예제 #1
def ask(prompt='', default=None):
    if prompt:
        if default:
            prompt = prompt + ' [' + default + ']'
        prompt = prompt + ' '
    answer = None
    while not answer:
        answer = input(prompt)
        if default and not answer:
            return default
    return answer
예제 #2
파일: steps.py 프로젝트: embray/releaser
 def __call__(self):
     releaser = self.releaser
     path = releaser.config['version_file']
     keyword = releaser.config['version_keyword']
     releaser.old_version = version_in_python_source_file(
         path, keyword=keyword)
     print('Current version: {0}'.format(releaser.old_version))
     releaser.the_version = input('What is the new version number? ')
     # Write the new version onto the source code
         path, keyword=keyword, replace=releaser.the_version)
예제 #3
def ask(prompt='', default=None):
    """Print the ``prompt``, get user's answer, return it -- or a default."""
    if prompt:
        if default:
            prompt = prompt + ' [' + default + ']'
        prompt = prompt + ' '
    answer = None
    while not answer:
        answer = input(prompt)
        if default and not answer:
            return default
    return answer
예제 #4
def pick_one_of(options, prompt='Pick one: '):
    '''Lets the user pick an item by number.'''
    alist = options if isinstance(options, list) else list(options)
    c = 0
    for o in alist:
        c += 1
        print(str(c).rjust(2) + ". " + str(o))
    while True:
            opt = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
        return alist[opt - 1]
예제 #5
def bool_input(prompt, default=None):
    '''Returns True or False based on the user's choice.'''
    if default is None:
        choices = ' (y/n) '
    elif default:
        choices = ' (Y/n) '
        choices = ' (y/N) '
    opt = input(prompt + choices).lower()
    if opt == 'y':
        return True
    elif opt == "n":
        return False
    elif not opt and default is not None:
        return default
    else:  # Invalid answer, let's ask again
        return bool_input(prompt)
예제 #6
def pick_one_of(options, prompt='Pick one: ', to_str=None):
    """Let the user choose an item (from a sequence of options) by number.

    ``to_str()`` is a callback that must take an item as argument and must
    return a corresponding string to be displayed.
    alist = options if isinstance(options, list) else list(options)
    c = 0
    for o in alist:
        c += 1
        print(str(c).rjust(2) + ". " + to_str(o) if to_str else str(o))
    while True:
            opt = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
        return alist[opt - 1]