예제 #1
    def get_time_region(self, time_region, return_indices=False):
        assert isinstance(time_region, dict)

        # return the values to use for the temporal region subsetting.
        value = self.value_datetime
        bounds = self.bounds_datetime

        # switch to indicate if bounds or centroid datetimes are to be used.
        use_bounds = False if bounds is None else True

        # remove any none values in the time_region dictionary. this will save
        # time in iteration.
        time_region = time_region.copy()
        time_region = {k: v for k, v in time_region.iteritems() if v is not None}
        assert len(time_region) > 0

        # this is the boolean selection array.
        select = np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=bool)

        # for each row, determine if the date criterion are met updating the
        # select matrix accordingly.
        row_check = np.zeros(len(time_region), dtype=bool)

        for idx_row in range(select.shape[0]):
            # do the comparison for each time_region element.
            if use_bounds:
                row = bounds[idx_row, :]
                row = value[idx_row]
            for ii, (k, v) in enumerate(time_region.iteritems()):
                if use_bounds:
                    to_include = []
                    for element in v:
                        kwds = {k: element}
                        to_include.append(get_is_date_between(row[0], row[1], **kwds))
                    fill = any(to_include)
                    part = getattr(row, k)
                    fill = True if part in v else False
                row_check[ii] = fill
            if row_check.all():
                select[idx_row] = True

        if not select.any():
            raise EmptySubsetError(origin='temporal')

        ret = self[select]

        if return_indices:
            raw_idx = np.arange(0, self.shape[0])[select]
            ret = (ret, raw_idx)

        return ret
예제 #2
파일: test_util.py 프로젝트: UV-CDAT/ocgis
 def test_get_is_date_between(self):
     lower = dt(1971,1,1)
     upper = dt(2000,2,1)
     lower = dt(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0)
     upper = dt(2013, 1, 2, 0, 0)
예제 #3
    def get_time_region(self, time_region, return_indices=False):
        :param dict time_region: A dictionary defining the time region subset.
        >>> time_region = {'month': [1, 2, 3], 'year': [2000]}
        :param bool return_indices: If ``True``, also return the indices used to subset the variable.
        :return: shallow copy of the sliced time variable
        :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.TemporalVariable`

        assert isinstance(time_region, dict)

        # return the values to use for the temporal region subsetting.
        value = self.value_datetime
        if self.has_bounds:
            bounds = self.bounds.value_datetime
            bounds = None

        # switch to indicate if bounds or centroid datetimes are to be used.
        use_bounds = False if bounds is None else True

        # remove any none values in the time_region dictionary. this will save
        # time in iteration.
        time_region = time_region.copy()
        time_region = {k: v for k, v in time_region.items() if v is not None}
        assert len(time_region) > 0

        # this is the boolean selection array.
        select = np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=bool)

        # for each row, determine if the date criterion are met updating the
        # select matrix accordingly.
        row_check = np.zeros(len(time_region), dtype=bool)

        for idx_row in range(select.shape[0]):
            # do the comparison for each time_region element.
            if use_bounds:
                row = bounds[idx_row, :]
                row = value[idx_row]
            for ii, (k, v) in enumerate(time_region.items()):
                if use_bounds:
                    to_include = []
                    for element in v:
                        kwds = {k: element}
                        to_include.append(get_is_date_between(row[0], row[1], **kwds))
                    fill = any(to_include)
                    part = getattr(row, k)
                    fill = True if part in v else False
                row_check[ii] = fill
            if row_check.all():
                select[idx_row] = True

        if not select.any():
            raise EmptySubsetError(origin='temporal')

        ret = self[select]

        if return_indices:
            raw_idx = np.arange(0, self.shape[0])[select]
            ret = (ret, raw_idx)

        return ret