue analysis for pull-list')
        issueload = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [comicid, issue_number]).fetchone()
        typedisplay = 'issue'
        logger.fdebug('[' + comicname + '] trying to locate ' + str(typedisplay) + ' ' + str(issue) + ' to do comparitive issue analysis for pull-list')
        issueload = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [comicid, issue_number]).fetchone()

    if issueload is None:
        logger.fdebug('No results matched for Issue number - either this is a NEW issue with no data yet, or something is wrong')
        return 'no results'

    dataissue = []    
    releasedate = issueload['ReleaseDate']
    storedate = issueload['IssueDate']
    status = issueload['Status']

    if releasedate == '0000-00-00':
        logger.fdebug('Store date of 0000-00-00 returned for ' + str(typedisplay) + ' # ' + str(issue) + '. Refreshing series to see if valid date present')
        mismatch = 'no'
        issuerecheck = mylar.importer.addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch,calledfrom='weekly',issuechk=issue_number,issuetype=chktype)
        if issuerecheck is not None:
            for il in issuerecheck:
                #this is only one record..
                releasedate = il['IssueDate']
                storedate = il['ReleaseDate']
                status = il['Status']
            logger.fdebug('issue-recheck releasedate is : ' + str(releasedate))
            logger.fdebug('issue-recheck storedate of : ' + str(storedate))

    if releasedate is not None and releasedate != "None" and releasedate != "":
        logger.fdebug('Returning Release Date for ' + str(typedisplay) + ' # ' + str(issue) + ' of ' + str(releasedate))
        thedate = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", releasedate)  #convert date to numerics only (should be in yyyymmdd)
        #return releasedate
        logger.fdebug('Returning Publication Date for issue ' + str(typedisplay) + ' # ' + str(issue) + ' of ' + str(storedate))
        if storedate is None and storedate != "None" and storedate != "":
            logger.fdebug('no issue data available - both release date & store date. Returning no results')
            return 'no results'
        thedate = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", storedate)  #convert date to numerics only (should be in yyyymmdd)
        #return storedate

    dataissue.append({"issuedate":  thedate,
                      "status":     status})

    return dataissue
예제 #15
파일: filers.py 프로젝트: qubidt/mylar3
    def series_folder_collision_detection(self, comlocation, comicid, booktype, comicyear, volume):
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        chk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicLocation LIKE "%'+comlocation+'%" AND ComicID !=?', [comicid])

        tryit = None
        if chk:
            for ck in chk:
                comloc = ck['ComicLocation']
                if comloc == comlocation:
                    logger.info('[SERIES_FOLDER_COLLISION_DETECTION] %s already exists for %s (%s).' % (ck['ComicLocation'], ck['ComicName'], ck['ComicYear']))
                    tmp_ff = os.path.basename(mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT)
                    if ck['ComicYear'] != comicyear:
                        volumeyear = True
                        volumeyear = False
                    if '$Type' not in tmp_ff and booktype != ck['Type']:
                        logger.fdebug('[SERIES_FOLDER_COLLISION_DETECTION] Trying to rename using BookType declaration.')
                        new_format = '%s [%s]' % (tmp_ff, '$Type')
                    elif '$Volume' not in tmp_ff:
                        logger.fdebug('[SERIES_FOLDER_COLLISION_DETECTION] Trying to rename using Volume declaration.')
                        volume_choice = '$VolumeY'
                        #use volume instead of ck['ComicVersion'] since volume has already had changes applied in other module
                        if volumeyear is False:
                            if volume is None:
                                volume_choice = '$VolumeY'
                                volume_choice = '$VolumeN'
                        t_name = tmp_ff.find('$Series')
                        if t_name != -1:
                            new_format = '%s %s %s' % (tmp_ff[:t_name+len('$Series'):], volume_choice, tmp_ff[t_name+len('$Series')+1:])

                    self.comic = {'ComicPublisher': ck['ComicPublisher'],
                                  'PublisherImprint': ck['PublisherImprint'],
                                  'Corrected_Type': ck['Corrected_Type'],
                                  'Type': booktype,
                                  'ComicYear': comicyear,
                                  'ComicName': ck['ComicName'],
                                  'ComicLocation': ck['ComicLocation'],
                                  'ComicVersion': volume}

                    update_loc = {'temppath': mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR,
                                  'tempff': True,
                                  'tempformat': new_format,
                                  'comicid': ck['ComicID']}
                    tryit = self.folder_create(update_loc=update_loc)

        logger.fdebug('tryit_response: %s' % (tryit,))
        return tryit
예제 #16
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: mriutta/mylar
def foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID, down=None):
    # When doing a Force Search (Wanted tab), the resulting search calls this to update.

    # this is all redudant code that forceRescan already does.
    # should be redone at some point so that instead of rescanning entire
    # series directory, it just scans for the issue it just downloaded and
    # and change the status to Snatched accordingly. It is not to increment the have count
    # at this stage as it's not downloaded - just the .nzb has been snatched and sent to SAB.

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?',
    issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?',
    CYear = issue['IssueDate'][:4]

    if down is None:
        # update the status to Snatched (so it won't keep on re-downloading!)
        logger.fdebug("updating status to snatched")
        controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID}
        newValue = {"Status": "Snatched"}
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)

        # update the snatched DB
        snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID, "Status": "Snatched"}
        newsnatchValues = {
            "ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
            "ComicID": ComicID,
            "Issue_Number": issue['Issue_Number'],
            "DateAdded": helpers.now(),
            "Status": "Snatched"
        myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate)
        snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID, "Status": "Downloaded"}
        newsnatchValues = {
            "ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
            "ComicID": ComicID,
            "Issue_Number": issue['Issue_Number'],
            "DateAdded": helpers.now(),
            "Status": "Downloaded"
        myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate)

    #print ("finished updating snatched db.")
    logger.info(u"Updating now complete for " + comic['ComicName'] +
                " issue: " + str(issue['Issue_Number']))
예제 #17
파일: moveit.py 프로젝트: mnjstwins/mylar
def movefiles(comicid, comlocation, ogcname, imported=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    logger.fdebug('comlocation is : ' + str(comlocation))
    logger.fdebug('original comicname is : ' + str(ogcname))
    impres = myDB.select("SELECT * from importresults WHERE ComicName=?",

    if impres is not None:
        #print ("preparing to move " + str(len(impres)) + " files into the right directory now.")
        for impr in impres:
            srcimp = impr['ComicLocation']
            orig_filename = impr['ComicFilename']
            orig_iss = impr['impID'].rfind('-')
            orig_iss = impr['impID'][orig_iss + 1:]
            logger.fdebug("Issue :" + str(orig_iss))
            #before moving check to see if Rename to Mylar structure is enabled.
            if mylar.IMP_RENAME and mylar.FILE_FORMAT != '':
                    "Renaming files according to configuration details : " +
                renameit = helpers.rename_param(comicid, impr['ComicName'],
                                                orig_iss, orig_filename)
                nfilename = renameit['nfilename']
                dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename)
                    "Renaming files not enabled, keeping original filename(s)")
                dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, orig_filename)

            logger.info("moving " + str(srcimp) + " ... to " + str(dstimp))
                shutil.move(srcimp, dstimp)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                    "Failed to move files - check directories and manually re-run."
        logger.fdebug("all files moved.")
        #now that it's moved / renamed ... we remove it from importResults or mark as completed.

    results = myDB.select("SELECT * from importresults WHERE ComicName=?",
    if results is not None:
        for result in results:
            controlValue = {"impID": result['impid']}
            newValue = {"Status": "Imported"}
            myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
예제 #18
def rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, type):
    rsschktime = 15
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    #let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches
    #also to build up the ID's ;)
    x = 1
    while x <= i:
            dataval = feeddata[x]
        except IndexError:
                'reached the end of populating. Exiting the process.')
        #print "populating : " + str(dataval)
        #remove passkey so it doesn't end up in db
        if type == 'torrent':
            newlink = dataval['link'][:(dataval['link'].find('&passkey'))]
            newVal = {
                "Link": newlink,
                "Pubdate": dataval['pubdate'],
                "Site": dataval['site'],
                "Size": dataval['size']
            ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['title']}

#            if dataval['Site'] == 'KAT':
#                newVal['Size'] =  dataval['Size']
            newlink = dataval['Link']
            newVal = {
                "Link": newlink,
                "Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'],
                "Site": dataval['Site'],
                "Size": dataval['Size']
            ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']}

        myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal, ctrlVal)

        x += 1

    logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' +
                  str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes')
예제 #19
파일: opds.py 프로젝트: sukhysall/mylar3
    def _Publishers(self, **kwargs):
        index = 0
        if 'index' in kwargs:
            index = int(kwargs['index'])
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        feed = {}
        feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - Publishers'
        feed['id'] = 'Publishers'
        feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now()
        links = []
        links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home'))
        links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publishers' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
        publishers = myDB.select("SELECT ComicPublisher from comics GROUP BY ComicPublisher")
        comics = mylar.helpers.havetotals()
        for publisher in publishers:
            lastupdated = '0000-00-00'
            totaltitles = 0
            for comic in comics:
                if comic['ComicPublisher'] == publisher['ComicPublisher'] and comic['haveissues'] > 0:
                    totaltitles += 1
                    if comic['DateAdded'] > lastupdated:
                        lastupdated = comic['DateAdded']
            if totaltitles > 0:
                        'title': escape('%s (%s)' % (publisher['ComicPublisher'], totaltitles)),
                        'id': escape('publisher:%s' % publisher['ComicPublisher']),
                        'updated': lastupdated,
                        'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (publisher['ComicPublisher'], totaltitles)),
                        'href': '%s?cmd=Publisher&amp;pubid=%s' %  (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(publisher['ComicPublisher'])),
                        'kind': 'navigation',
                        'rel': 'subsection',
        if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE):
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next'))
        if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE:
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous'))

        feed['links'] = links
        feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)]
        self.data = feed
예제 #20
def weekly_update(ComicName, IssueNumber, CStatus, CID):
    # here we update status of weekly table...
    # added Issue to stop false hits on series' that have multiple releases in a week
    # added CStatus to update status flags on Pullist screen
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    issuecheck = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?",
                             [ComicName, IssueNumber]).fetchone()
    if issuecheck is not None:
        controlValue = {"COMIC": str(ComicName), "ISSUE": str(IssueNumber)}
        if CStatus:
            newValue = {"STATUS": CStatus, "ComicID": CID}
            if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"}
                newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"}

        myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue)
예제 #21
파일: Failed.py 프로젝트: Mathix/mylar3
    def failed_check(self):
        #issueid = self.issueid
        #comicid = self.comicid

        # ID = ID passed by search upon a match upon preparing to send it to client to download.
        #     ID is provider dependent, so the same file should be different for every provider.
        module = '[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER]'

        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        # Querying on NZBName alone will result in all downloads regardless of provider.
        # This will make sure that the files being downloaded are different regardless of provider.
        # Perhaps later improvement might be to break it down by provider so that Mylar will attempt to
        # download same issues on different providers (albeit it shouldn't matter, if it's broke it's broke).
        logger.info('prov  : ' + str(self.prov) + '[' + str(self.id) + ']')
        # if this is from nzbhydra, we need to rejig the id line so that the searchid is removed since it's always unique to the search.
        if 'indexerguid' in self.id:
            st = self.id.find('searchid:')
            end = self.id.find(',',st)
            self.id = '%' + self.id[:st] + '%' + self.id[end+1:len(self.id)-1] + '%'
            chk_fail = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM failed WHERE ID LIKE ?', [self.id]).fetchone()
            chk_fail = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM failed WHERE ID=?', [self.id]).fetchone()

        if chk_fail is None:
            logger.info(module + ' Successfully marked this download as Good for downloadable content')
            return 'Good'
            if chk_fail['status'] == 'Good':
                logger.info(module + ' result has a status of GOOD - which means it does not currently exist in the failed download list.')
                return chk_fail['status']
            elif chk_fail['status'] == 'Failed':
                logger.info(module + ' result has a status of FAIL which indicates it is not a good choice to download.')
                logger.info(module + ' continuing search for another download.')
                return chk_fail['status']
            elif chk_fail['status'] == 'Retry':
                logger.info(module + ' result has a status of RETRY which indicates it was a failed download that retried .')
                return chk_fail['status']
            elif chk_fail['status'] == 'Retrysame':
                logger.info(module + ' result has a status of RETRYSAME which indicates it was a failed download that retried the initial download.')
                return chk_fail['status']
                logger.info(module + ' result has a status of ' + chk_fail['status'] + '. I am not sure what to do now.')
                return "nope"
예제 #22
파일: weeklypull.py 프로젝트: citrusy/mylar
def pullit(forcecheck=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    popit = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='weekly' and type='table'")
    if popit:
            pull_date = myDB.action("SELECT SHIPDATE from weekly").fetchone()
            logger.info(u"Weekly pull list present - checking if it's up-to-date..")
            if (pull_date is None):
                pulldate = '00000000'
                pulldate = pull_date['SHIPDATE']
        except (sqlite3.OperationalError, TypeError),msg:
            logger.info(u"Error Retrieving weekly pull list - attempting to adjust")
            c.execute('DROP TABLE weekly')    
            c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weekly (SHIPDATE text, PUBLISHER text, ISSUE text, COMIC VARCHAR(150), EXTRA text, STATUS text, ComicID text)')
            pulldate = '00000000'
            logger.fdebug(u"Table re-created, trying to populate")
예제 #23
파일: opds.py 프로젝트: sukhysall/mylar3
    def _Publisher(self, **kwargs):
        index = 0
        if 'index' in kwargs:
            index = int(kwargs['index'])
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        if 'pubid' not in kwargs:
            self.data =self._error_with_message('No Publisher Provided')
        links = []
        allcomics = mylar.helpers.havetotals()
        for comic in allcomics:
            if comic['ComicPublisher'] == kwargs['pubid'] and comic['haveissues'] > 0:
                        'title': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])),
                        'id': escape('comic:%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])),
                        'updated': comic['DateAdded'],
                        'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])),
                        'href': '%s?cmd=Comic&amp;comicid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(comic['ComicID'])),
                        'kind': 'acquisition',
                        'rel': 'subsection',
        feed = {}
        pubname = '%s (%s)' % (escape(kwargs['pubid']),len(entries))
        feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - %s' % (pubname)
        feed['id'] = 'publisher:%s' % escape(kwargs['pubid'])
        feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now()
        links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home'))
        links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publishers' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
        if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE):
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publisher&amp;pubid=%s&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['pubid']),index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next'))
        if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE:
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publisher&amp;pubid=%s&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['pubid']),index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous'))

        feed['links'] = links
        feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)]
        self.data = feed
예제 #24
def rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, type):
    rsschktime = 15
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    #let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches
    #also to build up the ID's ;)

    for dataval in feeddata:

        if type == 'torrent':
            #we just store the torrent ID's now.
            if dataval['site'] == '32P':
                newlink = dataval['link']
                #store the hash/id from KAT
                newlink = os.path.basename(
                    re.sub('.torrent', '',

            newVal = {
                "Link": newlink,
                "Pubdate": dataval['pubdate'],
                "Site": dataval['site'],
                "Size": dataval['size']
            ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['title']}

            newlink = dataval['Link']
            newVal = {
                "Link": newlink,
                "Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'],
                "Site": dataval['Site'],
                "Size": dataval['Size']
            ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']}

        myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal, ctrlVal)

    logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' +
                  str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes')
예제 #25
    def __init__(self, comic=None, issue=None, ComicID=None, IssueID=None):

        self.myDB = db.DBConnection()
        if ComicID is not None:
            self.comicid = ComicID
            self.comic = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
        elif comic is not None:
            self.comic = comic
            self.comicid = None
            self.comic = None
            self.comicid = None

        if IssueID is not None:
            self.issueid = IssueID
            self.issue = self.myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID])
        elif issue is not None:
            self.issue = issue
            self.issueid = None
            self.issue = None
            self.issueid = None
예제 #26
def loaditup(comicname, comicid, issue):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    issue_number = helpers.issuedigits(issue)
    logger.fdebug('[' + comicname + '] trying to locate issue ' + str(issue) +
                  ' to do comparitive issue analysis for pull-list')
    issueload = myDB.action(
        'SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?',
        [comicid, issue_number]).fetchone()
    if issueload is None:
            'No results matched for Issue number - either this is a NEW series with no data yet, or something is wrong'
        return 'no results'
    if issueload['ReleaseDate'] is not None or issueload[
            'ReleaseDate'] is not 'None':
        logger.fdebug('Returning Release Date for issue # ' + str(issue) +
                      ' of ' + str(issueload['ReleaseDate']))
        return issueload['ReleaseDate']
        logger.fdebug('Returning Publication Date for issue # ' + str(issue) +
                      ' of ' + str(issueload['PublicationDate']))
        return issueload['PublicationDate']
예제 #27
파일: filers.py 프로젝트: qubidt/mylar3
    def __init__(self, comic=None, issue=None, ComicID=None, IssueID=None, arcID=None):

        self.myDB = db.DBConnection()
        self.weekly = None
        if ComicID is not None:
            self.comicid = ComicID
            self.comic = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
            if not self.comic:
                self.weekly = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?', [ComicID, IssueID]).fetchone()
                if not self.weekly:
                    self.comic = None
        elif comic is not None:
            self.comic = comic
            self.comicid = None
            self.comic = None
            self.comicid = None

        if IssueID is not None:
            self.issueid = IssueID
            self.issue = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone()
            if not self.issue:
                if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON:
                    self.issue = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone()
                if not self.issue:
                    self.issue = None
        elif issue is not None:
            self.issue = issue
            self.issueid = None
            self.issue = None
            self.issueid = None

        if arcID is not None:
            self.arcid = arcID
            self.arc = self.myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [arcID]).fetchone()
            self.arc = None
            self.arcid = None
예제 #28
파일: opds.py 프로젝트: sukhysall/mylar3
    def _AllTitles(self, **kwargs):
        index = 0
        if 'index' in kwargs:
            index = int(kwargs['index'])
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        feed = {}
        feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - All Titles'
        feed['id'] = 'AllTitles'
        feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now()
        links = []
        links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home'))
        links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
        comics = mylar.helpers.havetotals()
        for comic in comics:
            if comic['haveissues'] > 0:
                        'title': escape('%s (%s) (comicID: %s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicID'])),
                        'id': escape('comic:%s (%s) [%s]' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicID'])),
                        'updated': comic['DateAdded'],
                        'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])),
                        'href': '%s?cmd=Comic&amp;comicid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(comic['ComicID'])),
                        'kind': 'acquisition',
                        'rel': 'subsection',
        if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE):
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next'))
        if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE:
                getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous'))

        feed['links'] = links
        feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)]
        self.data = feed
예제 #29
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: wraslor/mylar
def nzblog(IssueID, NZBName, ComicName, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    newValue = {"NZBName":  NZBName}

    if IssueID is None or IssueID == 'None':
       #if IssueID is None, it's a one-off download from the pull-list.
       #give it a generic ID above the last one so it doesn't throw an error later.
       print "SARC detected as: " + str(SARC)
       if mylar.HIGHCOUNT == 0:
           IssueID = '900000'
           IssueID = int(mylar.HIGHCOUNT) + 1
       if SARC:
           IssueID = 'S' + str(IssueArcID)
           newValue['SARC'] = SARC

    controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID}
    #print controlValue
    #newValue['NZBName'] = NZBName
    #print newValue
    myDB.upsert("nzblog", newValue, controlValue)
예제 #30
    def markasRead(self, IssueID=None, IssueArcID=None):
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        if IssueID:
            issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * from readlist WHERE IssueID=?',
            if issue['Status'] == 'Read':
                NewVal = {"Status": "Added"}
                NewVal = {"Status": "Read"}

            NewVal['StatusChange'] = helpers.today()

            CtrlVal = {"IssueID": IssueID}
            myDB.upsert("readlist", NewVal, CtrlVal)
            logger.info(self.module + ' Marked ' + issue['ComicName'] + ' #' +
                        str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' as Read.')
        elif IssueArcID:
            issue = myDB.selectone(
                'SELECT * from readinglist WHERE IssueArcID=?',
            if issue['Status'] == 'Read':
                NewVal = {"Status": "Added"}
                NewVal = {"Status": "Read"}
            NewVal['StatusChange'] = helpers.today()
            CtrlVal = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID}
            myDB.upsert("readinglist", NewVal, CtrlVal)
            logger.info(self.module + ' Marked ' + issue['ComicName'] + ' #' +
                        str(issue['IssueNumber']) + ' as Read.')
                self.module +
                'Could not mark anything as read, no IssueID or IssueArcID passed'
