예제 #1
 def get_positions(self, coords='direct'):
     if self.direct_coords == True and coords[0].lower() == 'c':
         return oppvasp.direct_to_cartesian(self.positions, self.basis)
     elif self.direct_coords == False and coords[0].lower() == 'd':
         return oppvasp.cartesian_to_direct(self.positions, self.basis)
         return self.positions.copy()
예제 #2
 def get_positions(self, coords = 'direct'):
     if self.direct_coords == True and coords[0].lower() == 'c':
         return oppvasp.direct_to_cartesian(self.positions, self.basis)
     elif self.direct_coords == False and coords[0].lower() == 'd':
         return oppvasp.cartesian_to_direct(self.positions, self.basis)
         return self.positions.copy()
예제 #3
 def set_velocities(self, vel, coords):
     if type(vel).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._velocities = vel.copy()
     elif type(vel).__name__ == 'list':
         self._velocities = np.array(vel)
     elif type(vel).__name__ == 'NoneType':
         self._velocities = None
         print "Error: velocities must be a list or numpy array"
         self._velocities = None
     if self._velocities != None and coords[0] == 'c':
         self._velocities = cartesian_to_direct(self._velocities, self._cell)
예제 #4
 def set_velocities(self, vel, coords):
     if type(vel).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._velocities = vel.copy()
     elif type(vel).__name__ == 'list':
         self._velocities = np.array(vel)
     elif type(vel).__name__ == 'NoneType':
         self._velocities = None
         print "Error: velocities must be a list or numpy array"
         self._velocities = None
     if self._velocities != None and coords[0] == 'c':
         self._velocities = cartesian_to_direct(self._velocities,
예제 #5
 def set_positions(self, pos, coords):
     Define atom positions using a (n,3) numpy array as the first argument.
     The function assumes cartesian coordinates by default, but
     a second argument can be added to indicate if the coordinates
     are direct ('d') or cartesian ('c'). 
     if type(pos).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._positions = pos.copy()
     elif type(pos).__name__ == 'list':
         self._positions = np.array(pos)
         print "Error: positions must be a list or numpy array"
     if coords[0].lower() == 'c':
         self._positions = cartesian_to_direct(self._positions, self._cell)
예제 #6
 def set_positions(self, pos, coords):
     Define atom positions using a (n,3) numpy array as the first argument.
     The function assumes cartesian coordinates by default, but
     a second argument can be added to indicate if the coordinates
     are direct ('d') or cartesian ('c'). 
     if type(pos).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._positions = pos.copy()
     elif type(pos).__name__ == 'list':
         self._positions = np.array(pos)
         print "Error: positions must be a list or numpy array"
     if coords[0].lower() == 'c':
         self._positions = cartesian_to_direct(self._positions, self._cell)
예제 #7
 def set_forces(self, forces, coords):
         forces : (n,3) numpy array of forces on all atoms
         coords : 'direct' or 'cartesian'
     if type(forces).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._forces = forces.copy()
     elif type(forces).__name__ == 'list':
         self._forces = np.array(forces)
     elif type(forces).__name__ == 'NoneType':
         self._forces = None
         print "Error: forces must be a list or numpy array"
         self._forces = None
     if self._forces != None and coords[0] == 'c':
         self._forces = cartesian_to_direct(self._forces, self._cell)
예제 #8
 def set_forces(self, forces, coords):
         forces : (n,3) numpy array of forces on all atoms
         coords : 'direct' or 'cartesian'
     if type(forces).__name__ == 'ndarray':
         self._forces = forces.copy()
     elif type(forces).__name__ == 'list':
         self._forces = np.array(forces)
     elif type(forces).__name__ == 'NoneType':
         self._forces = None
         print "Error: forces must be a list or numpy array"
         self._forces = None
     if self._forces != None and coords[0] == 'c':
         self._forces = cartesian_to_direct(self._forces, self._cell)
예제 #9
    def unwrap_pbc(self, init_pos=None, silent=False):
        Unwraps periodic boundary conditions (PBCs).
        Note that this procedure produces coordinates outside the unit cell. 
        An initial set of coordinates must be specified as a Structure object, 
        typically originating from a POSCAR file. 

        >>> pp = PoscarParser('POSCAR')
        >>> init_pos = pp.get_structure()
        >>> vp = VasprunParser('vasprun.xml')
        >>> fin_pos = vp.ionic_steps[-1].get_structure()
        >>> fin_pos = fin_pos.unwrap_pbc(init_pos)
        >>> print fin_pos - init_pos
        #if self.shape[0] != r0.shape[0]:
        #    print "ERROR: Mismatch between number of atoms in initial and final structure! Aborting"
        #    return

        # Convert initial coordinates to final basis:
        r0 = cartesian_to_direct(init_pos.get_positions('cart'), self._cell)
        r = self.get_positions('direct')

        n = r.shape[0]
        dr = r - r0
        c = np.abs(np.array((dr - 1, dr, dr + 1)))
        diff = np.array([[np.argmin(c[:, i, j]) for j in range(3)]
                         for i in range(n)]) - 1  # (-1,0,1)
        dr += diff

        if not silent and np.max(dr) > 0.1:
            print u"Warning: largest displacement of %.1f (direct units) is rather large..." % (

        self.set_positions(r0 + dr, 'direct')
예제 #10
    def unwrap_pbc(self, init_pos = None, silent = False):
        Unwraps periodic boundary conditions (PBCs).
        Note that this procedure produces coordinates outside the unit cell. 
        An initial set of coordinates must be specified as a Structure object, 
        typically originating from a POSCAR file. 

        >>> pp = PoscarParser('POSCAR')
        >>> init_pos = pp.get_structure()
        >>> vp = VasprunParser('vasprun.xml')
        >>> fin_pos = vp.ionic_steps[-1].get_structure()
        >>> fin_pos = fin_pos.unwrap_pbc(init_pos)
        >>> print fin_pos - init_pos
        #if self.shape[0] != r0.shape[0]:
        #    print "ERROR: Mismatch between number of atoms in initial and final structure! Aborting"
        #    return

        # Convert initial coordinates to final basis:
        r0 = cartesian_to_direct(init_pos.get_positions('cart'), self._cell)
        r = self.get_positions('direct')
        n = r.shape[0]
        dr = r-r0
        c = np.abs(np.array((dr-1, dr, dr+1)))
        diff = np.array([[np.argmin(c[:,i,j]) for j in range(3)] for i in range(n)]) - 1  # (-1,0,1)
        dr += diff

        if not silent and np.max(dr) > 0.1:
            print u"Warning: largest displacement of %.1f (direct units) is rather large..." % (np.max(dr))

        self.set_positions(r0+dr, 'direct')