예제 #1
def find_module_path_and_all_py3(
        inspect: ModuleInspect, module: str,
        verbose: bool) -> Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]]]:
    """Find module and determine __all__ for a Python 3 module.

    Return None if the module is a C module. Return (module_path, __all__) if
    it is a Python module. Raise CantImport if import failed.
    if module in NOT_IMPORTABLE_MODULES:
        raise CantImport(module, '')

    # TODO: Support custom interpreters.
    if verbose:
        print('Trying to import %r for runtime introspection' % module)
        mod = inspect.get_package_properties(module)
    except InspectError as e:
        # Fall back to finding the module using sys.path.
        path = find_module_path_using_sys_path(module, sys.path)
        if path is None:
            raise CantImport(module, str(e)) from e
        return path, None
    if mod.is_c_module:
        return None
    return mod.file, mod.all
예제 #2
def walk_packages(inspect: ModuleInspect,
                  packages: List[str],
                  verbose: bool = False) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Iterates through all packages and sub-packages in the given list.

    This uses runtime imports (in another process) to find both Python and C modules.
    For Python packages we simply pass the __path__ attribute to pkgutil.walk_packages() to
    get the content of the package (all subpackages and modules).  However, packages in C
    extensions do not have this attribute, so we have to roll out our own logic: recursively
    find all modules imported in the package that have matching names.
    for package_name in packages:
        if package_name in NOT_IMPORTABLE_MODULES:
            print('%s: Skipped (blacklisted)' % package_name)
        if verbose:
            print('Trying to import %r for runtime introspection' %
            prop = inspect.get_package_properties(package_name)
        except InspectError:
        yield prop.name
        if prop.is_c_module:
            # Recursively iterate through the subpackages
            for submodule in walk_packages(inspect, prop.subpackages, verbose):
                yield submodule
            for submodule in prop.subpackages:
                yield submodule
 def test_c_module(self) -> None:
     with ModuleInspect() as m:
         p = m.get_package_properties('_socket')
         assert p is not None
         assert p.name == '_socket'
         assert p.path is None
         assert p.is_c_module is True
         assert p.subpackages == []
 def test_python_module(self) -> None:
     with ModuleInspect() as m:
         p = m.get_package_properties('inspect')
         assert p is not None
         assert p.name == 'inspect'
         assert p.file
         assert p.path is None
         assert p.is_c_module is False
         assert p.subpackages == []
 def test_python_package(self) -> None:
     with ModuleInspect() as m:
         p = m.get_package_properties('unittest')
         assert p is not None
         assert p.name == 'unittest'
         assert p.file
         assert p.path
         assert p.is_c_module is False
         assert p.subpackages
         assert all(sub.startswith('unittest.') for sub in p.subpackages)
    def test_walk_packages(self) -> None:
        with ModuleInspect() as m:
            assert_equal(set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy.errors"])),

                set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy.errors", "mypy.stubgen"])),
                {"mypy.errors", "mypy.stubgen"})

            all_mypy_packages = set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy"]))
 def test_non_existent(self) -> None:
     with ModuleInspect() as m:
         with self.assertRaises(InspectError) as e:
         assert str(e.exception) == "No module named 'foobar-non-existent'"