예제 #1
def test_jsonld_exports():

    kwargs = {
        Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME: "FBIRN_PhaseII",
        Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER: 9610,
        Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION: "Test investigation"
    project = Project(uuid="_123456", attributes=kwargs)

    #save a turtle file
    with open("test.json", 'w') as f:

    #load in JSON file
    with open("test.json") as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)

    assert (data["Identifier"]['@value'] == "9610")
예제 #2
def main(argv):
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='This program will load in a CSV file and iterate over the header \
     variable names performing an elastic search of https://scicrunch.org/ for NIDM-ReproNim \
     tagged terms that fuzzy match the variable names.  The user will then interactively pick \
     a term to associate with the variable name.  The resulting annotated CSV data will \
     then be written to a NIDM data file.')

    parser.add_argument('-csv', dest='csv_file', required=True, help="Path to CSV file to convert")
    parser.add_argument('-ilxkey', dest='key', required=True, help="Interlex/SciCrunch API key to use for query")
    parser.add_argument('-json_map', dest='json_map',required=False,help="User-suppled JSON file containing variable-term mappings.")
    parser.add_argument('-nidm', dest='nidm_file', required=False, help="Optional NIDM file to add CSV->NIDM converted graph to")
    #parser.add_argument('-owl', action='store_true', required=False, help='Optionally searches NIDM OWL files...internet connection required')
    parser.add_argument('-png', action='store_true', required=False, help='Optional flag, when set a PNG image file of RDF graph will be produced')
    parser.add_argument('-jsonld', action='store_true', required=False, help='Optional flag, when set NIDM files are saved as JSON-LD instead of TURTLE')
    parser.add_argument('-out', dest='output_file', required=True, help="Filename to save NIDM file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #open CSV file and load into
    df = pd.read_csv(args.csv_file)

    #maps variables in CSV file to terms
    #if args.owl is not False:
    #    column_to_terms = map_variables_to_terms(df=df, apikey=args.key, directory=dirname(args.output_file), output_file=args.output_file, json_file=args.json_map, owl_file=args.owl)
    column_to_terms = map_variables_to_terms(df=df, apikey=args.key, directory=dirname(args.output_file), output_file=args.output_file, json_file=args.json_map)

    #If user has added an existing NIDM file as a command line parameter then add to existing file for subjects who exist in the NIDM file
    if args.nidm_file:
        print("Adding to NIDM file...")
        #read in NIDM file
        project = read_nidm(args.nidm_file)
        #get list of session objects

        #look at column_to_terms dictionary for NIDM URL for subject id  (Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID)
        for key, value in column_to_terms.items():
            if Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID._str == column_to_terms[key]['label']:
                #make sure id_field is a string for zero-padded subject ids
                #re-read data file with constraint that key field is read as string
                #df = pd.read_csv(args.csv_file,dtype={id_field : str})

        #if we couldn't find a subject ID field in column_to_terms, ask user
        if id_field is None:
            for column in df.columns:
                print("%d: %s" %(option,column))
            selection=input("Please select the subject ID field from the list above: ")
            #make sure id_field is a string for zero-padded subject ids
            #re-read data file with constraint that key field is read as string
            #df = pd.read_csv(args.csv_file,dtype={id_field : str})

        #use RDFLib here for temporary graph making query easier
        rdf_graph = Graph()
        rdf_graph_parse = rdf_graph.parse(source=StringIO(project.serializeTurtle()),format='turtle')

        #find subject ids and sessions in NIDM document
        query = """SELECT DISTINCT ?session ?nidm_subj_id ?agent
                    WHERE {
                        ?activity prov:wasAssociatedWith ?agent ;
                            dct:isPartOf ?session  .
                        ?agent rdf:type prov:Agent ;
                            ndar:src_subject_id ?nidm_subj_id .
        qres = rdf_graph_parse.query(query)

        for row in qres:
            print('%s \t %s' %(row[0],row[1]))
            #find row in CSV file with subject id matching agent from NIDM file

            #csv_row = df.loc[df[id_field]==type(df[id_field][0])(row[1])]
            #find row in CSV file with matching subject id to the agent in the NIDM file
            #be carefull about data types...simply type-change dataframe subject id column and query to strings.
            #here we're removing the leading 0's from IDs because pandas.read_csv strips those unless you know ahead of
            #time which column is the subject id....
            csv_row = df.loc[df[id_field].astype('str').str.contains(str(row[1]).lstrip("0"))]

            #if there was data about this subject in the NIDM file already (i.e. an agent already exists with this subject id)
            #then add this CSV assessment data to NIDM file, else skip it....
            if (not (len(csv_row.index)==0)):

                #NIDM document sesssion uuid
                session_uuid = row[0]

                #temporary list of string-based URIs of session objects from API
                temp = [o.identifier._uri for o in session_objs]
                #get session object from existing NIDM file that is associated with a specific subject id
                #nidm_session = (i for i,x in enumerate([o.identifier._uri for o in session_objs]) if x == str(session_uuid))
                nidm_session = session_objs[temp.index(str(session_uuid))]
                #for nidm_session in session_objs:
                #    if nidm_session.identifier._uri == str(session_uuid):
                #add an assessment acquisition for the phenotype data to session and associate with agent
                #add acquisition entity for assessment
                acq_entity = AssessmentObject(acquisition=acq)
                #add qualified association with existing agent

                #store other data from row with columns_to_term mappings
                for row_variable in csv_row:
                    #check if row_variable is subject id, if so skip it
                    if row_variable==id_field:
                        if not csv_row[row_variable].values[0]:
                        #get column_to_term mapping uri and add as namespace in NIDM document
                        #provNamespace(Core.safe_string(None,string=str(row_variable)), column_to_terms[row_variable]["url"])
                        acq_entity.add_attributes({QualifiedName(provNamespace(Core.safe_string(None,string=str(row_variable)), column_to_terms[row_variable]["url"]), ""):csv_row[row_variable].values[0]})

        #serialize NIDM file
        with open(args.nidm_file,'w') as f:
            print("Writing NIDM file...")
            if args.jsonld:

            project.save_DotGraph(str(args.nidm_file + ".png"), format="png")

        print("Creating NIDM file...")
        #If user did not choose to add this data to an existing NIDM file then create a new one for the CSV data
        #create empty project

        #simply add name of file to project since we don't know anything about it

        #look at column_to_terms dictionary for NIDM URL for subject id  (Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID)
        for key, value in column_to_terms.items():
            if Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID._str == column_to_terms[key]['label']:
                #make sure id_field is a string for zero-padded subject ids
                #re-read data file with constraint that key field is read as string
                #df = pd.read_csv(args.csv_file,dtype={id_field : str})

        #if we couldn't find a subject ID field in column_to_terms, ask user
        if id_field is None:
            for column in df.columns:
                print("%d: %s" %(option,column))
            selection=input("Please select the subject ID field from the list above: ")

        #iterate over rows and store in NIDM file
        for csv_index, csv_row in df.iterrows():
            #create a session object

            #create and acquisition activity and entity

            #store other data from row with columns_to_term mappings
            for row_variable,row_data in csv_row.iteritems():
                if not row_data:
                #check if row_variable is subject id, if so skip it
                if row_variable==id_field:
                    #add qualified association with person
                    acq.add_qualified_association(person= acq.add_person(attributes=({Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID:row_data})),role=Constants.NIDM_PARTICIPANT)

                    #get column_to_term mapping uri and add as namespace in NIDM document
                    acq_entity.add_attributes({QualifiedName(provNamespace(Core.safe_string(None,string=str(row_variable)), column_to_terms[row_variable]["url"]),""):row_data})

        #serialize NIDM file
        with open(args.output_file,'w') as f:
            print("Writing NIDM file...")
            if args.jsonld:
            if args.png:
                project.save_DotGraph(str(args.output_file + ".png"), format="png")