예제 #1
    def serialize(self, data):
        :param data:

            A sequence of data where each datum has the following attributes:

            * matrix: N-dimensional numpy array containing the disaggregation
            * dim_labels: A list of strings which label the dimensions of a
              given histogram. For example, for a Magnitude-Distance-Epsilon
              histogram, we would expect `dim_labels` to be
              ``['Mag', 'Dist', 'Eps']``.
            * poe: The disaggregation Probability of Exceedance level for which
              these results were produced.
            * iml: Intensity measure level, interpolated from the source hazard
              curve at the given ``poe``.

        with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh, floatformat('%.6E'):
            root = et.Element('nrml')

            diss_matrices = et.SubElement(root, 'disaggMatrices')

            _set_metadata(diss_matrices, self.metadata, _ATTR_MAP)

            transform = lambda val: ', '.join(map(scientificformat, val))
            _set_metadata(diss_matrices, self.metadata, self.BIN_EDGE_ATTR_MAP,

            for result in data:
                diss_matrix = et.SubElement(diss_matrices, 'disaggMatrix')

                # Check that we have bin edges defined for each dimension label
                # (mag, dist, lon, lat, eps, TRT)
                for label in result.dim_labels:
                    bin_edge_attr = self.DIM_LABEL_TO_BIN_EDGE_MAP.get(label)
                    assert self.metadata.get(bin_edge_attr) is not None, (
                        "Writer is missing '%s' metadata" % bin_edge_attr

                result_type = ','.join(result.dim_labels)
                diss_matrix.set('type', result_type)

                dims = ','.join(str(x) for x in result.matrix.shape)
                diss_matrix.set('dims', dims)

                diss_matrix.set('poE', scientificformat(result.poe))
                diss_matrix.set('iml', scientificformat(result.iml))

                for idxs, value in numpy.ndenumerate(result.matrix):
                    prob = et.SubElement(diss_matrix, 'prob')

                    index = ','.join([str(x) for x in idxs])
                    prob.set('index', index)
                    prob.set('value', scientificformat(value))

            nrml.write(list(root), fh)
예제 #2
파일: nrml.py 프로젝트: gem/oq-engine
def write(nodes, output=sys.stdout, fmt='%.7E', gml=True, xmlns=None):
    Convert nodes into a NRML file. output must be a file
    object open in write mode. If you want to perform a
    consistency check, open it in read-write mode, then it will
    be read after creation and validated.

    :params nodes: an iterable over Node objects
    :params output: a file-like object in write or read-write mode
    :param fmt: format used for writing the floats (default '%.7E')
    :param gml: add the http://www.opengis.net/gml namespace
    :param xmlns: NRML namespace like http://openquake.org/xmlns/nrml/0.4
    root = Node('nrml', nodes=nodes)
    namespaces = {xmlns or NRML05: ''}
    if gml:
        namespaces[GML_NAMESPACE] = 'gml:'
    with floatformat(fmt):
        node_to_xml(root, output, namespaces)
    if hasattr(output, 'mode') and '+' in output.mode:  # read-write mode
        read(output)  # validate the written file
예제 #3
def write(nodes, output=sys.stdout, fmt='%.7E', gml=True, xmlns=None):
    Convert nodes into a NRML file. output must be a file
    object open in write mode. If you want to perform a
    consistency check, open it in read-write mode, then it will
    be read after creation and validated.

    :params nodes: an iterable over Node objects
    :params output: a file-like object in write or read-write mode
    :param fmt: format used for writing the floats (default '%.7E')
    :param gml: add the http://www.opengis.net/gml namespace
    :param xmlns: NRML namespace like http://openquake.org/xmlns/nrml/0.4
    root = Node('nrml', nodes=nodes)
    namespaces = {xmlns or NRML05: ''}
    if gml:
        namespaces[GML_NAMESPACE] = 'gml:'
    with floatformat(fmt):
        node_to_xml(root, output, namespaces)
    if hasattr(output, 'mode') and '+' in output.mode:  # read-write mode
        read(output)  # validate the written file
예제 #4
 def test_case_1(self):
     with floatformat('%5.1E'):
         out = self.run_calc(case_1.__file__, 'job.ini', exports='xml')
     self.assertEqualFiles('expected.xml', out['gmf_data', 'xml'][0])