예제 #1
def test_geostuff():

    grid = np.zeros((2, 5))
    location = [45.0, 45.0]

    dist = geographical_distances(grid, location)
    assert(type(dist) == np.ndarray)
    assert(pytest.approx(dist[0]) == 6662472.7182103)
    assert is_land(location, location)[0]
    assert(floor(geograph_to_geocent(location[0])) == 44)
    assert(pytest.approx(len_deg_lat(location[0])) == 111131.779)
    assert(pytest.approx(len_deg_lon(location[0])) == 78582.91976)
예제 #2
    def green_from_instaseis(self, station):

        # set some parameters
        lat_sta = station['lat']
        lon_sta = station['lon']
        lat_sta = geograph_to_geocent(float(lat_sta))
        lon_sta = float(lon_sta)
        rec = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat_sta, longitude=lon_sta)
        point_f = float(self.config['wavefield_point_force'])

        channel = self.config['wavefield_channel']
        station_id = station['net'] + '.' + station['sta'] + '..MX' + channel

        if self.config['verbose']:

        if channel == 'Z':
            c_index = 0
        elif channel == 'R':
            c_index = 1
        elif channel == 'T':
            c_index = 2
            raise ValueError("Unknown channel: %s, choose R, T, Z"
                             % channel)

        # initialize the file
        f_out = os.path.join(self.wf_path, station_id + '.h5')

        with h5py.File(f_out, "w") as f:

            # DATASET NR 1: STATS
            stats = f.create_dataset('stats', data=(0,))
            stats.attrs['reference_station'] = station['sta']
            stats.attrs['data_quantity'] = self.data_quantity
            stats.attrs['ntraces'] = self.ntraces
            stats.attrs['Fs'] = self.Fs
            stats.attrs['nt'] = int(self.npts)
            stats.attrs['npad'] = self.npad
            if self.fdomain:
                stats.attrs['fdomain'] = True
                stats.attrs['fdomain'] = False

            # DATASET NR 2: Source grid
            f.create_dataset('sourcegrid', data=self.sourcegrid)

            # DATASET Nr 3: Seismograms itself
            if self.fdomain:
                traces = f.create_dataset('data', (self.ntraces,
                                                   self.npts + 1),
                traces = f.create_dataset('data', (self.ntraces, self.npts),

            for i in range(self.ntraces):
                if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0 and self.config['verbose']:
                    print('Converted %g of %g traces' % (i, self.ntraces))

                lat_src = geograph_to_geocent(self.sourcegrid[1, i])
                lon_src = self.sourcegrid[0, i]

                fsrc = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=lat_src,
                                             longitude=lon_src, f_r=point_f)
                if self.config['synt_data'] == 'DIS':
                    values = self.db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc,
                                                     dt=1. / self.Fs)

                elif self.config['synt_data'] == 'VEL':
                    values = self.db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc,
                                                     dt=1. / self.Fs,
                elif self.config['synt_data'] == 'ACC':
                    values = self.db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc,
                                                     dt=1. / self.Fs,
                    raise ValueError('Unknown data quantity. \
Choose DIS, VEL or ACC in configuration.')
                if channel in ['R', 'T']:
                    baz = gps2dist_azimuth(lat_src, lon_src,
                                           lat_sta, lon_sta)[2]
                    values.rotate('NE->RT', baz)

                if self.filter is not None:
                    trace = lfilter(*self.filter, x=values[c_index].data)
                    trace = values[c_index].data

                if self.fdomain:
                    trace_fd = np.fft.rfft(trace[0: self.npts],
                    traces[i, :] = trace_fd
                    traces[i, :] = trace[0: self.npts]
예제 #3
def compute_correlation(input_files,
    Compute noise cross-correlations from two .h5 'wavefield' files.
    Noise source distribution and spectrum is given by starting_model.h5
    It is assumed that noise sources are delta-correlated in space.

    Metainformation: Include the reference station names for both stations
    from wavefield files, if possible. Do not include geographic information
    from .csv file as this might be error-prone. Just add the geographic
    info later if needed.

    wf1, wf2 = input_files
    ntime, n, n_corr, Fs = all_ns
    ntraces = nsrc.src_loc[0].shape[0]
    correlation = np.zeros(n_corr)

    if insta:
        # open database
        dbpath = all_conf.config['wavefield_path']

        # open
        db = instaseis.open_db(dbpath)
        # get receiver locations
        station1 = wf1[0]
        station2 = wf2[0]
        lat1 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf1[2]))
        lon1 = float(wf1[3])
        rec1 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat1, longitude=lon1)
        lat2 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf2[2]))
        lon2 = float(wf2[3])
        rec2 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat2, longitude=lon2)
        wf1 = WaveField(wf1)
        taper1 = cosine_taper((wf1.stats["nt"]))
        wf2 = WaveField(wf2)
        taper2 = cosine_taper((wf2.stats["nt"]))
        station1 = wf1.stats['reference_station']
        station2 = wf2.stats['reference_station']

        # Make sure all is consistent
        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, 0:10] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, 0:10]):
            raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, -10:] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, -10:]):
            raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[0, -10:] == nsrc.src_loc[0, -10:]):
            raise ValueError("Wave field and source not consistent.")

    # Loop over source locations
    print_each_n = max(5, round(max(ntraces // 5, 1), -1))
    for i in range(ntraces):

        # noise source spectrum at this location
        S = nsrc.get_spect(i)

        if S.sum() == 0.:
            # If amplitude is 0, continue. (Spectrum has 0 phase anyway.)

        if insta:
            # get source locations
            lat_src = geograph_to_geocent(nsrc.src_loc[1, i])
            lon_src = nsrc.src_loc[0, i]
            fsrc = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=lat_src,
            Fs = all_conf.config['wavefield_sampling_rate']
            s1 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec1,
                                    dt=1. / Fs)[0].data * taper1
            s2 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec2,
                                    dt=1. / Fs)[0].data * taper2
            s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(s1)
            s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(s2)
            spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
            spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)

            if not wf1.fdomain:
                # read Green's functions
                s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf1.data[i, :] * taper1)
                s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf2.data[i, :] * taper2)
                # Fourier transform for greater ease of convolution
                spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
                spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)
                spec1 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf1.data[i, :])
                spec2 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf2.data[i, :])

        # convolve G1G2
        g1g2_tr = np.multiply(np.conjugate(spec1), spec2)

        # convolve noise source
        c = np.multiply(g1g2_tr, S[:len(g1g2_tr)])

        # transform back
        correlation += my_centered(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(c, n)),
                                   n_corr) * nsrc.surf_area[i]
        # occasional info
        if i % print_each_n == 0 and all_conf.config['verbose']:
            print("Finished {} of {} source locations.".format(i, ntraces))

# end of loop over all source locations #######################################
    return (correlation, station1, station2)
예제 #4
def g1g2_kern(wf1str, wf2str, kernel, adjt, src, source_conf, insta=False):

    measr_conf = yaml.safe_load(
        open(os.path.join(source_conf['source_path'], 'measr_config.yml')))
    bandpass = measr_conf['bandpass']

    conf = yaml.safe_load(
        open(os.path.join(source_conf['project_path'], 'config.yml')))

    if bandpass is None:
        filtcnt = 1
    elif type(bandpass) == list:
        if type(bandpass[0]) != list:
            filtcnt = 1
            filtcnt = len(bandpass)

    ntime, n, n_corr, Fs = get_ns(wf1str, source_conf, insta)
    # use a one-sided taper: The seismogram probably has a non-zero end,
    # being cut off whereever the solver stopped running.
    taper = cosine_taper(ntime, p=0.01)
    taper[0:ntime // 2] = 1.0

    # Prepare filenames and adjoint sources

    filenames = []
    adjt_srcs = []

    for ix_f in range(filtcnt):
        filename = kernel + '.{}.npy'.format(ix_f)

        f = Stream()
        for a in adjt:
            adjtfile = a + '*.{}.sac'.format(ix_f)
            adjtfile = glob(adjtfile)
                f += read(adjtfile[0])[0]
                f[-1].data = my_centered(f[-1].data, n_corr)
            except IndexError:
                warn('No adjoint source found: {}\n'.format(a))

        if len(f) > 0:
            return ()

# Compute the kernels

    with NoiseSource(src) as nsrc:
        # Uniform spatial weights.
        nsrc.distr_basis = np.ones(nsrc.distr_basis.shape)
        ntraces = nsrc.src_loc[0].shape[0]

        if insta:
            # open database
            dbpath = conf['wavefield_path']
            # open and determine Fs, nt
            db = instaseis.open_db(dbpath)
            # get receiver locations
            lat1 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf1[2]))
            lon1 = float(wf1[3])
            rec1 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat1, longitude=lon1)
            lat2 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf2[2]))
            lon2 = float(wf2[3])
            rec2 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat2, longitude=lon2)

            wf1 = WaveField(wf1str)
            wf2 = WaveField(wf2str)
            # Make sure all is consistent
            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, 0:10] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, 0:10]):
                raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, -10:] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, -10:]):
                raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[0, -10:] == nsrc.src_loc[0, -10:]):
                raise ValueError("Wave field and source not consistent.")

        kern = np.zeros((filtcnt, ntraces, len(adjt)))

        # Loop over locations
        print_each_n = max(5, round(max(ntraces // 5, 1), -1))
        for i in range(ntraces):

            # noise source spectrum at this location
            # For the kernel, this contains only the basis functions of the
            # spectrum without weights; might still be location-dependent,
            # for example when constraining sensivity to ocean
            S = nsrc.get_spect(i)

            if S.sum() == 0.:
                # The spectrum has 0 phase so only checking
                # absolute value here

            if insta:
                # get source locations
                lat_src = geograph_to_geocent(nsrc.src_loc[1, i])
                lon_src = nsrc.src_loc[0, i]
                fsrc = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=lat_src,
                dt = 1. / source_conf['sampling_rate']
                s1 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec1,
                                        dt=dt)[0].data * taper
                s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(s1)
                s2 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec2,
                                        dt=dt)[0].data * taper
                s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(s2)

                s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf1.data[i, :] * taper)
                s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf2.data[i, :] * taper)

            spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
            spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)

            g1g2_tr = np.multiply(np.conjugate(spec1), spec2)
            c = np.multiply(g1g2_tr, S)

            # Get Kernel at that location
            corr_temp = my_centered(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(c, n)),

            # Apply the 'adjoint source'
            for ix_f in range(filtcnt):
                f = adjt_srcs[ix_f]

                if f is None:

                for j in range(len(f)):
                    delta = f[j].stats.delta
                    kern[ix_f, i, j] = np.dot(corr_temp, f[j].data) * delta

            if i % print_each_n == 0 and conf['verbose']:
                print("Finished {} of {} source locations.".format(i, ntraces))

    if not insta:

    for ix_f in range(filtcnt):
        filename = filenames[ix_f]
        if kern[ix_f, :, :].sum() != 0:
            np.save(filename, kern[ix_f, :, :])
    return ()
예제 #5
def g1g2_corr(wf1, wf2, corr_file, src, source_conf, insta=False):
    Compute noise cross-correlations from two .h5 'wavefield' files.
    Noise source distribution and spectrum is given by starting_model.h5
    It is assumed that noise sources are delta-correlated in space.

    Metainformation: Include the reference station names for both stations
    from wavefield files, if possible. Do not include geographic information
    from .csv file as this might be error-prone. Just add the geographic
    info later if needed.
    with open(os.path.join(source_conf['project_path'], 'config.yml')) as fh:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fh)

    with NoiseSource(src) as nsrc:

        ntime, n, n_corr, Fs = get_ns(wf1, source_conf, insta)

        # use a one-sided taper: The seismogram probably has a non-zero end,
        # being cut off wherever the solver stopped running.
        taper = cosine_taper(ntime, p=0.01)
        taper[0:ntime // 2] = 1.0
        ntraces = nsrc.src_loc[0].shape[0]
        correlation = np.zeros(n_corr)

        if insta:
            # open database
            dbpath = conf['wavefield_path']

            # open
            db = instaseis.open_db(dbpath)
            # get receiver locations
            lat1 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf1[2]))
            lon1 = float(wf1[3])
            rec1 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat1, longitude=lon1)
            lat2 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf2[2]))
            lon2 = float(wf2[3])
            rec2 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat2, longitude=lon2)

            wf1 = WaveField(wf1)
            wf2 = WaveField(wf2)
            # Make sure all is consistent
            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, 0:10] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, 0:10]):
                raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, -10:] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, -10:]):
                raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

            if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[0, -10:] == nsrc.src_loc[0, -10:]):
                raise ValueError("Wave field and source not consistent.")

        # Loop over source locations
        print_each_n = max(5, round(max(ntraces // 5, 1), -1))
        for i in range(ntraces):

            # noise source spectrum at this location
            S = nsrc.get_spect(i)

            if S.sum() == 0.:
                # If amplitude is 0, continue. (Spectrum has 0 phase anyway.)

            if insta:
                # get source locations
                lat_src = geograph_to_geocent(nsrc.src_loc[1, i])
                lon_src = nsrc.src_loc[0, i]
                fsrc = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=lat_src,
                Fs = conf['wavefield_sampling_rate']
                s1 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec1,
                                        dt=1. / Fs)[0].data * taper
                s2 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec2,
                                        dt=1. / Fs)[0].data * taper
                s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(s1)
                s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(s2)

                if not wf1.fdomain:
                    # read Green's functions
                    s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf1.data[i, :] * taper)
                    s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf2.data[i, :] * taper)
                    # Fourier transform for greater ease of convolution
                    spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
                    spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)

            # convolve G1G2
            g1g2_tr = np.multiply(np.conjugate(spec1), spec2)

            # convolve noise source
            c = np.multiply(g1g2_tr, S)

            # transform back
            correlation += my_centered(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(c, n)),
                                       n_corr) * nsrc.surf_area[i]
            # occasional info
            if i % print_each_n == 0 and conf['verbose']:
                print("Finished {} of {} source locations.".format(i, ntraces))

# end of loop over all source locations #######################################

        if not insta:

        # save output
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats.sampling_rate = Fs
        trace.data = correlation
        # try to add some meta data
            sta1 = wf1.stats['reference_station']
            sta2 = wf2.stats['reference_station']
            trace.stats.station = sta1.split('.')[1]
            trace.stats.network = sta1.split('.')[0]
            trace.stats.location = sta1.split('.')[2]
            trace.stats.channel = sta1.split('.')[3]
            trace.stats.sac = {}
            trace.stats.sac['kuser0'] = sta2.split('.')[1]
            trace.stats.sac['kuser1'] = sta2.split('.')[0]
            trace.stats.sac['kuser2'] = sta2.split('.')[2]
            trace.stats.sac['kevnm'] = sta2.split('.')[3]
        except (KeyError, IndexError):

        trace.write(filename=corr_file, format='SAC')
예제 #6
def compute_kernel(input_files, all_conf, nsrc, all_ns, taper, insta=False):

    ntime, n, n_corr, Fs = all_ns
    wf1, wf2, adjt = input_files
    # Prepare filenames and adjoint sources

    adjt_srcs = []

    for ix_f in range(all_conf.filtcnt):
        f = Stream()
        for a in adjt:
            adjtfile = a + '*.{}.sac'.format(ix_f)
            adjtfile = glob(adjtfile)
                f += read(adjtfile[0])[0]
                f[-1].data = my_centered(f[-1].data, n_corr)
            except IndexError:
                if all_conf.config['verbose']:
                    print('No adjoint source found: {}\n'.format(a))
        if len(f) > 0:
            return None

    # Uniform spatial weights. (current model is in the adjoint source)
    nsrc.distr_basis = np.ones(nsrc.distr_basis.shape)
    ntraces = nsrc.src_loc[0].shape[0]

    if insta:
        # open database
        dbpath = all_conf.config['wavefield_path']
        # open and determine Fs, nt
        db = instaseis.open_db(dbpath)
        # get receiver locations
        lat1 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf1[2]))
        lon1 = float(wf1[3])
        rec1 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat1, longitude=lon1)
        lat2 = geograph_to_geocent(float(wf2[2]))
        lon2 = float(wf2[3])
        rec2 = instaseis.Receiver(latitude=lat2, longitude=lon2)

        wf1 = WaveField(wf1)
        wf2 = WaveField(wf2)
        # Make sure all is consistent
        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, 0:10] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, 0:10]):
            raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[1, -10:] == wf2.sourcegrid[1, -10:]):
            raise ValueError("Wave fields not consistent.")

        if False in (wf1.sourcegrid[0, -10:] == nsrc.src_loc[0, -10:]):
            raise ValueError("Wave field and source not consistent.")

    kern = np.zeros(
        (nsrc.spect_basis.shape[0], all_conf.filtcnt, ntraces, len(adjt)))

    # Loop over locations
    print_each_n = max(5, round(max(ntraces // 5, 1), -1))
    for i in range(ntraces):

        # noise source spectrum at this location
        # For the kernel, this contains only the basis functions of the
        # spectrum without weights; might still be location-dependent,
        # for example when constraining sensivity to ocean
        S = nsrc.get_spect(i)

        if S.sum() == 0.:
            # The spectrum has 0 phase so only checking
            # absolute value here

        if insta:
            # get source locations
            lat_src = geograph_to_geocent(nsrc.src_loc[1, i])
            lon_src = nsrc.src_loc[0, i]
            fsrc = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=lat_src,
            dt = 1. / all_conf.source_config['sampling_rate']
            s1 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec1,
                                    dt=dt)[0].data * taper
            s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(s1)
            s2 = db.get_seismograms(source=fsrc, receiver=rec2,
                                    dt=dt)[0].data * taper
            s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(s2)
            spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
            spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)

            if not wf1.fdomain:
                s1 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf1.data[i, :] * taper)
                s2 = np.ascontiguousarray(wf2.data[i, :] * taper)
                spec1 = np.fft.rfft(s1, n)
                spec2 = np.fft.rfft(s2, n)
                spec1 = wf1.data[i, :]
                spec2 = wf2.data[i, :]

        g1g2_tr = np.multiply(np.conjugate(spec1), spec2)
        # spectrum

        for ix_spec in range(nsrc.spect_basis.shape[0]):
            c = np.multiply(g1g2_tr, nsrc.spect_basis[ix_spec, :])
            # Get Kernel at that location
            corr_temp = my_centered(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(c, n)),

            # Apply the 'adjoint source'
            for ix_f in range(all_conf.filtcnt):
                f = adjt_srcs[ix_f]

                if f is None:

                for j in range(len(f)):
                    delta = f[j].stats.delta
                    kern[ix_spec, ix_f, i,
                         j] = np.dot(corr_temp, f[j].data) * delta

            if i % print_each_n == 0 and all_conf.config['verbose']:
                print("Finished {} of {} source locations.".format(i, ntraces))
    if not insta:

    return kern