예제 #1
    def _get_h12(self, inputs):
        x = inputs["pose_in_map_at_t"]
        h = inputs["map_at_t"]

        h_1 = crop_map(h, x[:, :2], self.G)
        h_2 = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(h, (self.G, self.G))

        h_12 = torch.cat([h_1, h_2], dim=1)

        return h_12
예제 #2
파일: ans.py 프로젝트: aimagelab/LoCoNav
 def _compute_local_map_crop(self, global_map, global_pose):
     local_crop_size = self.config.LOCAL_POLICY.embed_map_size
     exp_crop_size = int(1.5 * local_crop_size)
     cropped_map = crop_map(
         global_map, self.states["curr_map_position"], exp_crop_size
     global_heading = global_pose[:, 2]  # (bs, ) pose in radians
     rotation_params = torch.stack(
     rotated_map = spatial_transform_map(cropped_map, rotation_params)
     center_locs = torch.zeros_like(self.states["curr_map_position"])
     center_locs[:, 0] = rotated_map.shape[3] // 2
     center_locs[:, 1] = rotated_map.shape[2] // 2
     rotated_map = crop_map(rotated_map, center_locs, local_crop_size)
     return rotated_map
예제 #3
파일: ans.py 프로젝트: aimagelab/LoCoNav
    def _compute_gt_local_action(
            self, global_map, agent_world_xyt, goal_world_xyt, M, s
        Estimate the shortest-path action from agent position to goal position.
        agent_map_xy = convert_world2map(agent_world_xyt, (M, M), s)
        goal_map_xy = convert_world2map(goal_world_xyt, (M, M), s)
        # ============ Crop a region covering agent_map_xy and goal_map_xy ============
        abs_delta_xy = torch.abs(agent_map_xy - goal_map_xy)
        S = max(int(torch.max(abs_delta_xy).item()), 80)
        old_center_xy = (agent_map_xy + goal_map_xy) // 2  # (bs, 2)
        cropped_global_map = crop_map(global_map, old_center_xy, int(S))
        global_map_np = self._process_maps(cropped_global_map)  # (bs, M, M)
        new_center_xy = torch.zeros_like(old_center_xy)
        new_center_xy[:, 0] = global_map_np.shape[2] // 2
        new_center_xy[:, 1] = global_map_np.shape[1] // 2
        # ================ Transform points to new coordinate system ==================
        new_agent_map_xy = agent_map_xy + new_center_xy - old_center_xy
        new_goal_map_xy = goal_map_xy + new_center_xy - old_center_xy
        map_xy_np = asnumpy(new_agent_map_xy).astype(np.int32)  # (bs, 2)
        goal_xy_np = asnumpy(new_goal_map_xy).astype(np.int32)
        # Ensure that points do not go outside map limits
        map_W = global_map_np.shape[2]
        map_H = global_map_np.shape[1]
        map_xy_np[:, 0] = np.clip(map_xy_np[:, 0], 0, map_W - 1)
        map_xy_np[:, 1] = np.clip(map_xy_np[:, 1], 0, map_H - 1)
        goal_xy_np[:, 0] = np.clip(goal_xy_np[:, 0], 0, map_W - 1)
        goal_xy_np[:, 1] = np.clip(goal_xy_np[:, 1], 0, map_H - 1)
        sample_flag = [1.0 for _ in range(self.nplanners)]
        # Compute plan
        plans_xy = self.planner.plan(global_map_np, map_xy_np, goal_xy_np, sample_flag)
        # ===================== Sample an action to a nearby point ====================
        # 0 is forward, 1 is left, 2 is right
        gt_actions = []
        forward_step = self.config.LOCAL_POLICY.AGENT_DYNAMICS.forward_step
        turn_angle = math.radians(self.config.LOCAL_POLICY.AGENT_DYNAMICS.turn_angle)
        for i in range(self.nplanners):
            path_x, path_y = plans_xy[i]
            # If planning failed, sample random action
            if path_x is None:
                gt_actions.append(random.randint(0, 2))
            # Plan to navigate to a point 0.5 meters away
            dl = min(int(0.5 / s), len(path_x) - 1)
            # The path is in reverse order
            goal_x, goal_y = path_x[-dl], path_y[-dl]
            agent_x, agent_y = map_xy_np[i].tolist()
            # Decide action
            agent_heading = agent_world_xyt[i, 2].item() - math.pi / 2
            reqd_heading = math.atan2(goal_y - agent_y, goal_x - agent_x)
            diff_angle = reqd_heading - agent_heading
            diff_angle = math.atan2(math.sin(diff_angle), math.cos(diff_angle))
            # Move forward if facing the correct direction
            if abs(diff_angle) < 1.5 * turn_angle:
            # Turn left if the goal is to the left
            elif diff_angle < 0:
            # Turn right otherwise

        return torch.Tensor(gt_actions).unsqueeze(1).long()
예제 #4
파일: ans.py 프로젝트: aimagelab/LoCoNav
    def _compute_plans(
        global_map - (bs, 2, V, V) tensor
        agent_map_xy - (bs, 2) agent's current position on the map
        goal_map_xy - (bs, 2) goal's current position on the map
        sample_goal_flags - list of zeros and ones should a new goal be sampled?
        # ==================== Process the map to get planner map =====================
        s = self.map_scale
        # Processed map has zeros for free-space and ones for obstacles
        global_map_proc = self._process_maps(
            global_map, goal_map_xy
        )  # (bs, M, M) tensor
        # =================== Crop a local region around agent, goal ==================
        if crop_map_flag:
            # Determine crop size
            abs_diff_xy = torch.abs(agent_map_xy - goal_map_xy)
            S = int(torch.max(abs_diff_xy).item())
            # Add a small buffer space around the agent location
            buffer_size = int(3.0 / s)  # 3 meters buffer space in total
            S += buffer_size
            old_center_xy = (agent_map_xy + goal_map_xy) / 2
            # Crop a SxS region centered around old_center_xy
            # Note: The out-of-bound regions will be zero-padded by default. In this case,
            # since zeros correspond to free-space, that is not a problem.
            cropped_global_map = crop_map(
                global_map_proc.unsqueeze(1), old_center_xy, S
            )  # (bs, S, S)
            # Add zero padding to ensure the plans don't fail due to cropping
            pad_size = 5
            cropped_global_map = F.pad(
                cropped_global_map, (pad_size, pad_size, pad_size, pad_size)
            S += pad_size * 2
            # Transform to new coordinates
            new_center_xy = torch.ones_like(old_center_xy) * (S / 2)
            new_agent_map_xy = agent_map_xy + (new_center_xy - old_center_xy)
            new_goal_map_xy = goal_map_xy + (new_center_xy - old_center_xy)
            cropped_global_map = global_map_proc  # (bs, M, M)
            old_center_xy = (agent_map_xy + goal_map_xy) / 2
            new_center_xy = old_center_xy
            new_agent_map_xy = agent_map_xy
            new_goal_map_xy = goal_map_xy
            S = cropped_global_map.shape[1]

        if cache_map:
            self._cropped_global_map = cropped_global_map
        # Clip points to ensure they are within map limits
        new_agent_map_xy = torch.clamp(new_agent_map_xy, 0, S - 1)
        new_goal_map_xy = torch.clamp(new_goal_map_xy, 0, S - 1)
        # Convert to numpy
        agent_map_xy_np = asnumpy(new_agent_map_xy).astype(np.int32)
        goal_map_xy_np = asnumpy(new_goal_map_xy).astype(np.int32)
        global_map_np = asnumpy(cropped_global_map)
        # =================== Plan path from agent to goal positions ==================
        plans = self.planner.plan(
            global_map_np, agent_map_xy_np, goal_map_xy_np, sample_goal_flags
        )  # List of tuple of lists
        # Convert plans back to original coordinates
        final_plans = []
        for i in range(len(plans)):
            plan_x, plan_y = plans[i]
            # Planning failure
            if plan_x is None:
                final_plans.append((plan_x, plan_y))
            offset_x = int((old_center_xy[i, 0] - new_center_xy[i, 0]).item())
            offset_y = int((old_center_xy[i, 1] - new_center_xy[i, 1]).item())
            final_plan_x, final_plan_y = [], []
            for px, py in zip(plan_x, plan_y):
                final_plan_x.append(px + offset_x)
                final_plan_y.append(py + offset_y)
            final_plans.append((final_plan_x, final_plan_y))
        return final_plans