def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to arbitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" try: return eval('super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)') except eval('Exception'): if not isinstance(exception, (openerp.exceptions.Warning, SessionExpiredException)): _logger.exception("Exception during JSON request handling.") error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "Odoo Server Error", 'data': http.serialize_exception(exception) } if isinstance(exception, AuthenticationError): error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "Odoo Session Invalid" if isinstance(exception, SessionExpiredException): error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "Odoo Session Expired" if == 'Not Found' and exception.code == 404: error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "Odoo Session Expired" error['data']['name'] = 'werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden' return self._json_response(error=error)
def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to arbitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" try: return super(ApiJsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) except Exception: if not isinstance( exception, ( openerp.exceptions.Warning, SessionExpiredException, openerp.exceptions.except_orm, werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound, ), ): _logger.exception("Exception during JSON request handling.") error = { "code": 200, "message": "Openerp Server Error", "data": serialize_exception(exception), } if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound): error["http_status"] = 404 error["code"] = 404 error["message"] = "404: Not Found" if isinstance(exception, AuthenticationError): error["code"] = 100 error["message"] = "Openerp Session Invalid" if isinstance(exception, SessionExpiredException): error["code"] = 100 error["message"] = "Openerp Session Expired" return self._json_response(error=error)
def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to arbitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" try: return super(JsonRawRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) except Exception: if not isinstance( exception, (openerp.exceptions.Warning, SessionExpiredException)): _logger.exception("Exception during JSON request handling.") error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "Odoo Server Error", 'data': serialize_exception(exception) } if isinstance(exception, AuthenticationError): error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "Odoo Session Invalid" if isinstance(exception, SessionExpiredException): error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "Odoo Session Expired" return self._json_response(error=error)
def send_signed_xml(self, document_generic, raise_error=False): self.ensure_one() fname_signed_xml = str( + '_' + str( document_generic.invoice_id.ebi_voucher_type) + '_' + str( + '_byuser_signed.xml' full_path_signed_xml = self._full_path(fname_signed_xml) REDIRECT_URI = self.mh_receipt_test_wsdl if self.environment == 'prod': REDIRECT_URI = self.mh_receipt_prod_wsdl token_cr = self.oaut2_autenthication_cr(document_generic) try: byt_file = False with open(full_path_signed_xml) as file: f = byt_file = bytearray(f) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': "bearer " + token_cr } # date_doc = document_generic.invoice_id.date_invoice date_doc = document_generic.invoice_id.ebi_send_date date_convert = self.date_format_doc(date_doc) # print "fecha de doc", date_convert jsonString = {} jsonString['clave'] = document_generic.invoice_id.ebi_access_key jsonString['fecha'] = date_convert jsonString['emisor'] = {} jsonString['emisor'][ 'tipoIdentificacion'] = document_generic.invoice_id.company_id.partner_id.identification_type jsonString['emisor'][ 'numeroIdentificacion'] = document_generic.invoice_id.company_id.partner_id.identification_cr jsonString['receptor'] = {} jsonString['receptor'][ 'tipoIdentificacion'] = document_generic.invoice_id.identification_type jsonString['receptor'][ 'numeroIdentificacion'] = document_generic.invoice_id.identification_cr jsonString['comprobanteXml'] = base64.b64encode(byt_file) response = + 'recepcion', json=jsonString, headers=headers) except (Exception, ) as e: _logger.error(serialize_exception(e))'Error %s' % str(e)) raise UserError(_("A ocurrido un error enviando el xml ")) print 'POST /service {}'.format(response.status_code)'Respuesta Valiacion %s' % str(response))'Contenido Respuesta Valiacion %s' % str(response.content)) # aqui poner exception que hubo error if response.status_code != 200: _logger.error( "---->A ocurrido un error enviando el comprobante: " + response.content) if response.status_code in [400, 401]: text_excp_ = str(response.headers._store['x-error-cause'][1]) message_title = "ERROR" message_msg = text_excp_ state = 'ERROR' res_id = document_generic.obj_id model_name = document_generic.obj_model sequence_msg = len(document_generic.env[model_name].browse( res_id).ebi_messages_ids) + 1 message_data = { 'title': message_title, 'message': message_msg, 'state': state, 'access_key': document_generic.mh_access_key, 'res_id': res_id, 'model_name': model_name, 'type': 'interno', 'sequence': sequence_msg, 'edig_id':, 'invoice_id':, } self.env['ebi.doc.message'].create(message_data) document_generic.message_post(body=message_title + ' - ' + message_msg) document_generic.invoice_id.message_post(body=message_title + ' - ' + message_msg) return self.env['cr.wizard.message'].generated_message( message_msg, name=message_title) # raise ValidationError( # _("A ocurrido un error enviando el comprobante: ") + str(response.headers._store['x-error-cause'][1])) # if response.status_code in [202]: # raise ValidationError( # _("A ocurrido un error enviando el comprobante: ") + str( # response.headers)) if response.status_code not in [202]: text_excp_ = "Estado " + str( response.status_code) + " - " + str(response.headers) message_title = "ERROR" message_msg = text_excp_ state = 'ERROR' res_id = document_generic.obj_id model_name = document_generic.obj_model sequence_msg = len(document_generic.env[model_name].browse( res_id).ebi_messages_ids) + 1 message_data = { 'title': message_title, 'message': message_msg, 'state': state, 'access_key': document_generic.mh_access_key, 'res_id': res_id, 'model_name': model_name, 'type': 'interno', 'sequence': sequence_msg, 'edig_id':, 'invoice_id':, } self.env['ebi.doc.message'].create(message_data) document_generic.message_post(body=message_title + ' - ' + message_msg) document_generic.invoice_id.message_post(body=message_title + ' - ' + message_msg) return self.env['cr.wizard.message'].generated_message( message_msg, name=message_title) # raise ValidationError( # _("A ocurrido un error enviando el comprobante: ") + str(response.headers)) _logger.error("Respuesta " + ustr(response.content))'LLAMANDO SERVICIO verificar estado %s' % str( count = 0 timeout = False time.sleep(50L) response_query = self.query_cr(document_generic) if type(response_query) is dict: return dict(response_query) # print "respuesta del estado", response_query return response_query
def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Format the errors to conform to GMC error types.""" error = { 'ErrorId': self.uuid, 'ErrorTimestamp': self.timestamp, 'ErrorClass': 'BusinessException', 'ErrorRetryable': False, 'ErrorModule': 'REST OnRamp', 'ErrorSubModule': 'Rest OnRamp Authorization', 'ErrorMethod': 'ValidateToken', 'ErrorLoggedInUser': '', 'RelatedRecordId': '' } try: super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) except werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException: # General exception, send back the exception message error.update({ 'ErrorCode': exception.code, 'ErrorCategory': 'CommunicationError', 'ErrorMessage': exception.message, 'description': exception.description, }) except exceptions.AccessDenied: # Access error error.update({ 'ErrorCode': 401, 'ErrorCategory': 'AuthorizationError', 'ErrorMessage': '401 Unauthorized', }) except AttributeError: # Raised if JSON could not be parsed or invalid body was received error.update({ 'ErrorCode': 400, 'ErrorSubModule': 'Rest OnRamp Message Validation', 'ErrorMethod': 'Message Validation', 'ErrorCategory': 'InputValidationError', 'ErrorMessage': exception.message, }) except AuthenticationError: error.update({ 'ErrorCode': 401, 'ErrorCategory': 'AuthenticationError', 'ErrorMessage': 'Session Invalid', }) except SessionExpiredException: error.update({ 'ErrorCode': 401, 'ErrorCategory': 'AuthenticationError', 'ErrorMessage': 'Session Expired', }) except Exception: # Any other cases, lookup what exception type was raised. if not isinstance(exception, (exceptions.Warning)): _logger.exception("Exception during JSON request handling.") error.update({ 'ErrorCode': 500, 'ErrorCategory': 'ApplicationError', 'ErrorMessage': 'Odoo Server Error', }) finally: ONRAMP_LOGGER.error(serialize_exception(exception)) return self._json_response(error=error)