예제 #1
    def read_index(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Read the index and return a dataframe containing the event info.

        # Make sure all times are numpy datetime64
        kwargs = _dict_times_to_npdatetimes(kwargs)
        # a simple switch to prevent infinite recursion
        allow_update = kwargs.pop("_allow_update", True)
        # Circular search requires work to be done on the dataframe - we need
        # to get the whole dataframe then calculate the distances and search in
        # that
        circular_kwargs, kwargs = _sanitize_circular_search(**kwargs)
        with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con:
                df = _read_table(self._index_node, con, **kwargs)
            except pd.io.sql.DatabaseError:
                # if this database has never been updated, update now
                if allow_update and self.last_updated_timestamp < 1:
                    return self.read_index(_allow_update=False, **kwargs)
                # else return empty index
                df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT))
        df = _ints_to_time_columns(df, columns=INT_COLUMNS).pipe(
            self._prepare_dataframe, dtypes=EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT)
        if len(circular_kwargs) >= 3:
            # Requires at least latitude, longitude and min or max radius
            circular_ids = _get_ids(df, circular_kwargs)
            df = df[df.event_id.isin(circular_ids)]
        return df
예제 #2
def get_events(cat: obspy.Catalog, **kwargs) -> obspy.Catalog:
    Return a subset of a events filtered on input parameters.

    # If not kwargs are passed just return all events
    if not kwargs:
        return cat
    # Make sure all inputs are supported
    if not set(kwargs).issubset(SUPPORTED_PARAMS):
        bad_params = set(kwargs) - SUPPORTED_PARAMS
        msg = f"{bad_params} are not supported get_events parameters"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # Ensure all times are numpy datetimes
    kwargs = _dict_times_to_npdatetimes(kwargs)
    event_ids = _get_ids(obsplus.events_to_df(cat), kwargs)
    events = [eve for eve in cat if str(eve.resource_id) in event_ids]
    return obspy.Catalog(events=events)