예제 #1
    def create(self, req, body):
        if not body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        context = req.environ["nova.context"]

        network = body["network"]
        keys = ["cidr", "cidr_v6", "ipam", "vlan_start", "network_size",
        kwargs = {k: network.get(k) for k in keys}

        if not network.get("label"):
            msg = _("Network label is required")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
        label = network["label"]

        if not (kwargs["cidr"] or kwargs["cidr_v6"]):
            msg = _("No CIDR requested")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
        if kwargs["cidr"]:
                net = netaddr.IPNetwork(kwargs["cidr"])
                if net.size < 4:
                    msg = _("Requested network does not contain "
                            "enough (2+) usable hosts")
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrFormatError:
                msg = _("CIDR is malformed.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrConversionError:
                msg = _("Address could not be converted.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        networks = []
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                reservation = QUOTAS.reserve(context, networks=1)
        except exception.OverQuota:
            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        kwargs['project_id'] = context.project_id

            networks = self.network_api.create(context,
                                               label=label, **kwargs)
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                QUOTAS.commit(context, reservation)
        except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as e:
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(e))
        except exception.CidrConflict as e:
            raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
        except Exception:
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservation)
            msg = _("Create networks failed")
            LOG.exception(msg, extra=network)
            raise exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(explanation=msg)
        return {"network": network_dict(networks[0])}
예제 #2
def network_dict(network):
    # NOTE(danms): Here, network should be an object, which could have come
    # from neutron and thus be missing most of the attributes. Providing a
    # default to get() avoids trying to lazy-load missing attributes.
    return {"id": network.get("uuid", None) or network.get("id", None),
                        "cidr": str(network.get("cidr", None)),
                        "label": network.get("label", None)}
예제 #3
    def create(self, req, body):
        if not body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        context = req.environ["nova.context"]

        network = body["network"]
        keys = ["cidr", "cidr_v6", "ipam", "vlan_start", "network_size",
        kwargs = {k: network.get(k) for k in keys}

        if not network.get("label"):
            msg = _("Network label is required")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
        label = network["label"]

        if not (kwargs["cidr"] or kwargs["cidr_v6"]):
            msg = _("No CIDR requested")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
        if kwargs["cidr"]:
                net = netaddr.IPNetwork(kwargs["cidr"])
                if net.size < 4:
                    msg = _("Requested network does not contain "
                            "enough (2+) usable hosts")
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrFormatError:
                msg = _("CIDR is malformed.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrConversionError:
                msg = _("Address could not be converted.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        networks = []
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                reservation = QUOTAS.reserve(context, networks=1)
        except exception.OverQuota:
            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        kwargs['project_id'] = context.project_id

            networks = self.network_api.create(context,
                                               label=label, **kwargs)
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                QUOTAS.commit(context, reservation)
        except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as e:
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(e))
        except exception.CidrConflict as e:
            raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
        except Exception:
            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservation)
            msg = _("Create networks failed")
            LOG.exception(msg, extra=network)
            raise exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(explanation=msg)
        return {"network": network_dict(networks[0])}
def network_dict(network):
    # NOTE(danms): Here, network should be an object, which could have come
    # from neutron and thus be missing most of the attributes. Providing a
    # default to get() avoids trying to lazy-load missing attributes.
    return {"id": network.get("uuid", None) or network.get("id", None),
                        "cidr": str(network.get("cidr", None)),
                        "label": network.get("label", None)}
예제 #5
    def _get_requested_networks(self, requested_networks):
        """Create a list of requested networks from the networks attribute."""
        networks = []
        network_uuids = []
        for network in requested_networks:
            request = objects.NetworkRequest()
                    request.port_id = network.get('port', None)
                except ValueError:
                    msg = _("Bad port format: port uuid is "
                            "not in proper format "
                            "(%s)") % network.get('port')
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
                if request.port_id:
                    request.network_id = None
                    if not utils.is_neutron():
                        # port parameter is only for neutron v2.0
                        msg = _("Unknown argument : port")
                        raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
                    request.network_id = network['uuid']

                if (not request.port_id and not
                    br_uuid = request.network_id.split('-', 1)[-1]
                    if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(br_uuid):
                        msg = _("Bad networks format: network uuid is "
                                "not in proper format "
                                "(%s)") % request.network_id
                        raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

                # fixed IP address is optional
                # if the fixed IP address is not provided then
                # it will use one of the available IP address from the network
                    request.address = network.get('fixed_ip', None)
                except ValueError:
                    msg = _("Invalid fixed IP address (%s)") % request.address
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

                if (request.network_id and
                        request.network_id in network_uuids):
                    expl = (_("Duplicate networks"
                              " (%s) are not allowed") %
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)
            except KeyError as key:
                expl = _('Bad network format: missing %s') % key
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)
            except TypeError:
                expl = _('Bad networks format')
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)

        return objects.NetworkRequestList(objects=networks)
예제 #6
파일: common.py 프로젝트: bingmu/nova
def get_networks_for_instance(context, instance):
    """Returns a prepared nw_info list for passing into the view

    We end up with a data structure like:
    {'public': {'ips': [{'addr': '', 'version': 4},
                        {'addr': '2001::1', 'version': 6}],
                'floating_ips': [{'addr': '', 'version': 4},
                                 {'addr': '', 'version': 4}]},

    def _emit_addr(ip, version):
        return {'addr': ip, 'version': version}

    networks = {}
    fixed_ips = instance['fixed_ips']
    ipv6_addrs_seen = {}
    for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
        fixed_addr = fixed_ip['address']
        network = fixed_ip['network']
        vif = fixed_ip.get('virtual_interface')
        if not network or not vif:
            name = instance['name']
            ip = fixed_ip['address']
            LOG.warn(_("Instance %(name)s has stale IP "
                    "address: %(ip)s (no network or vif)") % locals())
        label = network.get('label', None)
        if label is None:
        if label not in networks:
            networks[label] = {'ips': [], 'floating_ips': []}
        nw_dict = networks[label]
        cidr_v6 = network.get('cidr_v6')
        if FLAGS.use_ipv6 and cidr_v6:
            ipv6_addr = ipv6.to_global(cidr_v6, vif['address'],
            # Only add same IPv6 address once.  It's possible we've
            # seen it before if there was a previous fixed_ip with
            # same network and vif as this one
            if not ipv6_addrs_seen.get(ipv6_addr):
                nw_dict['ips'].append(_emit_addr(ipv6_addr, 6))
                ipv6_addrs_seen[ipv6_addr] = True
        nw_dict['ips'].append(_emit_addr(fixed_addr, 4))
        for floating_ip in fixed_ip.get('floating_ips', []):
            float_addr = floating_ip['address']
            nw_dict['floating_ips'].append(_emit_addr(float_addr, 4))
    return networks
    def create(self, req, body):
        context = req.environ["nova.context"]

        network = body["network"]
        keys = [
            "cidr", "cidr_v6", "ipam", "vlan_start", "network_size",
        kwargs = {k: network.get(k) for k in keys}

        label = network["label"]

        if kwargs["cidr"]:
                net = netaddr.IPNetwork(kwargs["cidr"])
                if net.size < 4:
                    msg = _("Requested network does not contain "
                            "enough (2+) usable hosts")
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrConversionError:
                msg = _("Address could not be converted.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'networks': 1},
        except exception.OverQuota:
            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        kwargs['project_id'] = context.project_id

            networks = self.network_api.create(context, label=label, **kwargs)
        except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as e:
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(e))
        except exception.CidrConflict as e:
            raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
        except Exception:
            msg = _("Create networks failed")
            LOG.exception(msg, extra=network)
            raise exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(explanation=msg)

        # NOTE(melwitt): We recheck the quota after creating the object to
        # prevent users from allocating more resources than their allowed quota
        # in the event of a race. This is configurable because it can be
        # expensive if strict quota limits are not required in a deployment.
        if CONF.quota.recheck_quota and CONF.enable_network_quota:
                objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'networks': 0},
            except exception.OverQuota:
                msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
                raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        return {"network": network_dict(networks[0])}
예제 #8
    def create(self, req, body):
        context = req.environ["nova.context"]

        network = body["network"]
        keys = ["cidr", "cidr_v6", "ipam", "vlan_start", "network_size",
        kwargs = {k: network.get(k) for k in keys}

        label = network["label"]

        if kwargs["cidr"]:
                net = netaddr.IPNetwork(kwargs["cidr"])
                if net.size < 4:
                    msg = _("Requested network does not contain "
                            "enough (2+) usable hosts")
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
            except netexc.AddrConversionError:
                msg = _("Address could not be converted.")
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

            if CONF.enable_network_quota:
                objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'networks': 1},
        except exception.OverQuota:
            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        kwargs['project_id'] = context.project_id

            networks = self.network_api.create(context,
                                               label=label, **kwargs)
        except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as e:
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(e))
        except exception.CidrConflict as e:
            raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
        except Exception:
            msg = _("Create networks failed")
            LOG.exception(msg, extra=network)
            raise exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(explanation=msg)

        # NOTE(melwitt): We recheck the quota after creating the object to
        # prevent users from allocating more resources than their allowed quota
        # in the event of a race. This is configurable because it can be
        # expensive if strict quota limits are not required in a deployment.
        if CONF.quota.recheck_quota and CONF.enable_network_quota:
                objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'networks': 0},
            except exception.OverQuota:
                msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many networks.")
                raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        return {"network": network_dict(networks[0])}
예제 #9
def network_dict(context, network, extended):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6', 'description',
              'range_start', 'range_end')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
            if extended:
                fields += extended_fields
        # TODO(mriedem): Remove the NovaObject type check once the
        # network.create API is returning objects.
        is_obj = isinstance(network, base_obj.NovaObject)
        result = {}
        for field in fields:
            # NOTE(mriedem): If network is an object, IPAddress fields need to
            # be cast to a string so they look the same in the response as
            # before the objects conversion.
            if is_obj and isinstance(network.fields[field].AUTO_TYPE,
                # NOTE(danms): Here, network should be an object, which could
                # have come from neutron and thus be missing most of the
                # attributes. Providing a default to get() avoids trying to
                # lazy-load missing attributes.
                val = network.get(field, None)
                if val is not None:
                    result[field] = str(val)
                    result[field] = val
                # It's either not an object or it's not an IPAddress field.
                result[field] = network.get(field, None)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #10
def network_dict(context, network, extended):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
            if extended:
                fields += extended_fields
        # TODO(mriedem): Remove the NovaObject type check once the
        # network.create API is returning objects.
        is_obj = isinstance(network, base_obj.NovaObject)
        result = {}
        for field in fields:
            # NOTE(mriedem): If network is an object, IPAddress fields need to
            # be cast to a string so they look the same in the response as
            # before the objects conversion.
            if is_obj and isinstance(network.fields[field].AUTO_TYPE,
                # NOTE(danms): Here, network should be an object, which could
                # have come from neutron and thus be missing most of the
                # attributes. Providing a default to get() avoids trying to
                # lazy-load missing attributes.
                val = network.get(field, None)
                if val is not None:
                    result[field] = str(val)
                    result[field] = val
                # It's either not an object or it's not an IPAddress field.
                result[field] = network.get(field, None)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #11
def network_dict(context, network):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
        result = dict((field, network.get(field)) for field in fields)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #12
def network_dict(context, network):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
        result = dict((field, network.get(field)) for field in fields)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #13
def network_dict(context, network, extended):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
            if extended:
                fields += extended_fields
        # TODO(mriedem): Remove the NovaObject type check once the
        # neutronv2 API is returning Network objects from get/get_all.
        is_obj = isinstance(network, base_obj.NovaObject)
        result = {}
        for field in fields:
            # NOTE(mriedem): If network is an object, IPAddress fields need to
            # be cast to a string so they look the same in the response as
            # before the objects conversion.
            if is_obj and isinstance(network.fields[field].AUTO_TYPE,
                val = network.get(field)
                if val is not None:
                    result[field] = str(network.get(field))
                    result[field] = val
                # It's either not an object or it's not an IPAddress field.
                result[field] = network.get(field)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #14
파일: networks.py 프로젝트: caiush/nova
def network_dict(context, network):
    fields = ('id', 'cidr', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'broadcast', 'dns1', 'dns2',
              'cidr_v6', 'gateway_v6', 'label', 'netmask_v6')
    admin_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
                    'injected', 'bridge', 'vlan', 'vpn_public_address',
                    'vpn_public_port', 'vpn_private_address', 'dhcp_start',
                    'project_id', 'host', 'bridge_interface', 'multi_host',
                    'priority', 'rxtx_base', 'mtu', 'dhcp_server',
                    'enable_dhcp', 'share_address')
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
        # TODO(mriedem): Remove the NovaObject type check once the
        # neutronv2 API is returning Network objects from get/get_all.
        is_obj = isinstance(network, base_obj.NovaObject)
        result = {}
        for field in fields:
            # NOTE(mriedem): If network is an object, IPAddress fields need to
            # be cast to a string so they look the same in the response as
            # before the objects conversion.
            if is_obj and isinstance(network.fields[field].AUTO_TYPE,
                val = network.get(field)
                if val is not None:
                    result[field] = str(network.get(field))
                    result[field] = val
                # It's either not an object or it's not an IPAddress field.
                result[field] = network.get(field)
        uuid = network.get('uuid')
        if uuid:
            result['id'] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #15
파일: servers.py 프로젝트: dragonetail/nova
    def _get_requested_networks(self, requested_networks):
        Create a list of requested networks from the networks attribute
        networks = []
        for network in requested_networks:
                network_uuid = network['uuid']

                if not utils.is_uuid_like(network_uuid):
                    msg = _("Bad networks format: network uuid is not in"
                         " proper format (%s)") % network_uuid
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

                #fixed IP address is optional
                #if the fixed IP address is not provided then
                #it will use one of the available IP address from the network
                address = network.get('fixed_ip', None)
                if address is not None and not utils.is_valid_ipv4(address):
                    msg = _("Invalid fixed IP address (%s)") % address
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
                # check if the network id is already present in the list,
                # we don't want duplicate networks to be passed
                # at the boot time
                for id, ip in networks:
                    if id == network_uuid:
                        expl = _("Duplicate networks (%s) are not allowed")\
                                % network_uuid
                        raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)

                networks.append((network_uuid, address))
            except KeyError as key:
                expl = _('Bad network format: missing %s') % key
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)
            except TypeError:
                expl = _('Bad networks format')
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)

        return networks
예제 #16
    def _get_requested_networks(self, requested_networks):
        Create a list of requested networks from the networks attribute
        networks = []
        for network in requested_networks:
                network_uuid = network['uuid']

                if not utils.is_uuid_like(network_uuid):
                    msg = _("Bad networks format: network uuid is not in"
                         " proper format (%s)") % network_uuid
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

                #fixed IP address is optional
                #if the fixed IP address is not provided then
                #it will use one of the available IP address from the network
                address = network.get('fixed_ip', None)
                if address is not None and not utils.is_valid_ipv4(address):
                    msg = _("Invalid fixed IP address (%s)") % address
                    raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
                # check if the network id is already present in the list,
                # we don't want duplicate networks to be passed
                # at the boot time
                for id, ip in networks:
                    if id == network_uuid:
                        expl = _("Duplicate networks (%s) are not allowed")\
                                % network_uuid
                        raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)

                networks.append((network_uuid, address))
            except KeyError as key:
                expl = _('Bad network format: missing %s') % key
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)
            except TypeError:
                expl = _('Bad networks format')
                raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)

        return networks
예제 #17
파일: networks.py 프로젝트: cyx1231st/nova
def network_dict(context, network):
    fields = (
    admin_fields = (
    if network:
        # NOTE(mnaser): We display a limited set of fields so users can know
        #               what networks are available, extra system-only fields
        #               are only visible if they are an admin.
        if context.is_admin:
            fields += admin_fields
        # TODO(mriedem): Remove the NovaObject type check once the
        # network.create API is returning objects.
        is_obj = isinstance(network, base_obj.NovaObject)
        result = {}
        for field in fields:
            # NOTE(mriedem): If network is an object, IPAddress fields need to
            # be cast to a string so they look the same in the response as
            # before the objects conversion.
            if is_obj and isinstance(network.fields[field].AUTO_TYPE, obj_fields.IPAddress):
                # NOTE(danms): Here, network should be an object, which could
                # have come from neutron and thus be missing most of the
                # attributes. Providing a default to get() avoids trying to
                # lazy-load missing attributes.
                val = network.get(field, None)
                if val is not None:
                    result[field] = str(val)
                    result[field] = val
                # It's either not an object or it's not an IPAddress field.
                result[field] = network.get(field, None)
        uuid = network.get("uuid")
        if uuid:
            result["id"] = uuid
        return result
        return {}
예제 #18
def network_dict(network):
    return {
        "id": network.get("uuid") or network.get("id"),
        "cidr": network.get("cidr"),
        "label": network.get("label")
예제 #19
def network_dict(network):
    return {"id": network.get("uuid") or network.get("id"),
                        "cidr": network.get("cidr"),
                        "label": network.get("label")}
예제 #20
def network_dict(network):
    return {
        "id": network.get("uuid") or network["id"],
        "cidr": network["cidr"],
        "label": network["label"]
예제 #21
def network_dict(network):
    return {"id": network.get("uuid") or network["id"],
                        "cidr": network["cidr"],
                        "label": network["label"]}