예제 #1
    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir = './', lattice_poscar = ''):
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory( trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs = True )

        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cartesian' )
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        self.poscar = PoscarParser( lattice_poscar )
        # Read reference lattice:
        self.lattice = self.poscar.get_positions( coords = 'cartesian')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        self.bottombar_height = .3
        self.bottombar_colors = {
            892: 'green',
            860: 'yellow',
            868: 'blue',
            844: 'red'
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir = './', lattice_poscar = '', atomid = 0):
        time_steps in ps
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory( dir = trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs = True )

        self.time = self.traj.time/1000.
        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cart' )
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        #print "Generating symmetric running mean..."
        #self.pos[:,atomid] = symmetric_running_mean(self.pos[:,atomid],250)
        #pos[:,0] = symmetric_running_mean(pos[:,0],500)

        # Read reference lattice:
        pp = PoscarParser( lattice_poscar )
        self.lattice = pp.get_positions( coords = 'cart')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        #print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        #import profile
        # Calculate occupancies, nearest site for atom x and distance to nearest site(s)
        self.nearest_site, self.nearest_site_r = self.find_nearest_sites( atomid = atomid)
예제 #3
def lindemann_index(trajectory_dir='./'):
    Calculates the Lindemann index
    \delta = \frac{2}{N(N-1)} \sum_{i<j} \frac{\sqrt{\langle r_{ij}^2\rangle_t - \langle r_{ij} \rangle^2_t }}{ \langle r_{ij} \rangle_t }
    # Import vasprun.xml:
    traj = read_trajectory( dir = trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs = False )
    pos = traj.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'direct' )
    nsteps = pos.shape[0]
    natoms = pos.shape[1]

    # Get all atom pairs:
    pairs = get_pairs(natoms)
    npairs = pairs.shape[0]

    print "%d steps, %d atoms, %d pairs" % (nsteps, natoms, npairs)

    stepsize = 50
    samplesteps = np.arange(0,nsteps,stepsize)
    r = np.zeros((samplesteps.size, npairs)) # increase stepsize if we run out of memory
    r2 = np.zeros((samplesteps.size, npairs)) # increase stepsize if we run out of memory
    print "Allocated %.3f MB" % ((r.nbytes+r2.nbytes)/(1024.**2))

    pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['At step...',SimpleProgress()], maxval = samplesteps.size).start()
    for idx,s in enumerate(samplesteps):
        x = pos[s,pairs[:,0]] - pos[s,pairs[:,1]]
        x = x - (2*x).astype('int')  # minimum image convention
        r2[idx] = lensq(x)
        r[idx] = np.sqrt(r2[idx])

    meanr2 = np.mean(r2,axis=0)
    meanr = np.mean(r,axis=0)

    return np.sum(np.sqrt((meanr2 - meanr**2))/meanr)*2/(npairs*2)
예제 #4
def lindemann_index(trajectory_dir="./"):
    Calculates the Lindemann index
    \delta = \frac{2}{N(N-1)} \sum_{i<j} \frac{\sqrt{\langle r_{ij}^2\rangle_t - \langle r_{ij} \rangle^2_t }}{ \langle r_{ij} \rangle_t }

    # Import vasprun.xml:
    traj = read_trajectory(dir=trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs=False)
    pos = traj.get_all_trajectories(coords="direct")

    nsteps = pos.shape[0]
    natoms = pos.shape[1]

    # Get all atom pairs:
    pairs = get_pairs(natoms)
    npairs = pairs.shape[0]

    print "%d steps, %d atoms, %d pairs" % (nsteps, natoms, npairs)

    stepsize = 50
    samplesteps = np.arange(0, nsteps, stepsize)
    r = np.zeros((samplesteps.size, npairs))  # increase stepsize if we run out of memory
    r2 = np.zeros((samplesteps.size, npairs))  # increase stepsize if we run out of memory
    print "Allocated %.3f MB" % ((r.nbytes + r2.nbytes) / (1024.0 ** 2))

    pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=["At step...", SimpleProgress()], maxval=samplesteps.size).start()
    for idx, s in enumerate(samplesteps):
        x = pos[s, pairs[:, 0]] - pos[s, pairs[:, 1]]
        x = x - (2 * x).astype("int")  # minimum image convention
        r2[idx] = lensq(x)
        r[idx] = np.sqrt(r2[idx])

    meanr2 = np.mean(r2, axis=0)
    meanr = np.mean(r, axis=0)

    return np.sum(np.sqrt((meanr2 - meanr ** 2)) / meanr) * 2 / (npairs * 2)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir='./', lattice_poscar=''):

        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory(trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs=True)

        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories(coords='cartesian')
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        self.poscar = PoscarParser(lattice_poscar)

        # Read reference lattice:
        self.lattice = self.poscar.get_positions(coords='cartesian')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        self.bottombar_height = .3
        self.bottombar_colors = {
            892: 'green',
            860: 'yellow',
            868: 'blue',
            844: 'red'
예제 #6
#from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import VasprunParser, IterativeVasprunParser, PoscarParser
from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA, FileTransferSpeed, \
     RotatingMarker, ReverseBar, SimpleProgress

import psutil

def norm(v):
    return np.sqrt(np.dot(v, v))

wdir = './'

basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]
fig_filename = wdir + basename + '.pdf'
traj = read_trajectory(wdir, unwrap_pbcs=True)
poten = (traj.total_energy - traj.kinetic_energy) / traj.num_atoms
t = traj.time / 1.e3  # -> ps
poten_m = symmetric_running_mean(poten, 500)

styles = [{'color': 'black', 'alpha': 0.2}, {'color': 'black', 'alpha': 1.}]

fig = plt.figure()

# Main plot:
p = [0.15, 0.15, 0.05,
     0.05]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
ax1 = fig.add_axes([p[0], p[1], 1 - p[2] - p[0], 1 - p[3] - p[1]])
ax1.grid(True, which='major', color='gray', alpha=0.5)
ax1.set_xlabel('Time [ps]')
예제 #7
parser = OptionParser()
pdf_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0] + '.pdf'
parser.add_option('--pdf', dest = 'pdf_file', default = pdf_file, help = 'Destination PDF')
parser.add_option('--xml', dest = 'xml_file', default = 'vasprun.xml', help = 'Input vasprun.xml')
parser.add_option('--poscar', dest = 'poscar_file', default = 'POSCAR', help = 'Input POSCAR')
parser.add_option('-f', '--firststep', metavar='STEP', dest = 'first_step', type='int', default = 1, help = 'First ion step to include')
parser.add_option('-l', '--laststep', metavar='STEP', dest = 'last_step', type='int', default = -1, help = 'Last ion step to include')
parser.add_option('-a', '--atom', metavar='ATOM', dest = 'atom_no', type='int', default = 0, help = 'Index of atom to watch (first index is 0)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

print "Range: %i:%i. Atom: %i" % (options.first_step, options.last_step, options.atom_no)

############################## MAIN SCRIPT ######################################

# Read trajectory:
traj = read_trajectory(xml_file = options.xml_file, unwrap_pbcs = True, poscar_file = options.poscar_file)
traj.set_selection(options.first_step, options.last_step)

# Make plot
dp = DisplacementPlot(traj)
dp.add_plot( what = 'r2', smoothen = True, style = { 'linestyle' : '--', 'dashes' : (3,1), 'color' : 'black' } ) # avg r^2 for all atoms
#dp.add_plot( what = 'x', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = True)
dp.add_plot( what = 'r2', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = False)
#dp.add_plot( what = 'r', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = True)
#dp.add_plot( what = 'x', atom_no = 0, smoothen = False, style = { 'zorder' : -1, 'alpha': 0.4, 'color': 'gray' } )

ymax = 0
ymin = 0
for p in dp.plotdata:
    ymax_tmp = np.max(p['y'])
    if ymax_tmp > ymax:
예제 #8
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import read_trajectory
#from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import VasprunParser, IterativeVasprunParser, PoscarParser
from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA, FileTransferSpeed, \
     RotatingMarker, ReverseBar, SimpleProgress

import psutil 

def norm(v):
    return np.sqrt(np.dot(v,v))

wdir = './'

basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]
fig_filename = wdir + basename + '.pdf'
traj = read_trajectory(wdir, unwrap_pbcs = True)
poten = (traj.total_energy - traj.kinetic_energy)/traj.num_atoms
t = traj.time/1.e3  # -> ps
poten_m = symmetric_running_mean(poten, 500)

styles = [
   { 'color': 'black', 'alpha': 0.2 },
   { 'color': 'black', 'alpha': 1. }

fig = plt.figure()

# Main plot:
p = [0.15, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
ax1 = fig.add_axes([ p[0], p[1], 1-p[2]-p[0], 1-p[3]-p[1] ])
ax1.grid(True, which='major', color = 'gray', alpha = 0.5)
예제 #9
#!/usr/bin/env python

from oppvasp.plotutils import symmetric_running_median, prepare_canvas
prepare_canvas('10 cm')
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import read_trajectory
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = read_trajectory()
ekin = t.kinetic_energy/t.num_atoms*1.e3
avgEkin = np.median(ekin)
plt.plot(t.time/1000., ekin, color='blue', alpha=0.2, label = 'Raw data')
plt.plot(t.time/1000., symmetric_running_median(ekin, 250), color='blue', alpha=1, label = '0.25 ps symmetric median')
plt.xlabel("Time [ps]")
plt.ylabel("Kinetic energy per atom [meV]")
plt.axhline(y=avgEkin, color='black', linestyle='--', label = 'Whole run median (%.0f meV)' % avgEkin)
plt.legend(frameon=False,loc='lower right')

예제 #10
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import read_trajectory
from oppvasp.plotutils import DisplacementPlot

first_step = 0
last_step = -1
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    first_step= int(sys.argv[1])
    print "Starting from step %i" % (first_step)
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        last_step = int(sys.argv[2])
        print "Ending at step %i" % (last_step)

# Read trajectory:
traj = read_trajectory(unwrap_pbcs = True, poscar_file = 'POSCAR')
traj.set_selection(first_step, last_step)

# Make plot
dp = DisplacementPlot(traj)
dp.add_plot( what = 'D', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = False)

#dp.ax1.legend(('All atoms', 'P'), ncol = 1, loc = 'upper left', frameon = False)
D = dp.get_diffusion_coeff([0])[0]

td = np.zeros((D.shape[0],2))
td[:,0] = dp.trajs[0].time
td[:,1] = D
np.savetxt('out.csv',td, delimiter='\t')
예제 #11
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import read_trajectory
from oppvasp.plotutils import DisplacementPlot

first_step = 0
last_step = -1
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    first_step = int(sys.argv[1])
    print "Starting from step %i" % (first_step)
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        last_step = int(sys.argv[2])
        print "Ending at step %i" % (last_step)

# Read trajectory:
traj = read_trajectory(unwrap_pbcs=True, poscar_file='POSCAR')
traj.set_selection(first_step, last_step)

# Make plot
dp = DisplacementPlot(traj)
dp.add_plot(what='D', atom_no=0, smoothen=True, linear_fit=False)

#dp.ax1.legend(('All atoms', 'P'), ncol = 1, loc = 'upper left', frameon = False)
D = dp.get_diffusion_coeff([0])[0]

td = np.zeros((D.shape[0], 2))
td[:, 0] = dp.trajs[0].time
td[:, 1] = D
np.savetxt('out.csv', td, delimiter='\t')

Ds = D[-1]
예제 #12
                  help='Index of atom to watch (first index is 0)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

print "Range: %i:%i. Atom: %i" % (options.first_step, options.last_step,

############################## MAIN SCRIPT ######################################

# Read trajectory:
traj = read_trajectory(xml_file=options.xml_file,
traj.set_selection(options.first_step, options.last_step)

# Make plot
dp = DisplacementPlot(traj)
                'linestyle': '--',
                'dashes': (3, 1),
                'color': 'black'
            })  # avg r^2 for all atoms
#dp.add_plot( what = 'x', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = True)
dp.add_plot(what='r2', atom_no=0, smoothen=True, linear_fit=False)
#dp.add_plot( what = 'r', atom_no = 0, smoothen = True, linear_fit = True)