예제 #1
    def locate_label(self, linecontour, labelwidth):
        """find a good place to plot a label (relatively flat
        part of the contour) and the angle of rotation for the
        text object

        nsize = len(linecontour)
        if labelwidth > 1:
            xsize = int(ceil(nsize / labelwidth))
            xsize = 1
        if xsize == 1:
            ysize = nsize
            ysize = labelwidth

        XX = resize(asarray(linecontour)[:, 0], (xsize, ysize))
        YY = resize(asarray(linecontour)[:, 1], (xsize, ysize))

        yfirst = YY[:, 0]
        ylast = YY[:, -1]
        xfirst = XX[:, 0]
        xlast = XX[:, -1]
        s = ((reshape(yfirst, (xsize, 1)) - YY) *
             (reshape(xlast, (xsize, 1)) - reshape(xfirst, (xsize, 1))) -
             (reshape(xfirst, (xsize, 1)) - XX) *
             (reshape(ylast, (xsize, 1)) - reshape(yfirst, (xsize, 1))))
        L = sqrt((xlast - xfirst)**2 + (ylast - yfirst)**2)
        dist = add.reduce(([(abs(s)[i] / L[i]) for i in range(xsize)]), -1)
        x, y, ind = self.get_label_coords(dist, XX, YY, ysize, labelwidth)
        #print 'ind, x, y', ind, x, y
        angle = arctan2(ylast - yfirst, xlast - xfirst)
        rotation = angle[ind] * 180 / pi
        if rotation > 90:
            rotation = rotation - 180
        if rotation < -90:
            rotation = 180 + rotation

        # There must be a more efficient way...
        lc = [tuple(l) for l in linecontour]
        dind = lc.index((x, y))
        #print 'dind', dind
        #dind = list(linecontour).index((x,y))

        return x, y, rotation, dind
예제 #2
    def locate_label(self, linecontour, labelwidth):
        """find a good place to plot a label (relatively flat
        part of the contour) and the angle of rotation for the
        text object

        nsize= len(linecontour)
        if labelwidth > 1:
            xsize = int(ceil(nsize/labelwidth))
            xsize = 1
        if xsize == 1:
            ysize = nsize
            ysize = labelwidth

        XX = resize(asarray(linecontour)[:,0],(xsize, ysize))
        YY = resize(asarray(linecontour)[:,1],(xsize,ysize))

        yfirst = YY[:,0]
        ylast = YY[:,-1]
        xfirst = XX[:,0]
        xlast = XX[:,-1]
        s = ( (reshape(yfirst, (xsize,1))-YY) *
              (reshape(xlast,(xsize,1)) - reshape(xfirst,(xsize,1)))
              - (reshape(xfirst,(xsize,1))-XX)
              * (reshape(ylast,(xsize,1)) - reshape(yfirst,(xsize,1))) )
        dist = add.reduce(([(abs(s)[i]/L[i]) for i in range(xsize)]),-1)
        x,y,ind = self.get_label_coords(dist, XX, YY, ysize, labelwidth)
        #print 'ind, x, y', ind, x, y
        angle = arctan2(ylast - yfirst, xlast - xfirst)
        rotation = angle[ind]*180/pi
        if rotation > 90:
            rotation = rotation -180
        if rotation < -90:
            rotation = 180 + rotation

        # There must be a more efficient way...
        lc = [tuple(l) for l in linecontour]
        dind = lc.index((x,y))
        #print 'dind', dind
        #dind = list(linecontour).index((x,y))

        return x,y, rotation, dind