예제 #1
def omp_taskyield():
    import omp
    from time import sleep
    NUM_TASKS = 25
    count = 0
    start_id = [0 for _ in range(NUM_TASKS)]
    current_id = [0 for _ in range(NUM_TASKS)]

    if 'omp parallel':
        use_omp = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            for i in range(NUM_TASKS):
                myi = i
                if 'omp task firstprivate(myi) untied':
                    start_id[myi] = omp.get_thread_num()

                    'omp taskyield'

                    if start_id[myi] % 2 == 0:
                        current_id[myi] = omp.get_thread_num()

    for i in range(NUM_TASKS):
        if current_id[i] == start_id[i]:
            count += 1

    return count < NUM_TASKS or not use_omp
예제 #2
def omp_in_parallel():
    import omp
    serial = 1
    isparallel = 0

    serial = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel':
        if 'omp single':
            isparallel = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel':
        if 'omp single':

    return not serial and isparallel
def omp_sections_nowait():
    import omp
    from time import sleep
    result = False
    count = 0

    if 'omp parallel':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        rank = omp.get_thread_num()

        if 'omp sections nowait':
            if 'omp section':
                count = 1
                'omp flush(count)'
            if 'omp section':

        if 'omp sections':
            if 'omp section':
            if 'omp section':
                if count == 0:
                    result = True
    return result or not in_parallel
예제 #4
def omp_in_parallel():
    import omp
    serial = 1
    isparallel = 0

    serial = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel num_threads(2)':
        num_threads = omp.get_num_threads()
        if 'omp single':
            isparallel = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel':
        if 'omp single':

    return (not serial and isparallel) or num_threads == 1
예제 #5
def omp_in_parallel():
    import omp
    serial = 1
    isparallel = 0

    serial = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel num_threads(2)':
        num_threads = omp.get_num_threads()
        if 'omp single':
            isparallel = omp.in_parallel()

    if 'omp parallel':
        if 'omp single':

    return bool(not serial and isparallel) or num_threads == 1
예제 #6
def omp_nested():
    import omp
    counter = 0

    if 'omp parallel shared(counter) num_threads(4)':
        use_omp = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp critical':
            counter += 1

        if 'omp parallel num_threads(4)':
            if 'omp critical':
                counter -= 1
    return counter != 0 or not use_omp
예제 #7
def omp_get_wtime():
    import omp
    from time import sleep
    wait_time = 2

    #omp parallel
    in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()

    start = omp.get_wtime()
    end = omp.get_wtime()
    measured_time = end - start
    print(measured_time, wait_time)

    return (measured_time > 0.9 * wait_time and measured_time < 1.1 * wait_time) or not in_parallel
예제 #8
def omp_flush():
    result1 = 0
    result2 = 0
    if 'omp parallel':
        use_omp = omp.in_parallel()
        rank = omp.get_thread_num()
        'omp barrier'
        if rank == 1:
            result2 = 3
            'omp flush (result2)'
            dummy = result2
        if rank == 0:
            'omp flush(result2)'
            result1 = result2
    return not use_omp or (result1 == result2 and result2 == dummy and result2 == 3)
예제 #9
def omp_task():
    import omp
    from time import sleep
    NUM_TASKS = 25
    tids = range(NUM_TASKS)

    if 'omp parallel':
        use_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        for i in range(NUM_TASKS):
            myi = i
            if 'omp task':
                tids[myi] = omp.get_thread_num()
    for i in range(NUM_TASKS):
        if tids[0] != tids[i]:
            return True

    return not use_parallel
예제 #10
def omp_barrier():
    import omp
    from time import sleep
    result1 = 0
    result2 = 0
    #omp parallel num_threads(4)
    if 1:
        use_omp = omp.in_parallel()
        rank = omp.get_thread_num()
        if rank == 1:
            result2 = 3
        #omp barrier
        if rank == 2:
            result1 = result2
    if use_omp:
        return result1 == 3
        return result1 == 0
예제 #11
def omp_task_imp_firstprivate():
    i = 5
    k = 0
    result = False
    NUM_TASKS = 25
    task_result = True

    if 'omp parallel firstprivate(i)':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            for k in range(NUM_TASKS):
                if 'omp task  shared(result, task_result)':
                    if i != 5:
                        task_result = False

                    for j in range(0, NUM_TASKS):
                        i += 1
            'omp taskwait'
            result = task_result and i == 5
    return result or not in_parallel
def omp_task_imp_firstprivate():
    i = 5
    k = 0
    result = 0
    NUM_TASKS = 25
    task_result = 1

    if 'omp parallel firstprivate(i)':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            for k in range(NUM_TASKS):
                if 'omp task  shared(result, task_result)':
                    if i != 5:
                        task_result = 0

                    for j in range(0, NUM_TASKS):
                        i += 1
            'omp taskwait'
            result = task_result and i == 5
    return result or not in_parallel
예제 #13
def omp_for_nowait():
    LOOPCOUNT = 1000
    myarray = [0]*LOOPCOUNT
    result = 0
    count = 0
    import omp
    if 'omp parallel num_threads(4)':
        use_omp = omp.in_parallel()
        rank = omp.get_thread_num()
        'omp for nowait'
        for i in range(LOOPCOUNT):
            if i == 0:
                while i < LOOPCOUNT**2: i+=1
                count = 1
                'omp flush(count)'
        for i in range(LOOPCOUNT):
            'omp flush(count)'
            if count ==0:
                result = 1

    return result == 1 or not use_omp
def omp_task_firstprivate():
    sum = 1234
    result = 0
    LOOPCOUNT = 1000
    NUM_TASKS = 25

    known_sum = 1234 + (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2

    if 'omp parallel':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            for i in range(NUM_TASKS):
                if 'omp task firstprivate(sum)':
                    for j in range(LOOPCOUNT + 1):
                        'omp flush'
                        sum += j
                    if sum != known_sum:
                        if 'omp critical':
                            result += 1

    return result == 0 or not in_parallel
예제 #15
def omp_single_private():
    nr_threads_in_single = 0
    nr_iterations = 0
    result = 0
    LOOPCOUNT = 1000

    if 'omp parallel':
        use_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        myresult = 0
        myit = 0
        for i in range(LOOPCOUNT):
            if 'omp single private(nr_threads_in_single)':
                nr_threads_in_single = 0
                'omp flush'
                nr_threads_in_single += 1
                'omp flush'
                myit += 1
                myresult += nr_threads_in_single
        if 'omp critical':
            result += nr_threads_in_single
            nr_iterations += myit

    return not use_parallel or (result == 0 and nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT)
def omp_single_private():
    nr_threads_in_single = 0
    nr_iterations = 0
    result = 0
    LOOPCOUNT = 1000

    if 'omp parallel':
        use_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        myresult = 0
        myit = 0
        for i in range(LOOPCOUNT):
            if 'omp single private(nr_threads_in_single)':
                nr_threads_in_single = 0
                'omp flush'
                nr_threads_in_single += 1
                'omp flush'
                myit += 1
                myresult += nr_threads_in_single
        if 'omp critical':
            result += nr_threads_in_single
            nr_iterations += myit

    return not use_parallel or (result == 0 and nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT)
예제 #17
def omp_for_schedule_guided():
    tids = range(1001)
    maxiter = 0
    result = True
    notout = True
    if 'omp parallel num_threads(4)':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            threads = omp.get_num_threads()

    if threads < 2:
        print "This test only works with at least two threads"
        result = False

    if 'omp parallel shared(tids, maxiter) num_threads(4)':
        tid = omp.get_num_threads()
        'omp for nowait schedule(guided)'
        for j in range(1000):
            count = 0
            'omp flush(maxiter)'
            if j > maxiter:
                if 'omp critical':
                    maxiter = j
            'omp flush(notout, maxiter)'
            while notout and count < 0.0005 and maxiter == j:
                'omp flush(notout, maxiter)'
                count += 0.0001
            tids[j] = tid

        notout = False
        'omp flush(maxiter, notout)'

    last_threadnr = tids[0]
    global_chunknr = 0
    local_chunknr = [0 for i in range(10)]
    openwork = 1000
    tids[1000] = -1

    for i in range(1, 1001):
        if last_threadnr == tids[i]:
            global_chunknr += 1
            local_chunknr[last_threadnr] += 1
            last_threadnr = tids[i]

    chuncksize = range(global_chunknr)

    global_chunknr = 0
    determined_chunksize = 1
    last_threadnr = tids[0]

    for i in range(1, 1001):
        if last_threadnr == tids[i]:
            determined_chunksize += 1
            chuncksize[global_chunknr] = determined_chunksize
            global_chunknr += 1
            local_chunknr[last_threadnr] += 1
            last_threadnr = tids[i]
            determined_chunksize = 1

    expected_chunk_size = openwork / threads
    c = chuncksize[0] / expected_chunk_size

    for i in range(global_chunknr):
        if expected_chunk_size > 1:
            expected_chunk_size = c * openwork / threads
        if abs(chuncksize[i] - expected_chunk_size) >= 2:
            result = False

        openwork -= chuncksize[i]
    return result or not in_parallel
def omp_for_schedule_guided():
    tids = range(1001)
    maxiter = 0
    result = True
    notout = True
    if 'omp parallel num_threads(4)':
        in_parallel = omp.in_parallel()
        if 'omp single':
            threads = omp.get_num_threads()

    if threads<2:
        print("This test only works with at least two threads")
        result = False

    if 'omp parallel shared(tids, maxiter) num_threads(4)':
        tid = omp.get_num_threads()
        'omp for nowait schedule(guided)'
        for j in range(1000):
            count = 0
            'omp flush(maxiter)'
            if j > maxiter:
                if 'omp critical':
                    maxiter = j
            'omp flush(notout, maxiter)'
            while notout and count < 0.0005 and maxiter == j:
                'omp flush(notout, maxiter)'
                count += 0.0001
            tids[j] = tid

        notout = False
        'omp flush(maxiter, notout)'

    last_threadnr = tids[0]
    global_chunknr = 0
    local_chunknr = [0 for i in range(10)]
    openwork = 1000;
    tids[1000] = -1

    for i in range(1,1001):
        if last_threadnr == tids[i]:
            global_chunknr += 1
            local_chunknr[last_threadnr] += 1
            last_threadnr = tids[i]

    chuncksize = range(global_chunknr)

    global_chunknr = 0
    determined_chunksize = 1
    last_threadnr = tids[0]

    for i in range(1,1001):
        if last_threadnr == tids[i]:
            determined_chunksize += 1
            chuncksize[global_chunknr] = determined_chunksize
            global_chunknr += 1
            local_chunknr[last_threadnr] += 1
            last_threadnr = tids[i]
            determined_chunksize = 1

    expected_chunk_size = openwork / threads
    c = chuncksize[0] / expected_chunk_size

    for i in range(global_chunknr):
        if expected_chunk_size > 1:
            expected_chunk_size = c * openwork / threads
        if abs(chuncksize[i] - expected_chunk_size) >= 2:
            result = False

        openwork -= chuncksize[i]
    return result or not in_parallel