예제 #1
def test_aggregate_to_daily_date_filtering():
    """Test daily aggregation start/end date filtering"""
    source_coll = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA')\
        .filterDate('2017-01-01', '2018-01-01')\
        .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-121.9, 39))\

    # First test if both start and end date are set
    output = utils.get_info(
        interpolate.aggregate_to_daily(source_coll, '2017-06-30',
    assert min(output) == '2017-06-30'
    assert max(output) < '2017-08-02'

    # Then test if only start_date is set
    output = utils.get_info(
            source_coll, start_date='2017-06-30').aggregate_array('date'))
    assert min(output) == '2017-06-30'

    # Then test if only end_date is set
    output = utils.get_info(
            source_coll, end_date='2017-08-02').aggregate_array('date'))
    assert max(output) < '2017-08-02'
예제 #2
def test_aggregate_to_daily_properties():
    """Test daily aggregation image properties"""
    source_coll = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA')\
        .filterDate('2017-06-30', '2017-08-02')\
        .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-121.9, 39))
    output = utils.get_info(
    assert set(output['properties'].keys()) == {
        'date', 'system:index', 'system:time_start'
    assert output['properties']['date'] == '2017-06-30'
def mgrs_export_tiles(study_area_coll_id, mgrs_coll_id,
                      study_area_property=None, study_area_features=[],
                      mgrs_tiles=[], mgrs_skip_list=[],
                      utm_zones=[], wrs2_tiles=[],
                      mgrs_property='mgrs', utm_property='utm',
    """Select MGRS tiles and metadata that intersect the study area geometry

    study_area_coll_id : str
        Study area feature collection asset ID.
    mgrs_coll_id : str
        MGRS feature collection asset ID.
    study_area_property : str, optional
        Property name to use for inList() filter call of study area collection.
        Filter will only be applied if both 'study_area_property' and
        'study_area_features' parameters are both set.
    study_area_features : list, optional
        List of study area feature property values to filter on.
    mgrs_tiles : list, optional
        User defined MGRS tile subset.
    mgrs_skip_list : list, optional
        User defined list MGRS tiles to skip.
    utm_zones : list, optional
        User defined UTM zone subset.
    wrs2_tiles : list, optional
        User defined WRS2 tile subset.
    mgrs_property : str, optional
        MGRS property in the MGRS feature collection (the default is 'mgrs').
    utm_property : str, optional
        UTM zone property in the MGRS feature collection (the default is 'wrs2').
    wrs2_property : str, optional
        WRS2 property in the MGRS feature collection (the default is 'wrs2').

    list of dicts: export information

    # Build and filter the study area feature collection
    logging.debug('Building study area collection')
    logging.debug(f'  {study_area_coll_id}')
    study_area_coll = ee.FeatureCollection(study_area_coll_id)
    if (study_area_property == 'STUSPS' and
            'CONUS' in [x.upper() for x in study_area_features]):
        # Exclude AK, HI, AS, GU, PR, MP, VI, (but keep DC)
        study_area_features = [
            'AL', 'AR', 'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA',
            'IA', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME',
            'MI', 'MN', 'MO', 'MS', 'MT', 'NC', 'ND', 'NE', 'NH', 'NJ',
            'NM', 'NV', 'NY', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD',
            'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VA', 'VT', 'WA', 'WI', 'WV', 'WY']
    # elif (study_area_property == 'STUSPS' and
    #         'WESTERN11' in [x.upper() for x in study_area_features]):
    #     study_area_features = [
    #         'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'ID', 'MT', 'NM', 'NV', 'OR', 'UT', 'WA', 'WY']
    study_area_features = sorted(list(set(study_area_features)))

    if study_area_property and study_area_features:
        logging.debug('  Filtering study area collection')
        logging.debug(f'  Property: {study_area_property}')
        logging.debug(f'  Features: {",".join(study_area_features)}')
        study_area_coll = study_area_coll.filter(
            ee.Filter.inList(study_area_property, study_area_features))

    logging.debug('Building MGRS tile list')
    tiles_coll = ee.FeatureCollection(mgrs_coll_id) \

    # Filter collection by user defined lists
    if utm_zones:
        logging.debug(f'  Filter user UTM Zones:    {utm_zones}')
        tiles_coll = tiles_coll.filter(ee.Filter.inList(utm_property, utm_zones))
    if mgrs_skip_list:
        logging.debug(f'  Filter MGRS skip list:    {mgrs_skip_list}')
        tiles_coll = tiles_coll.filter(
            ee.Filter.inList(mgrs_property, mgrs_skip_list).Not())
    if mgrs_tiles:
        logging.debug(f'  Filter MGRS tiles/zones:  {mgrs_tiles}')
        # Allow MGRS tiles to be subsets of the full tile code
        #   i.e. mgrs_tiles = 10TE, 10TF
        mgrs_filters = [
            ee.Filter.stringStartsWith(mgrs_property, mgrs_id.upper())
            for mgrs_id in mgrs_tiles]
        tiles_coll = tiles_coll.filter(ee.call('Filter.or', mgrs_filters))

    def drop_geometry(ftr):
        return ee.Feature(None).copyProperties(ftr)

    logging.debug('  Requesting tile/zone info')
    tiles_info = utils.get_info(tiles_coll.map(drop_geometry))

    # Constructed as a list of dicts to mimic other interpolation/export tools
    tiles_list = []
    for tile_ftr in tiles_info['features']:
            'index': tile_ftr['properties']['mgrs'].upper(),
            'wrs2_tiles': sorted(utils.wrs2_str_2_set(

    # Apply the user defined WRS2 tile list
    if wrs2_tiles:
        logging.debug(f'  Filter WRS2 tiles: {wrs2_tiles}')
        for tile in tiles_list:
            tile['wrs2_tiles'] = sorted(list(
                set(tile['wrs2_tiles']) & set(wrs2_tiles)))

    # Only return export tiles that have intersecting WRS2 tiles
    export_list = [
        tile for tile in sorted(tiles_list, key=lambda k: k['index'])
        if tile['wrs2_tiles']]

    return export_list
예제 #4
def main(ini_path=None,
    """Compute gridded Tcorr images by date

    ini_path : str
        Input file path.
    overwrite_flag : bool, optional
        If True, overwrite existing files if the export dates are the same and
        generate new images (but with different export dates) even if the tile
        lists are the same.  The default is False.
    delay_time : float, optional
        Delay time in seconds between starting export tasks (or checking the
        number of queued tasks, see "max_ready" parameter).  The default is 0.
    gee_key_file : str, None, optional
        Earth Engine service account JSON key file (the default is None).
    ready_task_max: int, optional
        Maximum number of queued "READY" tasks.
    reverse_flag : bool, optional
        If True, process WRS2 tiles in reverse order (the default is False).
    tiles : str, None, optional
        List of MGRS tiles to process (the default is None).
    update_flag : bool, optional
        If True, only overwrite scenes with an older model version.
        recent_days : int, optional
        Limit start/end date range to this many days before the current date
        (the default is 0 which is equivalent to not setting the parameter and
         will use the INI start/end date directly).
    start_dt : datetime, optional
        Override the start date in the INI file
        (the default is None which will use the INI start date).
    end_dt : datetime, optional
        Override the (inclusive) end date in the INI file
        (the default is None which will use the INI end date).

    logging.info('\nCompute gridded Tcorr images by date')

    # CGM - Which format should we use for the WRS2 tile?
    wrs2_tile_fmt = 'p{:03d}r{:03d}'
    # wrs2_tile_fmt = '{:03d}{:03d}'
    wrs2_tile_re = re.compile('p?(\d{1,3})r?(\d{1,3})')

    # List of path/rows to skip
    wrs2_skip_list = [
        'p049r026',  # Vancouver Island, Canada
        # 'p047r031', # North California coast
        'p042r037',  # San Nicholas Island, California
        # 'p041r037', # South California coast
        'p038r038',  # Mexico (by California)
        'p035r039',  # Mexico (by Arizona)
        'p033r039',  # Mexico (by New Mexico)
        'p032r040',  # Mexico (West Texas)
        'p026r043',  # Mexico (South Texas)
        'p018r040',  # West Florida coast
        'p015r043',  # South Florida coast
        'p014r043',  # East Florida coast
        'p013r036',  # North Carolina Outer Banks
        'p012r026',  # Canada (by Maine)
        'p011r032',  # Rhode Island coast
    wrs2_path_skip_list = [9, 49]
    wrs2_row_skip_list = [25, 24, 43]

    mgrs_skip_list = []

    export_id_fmt = 'tcorr_gridded_{product}_{scene_id}'
    asset_id_fmt = '{coll_id}/{scene_id}'

    # TODO: Move to INI or function input parameter
    clip_ocean_flag = True

    # Read config file
    ini = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
    ini.read_file(open(ini_path, 'r'))
    # ini = utils.read_ini(ini_path)

    model_name = 'SSEBOP'

        study_area_coll_id = str(ini['INPUTS']['study_area_coll'])
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"study_area_coll" parameter was not set in INI')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        start_date = str(ini['INPUTS']['start_date'])
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"start_date" parameter was not set in INI')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        end_date = str(ini['INPUTS']['end_date'])
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"end_date" parameter was not set in INI')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        collections = str(ini['INPUTS']['collections'])
        collections = sorted([x.strip() for x in collections.split(',')])
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"collections" parameter was not set in INI')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        mgrs_ftr_coll_id = str(ini['EXPORT']['mgrs_ftr_coll'])
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('"mgrs_ftr_coll" parameter was not set in INI')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

    # Optional parameters
        study_area_property = str(ini['INPUTS']['study_area_property'])
    except KeyError:
        study_area_property = None
            '  study_area_property: not set in INI, defaulting to None')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        study_area_features = str(ini['INPUTS']['study_area_features'])
        study_area_features = sorted(
            [x.strip() for x in study_area_features.split(',')])
    except KeyError:
        study_area_features = []
            '  study_area_features: not set in INI, defaulting to []')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        wrs2_tiles = str(ini['INPUTS']['wrs2_tiles'])\
            .replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
        wrs2_tiles = sorted([x.strip() for x in wrs2_tiles.split(',')])
    except KeyError:
        wrs2_tiles = []
        logging.debug('  wrs2_tiles: not set in INI, defaulting to []')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        mgrs_tiles = str(ini['EXPORT']['mgrs_tiles'])
        mgrs_tiles = sorted([x.strip() for x in mgrs_tiles.split(',')])
        # CGM - Remove empty strings caused by trailing or extra commas
        mgrs_tiles = [x.upper() for x in mgrs_tiles if x]
        logging.debug(f'  mgrs_tiles: {mgrs_tiles}')
    except KeyError:
        mgrs_tiles = []
        logging.debug('  mgrs_tiles: not set in INI, defaulting to []')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

        utm_zones = str(ini['EXPORT']['utm_zones'])
        utm_zones = sorted([int(x.strip()) for x in utm_zones.split(',')])
        logging.debug(f'  utm_zones: {utm_zones}')
    except KeyError:
        utm_zones = []
        logging.debug('  utm_zones: not set in INI, defaulting to []')
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

    # TODO: Add try/except blocks and default values?
    cloud_cover = float(ini['INPUTS']['cloud_cover'])

    # Model specific parameters
    # Set the property name to lower case and try to cast values to numbers
    model_args = {
        k.lower(): float(v) if utils.is_number(v) else v
        for k, v in dict(ini[model_name]).items()
    filter_args = {}

    tmax_source = ini[model_name]['tmax_source']
    tcorr_source = ini[model_name]['tcorr_source']

    tcorr_scene_coll_id = '{}'.format(ini['EXPORT']['export_coll'])
    # tcorr_scene_coll_id = '{}/{}_scene'.format(
    #     ini['EXPORT']['export_coll'], tmax_source.lower())

    if tcorr_source.upper() not in ['GRIDDED_COLD', 'GRIDDED']:
        raise ValueError('unsupported tcorr_source for these tools')

    # For now only support reading specific Tmax sources
    if (tmax_source.upper() not in ['DAYMET_MEDIAN_V2'] and not re.match(
            'projects/.+/tmax/.+_(mean|median)_\d{4}_\d{4}', tmax_source)):
        raise ValueError(f'unsupported tmax_source: {tmax_source}')
    # if (tmax_source.upper() == 'CIMIS' and
    #         ini['INPUTS']['end_date'] < '2003-10-01'):
    #     raise ValueError('CIMIS is not currently available before 2003-10-01')
    # elif (tmax_source.upper() == 'DAYMET' and
    #         ini['INPUTS']['end_date'] > '2018-12-31'):
    #     logging.warning('\nDAYMET is not currently available past 2018-12-31, '
    #                     'using median Tmax values\n')

    # If the user set the tiles argument, use these instead of the INI values
    if tiles:
        logging.info('\nOverriding INI mgrs_tiles and utm_zones parameters')
        logging.info(f'  user tiles: {tiles}')
        mgrs_tiles = sorted([y.strip() for x in tiles for y in x.split(',')])
        mgrs_tiles = [x.upper() for x in mgrs_tiles if x]
        logging.info(f'  mgrs_tiles: {", ".join(mgrs_tiles)}')
        utm_zones = sorted(list(set([int(x[:2]) for x in mgrs_tiles])))
        logging.info(f'  utm_zones:  {", ".join(map(str, utm_zones))}')

    today_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
    today_dt = today_dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    if recent_days:
        logging.info('\nOverriding INI "start_date" and "end_date" parameters')
        logging.info(f'  Recent days: {recent_days}')
        end_dt = today_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        start_dt = today_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=recent_days)
        start_date = start_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        end_date = end_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    elif start_dt and end_dt:
        # Attempt to use the function start/end dates
        logging.info('\nOverriding INI "start_date" and "end_date" parameters')
        logging.info('  Custom date range')
        start_date = start_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        end_date = end_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        # Parse the INI start/end dates
        logging.info('\nINI date range')
            start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            end_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
    logging.info(f'  Start: {start_date}')
    logging.info(f'  End:   {end_date}')

    # TODO: Add a few more checks on the dates
    if end_dt < start_dt:
        raise ValueError('end date can not be before start date')

    # logging.debug('\nInterpolation date range')
    # iter_start_dt = start_dt
    # iter_end_dt = end_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    # # iter_start_dt = start_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=interp_days)
    # # iter_end_dt = end_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=interp_days+1)
    # logging.debug('  Start: {}'.format(iter_start_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
    # logging.debug('  End:   {}'.format(iter_end_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))

    logging.info('\nInitializing Earth Engine')
    if gee_key_file:
        logging.info(f'  Using service account key file: {gee_key_file}')
        # The "EE_ACCOUNT" parameter is not used if the key file is valid
        ee.Initialize(ee.ServiceAccountCredentials('x', key_file=gee_key_file))

    logging.debug('\nTmax properties')
    logging.debug(f'  Source:  {tmax_source}')
    # # DEADBEEF - Not needed with gridded Tcorr
    # # Get a Tmax image to set the Tcorr values to
    # if 'MEDIAN' in tmax_name.upper():
    #     tmax_coll_id = 'projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/' \
    #                    'projects/usgs-ssebop/tmax/{}'.format(tmax_name.lower())
    #     tmax_coll = ee.ImageCollection(tmax_coll_id)
    #     tmax_mask = ee.Image(tmax_coll.first()).select([0]).multiply(0)
    # # else:
    # #     raise ValueError(f'unsupported tmax_source: {tmax_name}')
    # logging.debug(f'  Collection: {tmax_coll_id}')

    if not ee.data.getInfo(tcorr_scene_coll_id.rsplit('/', 1)[0]):
        logging.info('\nExport folder does not exist and will be built'
                     '\n  {}'.format(tcorr_scene_coll_id.rsplit('/', 1)[0]))
        input('Press ENTER to continue')
        ee.data.createAsset({'type': 'FOLDER'},
                            tcorr_scene_coll_id.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    if not ee.data.getInfo(tcorr_scene_coll_id):
        logging.info('\nExport collection does not exist and will be built'
                     '\n  {}'.format(tcorr_scene_coll_id))
        input('Press ENTER to continue')
        ee.data.createAsset({'type': 'IMAGE_COLLECTION'}, tcorr_scene_coll_id)

    # DEADBEEF - The asset list will be retrieved before each date is processed
    # # Get current asset list
    # logging.debug('\nGetting GEE asset list')
    # asset_list = utils.get_ee_assets(tcorr_scene_coll_id)
    # # if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
    # #     pprint.pprint(asset_list[:10])

    # Get current running tasks
    tasks = utils.get_ee_tasks()
    ready_task_count = sum(1 for t in tasks.values() if t['state'] == 'READY')
    # ready_task_count = delay_task(ready_task_count, delay_time, max_ready)
    if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:

    # Get list of MGRS tiles that intersect the study area
    logging.debug('\nMGRS Tiles/Zones')
    export_list = mgrs_export_tiles(
    if not export_list:
        logging.error('\nEmpty export list, exiting')
        return False

    # Build the complete WRS2 list for filtering the image list
    wrs2_tile_list = sorted(
            set(wrs2 for tile_info in export_list
                for wrs2 in tile_info['wrs2_tiles'])))
    if wrs2_skip_list:
        wrs2_tile_list = [
            wrs2 for wrs2 in wrs2_tile_list if wrs2 not in wrs2_skip_list
    if wrs2_path_skip_list:
        wrs2_tile_list = [
            wrs2 for wrs2 in wrs2_tile_list
            if int(wrs2[1:4]) not in wrs2_path_skip_list
    if wrs2_row_skip_list:
        wrs2_tile_list = [
            wrs2 for wrs2 in wrs2_tile_list
            if int(wrs2[5:8]) not in wrs2_row_skip_list

    # CGM - This is kind of backwards, but rebuild the MGRS geometry in order
    #   to filter the model collection object
    mgrs_tile_list = sorted(
        list(set(tile_info['index'] for tile_info in export_list)))
    mgrs_geom = ee.FeatureCollection(mgrs_ftr_coll_id)\
        .filter(ee.Filter.inList('mgrs', mgrs_tile_list))\

    for export_dt in sorted(utils.date_range(start_dt, end_dt),
        export_date = export_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        next_date = (export_dt +
        logging.info(f'Date: {export_date}')

        model_obj = ssebop.Collection(
            # filter_args=filter_args,
        landsat_coll = model_obj.overpass(variables=['ndvi'])
        # pprint.pprint(landsat_coll.aggregate_array('system:id').getInfo())
        # input('ENTER')

            image_id_list = landsat_coll.aggregate_array('system:id').getInfo()
        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning('  Error getting image ID list, skipping date')
            logging.debug(f'  {e}')

        # Get list of existing images for the target date
        logging.debug('  Getting GEE asset list')
        asset_coll = ee.ImageCollection(tcorr_scene_coll_id) \
            .filterDate(export_date, next_date) \
            .filter(ee.Filter.inList('wrs2_tile', wrs2_tile_list))
        asset_props = {
            for x in utils.get_info(asset_coll)['features']
        # asset_props = {x['id']: x['properties'] for x in assets_info['features']}

        # Sort image ID list by path/row
        image_id_list = sorted(image_id_list,
                               key=lambda k: k.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2],

        for image_id in image_id_list:
            coll_id, scene_id = image_id.rsplit('/', 1)

            wrs2_path = int(scene_id[5:8])
            wrs2_row = int(scene_id[8:11])
            wrs2_tile = 'p{:03d}r{:03d}'.format(wrs2_path, wrs2_row)
            if wrs2_tile not in wrs2_tile_list:
                logging.debug(f'{scene_id} - not in wrs2 tile list, skipping')

            export_id = export_id_fmt.format(
                product=tmax_source.split('/')[-1].lower(), scene_id=scene_id)
            logging.debug(f'  Export ID: {export_id}')

            asset_id = asset_id_fmt.format(coll_id=tcorr_scene_coll_id,
            logging.debug(f'    Collection: {os.path.dirname(asset_id)}')
            logging.debug(f'    Image ID:   {os.path.basename(asset_id)}')

            if update_flag:

                def version_number(version_str):
                    return list(map(int, version_str.split('.')))

                if export_id in tasks.keys():
                    logging.info('  Task already submitted, skipping')
                # In update mode only overwrite if the version is old
                if asset_props and asset_id in asset_props.keys():
                    model_ver = version_number(ssebop.__version__)
                    asset_ver = version_number(

                    if asset_ver < model_ver:
                        logging.info('  Existing asset model version is old, '
                        logging.debug(f'    asset: {asset_ver}\n'
                                      f'    model: {model_ver}')
                            logging.info('  Error removing asset, skipping')
                    elif (('T1_RT_TOA' in asset_props[asset_id]['coll_id'])
                          and ('T1_RT_TOA' not in image_id)):
                        logging.info('  Existing asset is from realtime '
                                     'Landsat collection, removing')
                            logging.info('  Error removing asset, skipping')
                        logging.debug('  Asset is up to date, skipping')
            elif overwrite_flag:
                if export_id in tasks.keys():
                    logging.info('  Task already submitted, cancelling')
                # This is intentionally not an "elif" so that a task can be
                # cancelled and an existing image/file/asset can be removed
                if asset_props and asset_id in asset_props.keys():
                    logging.info('  Asset already exists, removing')
                if export_id in tasks.keys():
                    logging.info('  Task already submitted, skipping')
                elif asset_props and asset_id in asset_props.keys():
                    logging.info('  Asset already exists, skipping')

            # Get the input image grid and spatial reference
            image_info = ee.Image(image_id).select([3]).getInfo()
            image_geo = image_info['bands'][0]['crs_transform']
            image_crs = image_info['bands'][0]['crs']
            image_shape = image_info['bands'][0]['dimensions']
            # Transform format: [30, 0, 591285, 0, -30, 4256115]
            image_extent = [
                image_geo[2], image_geo[5] + image_shape[1] * image_geo[4],
                image_geo[2] + image_shape[0] * image_geo[0], image_geo[5]
            logging.debug(f'    Image CRS: {image_crs}')
            logging.debug(f'    Image Geo: {image_geo}')
            logging.debug(f'    Image Extent: {image_extent}')
            logging.debug(f'    Image Shape:  {image_shape}')

            # Adjust the image extent to the coarse resolution grid
            # EXPORT_GEO = [5000, 0, 15, 0, -5000, 15]
            export_cs = EXPORT_GEO[0]
            export_extent = [
                    math.floor((image_extent[0] - EXPORT_GEO[2]) / export_cs) *
                    export_cs + EXPORT_GEO[2], 8),
                    math.floor((image_extent[1] - EXPORT_GEO[5]) / export_cs) *
                    export_cs + EXPORT_GEO[5], 8),
                    math.ceil((image_extent[2] - EXPORT_GEO[2]) / export_cs) *
                    export_cs + EXPORT_GEO[2], 8),
                    math.ceil((image_extent[3] - EXPORT_GEO[5]) / export_cs) *
                    export_cs + EXPORT_GEO[5], 8),
            export_geo = [
                export_cs, 0, export_extent[0], 0, -export_cs, export_extent[3]
            export_shape = [
                int(abs(export_extent[2] - export_extent[0]) / EXPORT_GEO[0]),
                int(abs(export_extent[3] - export_extent[1]) / EXPORT_GEO[0])
            logging.debug(f'    Export CRS: {image_crs}')
            logging.debug(f'    Export Geo: {export_geo}')
            logging.debug(f'    Export Extent: {export_extent}')
            logging.debug(f'    Export Shape:  {export_shape}')

            # CGM - Why are we not using the from_image_id() method?
            # t_obj = ssebop.Image.from_image_id(ee.Image(image_id), **model_args)
            if coll_id.endswith('_L2'):
                t_obj = ssebop.Image.from_landsat_c2_sr(
                        'cirrus_flag': True,
                        'dilate_flag': True,
                        'shadow_flag': True,
                        'snow_flag': True
            elif coll_id.endswith('_SR'):
                t_obj = ssebop.Image.from_landsat_c1_sr(
                    ee.Image(image_id), **model_args)
            elif coll_id.endswith('_TOA'):
                t_obj = ssebop.Image.from_landsat_c1_toa(
                    ee.Image(image_id), **model_args)
                raise ValueError('Could not determine Landsat type')

            # CGM - Intentionally not calling the tcorr method directly since
            #   there may be compositing with climos or the scene average
            if tcorr_source == 'GRIDDED':
                tcorr_img = t_obj.tcorr_gridded
            elif tcorr_source == 'GRIDDED_COLD':
                tcorr_img = t_obj.tcorr_gridded_cold
            # tcorr_img = t_obj.tcorr

            # Clip to the Landsat image footprint
            tcorr_img = ee.Image(tcorr_img).clip(ee.Image(image_id).geometry())
            # Clear the transparency mask (from clipping)
            tcorr_img = tcorr_img.updateMask(tcorr_img.unmask(0))

            if clip_ocean_flag:
                tcorr_img = tcorr_img\
                # # CGM - The NLCD mask will only work for CONUS
                # output_img = output_img.updateMask(
                #     ee.Image('USGS/NLCD/NLCD2016').select(['landcover']).mask())

            tcorr_img = tcorr_img\
                    'CLOUD_COVER': image_info['properties']['CLOUD_COVER'],
                    'CLOUD_COVER_LAND': image_info['properties']['CLOUD_COVER_LAND'],
                    # 'SPACECRAFT_ID': image.get('SPACECRAFT_ID'),
                    'coll_id': coll_id,
                    'date_ingested': datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                    'date': export_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                    'doy': int(export_dt.strftime('%j')),
                    'model_name': model_name,
                    'model_version': ssebop.__version__,
                    'month': int(export_dt.month),
                    'realtime': 'true' if '/T1_RT' in coll_id else 'false',
                    'scene_id': scene_id,
                    'system:time_start': image_info['properties']['system:time_start'],
                    'tcorr_index': TCORR_INDICES[tcorr_source.upper()],
                    'tcorr_source': tcorr_source,
                    'tmax_source': tmax_source,
                    # 'tmax_source': tmax_source.replace(
                    #     'projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/', ''),
                    'tool_name': TOOL_NAME,
                    'tool_version': TOOL_VERSION,
                    'wrs2_path': wrs2_path,
                    'wrs2_row': wrs2_row,
                    'wrs2_tile': wrs2_tile,
                    'year': int(export_dt.year),
            # pprint.pprint(output_img.getInfo()['properties'])
            # input('ENTER')

            logging.debug('  Building export task')
            task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset(
                crsTransform='[' + ','.join(list(map(str, export_geo))) + ']',

            logging.info('  Starting export task')

            ready_task_count += 1
            # logging.debug(f'  Ready tasks: {ready_task_count}')

            # Pause before starting the next date (not export task)
            ready_task_count = delay_task(delay_time=delay_time,
예제 #5
def test_date_0utc(date='2015-07-13'):
    assert utils.get_info(utils.date_0utc(
        ee.Date(date).advance(2, 'hour')).format('yyyy-MM-dd')) == date
예제 #6
def test_get_info():
    assert utils.get_info(ee.Number(1)) == 1