예제 #1
def validate_payload(request, payload):
    """Verify that the given payload matches the signature."""
    # Get authentication details
    key_id = request.querydict.get("id", "")  # aka fingerprint
    signature = request.querydict.get("sig2", "")
    if not signature:
        return None

    # Validate the payload
    public_key = get_public_key(key_id)
    if public_key is None:
        return None
    if not public_key.verify_data(signature, payload):
        return None

    return public_key.get_id()
예제 #2
파일: _api.py 프로젝트: carehart/mypaas
def authenticate(request):
    """ Check if the request comes from someone that has a private key
    that we have have authorized.

    This is done by validating (using the public key) that the token is
    signed correctly. We also make sure that keys can only be used once.

    # Get authentication details
    key_id = request.querydict.get("id", "")  # aka fingerprint
    token = request.querydict.get("token", "")
    signature = request.querydict.get("sig1", "")
    if not token or not signature:
        return None

    # Check the timestamp (first part of the token)
    client_time = int(token.split("-")[0])
    server_time = int(time.time())
    if not (server_time - 5 <= client_time <= server_time):
        return None  # too late (or early)

    # Validate the signature
    public_key = get_public_key(key_id)
    if public_key is None:
        return None
    if not public_key.verify_data(signature, token.encode()):
        return None

    # Ok, but what if someone somehow read the key during its transfer
    # and tries to re-use it?
    for _, invalid_token in invalid_tokens:
        if token == invalid_token:
            return None

    # Clear invalid tokens that have expired and mark this one as invalid
    old = server_time - 10
    while invalid_tokens and invalid_tokens[0][0] < old:
    invalid_tokens.append((server_time, token))

    # todo: return string based on "comment" in public key.
    return public_key.get_id()  # fingerprint