def intialPoseCallback(data):
	if data.pose.pose.position.x == 0 and data.pose.pose.position.y == 0:
	# do full rotation on pose estimate, to hone-in amcl (if not docked)
	rospy.sleep(0.5) # let amcl settle
	oculusprimesocket.clearIncoming()  # why?
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("right 360")
	oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
def intialPoseCallback(data):
    if data.pose.pose.position.x == 0 and data.pose.pose.position.y == 0:
    # do full rotation on pose estimate, to hone-in amcl (if not docked)
    rospy.sleep(0.5)  # let amcl settle
    oculusprimesocket.clearIncoming()  # why?
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("right 360")
    oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
예제 #3
def intialPoseCallback(data):
    # do full rotation on pose estimate, to hone-in amcl
    rospy.sleep(0.5)  # let amcl settle
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed " + str(turnspeed))
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("move right")
    rospy.sleep(secondspertwopi)  # full rotation
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
    oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
def intialPoseCallback(data):
	# do full rotation on pose estimate, to hone-in amcl
	global initturn
	initturn = True
	rospy.sleep(0.5) # let amcl settle
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed "+str(turnspeed) )
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("move right")
	rospy.sleep(secondspertwopi) # full rotation
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
	oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	initturn = False
예제 #5
def directionListenerThread():
    global turning
    while oculusprimesocket.connected:
        s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction")
        direction = s.split()[2]
        if direction == "left" or direction == "right":
            turning = True
            turning = False
예제 #6
rospy.init_node('arcmove_globalpath_follower', anonymous=False)
listener = tf.TransformListener()

rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, odomCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/DWAPlannerROS/local_plan", Path, pathCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/goal", MoveBaseActionGoal, goalCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/status", GoalStatusArray, goalStatusCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan", Path,
rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, intialPoseCallback)

oculusprimesocket.sendString("log connected")
oculusprimesocket.sendString("readsetting usearcmoves")
s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("setting usearcmoves")
if"true", s):
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove true")
    oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove false")

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    t = rospy.get_time()

    if t >= nextmove:
        if goalseek and (followpath or goalpose):

            oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove")
            s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> rosarcmove")
            if"true", s):
                rosarcmove = True
예제 #7
def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
    global followpath, goalpose, tfth, nextmove
    global odomx, odomy, odomth

    # determine xy deltas for move
    distance = 0
    if followpath:
        dx = tx - ox
        dy = ty - oy
        distance = math.sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2))

    goalrotate = False
    if distance > 0:
        th = math.acos(dx / distance)
        if dy < 0:
            th = -th
    elif goalpose:
        th = gth - tfth
        goalrotate = True
        th = tth

    # determine angle delta for move
    dth = th - oth
    if dth > math.pi:
        dth = -math.pi * 2 + dth
    elif dth < -math.pi:
        dth = math.pi * 2 + dth

    # force minimums
    if distance > 0 and distance < 0.05:
        distance = 0.05

    # supposed to reduce zig zagging
    if dth < minturn * 0.3 and dth > -minturn * 0.3:
        dth = 0
    elif dth >= minturn * 0.3 and dth < minturn:
        dth = minturn
    elif dth <= -minturn * 0.3 and dth > -minturn:
        dth = -minturn

    if dth > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed " + str(turnspeed))
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move left")
        rospy.sleep(dth / (2.0 * math.pi) * secondspertwopi)
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
    elif dth < 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed " + str(turnspeed))
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move right")
        rospy.sleep(-dth / (2.0 * math.pi) * secondspertwopi)
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    if distance > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed " + str(linearspeed))
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move forward")
        rospy.sleep(distance * secondspermeter)
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    if goalrotate:
예제 #8
def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
    global followpath, initialturn, waitonaboutface, nextmove

    currentpathid = pathid

    # determine xy deltas for move
    distance = 0
    if followpath:
        dx = tx - ox
        dy = ty - oy
        distance = math.sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2))

    goalrotate = False
    if distance > 0:
        th = math.acos(dx / distance)
        if dy < 0:
            th = -th

    elif goalpose:
            (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/odom',
            quaternion = (rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])
            th = gth - tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)[2]
            goalrotate = True
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
            th = tth

        # th = gth - tfth

    else:  # does this ever get called? just use th = math.acos(dx/distance), same?
        th = tth

    # determine angle delta for move
    dth = th - oth
    if dth > math.pi:
        dth = -math.pi * 2 + dth
    elif dth < -math.pi:
        dth = math.pi * 2 + dth

    # force minimums
    if distance > 0 and distance < minlinear:
        distance = minlinear

    if distance > maxlinear:
        distance = maxlinear

    # supposed to reduce zig zagging  (was 0.3)
    if dth < minturn * 0.5 and dth > -minturn * 0.5:
        dth = 0
    elif dth >= minturn * 0.5 and dth < minturn:
        dth = minturn
    elif dth <= -minturn * 0.5 and dth > -minturn:
        dth = -minturn


    # if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
    if abs(
    ) > 1.57 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1:
        if goalDistance() > 0.9:
            oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.26")
            oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
            waitonaboutface += 1  # only do this once
            nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime

    waitonaboutface = 0
    initialturn = False

    if not pathid == currentpathid:
        nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime

    if dth > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
    elif dth < 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " + str(int(math.degrees(-dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    if distance > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward " + str(distance))
        rospy.sleep(distance / meterspersec)
        # initialturn = False

    nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
    global followpath, goalpose, tfth, pathid, initialturn, waitonaboutface
    global odomx, odomy, odomth

    currentpathid = pathid

    # determine xy deltas for move
    distance = 0
    if followpath:
        dx = tx - ox
        dy = ty - oy
        distance = math.sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2))

    goalrotate = False
    if distance > 0:
        th = math.acos(dx / distance)
        if dy < 0:
            th = -th
    elif goalpose:
        th = gth - tfth
        goalrotate = True
        th = tth

    # determine angle delta for move
    dth = th - oth
    if dth > math.pi:
        dth = -math.pi * 2 + dth
    elif dth < -math.pi:
        dth = math.pi * 2 + dth

    # force minimums
    if distance > 0 and distance < minlinear:
        distance = minlinear

    if distance > maxlinear:
        distance = maxlinear

    # supposed to reduce zig zagging  (was 0.3)
    if dth < minturn * 0.5 and dth > -minturn * 0.5:
        dth = 0
    elif dth >= minturn * 0.5 and dth < minturn:
        dth = minturn
    elif dth <= -minturn * 0.5 and dth > -minturn:
        dth = -minturn


    # if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
    if abs(
    ) > 2.0944 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.25")
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
        waitonaboutface += 1  # only do this once

    waitonaboutface = 0

    if not pathid == currentpathid:

    if dth > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
    elif dth < 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " + str(int(math.degrees(-dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    if distance > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward " + str(distance))
        rospy.sleep(distance / meterspersec)
        initialturn = False
# rospy.init_node('dwa_base_controller', anonymous=False)
rospy.init_node('arcmove_globalpath_follower', anonymous=False)
listener = tf.TransformListener()

rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, odomCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/DWAPlannerROS/local_plan", Path, pathCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/goal", MoveBaseActionGoal, goalCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/status", GoalStatusArray, goalStatusCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan", Path, globalPathCallback)
rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, intialPoseCallback)

oculusprimesocket.sendString("log connected") 
oculusprimesocket.sendString("readsetting usearcmoves") 
s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("setting usearcmoves")
if"true", s):
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove true") 
	oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove false") 

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
	t = rospy.get_time()
	if t >= nextmove:
		if goalseek and (followpath or goalpose):
			oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosarcmove")  
			s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> rosarcmove")
			if"true", s):
def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
	global followpath, goalpose, tfth, pathid, initialturn, waitonaboutface
	global odomx, odomy, odomth

	currentpathid = pathid

	# determine xy deltas for move
	distance = 0
	if followpath:
		dx = tx - ox
		dy = ty - oy	
		distance = math.sqrt( pow(dx,2) + pow(dy,2) )
	goalrotate = False
	if distance > 0:
		th = math.acos(dx/distance)
		if dy <0:
			th = -th
	elif goalpose:
		th = gth - tfth
		goalrotate = True
		th = tth
	# determine angle delta for move
	dth = th - oth
	if dth > math.pi:
		dth = -math.pi*2 + dth
	elif dth < -math.pi:
		dth = math.pi*2 + dth
	# force minimums	
	if distance > 0 and distance < minlinear:
		distance = minlinear
	if distance > maxlinear:
		distance = maxlinear

	# supposed to reduce zig zagging  (was 0.3)
	if dth < minturn*0.5 and dth > -minturn*0.5:
		dth = 0
	elif dth >= minturn*0.5 and dth < minturn:
		dth = minturn
	elif dth <= -minturn*0.5 and dth > -minturn:
		dth = -minturn


	# if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
	if abs(dth) > 2.0944 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1: 
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.25")
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
		waitonaboutface += 1 # only do this once
	waitonaboutface = 0

	if not pathid == currentpathid:

	if dth > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))) ) 
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	elif dth < 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " +str(int(math.degrees(-dth))) )
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

	if distance > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward "+str(distance))
		initialturn = False
예제 #12
                #### recovery routine

                    "messageclients recovery rotation")

                # cancel goal, clear costmaps, generally reset as much as possible
                rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)()

                # wait for cpu
                    "<state> waitingforcpu false")

                # check if cancelled by user while waiting
                oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosgoalcancel")
                s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch(
                    "<state> rosgoalcancel")
                if"rosgoalcancel true", s):

                # resend pose, full rotate
                    str(xoffst + odomx) + "_" + str(yoffst + odomy) + "_" +
                    str(thoffst + odomth))
                # oculusprimesocket.sendString("right 360")
                oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
예제 #13
				recoveryrotate = True
				#### recovery routine

				oculusprimesocket.sendString("messageclients recovery rotation")
				# cancel goal, clear costmaps, generally reset as much as possible
				rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)()

				# wait for cpu
				oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> waitingforcpu false")
				# check if cancelled by user while waiting
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("state rosgoalcancel") 
				s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> rosgoalcancel") 
				if"rosgoalcancel true", s):
				# resend pose, full rotate
				# oculusprimesocket.sendString("right 360")
				oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

				# wait for cpu
def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
	global followpath, goalpose, tfth

	# print "odom: "+str(ox)+", "+str(oy)+", "+str(oth)
	# print "target: "+str(tx)+", "+str(ty)+", "+str(tth)
	distance = 0
	if followpath:
		dx = tx - ox
		dy = ty - oy	
		distance = math.sqrt( pow(dx,2) + pow(dy,2) )
	if distance > 0:
		th = math.acos(dx/distance)
		if dy <0:
			th = -th
	elif goalpose:
		th = gth - tfth
		th = tth

	#if goalpose:
		#th = gth
		#distance = 0
	dth = th - oth
	if dth > math.pi:
		dth = -math.pi*2 + dth
	elif dth < -math.pi:
		dth = math.pi*2 + dth
	# force minimums	
	if distance > 0 and distance < 0.05:
		distance = 0.05

	# supposed to reduce zig zagging
	if dth < minturn*0.3 and dth > -minturn*0.3:
		dth = 0
	elif dth >= minturn*0.3 and dth < minturn:
		dth = minturn
	elif dth <= -minturn*0.3 and dth > -minturn:
		dth = -minturn

	if dth > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed "+str(turnspeed) )
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move left")
		rospy.sleep(dth/(2.0*math.pi) * secondspertwopi)
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	elif dth < 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed "+str(turnspeed) )
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move right")
		rospy.sleep(-dth/(2.0*math.pi) * secondspertwopi)
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

	if distance > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed "+str(linearspeed) )
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move forward")
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
예제 #15
def arcmove(ox, oy, oth, gpx, gpy, gpth, gth, lpx, lpy, lpth):

    global initialturn, waitonaboutface, nextmove

    # global path targets
    gpdx = gpx - ox
    gpdy = gpy - oy
    gpdistance = math.sqrt(pow(gpdx, 2) + pow(gpdy, 2))
    if not gpdistance == 0:
        gpth = math.acos(gpdx / gpdistance)
        if gpdy < 0:
            gpth = -gpth

    # local path targets
    lpdx = lpx - ox
    lpdy = lpy - oy
    lpdistance = math.sqrt(pow(lpdx, 2) + pow(lpdy, 2))
    if not lpdistance == 0:
        lpth = math.acos(lpdx / lpdistance)
        if lpdy < 0:
            lpth = -lpth

    # find arclength if any, and turn radians, depending on scenario
    arclength = 0
    goalrotate = False
    if followpath and not ox == gpx and not oy == gpy and not initialturn:  # normal arc move

        if abs(
                lpth - gpth
        ) > dpmthreshold:  # 90 degrees local path disparity, use global instead
            dth = gpth
            distance = gpdistance / 2  # prevent oscillation, better than distance = 0
            # distance = 0
            # print("using global path")
            dth = lpth
            distance = lpdistance

        dth = dth - oth
        if dth > math.pi:
            dth = -math.pi * 2 + dth
        elif dth < -math.pi:
            dth = math.pi * 2 + dth

        radius = (distance / 2) / math.sin(dth / 2)
        arclength = radius * dth  # *should* work out to always be > 0
        if not arclength == 0:
            if abs(dth / arclength) > dpmthreshold:  #  1.57:
                arclength = 0
                # print ("high dpm")

    elif goalpose:  # final goal rotate move
            (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/odom',
            quaternion = (rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])
            dth = (
                gth -
                tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)[2]) - oth
            goalrotate = True
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
            dth = lpth

    else:  # initial turn move (always?)
        dth = gpth - oth  # point to global path

    # determine angle delta for move TODO: cleanup
    if dth > math.pi:
        dth = -math.pi * 2 + dth
    elif dth < -math.pi:
        dth = math.pi * 2 + dth

    # if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
    if abs(
    ) > 1.57 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1:  # was 2.094 120 deg
        if goalDistance() > 0.9:  # skip if close to goal
            oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.25")
            oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
            waitonaboutface += 1  # only do this once
            nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
            # print("pausing...")
    waitonaboutface = 0

    initialturn = False

    if arclength > 0:  # arcmove
        if arclength < minlinear:
            arclength = minlinear

        oculusprimesocket.sendString("arcmove " + str(arclength) + " " +
        rospy.sleep(arclength / 0.35)
        nextmove = rospy.get_time()

    # rotate only

    # force minimum
    if dth > 0 and dth < minturn:
        dth = minturn
    elif dth < 0 and dth > -minturn:
        dth = -minturn


    oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
    oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    if dth > 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
    elif dth < 0:
        oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " + str(int(math.degrees(-dth))))
        oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

    nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
예제 #16
		if len(globalpath) > 0:
	if goalseek: 
		state = move_base.get_state()
		if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: # error if not seeking goal
			oculusprimesocket.sendString("messageclients navigation goal reached")
			oculusprimesocket.sendString("state delete roscurrentgoal")
			goalseek = False
		elif state == GoalStatus.ABORTED: 
			if not recoveryrotate:
				recoveryrotate = True
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("messageclients recovery rotation")
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("speed "+str(turnspeed) )
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("move right")
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
				oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("messageclients navigation goal ABORTED")
				oculusprimesocket.sendString("state delete roscurrentgoal")
				goalseek = False
	rospy.sleep(0.01) # this really helps with cpu load
        if motion == 1:
            oculusprimesocket.sendString("gotowaypoint " + wp)
    elif == 1:  # 1 means raise e-stop
        stop = 1
        if motion == 1:
            oculusprimesocket.sendString("rosgoalcancel TRUE")

# start the Subscriber threads
def action():
    rospy.Subscriber("destination", String, loco)
    rospy.Subscriber("master_control", Int64, emergency_stop)

t1 = Thread(target=action)

# track the state of the platform
while True:
    while stop != 1:  # loop
        time.sleep(1)  # wait one second, don't clog the telnet stream!
        s = oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("navigation").lower().split()[-1]
        if s == "reached":
            print "waypoint " + wp + " reached"
            motion = 0
	    if final == 1:

def move(ox, oy, oth, tx, ty, tth, gth):
	global followpath, initialturn, waitonaboutface, nextmove

	currentpathid = pathid

	# determine xy deltas for move
	distance = 0
	if followpath:
		dx = tx - ox
		dy = ty - oy	
		distance = math.sqrt( pow(dx,2) + pow(dy,2) )
	goalrotate = False
	if distance > 0:
		th = math.acos(dx/distance)
		if dy <0:
			th = -th
	elif goalpose:
			(trans,rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/odom', rospy.Time(0))
			quaternion = (rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])
			th = gth - tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)[2]
			goalrotate = True
		except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
			th = tth		
		# th = gth - tfth

	else: # does this ever get called? just use th = math.acos(dx/distance), same?
		th = tth
	# determine angle delta for move
	dth = th - oth
	if dth > math.pi:
		dth = -math.pi*2 + dth
	elif dth < -math.pi:
		dth = math.pi*2 + dth
	# force minimums	
	if distance > 0 and distance < minlinear:
		distance = minlinear
	if distance > maxlinear:
		distance = maxlinear

	# supposed to reduce zig zagging  (was 0.3)
	if dth < minturn*0.5 and dth > -minturn*0.5:
		dth = 0
	elif dth >= minturn*0.5 and dth < minturn:
		dth = minturn
	elif dth <= -minturn*0.5 and dth > -minturn:
		dth = -minturn


	# if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
	if abs(dth) > 1.57 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1: 
		if goalDistance() > 0.9:
			oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.26")
			oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
			waitonaboutface += 1 # only do this once
			nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
	waitonaboutface = 0
	initialturn = False

	if not pathid == currentpathid:			
		nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime

	if dth > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))) ) 
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	elif dth < 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " +str(int(math.degrees(-dth))) )
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

	if distance > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward "+str(distance))
		# initialturn = False
	nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
def arcmove(ox, oy, oth, gpx, gpy, gpth, gth, lpx, lpy, lpth):
	global initialturn, waitonaboutface, nextmove
	# global path targets
	gpdx = gpx - ox
	gpdy = gpy - oy	
	gpdistance = math.sqrt( pow(gpdx,2) + pow(gpdy,2) )
	if not gpdistance == 0:
		gpth = math.acos(gpdx/gpdistance)
		if gpdy <0:
			gpth = -gpth
	# local path targets	
	lpdx = lpx - ox
	lpdy = lpy - oy	
	lpdistance = math.sqrt( pow(lpdx,2) + pow(lpdy,2) )
	if not lpdistance == 0:
		lpth = math.acos(lpdx/lpdistance)
		if lpdy <0:
			lpth = -lpth
	# find arclength if any, and turn radians, depending on scenario
	arclength = 0
	goalrotate = False	
	if followpath and not ox==gpx and not oy==gpy and not initialturn: # normal arc move
		if abs(lpth-gpth) > dpmthreshold: # 90 degrees local path disparity, use global instead
			dth = gpth
			distance = gpdistance/2 # prevent oscillation, better than distance = 0
			# distance = 0
			# print("using global path")
			dth = lpth
			distance = lpdistance

		dth = dth - oth
		if dth > math.pi:
			dth = -math.pi*2 + dth
		elif dth < -math.pi:
			dth = math.pi*2 + dth

		radius = (distance/2)/math.sin(dth/2)
		arclength = radius * dth # *should* work out to always be > 0
		if not arclength == 0:
			if abs(dth/arclength) > dpmthreshold: #  1.57:
				arclength = 0
				# print ("high dpm")

	elif goalpose:  # final goal rotate move
			(trans,rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/odom', rospy.Time(0))
			quaternion = (rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])
			dth = (gth - tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)[2]) - oth
			goalrotate = True
		except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
			dth = lpth

	else: # initial turn move (always?)  
		dth = gpth - oth # point to global path

	# determine angle delta for move TODO: cleanup
	if dth > math.pi:
		dth = -math.pi*2 + dth
	elif dth < -math.pi:
		dth = math.pi*2 + dth
	# if turning more than 120 deg, inch forward, make sure not transient obstacle (like door transfer)
	if abs(dth) > 1.57 and not goalrotate and not initialturn and waitonaboutface < 1: # was 2.094 120 deg
		if goalDistance() > 0.9: # skip if close to goal
			oculusprimesocket.sendString("forward 0.25")
			oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
			waitonaboutface += 1 # only do this once
			nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime
			# print("pausing...")
	waitonaboutface = 0

	initialturn = False

	if arclength > 0: # arcmove
		if arclength < minlinear:
			arclength = minlinear

		oculusprimesocket.sendString("arcmove " + str(arclength) + " " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))) ) 
		nextmove = rospy.get_time()

	# rotate only

	# force minimum
	if dth > 0 and dth < minturn:
		dth = minturn
	elif dth < 0 and dth > -minturn:
		dth = -minturn

	oculusprimesocket.sendString("move stop")
	# below waits forever with new java stopbetweenmoves rotate code!! state never arrives
	# oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")

	if dth > 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("left " + str(int(math.degrees(dth))) ) 
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	elif dth < 0:
		oculusprimesocket.sendString("right " +str(int(math.degrees(-dth))) )
		oculusprimesocket.waitForReplySearch("<state> direction stop")
	nextmove = rospy.get_time() + listentime