예제 #1
def redraw(): # Clean up the screen and start a new grid and new frame of pendulum with new coordinates
    global cube_points

    # projection at last
    distance = 5*scale
    z = distance + cube_points[:, 2]# - np.mean(cube_points[:, 2]))
    z = distance/z

    projected_points = T(np.matmul(ortho_mat, T(cube_points)))
    projected_points[:, 0] *= z
    projected_points[:, 1] *= z
    projected_points += win_width/2
    for i, points in enumerate(projected_points):
        x = int(points[0])  
        y = int(points[1])
        pygame.draw.circle(background, white, (x,y), 5)

    for i in range(4):
        connect(i, (i+1)%4, projected_points)
        connect(i, i+4, projected_points)
        connect(i+4, ((i+1)%4)+4, projected_points)

예제 #2
    def find_covariance(self):

        # loop counter
        index = 0
        # a temporary matrix used to store (x_i - miu_k) i -> 1:n, k->1:0
        temp_matrix = np.zeros((self.m, self.m))
        # an all-zero matrix
        covariance = np.zeros((self.m, self.m))
        for element in self.y:

            # calculate (x_i - miu_k) i -> 1:n, k->1:0
            # calculate it times its transpose matrix
            # add the result to the covariance matrix
            if element == 0:
                temp_matrix[0] = np.subtract(self.X[index], self.miu_0)
                covariance = np.add(covariance,
                                    np.matmul(T(temp_matrix), temp_matrix))
            elif element == 1:
                temp_matrix[0] = np.subtract(self.X[index], self.miu_1)
                covariance = np.add(covariance,
                                    np.matmul(T(temp_matrix), temp_matrix))

                print("ERROR: Binary Data ONLY")
            # increment index
            index += 1
        # unbiased covariance matrix
        self.covariance = np.multiply(covariance, 1 / (self.N0 + self.N1 - 2))
예제 #3
    def find_log_odds(self, X_input):
        x_n = X_input.shape[0]
        index = 0
        log_odds = 0
        y_output = np.zeros(x_n)

        first_term = np.log(self.PY1 / self.PY0)
        second_term = 1 / 2 * np.dot(
            np.dot(T(self.miu_1), inv(self.covariance)), self.miu_1)
        third_term = 1 / 2 * np.dot(
            np.dot(T(self.miu_0), inv(self.covariance)), self.miu_0)
        forth_term_part_2 = np.subtract(self.miu_1, self.miu_0)

        for element in X_input:
            forth_term_part_1 = np.dot(T(X_input[index]), inv(self.covariance))
            forth_term = np.dot(forth_term_part_1, forth_term_part_2)
            # calculate the log odds for each entity
            log_odds = np.add(np.add(first_term, -second_term),
                              np.add(third_term, forth_term))
            # classify according to log odds ratio
            # if the result > 0, -> class 0, -> class 1 otherwise
            if log_odds > 0:
                y_output[index] = 1
            elif log_odds <= 0:
                y_output[index] = 0
                print("ERROR: Log odds ratio cannot be processed")
            index += 1
        # output the binary resuult
        return y_output
예제 #4
 def lmlgh(params, y, R):
     k1, k2 = params
     al = mul(Kyinvh, y)
     dKdk1 = Kfh * (1 / k1)
     dKdk2 = sqexp(x, None, k1, k2**0.5)[1].reshape(n, n)
     lmlg1 = -(0.5 * np.trace(mul(mul(al, T(al)) - Kyinvh, dKdk1)))
     lmlg2 = -(0.5 * np.trace(mul(mul(al, T(al)) - Kyinvh, dKdk2)))
     return np.ndarray((2, ), buffer=np.array([lmlg1, lmlg2]), dtype=float)
예제 #5
    def predict_probabilities(self, X_new):
        Returns a probablistic prediction using the model 
            @ self
            @ X_new : (n' x m) input vector in list or 
                      numpy format. 
        X_new = np.array(X_new)
        input_shape = X_new.shape

        # If input is a vector
        if X_new.shape[0] == 1:
            # If input length doesn't match
            if (X_new.shape[1] + 1) != self.m:
                message = "Input number of features doesn't match model number of parameters"
                message += "\nInput is has {} features but model has {} features".format(
                    len(X_new), self.m - 1)
                raise Exception(message)
                x = np.insert(X_new, 0,
                              1)  # insert an extra one at the beginning
                wTx = float(np.matmul(T(self.w), x))
                sigm_wTx = self.sigmoid(wTx)
                print("sigm_wTx", sigm_wTx)
                return [sigm_wTx]

        # if input is a matrix of new examples
        elif input_shape[0] > 1 and input_shape[1] > 1:
            #           # if number of attributes don't match
            if (X_new.shape[1] + 1) != self.m:
                message = "Input dimensions don't match"
                message += "\nInput matrix contains {} features, but the model has {} fitted features".format(
                    self.m - 1)
                raise Exception(message)
            # right dimensions
                pred_probs = np.zeros(
                    (X_new.shape[0], 1))  # to store the probs
                X_0 = np.ones((X_new.shape[0], 1))  # n-dim vector of ones
                X_new = np.c_[X_0, X_new]  # concatenate

                # since X_new is a matrix, we have to loop
                # over each of its rows, which comes out as
                # a column vector
                for i in range(len(X_new)):
                    x_i = X_new[i]  # row = example
                    wTx = float(np.matmul(T(self.w), x_i))  # w^Tx
                    sigm_wTx = self.sigmoid(wTx)
                    pred_probs[i] = sigm_wTx

                return pred_probs
예제 #6
 def lmlh(params, y, R, y_gn):
     #print(params)  # show progress of fit
     [k1, k2] = params
     global Kfh
     Kfh = sqexp(x, None, k1, k2**0.5)[0]
     Ky = Kfh + R  # calculate initial kernel with noise
     global Kyinvh
     Kyinvh = inv(Ky)
     return -(-0.5 * mul(mul(T(y), Kyinvh), y) - 0.5 * np.log(
         (det(Ky))) - 0.5 * n * np.log(2 * np.pi)) + -(
             -0.5 * mul(mul(T(y_gn), Kyinvh), y_gn) - 0.5 * np.log(
                 (det(Ky))) - 0.5 * n * np.log(2 * np.pi)
         )  # marginal likelihood - (5.8)
예제 #7
def GPRfith(xs,k1,k2,R,Rs):
    #Kst = RBF2(xtest,x,k1,k2)[0]
    Ky = RBF(x,None,k1,k2**0.5)[0] + R
    Ks = RBF(xs, x, k1, k2**0.5)
    Kss = RBF(xs, None, k1, k2)[0]
    L = cholesky(Ky)
    al = solve(T(L), solve(L,y))
    fmst = mul(Ks,al)
    varfmst = np.empty([n,1])
    for i in range(np.size(xs)):
        v = solve(L,T(Ks[:,i]))
        varfmst[i] = Kss[i,i] + Rs[i,i] - mul(T(v),v)
    lmlopt = -0.5*mul(T(y),al) - np.trace(np.log(L)) - 0.5*n*np.log(2*np.pi)
    return fmst, varfmst[::-1], lmlopt
예제 #8
def GPRfit(xs, k1, k2, sig):
    Ky = sqexp(x, None, k1, k2**0.5)[0] + (sig**2) * np.identity(n)
    Ks = sqexp(xs, x, k1, k2**0.5)
    Kss = sqexp(xs, None, k1, k2**0.5)[0]
    L = cholesky(Ky)
    al = solve(T(L), solve(L, y))
    fmst = mul(Ks, al)
    varfmst = np.empty([n, 1])
    for i in range(np.size(xs)):
        v = solve(L, T(Ks[:, i]))
        varfmst[i] = Kss[i, i] - mul(T(v), v) + sig**2
    lmlopt = -0.5 * mul(T(y), al) - np.trace(
        np.log(L)) - 0.5 * n * np.log(2 * np.pi)
    #return fmst, varfmst[::-1], lmlopt
    return fmst, varfmst, lmlopt
예제 #9
def new_feats(X,
    Adds second order terms to the dataset: Either only quadratic terms, 
    only interaction terms (X_i != X_j) or both, if they correlation is 
    higher than a specified value. If 'logarithmic' is specified, 
    it converts the parameters into logarithmic values. 

    # copy the original feature set
    new_X = X.copy()

    # try logarithmic features
    if exponential:
        new_feats_X = pd.DataFrame(new_X)

        for col in new_feats_X:
            new_feats_X[col] = new_feats_X[col].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x))

        new_feats_X = np.array(new_feats_X)
        new_X = np.c_[new_X, new_feats_X]

    for col1 in T(X):
        for col2 in T(X):
            # all of these have the original dataset

            if only_interactions:
                if stats.pearsonr(col1, col2)[0] >= 0.6 and not np.array_equal(
                        col1, col2):
                    new_feat = np.multiply(col1, col2)
                    new_X = np.c_[new_X, new_feat]

            elif only_quadratic:
                if stats.pearsonr(col1, col2)[0] >= 0.6 and np.array_equal(
                        col1, col2):
                    new_feat = np.multiply(col1, col2)
                    new_X = np.c_[new_X, new_feat]

            elif all_interactions:
                if stats.pearsonr(col1, col2)[0] >= 0.6:
                    new_feat = np.multiply(col1, col2)
                    new_X = np.c_[new_X, new_feat]

    return new_X
예제 #10
    def gradient(self, norm='none', C=1.0):
        Calculates the gradient for the Logistic 
        Regression model 
        grad = np.zeros((self.m, ))  # initialize gradient

        # calcualte gradient of each example
        # and add together
        for i in range(self.n):
            x_i = self.X[i]
            y_i = self.y[i]
            wTx = float(np.matmul(T(self.w), x_i))  # w^T x
            sigm_wTx = self.sigmoid(wTx)
            grad += x_i * (y_i - sigm_wTx)  # add to previous grad

            # TESTING

            if norm == 'l1':
                grad += C * np.sign(self.w)

            elif norm == 'l2':
                grad += 2 * C * np.array(self.w).reshape(self.w.shape[0], )

            # TESTING

        return grad.reshape((len(grad), 1))
예제 #11
파일: logReg.py 프로젝트: TorsteinM/ML
def main():

	for line in open("data.csv").readlines():
		values = line.split(',')
		if len(values)>3:
			if values[1]=='M':
	#for i in range(1,31):
	#	print("Size {} was diagnosed as {}".format(sizes[i],diags[i]))
	X    = np.asarray( sizes[1:], dtype=float )
	Y    = np.asarray( diags[1:], dtype=float )
	clm1 = np.ones( np.shape( X ), dtype=float )
	trSet = T( np.vstack( ( clm1, X, Y ) ) )
	initTheta = np.asarray([ 0.1, 0.7 ])			# model for the boundary between benign and malign
	theta = gradDesc( initTheta, trSet )
	Xarr = np.arange(5.,30.,0.5)
	Yarr = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x:theta[0] + x*theta[1] , Xarr)))
예제 #12
파일: logReg.py 프로젝트: TorsteinM/ML
def	gradDesc( theta, trSet, alpha = 0.003, minErr = 1/10**5 ):
	converged = convergeVec
	converging = True
	while converging:
		temp = np.zeros( np.shape( theta ) )
		inner = np.reciprocal( 1 + np.exp( - np.sum( theta * trSet[:,:-1], axis = 1 ) ) ) - trSet[:,-1]
	#	print(np.shape(inner))
		outer = inner * T(trSet[:,:-1])
	#	print(np.shape(outer))
		delta = np.sum(outer,axis=1)
	#	print(delta)
		temp = theta - k * delta
		if converged(temp, theta, minErr):
			converging = False
		theta = temp
	print("Logistic regression converged after {} iterations.".format(count))
	return theta
def get_mnist():
	rows = 28
	cols = 28
	categories = 10
	(X_Train, Y_Train), (X_Test, Y_Test) = mnist.load_data()

	# Resizing the array and taking the Transpose of the array 
	X_Train = (T(X_Train.reshape(X_Train.shape[0], 1, rows, cols), axes= [0, 2, 3, 1])).astype('float32')
	X_Test = (T(X_Test.reshape(X_Test.shape[0], 1, rows, cols), axes= [0, 2, 3, 1])).astype('float32')

	X_Train /= 255
	X_Test /= 255

	# Get the Binary Class Matrices from the Class/Category Vectors
	Y_Train = util.to_categorical(Y_Train, categories)
	Y_Test = util.to_categorical(Y_Test, categories)

	return X_Train[0:10000], X_Test[0:1000], Y_Train[0:10000], Y_Test[0:1000], rows, cols, categories
예제 #14
def lml(params,y,sig):
    #print(params)  # show progress of fit
    [k1, k2] = params
    global Kf
    #Kf = RBF(x,x,k1,k2)[0] 
    Kf = RBF(x,None,k1,k2**0.5)[0]
    Ky = Kf + (sig**2)*np.identity(n) # calculate initial kernel with noise
    global Kyinv
    Kyinv = inv(Ky)
    return -(-0.5*mul(mul(T(y),Kyinv), y) - 0.5*np.log((det(Ky))) - 0.5*n*np.log(2*np.pi)) # marginal likelihood - (5.8)
예제 #15
def lmlh(params,y,R):
    #print(params)  # show progress of fit
    [k1, k2] = params
    global Kfh
    #Kf = RBF(x,x,k1,k2)[0] 
    Kfh = RBF(x,None,k1,k2**0.5)[0]
    Ky = Kfh + R # calculate initial kernel with noise
    global Kyinvh
    Kyinvh = inv(Ky)
    return -(-0.5*mul(mul(T(y),Kyinvh), y) - 0.5*np.log((det(Ky))) - 0.5*n*np.log(2*np.pi)) # marginal likelihood - (5.8)
예제 #16
def gradDesc(theta, TrainingSet, alpha=0.003, minDelta=1 / 10**10):
    ##currently only implemented for linear regression.
    ##traininset is 2 dimensional array where the rows are as follows: [X0,X1,X2...Xn,Y].
    ##theta is the [P0,P1,P2...Pn] hypothesis.
    ##if convergence fails, try lower alpha value.

    converging = True
    k = alpha / np.shape(TrainingSet)[0]

    converged = convVec  # currently implemented only for numpy arrays.

    count = 0

    while converging:
        temp = np.zeros(np.shape(theta))

        p = np.concatenate(
            (theta, [-1]), axis=0
        )  # append -1 to theta vector for '-Y', which is the last column in the Set
        #	print(p)
        inner = np.sum(TrainingSet * p, 1)  # Calculates the model mismatch
        #	print(inner)
        outer = inner * T(
            TrainingSet[:, :-1])  # Multiply with X-vector to get gradient
        #	print (outer)
        delta = np.sum(outer, axis=0)  # Sums all gradients to gradients*m
        #	print(delta)
        #	input("Press Enter to continue...")

        temp = theta - k * delta  #subtracts a alpha portion of the mean gradient of the error(k=alpha/m)

        if converged(
                temp, theta, minDelta
        ):  # calls the designated function to check for convergence.
            converging = False
        theta = temp
        count += 1

    print("Gradient descent finished after {} iterations.".format(count))
    return theta
예제 #17
    def cross_entropy_loss(self, verbose=False, norm='none'):

        losses = []
        # for each datapoint
        for i in range(self.n):
            x_i = self.X[i]
            y_i = self.y[i]
            wTx = float(np.matmul(T(self.w), x_i))  #w^Tx
            sigm_wTx = self.sigmoid(wTx)

            if verbose:
                print("wTx: ", wTx)
                print("sigm_wTx ", sigm_wTx)
                print("log(sigm_wTx) ", math.log(sigm_wTx))

            if y_i == 1:
                losses.append(math.log(sigm_wTx + 0.0001))
                losses.append(math.log(1 - sigm_wTx + 0.0001))

        total_loss = -1 * np.sum(np.array(losses))

        if norm == 'l1':
            abs_w = [np.abs(w_j) for w_j in self.w]  # calculate l1 norm
            total_loss = +np.sum(abs_w)  # add to the loss

        elif norm == 'l2':
            w_2 = [float(np.power(w_j, 2))
                   for w_j in self.w]  # calculate l2 norm
            total_loss = +np.sum(w_2)  # add ot the loss

        if verbose:
            print("Model loss: ", total_loss)

        return total_loss
예제 #18
파일: labbclass.py 프로젝트: Matteo294/LAB2
 def minimizza(self):
     self.coefficienti = np.dot(
         np.dot(inv(np.dot(T(self.A), self.A)), T(self.A)), self.y)
예제 #19
 def fn(A, x, b):
     v1 = T(A)
     v2 = dot(v1, x)
     v3 = v2 - b
     return v3
예제 #20
 def gradient(self):
     pred = self.predict(self.X)  # Xw
     diff = self.y - pred  # y-Xw
     return -2 * np.matmul(T(self.X), diff)  # -2X^T (y-Xw)
예제 #21
 def MSE(self):
     # (y- Xw)T (y-Xw)
     pred = self.predict(self.X)
     diff = self.y - pred
     return np.matmul(T(diff), diff)[0][0]
예제 #22
import numpy as np
from numpy import transpose as T
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, ConstantKernel as C

def f(x):
    return x * np.sin(x)

X = T(np.atleast_2d([1., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8., 10.]))
y = np.ravel(f(X))
x = T(np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)))

kernel = C(1.0, (1e-13, 1e3)) * RBF(10, (1e-2, 1e2))
gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=9)
gpfit = gp.fit(X, y)
y_pred, sigma = gp.predict(x, return_std=True)

plt.plot(x, f(x), 'r:', label=r'$f(x)=x\,\sin(x)$')
plt.plot(X, y, 'r.', markersize=10, label=u'Observations')
plt.plot(x, y_pred, 'b-', label=u'Prediction')
plt.fill(np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]),
             [y_pred - 1.9600 * sigma, (y_pred + 1.9600 * sigma)[::-1]]),