예제 #1
class Interface(object):
    The methods to interface with the Docdata gateway.

    # TODO: is this really needed?
    status_mapping = {
        DocdataClient.STATUS_NEW: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_STARTED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_AUTHORIZED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PENDING,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_PAID: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PENDING,  # Overwritten when it's totals are checked.

        DocdataClient.STATUS_CANCELLED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CONFIRMED_PAID: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CLOSED_SUCCESS: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,

    def __init__(self, testing_mode=None):
        Initialize the interface.
        If the testing_mode is not set, it defaults to the ``DOCDATA_TESTING`` setting.
        if testing_mode is None:
            testing_mode = appsettings.DOCDATA_TESTING
        self.testing_mode = testing_mode
        self.client = DocdataClient(testing_mode)

    def create_payment(self, order_number, total, user, language=None, description=None, profile=appsettings.DOCDATA_PROFILE, **kwargs):
        Start a new payment session / container.

        This is the first step of any Docdata payment session.

        :param order_number: The order number generated by Oscar.
        :param payment_method: An accepted payment method of Docdata Payments.
        :param total: The price object, inclusing totals and currency.
        :type total: :class:`oscar.core.prices.Price`
        :type user: :class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`
        if not language:
            language = get_language()

        # May raise an DocdataCreateError exception
        call_args = self.get_create_payment_args(
            # Pass all as kwargs, make it easier for subclasses to override using *args, **kwargs and fetch all by name.
            order_number=order_number, total=total, user=user, language=language, description=description, profile=profile, **kwargs
        createsuccess = self.client.create(**call_args)

        # Track order_key for local logging
        self._store_create_success(order_number, createsuccess.order_key, call_args['total_gross_amount'], call_args['shopper'], call_args.get('bill_to'))

        # Return for further reference
        return createsuccess.order_key

    def get_create_payment_args(self, order_number, total, user, language=None, description=None, profile=appsettings.DOCDATA_PROFILE, **kwargs):
        The arguments to pass to create a payment.
        This is implementation-specific, hence not implemented here.
        raise NotImplementedError("Missing get_create_payment_args() implementation!")

    def _store_create_success(self, order_number, order_key, amount, shopper, destination):
        Store the order_key for local status checking.
            country=destination.address.country_code if destination else None

    def get_payment_menu_url(self, request, order_key, return_url=None, client_language=None, **extra_url_args):
        Return the URL to the payment menu,
        where the user can be redirected to after creating a successful payment.

        For more information, see :func:`DocdataClient.get_payment_menu_url`.
        return self.client.get_payment_menu_url(request, order_key, return_url=return_url, client_language=client_language, **extra_url_args)

    def start_payment(self, order_key, payment, payment_method=None):

        order = DocdataOrder.objects.get(order_key=order_key)
        amount = None

        # This can raise an exception.
        startsuccess = self.client.start(order_key, payment, payment_method=payment_method, amount=amount)

        self._set_status(order, DocdataOrder.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)

        # Not updating the DocdataPayment objects here,
        # instead just wait for Docdata to call the status view.

        # Return for further reference.
        return startsuccess.payment_id

    def cancel_order(self, order):
        Cancel the order.
        client = DocdataClient()
        client.cancel(order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Let docdata be the master.
        # Don't wait for server to send event back, get most recent state now.

    def update_order(self, order):
        :type order: DocdataOrder
        # Fetch the latest status
        client = DocdataClient()
        statusreply = client.status(order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Store the new status
        self._store_report(order, statusreply.report)

    def _store_report(self, order, report):
        Store the retrieved status report in the order object.
        if hasattr(report, 'payment'):
            # Store all report lines, make an analytics of the new status
            latest_ddpayment, latest_payment = self._store_report_lines(order, report)
            new_status = self._check_status(order, report, latest_ddpayment, latest_payment)
            new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW

        # Store status
        old_status = order.status
        status_changed = self._set_status(order, new_status)

        # Store totals
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        order.total_registered = D(totals.totalRegistered) / 100
        order.total_shopper_pending = D(totals.totalShopperPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_pending = D(totals.totalAcquirerPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_approved = D(totals.totalAcquirerApproved) / 100
        order.total_captured = D(totals.totalCaptured) / 100
        order.total_refunded = D(totals.totalRefunded) / 100
        order.total_charged_back = D(totals.totalChargedback) / 100


        if status_changed:
            self.order_status_changed(order, old_status, order.status)

    def _set_status(self, order, new_status):
        Changes the payment status to new_status and sends a signal about the change.
        old_status = order.status
        if old_status != new_status:
            logger.info("Order {0} status changed {1} -> {2}".format(order.order_key, old_status, new_status))

            if new_status not in dict(DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHOICES):
                new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN

            order.status = new_status
            return True
            return False

    def _store_report_lines(self, order, report):
        Store the status report lines from the StatusReply.
        Each line represents a payment event.
        latest_ddpayment = None
        latest_payment = None

        for payment_report in report.payment:
            # payment_report is a ns0:payment object, which contains:
            # - id            (paymentId, a positiveInteger)
            # - paymentMethod (string50)
            # - authorization  (authorization)
            #   - status      str
            #   - amount      (amount); value + currency attribute.
            #   - confidenceLevel  (string35)
            #   - capture     (capture); status, amount, reason
            #   - refund      (refund); status, amount, reason
            #   - chargeback  (chargeback); status, amount, reason
            # - extended      payment specific information, depends on payment method.

            # Find or create the correct payment object for current report.
            payment_class = DocdataPayment #TODO: self.id_to_model_mapping[order.payment_method_id]
            updated = False
            added = False

                ddpayment = payment_class.objects.select_for_update().get(payment_id=str(payment_report.id))
            except payment_class.DoesNotExist:
                # Create new line
                ddpayment = payment_class(
                added = True

            if not payment_report.paymentMethod == ddpayment.payment_method:
                # Payment method change??
                    "Payment method from Docdata doesn't match saved payment method. "
                    "Storing the payment method received from Docdata for payment id {0}: {1}".format(
                        ddpayment.payment_id, payment_report.paymentMethod
                ddpayment.payment_method = str(payment_report.paymentMethod)
                updated = True

            # Store the totals
            authorization = payment_report.authorization
            old_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level, ddpayment.amount_allocated, ddpayment.amount_chargeback, ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)

            auth_status = str(authorization.status)
            ddpayment.confidence_level = authorization.confidenceLevel

            if auth_status == 'AUTHORIZED':
                # NOTE: currencies ignored here.
                ddpayment.amount_debited = _to_decimal(authorization.amount)               # TODO: is this the right field??
            if hasattr(authorization, 'capture'):
                ddpayment.amount_allocated = _to_decimal(authorization.capture[0].amount)  # TODO: is this the right field??
            if hasattr(authorization, 'refund'):
                ddpayment.amount_refunded = _to_decimal(authorization.refund[0].amount)
            if hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback'):
                ddpayment.amount_chargeback = _to_decimal(authorization.chargeback[0].amount)

            # Track changes
            new_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level, ddpayment.amount_allocated, ddpayment.amount_chargeback, ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)
            if old_values != new_values:
                updated = True

            # Detect status change

            if ddpayment.status != auth_status:
                # Status change!
                logger.info("Docdata payment status changed. payment={0} status: {1} -> {2}".format(
                    payment_report.id, ddpayment.status, auth_status

                if auth_status not in DocdataClient.DOCUMENTED_STATUS_VALUES:
                    # Note: We continue to process the payment status change on this error.
                    logger.warn("Received unknown payment status from Docdata. payment={0}, status={1}".format(
                        payment_report.id, auth_status

                ddpayment.status = auth_status
                updated = True

            if added or updated:
                # Saving might happen concurrently, as the user returns to the OrderReturnView
                # and Docdata calls the StatusChangedNotificationView at the same time.
                sid = transaction.savepoint()  # for PostgreSQL
                except IntegrityError:
                    logger.warn("Experienced concurrency issues with update-status, payment id {0}: {1}".format(payment_report.id))

                    # Overwrite existing object instead.
                    #not needed, no impact on save: ddpayment._state.adding = False
                    ddpayment.id = str(payment_report.id)
                    added = False

                # Fire events so payment transactions can be created in Oscar.
                # This can be used to call source.transactions.create(..) for example.
                if added:
                    payment_added.send(sender=DocdataPayment, order=order, payment=ddpayment)
                    payment_updated.send(sender=DocdataPayment, order=order, payment=ddpayment)

            # Webservice doesn't return payments in the correct order (or reversed).
            # So far, the payments can only be sorted by ID.
            if latest_payment is None or latest_payment.id < payment_report.id:
                latest_ddpayment = ddpayment
                latest_payment = payment_report

        return (latest_ddpayment, latest_payment)

    def _check_status(self, order, report, latest_ddpayment, latest_payment_report):
        Perform any checks related to the status change.
        status = latest_ddpayment.status
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        new_status = self.status_mapping.get(str(latest_payment_report.authorization.status), DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN)

        # Some status mapping overrides.
        # Integration Manual Order API 1.0 - Document version 1.0, 08-12-2012 - Page 33:
        # Safe route: The safest route to check whether all payments were made is for the merchants
        # to refer to the "Total captured" amount to see whether this equals the "Total registered
        # amount". While this may be the safest indicator, the downside is that it can sometimes take a
        # long time for acquirers or shoppers to actually have the money transferred and it can be
        # captured.
        if status == DocdataClient.STATUS_AUTHORIZED:

            if totals.totalCaptured >= totals.totalRegistered:
                payment_sum = (totals.totalCaptured - totals.totalChargedback - totals.totalRefunded)

                if payment_sum >= totals.totalRegistered:
                    # With all capture changes etc.. it's still what was registered.
                    # Full amount is paid.
                    new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID
                    logger.info("Total {0} Registered: {1} >= Total Captured: {2}; new status PAID".format(order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured))

                elif payment_sum == 0:
                    logger.info("Order {0} Total Registered: {1} Total Captured: {2} Total Chargedback: {3} Total Refunded: {4}".format(
                        order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalChargedback, totals.totalRefunded

                    # See what happened with the last payment addition
                    authorization = latest_payment_report.authorization

                    # Chargeback.
                    # TODO: Add chargeback fee somehow (currently E0.50).
                    if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalChargedback:
                        if hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback') and len(authorization.chargeback) > 0:
                            logger.info("Order {0} chargedback: {1}".format(order.order_key, authorization.chargeback[0].reason))
                            logger.info("Order {0} chargedback.".format(order.order_key))

                        new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK

                    # Refund.
                    # TODO: Log more info from refund when we have an example.
                    if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalRefunded:
                        logger.info("Payment {0} refunded.".format(order.order_key))
                        new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_REFUNDED

                    #payment.amount = 0

                    logger.error("Order {0} Total Registered: {1} Total Captured: {2} Total Chargedback: {3} Total Refunded: {4}".format(
                        order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalChargedback, totals.totalRefunded
                    logger.error("Captured {0}, chargeback and refunded sum is negative. Please investigate.".format(order.order_key))
                    new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN

        # Detect a nasty error condition that needs to be manually fixed.
        total_registered = long(totals.totalRegistered)
        total_gross_cents = long(order.total_gross_amount * 100)
        if new_status != DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED and total_registered != total_gross_cents:
            logger.error("Order {0} total: {1} does not equal Total Registered: {2}.".format(order.order_key, total_gross_cents, total_registered))

        return new_status

        # TODO Use status change log to investigate if these overrides are needed.
        # # These overrides are really just guessing.
        # latest_capture = authorization.capture[-1]
        # if status == 'AUTHORIZED':
        #     if hasattr(authorization, 'refund') or hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback'):
        #         new_status = 'cancelled'
        #     if latest_capture.status == 'FAILED' or latest_capture == 'ERROR':
        #         new_status = 'failed'
        #     elif latest_capture.status == 'CANCELLED':
        #         new_status = 'cancelled'

    def order_status_changed(self, docdataorder, old_status, new_status):
        Notify that the order status changed.
        This function can be extended by inheriting the Facade class.
        # Note that using a custom Facade class in your project doesn't help much,
        # as the Facade is also used by the default views.
        order_status_changed.send(sender=DocdataOrder, order=docdataorder, old_status=old_status, new_status=new_status)
예제 #2
class Interface(object):
    The methods to interface with the Docdata gateway.

    # TODO: is this really needed?
    status_mapping = {
        DocdataClient.STATUS_NEW: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_STARTED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_AUTHORIZED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PENDING,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_PAID: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PENDING,  # Overwritten when it's totals are checked.

        DocdataClient.STATUS_CANCELLED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CONFIRMED_PAID: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CLOSED_SUCCESS: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,

    def __init__(self, testing_mode=None, merchant_name=None, merchant_password=None):
        Initialize the interface.
        If the testing_mode is not set, it defaults to the ``DOCDATA_TESTING`` setting.
        if testing_mode is None:
            testing_mode = appsettings.DOCDATA_TESTING
        self.testing_mode = testing_mode
        self.client = DocdataClient(testing_mode, merchant_name=merchant_name, merchant_password=merchant_password)

    def for_merchant(cls, merchant_name, testing_mode=None):
        Generate the client with the proper credentials.
        This method is useful when there are multiple sub accounts in use.
        The proper account credentials are automatically selected
        from the ``DOCDATA_MERCHANT_PASSWORDS`` setting.
        :rtype: DocdataClient
            password = appsettings.DOCDATA_MERCHANT_PASSWORDS[merchant_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("No password provided in DOCDATA_MERCHANT_PASSWORDS for merchant '{0}'".format(merchant_name))

        return cls(

    def create_payment(self, order_number, total, user, language=None, description=None, profile=appsettings.DOCDATA_PROFILE, merchant_name=None, **kwargs):
        Start a new payment session / container.

        This is the first step of any Docdata payment session.

        :param order_number: The order number generated by Oscar.
        :param total: The price object, including totals and currency.
        :type total: :class:`oscar.core.prices.Price`
        :type user: :class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`
        :param language: The language to display the interface in.
        :param description
        :returns: The Docdata order reference ("order key").
        if not language:
            language = get_language()

        if merchant_name is not None:
            client = DocdataClient.for_merchant(merchant_name=merchant_name, testing_mode=self.testing_mode)
            client = self.client

        # May raise an DocdataCreateError exception
        call_args = self.get_create_payment_args(
            # Pass all as kwargs, make it easier for subclasses to override using *args, **kwargs and fetch all by name.
        createsuccess = client.create(**call_args)

        # Track order_key for local logging
        destination = call_args.get('bill_to')
            country_code=destination.address.country_code if destination else None

        # Return for further reference
        return createsuccess.order_key

    def get_create_payment_args(self, order_number, total, user, language=None, description=None, profile=appsettings.DOCDATA_PROFILE, **kwargs):
        The arguments to pass to create a payment.
        This is implementation-specific, hence not implemented here.
        raise NotImplementedError("Missing get_create_payment_args() implementation!")

    def _store_create_success(self, merchant_name, order_number, order_key, amount, language, country_code):
        Store the order_key for local status checking.

    def get_payment_menu_url(self, request, order_key, return_url=None, client_language=None, **extra_url_args):
        Return the URL to the payment menu,
        where the user can be redirected to after creating a successful payment.

        For more information, see :func:`DocdataClient.get_payment_menu_url`.
        return self.client.get_payment_menu_url(request, order_key, return_url=return_url, client_language=client_language, **extra_url_args)

    def start_payment(self, order, payment, payment_method=None):
        :type order: DocdataOrder
        # Backwards compatibility fix, old parameter was named "order_key".
        if isinstance(order, basestring):
            order = DocdataOrder.objects.select_for_update().active_merchants().get(order_key=order)

        amount = None

        # This can raise an exception.
        client = DocdataClient.for_merchant(order.merchant_name, testing_mode=self.testing_mode)
        startsuccess = client.start(order.order_key, payment, payment_method=payment_method, amount=amount)

        self._set_status(order, DocdataOrder.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)

        # Not updating the DocdataPayment objects here,
        # instead just wait for Docdata to call the status view.

        # Return for further reference.
        return startsuccess.payment_id

    def cancel_order(self, order):
        Cancel the order.
        :type order: DocdataOrder
        client = DocdataClient.for_merchant(order.merchant_name, testing_mode=self.testing_mode)
        client.cancel(order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Don't wait for server to send event back, get most recent state now.
        # Also make sure the order will be marked as cancelled.
        statusreply = client.status(order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)
        self._store_report(order, statusreply.report, indented_status=DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED)

    def update_order(self, order):
        :type order: DocdataOrder
        # Fetch the latest status
        client = DocdataClient.for_merchant(order.merchant_name, testing_mode=self.testing_mode)
        if client.merchant_name != order.merchant_name:
            raise InvalidMerchant("Order {0} belongs to a different merchant: {1} (client uses: {2})".format(
                order.merchant_order_id, order.merchant_name, client.merchant_name

        statusreply = client.status(order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Store the new status
        self._store_report(order, statusreply.report)

    def _store_report(self, order, report, indented_status=None):
        Store the retrieved status report in the order object.

        :type order: DocdataOrder
        # Store totals
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        order.total_registered = D(totals.totalRegistered) / 100
        order.total_shopper_pending = D(totals.totalShopperPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_pending = D(totals.totalAcquirerPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_approved = D(totals.totalAcquirerApproved) / 100
        order.total_captured = D(totals.totalCaptured) / 100
        order.total_refunded = D(totals.totalRefunded) / 100
        order.total_charged_back = D(totals.totalChargedback) / 100

        if hasattr(report, 'payment'):
            # Store all report lines, make an analytics of the new status
            new_status, ddpayments = self._store_report_lines(order, report)
            # There are no payments. It's really annoying to see that the Docdata status API
            # doesn't actually return a global "payment cluster" status code.
            # There are only status codes for the payment (which corresponds with a payment attempts by the user).
            # Make our best efforts here, based on some heuristics of the approximateTotals field.
            if totals.totalShopperPending == 0 \
            and totals.totalAcquirerPending == 0 \
            and totals.totalAcquirerApproved == 0 \
            and totals.totalCaptured == 0 \
            and totals.totalRefunded == 0 \
            and totals.totalChargedback == 0:
                # Everything is 0, either started, cancelled or expired
                if order.status == DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED:
                    new_status = order.status  # Stay in cancelled, don't become expired
                    if order.created < (now() - timedelta(days=21)):
                        # Will only expire old orders of more then 21 days.
                        new_status = indented_status or DocdataOrder.STATUS_EXPIRED
                        # Either new or cancelled, can't determine!
                        new_status = indented_status or DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW
                    "Payment cluster %s has no payment yet, and unknown 'approximateTotals' heuristics.\n"
                    "Status can't be reliably determined. Please investigate.\n"
                    "Totals=%s", order.order_key, totals
                if order.status in (DocdataOrder.STATUS_EXPIRED, DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED):
                    # Stay in cancelled/expired, don't switch back to NEW
                    new_status = order.status
                    new_status = indented_status or DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW

        # Store status
        old_status = order.status
        status_changed = self._set_status(order, new_status)

        if status_changed:
            self.order_status_changed(order, old_status, order.status)

    def _set_status(self, order, new_status):
        Changes the payment status to new_status and sends a signal about the change.
        old_status = order.status
        if old_status != new_status:
            if new_status not in dict(DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHOICES):
                new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN
                logger.warning("Payment cluster {0} status changed {1} -> {2} -> UNKNOWN!".format(order.order_key, old_status, new_status))
                logger.info("Payment cluster {0} status changed {1} -> {2}".format(order.order_key, old_status, new_status))

            order.status = new_status
            return True
            return False

    def _store_report_lines(self, order, report):
        Store the status report lines from the StatusReply.
        Each line represents a payment event, which is stored in a DocdataPayment object.

        This performs the checks related to the status change.
        This returns the "status" value of the last payment line.
        This line either indicates the payment is authorized, cancelled, refunded, etc..

        :type order: DocdataOrder
        new_status = None
        ddpayment_objects = []
        totals = report.approximateTotals

        logger.info("Payment cluster {0} Total Registered: {1} Total Captured: {2} Total Chargedback: {3} Total Refunded: {4}".format(
            order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalChargedback, totals.totalRefunded

        # Webservice doesn't return payments in the correct order (or reversed).
        # So far, the payments can only be sorted by ID.
        report_payments = list(report.payment)
        report_payments.sort(key=lambda payments: payments.id)

        for payment in report_payments:
            # payment_report is a ns0:payment object, which contains:
            # - id            (paymentId, a positiveInteger)
            # - paymentMethod (string50)
            # - authorization  (authorization)
            #   - status      str
            #   - amount      (amount); value + currency attribute.
            #   - confidenceLevel  (string35)
            #   - capture     (capture); status, amount, reason
            #   - refund      (refund); status, amount, reason
            #   - chargeback  (chargeback); status, amount, reason
            # - extended      payment specific information, depends on payment method.

            logger.debug("- Payment {0} with {1}: auth status: {2}".format(payment.id, payment.paymentMethod, payment.authorization.status))

            authorization = payment.authorization
            auth_status = str(payment.authorization.status)

            if auth_status == 'AUTHORIZED':
                # The payment was authorized, check what the contents of it is.
                # This validates the status, and determines which amount got paid.
                maybe_new_status = self._process_authorized_payment(order, report, payment)
                if maybe_new_status is not None:
                    new_status = maybe_new_status

                # NOTE: currencies ignored here.
                # This only indicates the amount that's being dealt with.
                # the actual debited value is added when the value is captured.
                amount_allocated = _to_decimal(authorization.amount)
                amount_allocated = 0

            # Now save the result into a DocdataPayment object.
            # Find or create the correct payment object for current report.
            payment_class = DocdataPayment #TODO: self.id_to_model_mapping[order.payment_method_id]
            updated = False
            added = False

                ddpayment = payment_class.objects.select_for_update().get(payment_id=str(payment.id))
            except payment_class.DoesNotExist:
                # Create new line
                ddpayment = payment_class(
                added = True

            if not payment.paymentMethod == ddpayment.payment_method:
                # Payment method change??
                    "Payment method from Docdata doesn't match saved payment method. "
                    "Storing the payment method received from Docdata for payment id {0}: {1}".format(
                        ddpayment.payment_id, payment.paymentMethod
                ddpayment.payment_method = str(payment.paymentMethod)
                updated = True

            # Store the totals
            old_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level, ddpayment.amount_allocated, ddpayment.amount_chargeback, ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)

            ddpayment.confidence_level = authorization.confidenceLevel
            ddpayment.amount_allocated = amount_allocated
            ddpayment.amount_debited = self._get_payment_sum(payment, "capture", "CAPTURED")
            ddpayment.amount_refunded = self._get_payment_sum(payment, "refund", "CAPTURED")
            ddpayment.amount_chargeback = self._get_payment_sum(payment, "chargeback", "CHARGED")

            # Track changes
            new_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level, ddpayment.amount_allocated, ddpayment.amount_chargeback, ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)
            if old_values != new_values:
                updated = True

            # Detect status change

            if ddpayment.status != auth_status:
                # Status change!
                logger.info("Docdata payment status changed. payment={0} status: {1} -> {2}".format(
                    payment.id, ddpayment.status, auth_status

                if auth_status not in DocdataClient.DOCUMENTED_STATUS_VALUES \
                and auth_status not in DocdataClient.SEEN_UNDOCUMENTED_STATUS_VALUES:
                    # Note: We continue to process the payment status change on this error.
                    logger.warn("Received unknown payment status from Docdata. payment={0}, status={1}".format(
                        payment.id, auth_status

                ddpayment.status = auth_status
                updated = True

            if added or updated:
                # Saving might happen concurrently, as the user returns to the OrderReturnView
                # and Docdata calls the StatusChangedNotificationView at the same time.
                sid = transaction.savepoint()  # for PostgreSQL
                except IntegrityError:
                    logger.warn("Experienced concurrency issues with update-status, payment id {0}: {1}".format(payment.id))

                    # Overwrite existing object instead.
                    #not needed, no impact on save: ddpayment._state.adding = False
                    ddpayment.id = str(payment.id)
                    added = False

                # Fire events so payment transactions can be created in Oscar.
                # This can be used to call source.transactions.create(..) for example.
                if added:
                    payment_added.send(sender=DocdataPayment, order=order, payment=ddpayment)
                    payment_updated.send(sender=DocdataPayment, order=order, payment=ddpayment)

            setattr(ddpayment, '_source', payment)

        if new_status is None:
            # Didn't get a clearly detectable/conclusive status.
            # Try to use the last line in such case, otherwise, use new_status.
            # This handles the strange situation we've seen:
            # - Customer initiated both a PayPal and VISA payment
            # - Then completes the PayPal payment.
            # - Hence the last payment is NEW, but the first is AUTHORIZED.

            # Some status mapping overrides.
            new_status = self.status_mapping.get(report_payments[-1].authorization.status, DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN)

            # Stay in cancelled/expired, don't switch back to NEW
            # Even though the payment cluster is set to 'closed_expired',
            # Docdata doesn't expire the individual payment report lines.
            if order.status in (DocdataOrder.STATUS_EXPIRED, DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED) \
            and new_status in (DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW, DocdataOrder.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS):
                new_status = order.status

            # TODO Use status change log to investigate if these overrides are needed.
            # # These overrides are really just guessing.
            # latest_capture = authorization.capture[-1]
            # if status == 'AUTHORIZED':
            #     if hasattr(authorization, 'refund') or hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback'):
            #         new_status = 'cancelled'
            #     if latest_capture.status == 'FAILED' or latest_capture == 'ERROR':
            #         new_status = 'failed'
            #     elif latest_capture.status == 'CANCELLED':
            #         new_status = 'cancelled'

        # Detect a nasty error condition that needs to be manually fixed.
        total_registered = long(totals.totalRegistered)
        total_gross_cents = long(order.total_gross_amount * 100)
        if new_status != DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED and total_registered != total_gross_cents:
            logger.error("Payment cluster %s total: %s does not equal Total Registered: %s.",
                order.order_key, total_gross_cents, total_registered

        # Webservice doesn't return payments in the correct order (or reversed).
        # So far, the payments can only be sorted by ID.
        ddpayment_objects.sort(key=lambda ddpayment: ddpayment.payment_id)
        return new_status, ddpayment_objects

    def _get_payment_sum(self, payment, xml_tag, success_status):
        Take the sum of multiple <capture>, <refund> or <chargeback> elements.
        amount = D("0.00")
        authorization = payment.authorization
        if hasattr(authorization, xml_tag):
            # There was some income/refund/chargeback
            for tag in getattr(authorization, xml_tag):
                if tag.status == success_status:
                    amount += _to_decimal(tag.amount)
                    logger.debug("{0} of {1} is marked as {2}, not adding to totals".format(tag.__class__.__name__.title(), payment.id, tag.status))

        return amount

    def _process_authorized_payment(self, order, report, payment):
        Process the "authorization" block in a single payment.
        This tells whether the payment object was a capture, refund or chargeback.
        The expected totals are compared for accuracy.

        The new_status could remain None.
        A value is only returned when there is a clearly detectable status.

        :type order: DocdataOrder
        :rtype: str|None
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        new_status = None

        # Because currency conversions may cause payments to happen with a few cents less,
        # this workaround makes sure those orders will still be marked as paid!
        # If you don't like this, the alternative is using DOCDATA_PAYMENT_SUCCESS_MARGIN = {}
        # and listening for the callback=SUCCESS value in the `return_view_called` signal.
        margin = 0
        if order.currency == totals._exchangedTo:  # Reads XML attribute.
            if any(p.authorization.amount._currency != order.currency for p in report.payment):
                # Order has a currency conversion, apply the margin
                margin = appsettings.DOCDATA_PAYMENT_SUCCESS_MARGIN.get(totals._exchangedTo, 0)

                # But if it exceeds the totalRegistered (e.g. it's 0), avoid making everything as paid!
                if margin >= totals.totalRegistered:
                    margin = 0

        # Integration Manual Order API 1.0 - Document version 1.0, 08-12-2012 - Page 33:
        # Safe route: The safest route to check whether all payments were made is for the merchants
        # to refer to the "Total captured" amount to see whether this equals the "Total registered
        # amount". While this may be the safest indicator, the downside is that it can sometimes take a
        # long time for acquirers or shoppers to actually have the money transferred and it can be
        # captured.
        if totals.totalCaptured < (totals.totalRegistered - margin):
            return None

        # The single payment indicated there is a payment.
        # Now comparing the totals, to see whether the order was fully paid!
        payment_sum = (totals.totalCaptured - totals.totalChargedback - totals.totalRefunded)

        if payment_sum >= (totals.totalRegistered - margin):
            # With all capture changes etc.. it's still what was registered.
            # Full amount is paid.
            new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID
            logger.info("Payment cluster {0} Total Registered: {1} >= Captured: {2} (margin: {3}); new status PAID".format(
                order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured, margin

        elif payment_sum == 0:
            # A payment was captured, but the totals are 0.
            # See if there is a charge back or refund.

            # See what happened with the last payment addition
            authorization = payment.authorization

            # Example data:
            # <payment>
            #     <id>2530366542</id>
            #     <paymentMethod>AMEX</paymentMethod>
            #     <authorization>
            #         <status>AUTHORIZED</status>
            #         <amount currency="USD">23700</amount>
            #         <confidenceLevel>ACQUIRER_APPROVED</confidenceLevel>
            #         <capture>
            #             <status>CAPTURED</status>
            #             <amount currency="USD">23700</amount>
            #         </capture>
            #         <chargeback>
            #             <chargebackId>437055</chargebackId>
            #             <status>CHARGED</status>
            #             <amount currency="USD">23700</amount>
            #         </chargeback>
            #     </authorization>
            # </payment>
            # There can be multiple capture and chargeback objects.

            # Chargeback.
            # TODO: Add chargeback fee somehow (currently E0.50).
            if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalChargedback:
                if hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback') and len(authorization.chargeback) > 0:
                    for chargeback in authorization.chargeback:
                        reason = getattr(chargeback, 'reason', '(reason not provided)')
                        logger.info("- Payment {0} chargedback: {1} {2}, {3}".format(
                            payment.id, chargeback.amount._currency, chargeback.amount.value, reason
                    logger.info("Payment cluster {0} chargedback.".format(order.order_key))

                new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK

            # Refund.
            # TODO: Log more info from refund when we have an example.
            if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalRefunded:
                logger.info("Payment cluster {0} refunded.".format(order.order_key))
                new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_REFUNDED
        elif payment_sum > 0:
            # There is a partial refund.
            new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID_REFUNDED

            logger.info("Payment cluster {0} Total Registered: {1} < Captured: {2} - Refunded: {3} - Chargeback: {4}  (margin: {5}); new status PAID_REFUNDED".format(
                order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered, totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalRefunded, totals.totalChargedback, margin

            # Show as error instead, this is not handled yet.
                "Payment cluster %s chargeback and refunded sum is negative. Please investigate.\n"
                "Payment sum=%s Totals=%s", order.order_key, payment_sum, totals
            new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN

        return new_status

    def order_status_changed(self, docdataorder, old_status, new_status):
        Notify that the order status changed.
        This function can be extended by inheriting the Facade class.
        if old_status == new_status:

        # Note that using a custom Facade class in your project doesn't help much,
        # as the Facade is also used by the default views.
        order_status_changed.send(sender=DocdataOrder, order=docdataorder, old_status=old_status, new_status=new_status)
예제 #3
class Interface(object):
    The methods to interface with the Docdata gateway.

    # TODO: is this really needed?
    status_mapping = {
        DocdataClient.STATUS_NEW: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_STARTED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_AUTHORIZED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PENDING,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_PAID: DocdataOrder.
        STATUS_PENDING,  # Overwritten when it's totals are checked.
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CANCELLED: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK: DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CONFIRMED_PAID: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,
        DocdataClient.STATUS_CLOSED_SUCCESS: DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID,

    def __init__(self, testing_mode=None):
        Initialize the interface.
        If the testing_mode is not set, it defaults to the ``DOCDATA_TESTING`` setting.
        if testing_mode is None:
            testing_mode = appsettings.DOCDATA_TESTING
        self.testing_mode = testing_mode
        self.client = DocdataClient(testing_mode)

    def create_payment(self,
        Start a new payment session / container.

        This is the first step of any Docdata payment session.

        :param order_number: The order number generated by Oscar.
        :param payment_method: An accepted payment method of Docdata Payments.
        :param total: The price object, inclusing totals and currency.
        :type total: :class:`oscar.core.prices.Price`
        :type user: :class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`
        if not language:
            language = get_language()

        # May raise an DocdataCreateError exception
        call_args = self.get_create_payment_args(
            # Pass all as kwargs, make it easier for subclasses to override using *args, **kwargs and fetch all by name.
        createsuccess = self.client.create(**call_args)

        # Track order_key for local logging
        self._store_create_success(order_number, createsuccess.order_key,

        # Return for further reference
        return createsuccess.order_key

    def get_create_payment_args(self,
        The arguments to pass to create a payment.
        This is implementation-specific, hence not implemented here.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Missing get_create_payment_args() implementation!")

    def _store_create_success(self, order_number, order_key, amount, shopper,
        Store the order_key for local status checking.
            country=destination.address.country_code if destination else None)

    def get_payment_menu_url(self,
        Return the URL to the payment menu,
        where the user can be redirected to after creating a successful payment.

        For more information, see :func:`DocdataClient.get_payment_menu_url`.
        return self.client.get_payment_menu_url(

    def start_payment(self, order_key, payment, payment_method=None):

        order = DocdataOrder.objects.get(order_key=order_key)
        amount = None

        # This can raise an exception.
        startsuccess = self.client.start(order_key,

        self._set_status(order, DocdataOrder.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)

        # Not updating the DocdataPayment objects here,
        # instead just wait for Docdata to call the status view.

        # Return for further reference.
        return startsuccess.payment_id

    def cancel_order(self, order):
        Cancel the order.
        client = DocdataClient()
            order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Let docdata be the master.
        # Don't wait for server to send event back, get most recent state now.

    def update_order(self, order):
        :type order: DocdataOrder
        # Fetch the latest status
        client = DocdataClient()
        statusreply = client.status(
            order.order_key)  # Can bail out with an exception (already logged)

        # Store the new status
        self._store_report(order, statusreply.report)

    def _store_report(self, order, report):
        Store the retrieved status report in the order object.
        if hasattr(report, 'payment'):
            # Store all report lines, make an analytics of the new status
            latest_ddpayment, latest_payment = self._store_report_lines(
                order, report)
            new_status = self._check_status(order, report, latest_ddpayment,
            new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_NEW

        # Store status
        old_status = order.status
        status_changed = self._set_status(order, new_status)

        # Store totals
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        order.total_registered = D(totals.totalRegistered) / 100
        order.total_shopper_pending = D(totals.totalShopperPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_pending = D(totals.totalAcquirerPending) / 100
        order.total_acquirer_approved = D(totals.totalAcquirerApproved) / 100
        order.total_captured = D(totals.totalCaptured) / 100
        order.total_refunded = D(totals.totalRefunded) / 100
        order.total_charged_back = D(totals.totalChargedback) / 100


        if status_changed:
            self.order_status_changed(order, old_status, order.status)

    def _set_status(self, order, new_status):
        Changes the payment status to new_status and sends a signal about the change.
        old_status = order.status
        if old_status != new_status:
            logger.info("Order {0} status changed {1} -> {2}".format(
                order.order_key, old_status, new_status))

            if new_status not in dict(DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHOICES):
                new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN

            order.status = new_status
            return True
            return False

    def _store_report_lines(self, order, report):
        Store the status report lines from the StatusReply.
        Each line represents a payment event.
        latest_ddpayment = None
        latest_payment = None

        for payment_report in report.payment:
            # payment_report is a ns0:payment object, which contains:
            # - id            (paymentId, a positiveInteger)
            # - paymentMethod (string50)
            # - authorization  (authorization)
            #   - status      str
            #   - amount      (amount); value + currency attribute.
            #   - confidenceLevel  (string35)
            #   - capture     (capture); status, amount, reason
            #   - refund      (refund); status, amount, reason
            #   - chargeback  (chargeback); status, amount, reason
            # - extended      payment specific information, depends on payment method.

            # Find or create the correct payment object for current report.
            payment_class = DocdataPayment  #TODO: self.id_to_model_mapping[order.payment_method_id]
            updated = False
            added = False

                ddpayment = payment_class.objects.select_for_update().get(
            except payment_class.DoesNotExist:
                # Create new line
                ddpayment = payment_class(
                added = True

            if not payment_report.paymentMethod == ddpayment.payment_method:
                # Payment method change??
                    "Payment method from Docdata doesn't match saved payment method. "
                    "Storing the payment method received from Docdata for payment id {0}: {1}"
                ddpayment.payment_method = str(payment_report.paymentMethod)
                updated = True

            # Store the totals
            authorization = payment_report.authorization
            old_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level,
                          ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)

            auth_status = str(authorization.status)
            ddpayment.confidence_level = authorization.confidenceLevel

            if auth_status == 'AUTHORIZED':
                # NOTE: currencies ignored here.
                ddpayment.amount_debited = _to_decimal(
                    authorization.amount)  # TODO: is this the right field??
            if hasattr(authorization, 'capture'):
                ddpayment.amount_allocated = _to_decimal(
                )  # TODO: is this the right field??
            if hasattr(authorization, 'refund'):
                ddpayment.amount_refunded = _to_decimal(
            if hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback'):
                ddpayment.amount_chargeback = _to_decimal(

            # Track changes
            new_values = (ddpayment.confidence_level,
                          ddpayment.amount_refunded, ddpayment.amount_debited)
            if old_values != new_values:
                updated = True

            # Detect status change

            if ddpayment.status != auth_status:
                # Status change!
                    "Docdata payment status changed. payment={0} status: {1} -> {2}"
                    .format(payment_report.id, ddpayment.status, auth_status))

                if auth_status not in DocdataClient.DOCUMENTED_STATUS_VALUES:
                    # Note: We continue to process the payment status change on this error.
                        "Received unknown payment status from Docdata. payment={0}, status={1}"
                        .format(payment_report.id, auth_status))

                ddpayment.status = auth_status
                updated = True

            if added or updated:
                # Saving might happen concurrently, as the user returns to the OrderReturnView
                # and Docdata calls the StatusChangedNotificationView at the same time.
                sid = transaction.savepoint()  # for PostgreSQL
                except IntegrityError:
                        "Experienced concurrency issues with update-status, payment id {0}: {1}"

                    # Overwrite existing object instead.
                    #not needed, no impact on save: ddpayment._state.adding = False
                    ddpayment.id = str(payment_report.id)
                    added = False

                # Fire events so payment transactions can be created in Oscar.
                # This can be used to call source.transactions.create(..) for example.
                if added:

            # Webservice doesn't return payments in the correct order (or reversed).
            # So far, the payments can only be sorted by ID.
            if latest_payment is None or latest_payment.id < payment_report.id:
                latest_ddpayment = ddpayment
                latest_payment = payment_report

        return (latest_ddpayment, latest_payment)

    def _check_status(self, order, report, latest_ddpayment,
        Perform any checks related to the status change.
        status = latest_ddpayment.status
        totals = report.approximateTotals
        new_status = self.status_mapping.get(

        # Some status mapping overrides.
        # Integration Manual Order API 1.0 - Document version 1.0, 08-12-2012 - Page 33:
        # Safe route: The safest route to check whether all payments were made is for the merchants
        # to refer to the "Total captured" amount to see whether this equals the "Total registered
        # amount". While this may be the safest indicator, the downside is that it can sometimes take a
        # long time for acquirers or shoppers to actually have the money transferred and it can be
        # captured.
        if status == DocdataClient.STATUS_AUTHORIZED:

            if totals.totalCaptured >= totals.totalRegistered:
                payment_sum = (totals.totalCaptured - totals.totalChargedback -

                if payment_sum >= totals.totalRegistered:
                    # With all capture changes etc.. it's still what was registered.
                    # Full amount is paid.
                    new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_PAID
                        "Total {0} Registered: {1} >= Total Captured: {2}; new status PAID"
                        .format(order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered,

                elif payment_sum == 0:
                        "Order {0} Total Registered: {1} Total Captured: {2} Total Chargedback: {3} Total Refunded: {4}"
                        .format(order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered,
                                totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalChargedback,

                    # See what happened with the last payment addition
                    authorization = latest_payment_report.authorization

                    # Chargeback.
                    # TODO: Add chargeback fee somehow (currently E0.50).
                    if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalChargedback:
                        if hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback') and len(
                                authorization.chargeback) > 0:
                            logger.info("Order {0} chargedback: {1}".format(
                            logger.info("Order {0} chargedback.".format(

                        new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_CHARGED_BACK

                    # Refund.
                    # TODO: Log more info from refund when we have an example.
                    if totals.totalCaptured == totals.totalRefunded:
                        logger.info("Payment {0} refunded.".format(
                        new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_REFUNDED

                    #payment.amount = 0

                        "Order {0} Total Registered: {1} Total Captured: {2} Total Chargedback: {3} Total Refunded: {4}"
                        .format(order.order_key, totals.totalRegistered,
                                totals.totalCaptured, totals.totalChargedback,
                        "Captured {0}, chargeback and refunded sum is negative. Please investigate."
                    new_status = DocdataOrder.STATUS_UNKNOWN

        # Detect a nasty error condition that needs to be manually fixed.
        total_registered = long(totals.totalRegistered)
        total_gross_cents = long(order.total_gross_amount * 100)
        if new_status != DocdataOrder.STATUS_CANCELLED and total_registered != total_gross_cents:
                "Order {0} total: {1} does not equal Total Registered: {2}.".
                format(order.order_key, total_gross_cents, total_registered))

        return new_status

        # TODO Use status change log to investigate if these overrides are needed.
        # # These overrides are really just guessing.
        # latest_capture = authorization.capture[-1]
        # if status == 'AUTHORIZED':
        #     if hasattr(authorization, 'refund') or hasattr(authorization, 'chargeback'):
        #         new_status = 'cancelled'
        #     if latest_capture.status == 'FAILED' or latest_capture == 'ERROR':
        #         new_status = 'failed'
        #     elif latest_capture.status == 'CANCELLED':
        #         new_status = 'cancelled'

    def order_status_changed(self, docdataorder, old_status, new_status):
        Notify that the order status changed.
        This function can be extended by inheriting the Facade class.
        # Note that using a custom Facade class in your project doesn't help much,
        # as the Facade is also used by the default views.