예제 #1
def getParser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='entify.py - entify.py is a program designed to extract using regular expressions all the entities from the files on a given folder. This software also provides an interface to look for these entities in any given text.', prog='entify.py', epilog="Check the README.md file for further details on the usage of this program or follow us on Twitter in <http://twitter.com/i3visio>.", add_help=False)
    parser._optionals.title = "Input options (one required)"

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupMainOptions = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    listAll = regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames()
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-r', '--regexp', metavar='<name>', choices=listAll, action='store', nargs='+', help='select the regular expressions to be looked for amongst the following: ' + str(listAll))
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-R', '--new_regexp', metavar='<regular_expression>', action='store', help='add a new regular expression, for example, for testing purposes.')    

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupInput = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    groupInput.add_argument('-i', '--input_folder',  metavar='<path_to_input_folder>', default=None, action='store',  help='path to the folder to analyse.')
    groupInput.add_argument('-w', '--web',  metavar='<url>',  action='store', default=None, help='URI to be recovered and analysed.')
    # adding the option
    groupProcessing = parser.add_argument_group('Processing arguments', 'Configuring the processing parameters.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-e', '--extension', metavar='<sum_ext>', nargs='+', choices=['csv', 'gml', 'json', 'mtz', 'ods', 'png', 'txt', 'xls', 'xlsx' ], required=False, default = ['csv'], action='store', help='output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.')  
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', metavar='<path_to_output_folder>', required=False, default = './results', action='store', help='output folder for the generated documents. While if the paths does not exist, usufy.py will try to create; if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write any down any data. Check permissions if something goes wrong.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', metavar='<verbosity>', choices=[0, 1, 2], required=False, action='store', default=1, help='select the verbosity level: 0 - none; 1 - normal (default); 2 - debug.', type=int)
    # Getting a sample header for the output files
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-F', '--file_header', metavar='<alternative_header_file>', required=False, default = "profiles", action='store', help='Header for the output filenames to be generated. If None was provided the following will be used: profiles.<extension>.' )      
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Asking the program not to show any output.')    
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-L', '--logfolder', metavar='<path_to_log_folder', required=False, default = './logs', action='store', help='path to the log folder. If none was provided, ./logs is assumed.')    
    groupProcessing.add_argument('--recursive', action='store_true', default=False, required=False, help='Variable to tell the system to perform a recursive search on the folder tree.')        

    groupAbout = parser.add_argument_group('About arguments', 'Showing additional information about this program.')
    groupAbout.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='shows this help and exists.')
    groupAbout.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+" " +__version__, help='shows the version of the program and exists.')

    return parser
예제 #2
def getParser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='entify.py - entify.py is a program designed to extract using regular expressions all the entities from the files on a given folder. This software also provides an interface to look for these entities in any given text.', prog='entify.py', epilog="Check the README.md file for further details on the usage of this program or follow us on Twitter in <http://twitter.com/i3visio>.", add_help=False)
    parser._optionals.title = "Input options (one required)"

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupMainOptions = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    listAll = regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames()
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-r', '--regexp', metavar='<name>', choices=listAll, action='store', nargs='+', help='select the regular expressions to be looked for amongst the following: ' + str(listAll))
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-R', '--new_regexp', metavar='<regular_expression>', action='store', help='add a new regular expression, for example, for testing purposes.')

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupInput = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    groupInput.add_argument('-i', '--input_folder',  metavar='<path_to_input_folder>', default=None, action='store',  help='path to the folder to analyse.')
    groupInput.add_argument('-w', '--web',  metavar='<url>',  action='store', default=None, help='URI to be recovered and analysed.')

    # adding the option
    groupProcessing = parser.add_argument_group('Processing arguments', 'Configuring the processing parameters.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-e', '--extension', metavar='<sum_ext>', nargs='+', choices=['csv', 'gml', 'json', 'mtz', 'ods', 'png', 'txt', 'xls', 'xlsx' ], required=False, default = ['xls'], action='store', help='output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder', metavar='<path_to_output_folder>', required=False, default = './results', action='store', help='output folder for the generated documents. While if the paths does not exist, usufy.py will try to create; if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write any down any data. Check permissions if something goes wrong.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', metavar='<verbosity>', choices=[0, 1, 2], required=False, action='store', default=1, help='select the verbosity level: 0 - none; 1 - normal (default); 2 - debug.', type=int)
    # Getting a sample header for the output files
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-F', '--file_header', metavar='<alternative_header_file>', required=False, default = "profiles", action='store', help='Header for the output filenames to be generated. If None was provided the following will be used: profiles.<extension>.' )
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Asking the program not to show any output.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-L', '--logfolder', metavar='<path_to_log_folder', required=False, default = './logs', action='store', help='path to the log folder. If none was provided, ./logs is assumed.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('--recursive', action='store_true', default=False, required=False, help='Variable to tell the system to perform a recursive search on the folder tree.')

    groupAbout = parser.add_argument_group('About arguments', 'Showing additional information about this program.')
    groupAbout.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='shows this help and exists.')
    groupAbout.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+" " +__version__, help='shows the version of the program and exists.')

    return parser
예제 #3
class OSRFConsoleMain(cmd.Cmd):
    OSRFramework console application to control the different framework utils.

    Type 'help' to find the commands.

    DISCLAIMER = '''\tOSRFConsole ''' + __version__ + ''' - Copyright (C) F. Brezo and Y. Rubio (i3visio) 2016-2017

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  For additional info, visit to <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.'''

    intro = banner.text + "\n" + DISCLAIMER

    info  = "\n    General information"
    info += "\n    ==================="
    info += "\n    OSRFramework stands for Open Sources Research Framework. It includes a set of tools that help the analyst in the task of user profiling making use of different OSINT tools. To get additional information about the available commands type 'help'."
    info += "\n"
    info += "\n    Modules available:"
    info += "\n    ------------------"
    info += "\n\t- usufy --> the Jewel of the Chrown. A tool that verifies if a username exists in " + str(len(platform_selection.getAllPlatformNames("usufy")))  + " platforms."
    info += "\n\t- mailfy --> a tool to check if a username has been registered in up to " + str(len(mailfy.EMAIL_DOMAINS )) + " email providers."
    info += "\n\t- searchfy --> a tool to look for profiles using full names and other info in " + str(len(platform_selection.getAllPlatformNames("searchfy")))  + " platforms."
    info += "\n\t- domainfy --> a tool to check the existence of a given domain in up to " + str(domainfy.getNumberTLD()) + " different TLD."
    info += "\n\t- phonefy --> a tool that checks if a phone number has been linked to spam practices in " + str(len(platform_selection.getAllPlatformNames("phonefy")))  + " platforms."
    info += "\n\t- entify --> a util to look for regular expressions using " + str(len(regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames())) + " patterns."
    info += "\n"

    # Appending the self.info data to the headers...
    intro += info

    # Defining the prompt
    prompt = general.emphasis('osrf > ')

    ruler = '='

    def do_info(self, line):
        Command that shows again the general information about the application.
        configInfo =  "\n    Additional configuration files:"
        configInfo += "\n    -------------------------------"
        configInfo += "\n    You will be able to find more configuration options in the following files in your system. The relevant paths are the ones that follows:"

        # Get the configuration folders in each system
        paths = configuration.getConfigPath()

        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + os.path.join(paths["appPath"], "accounts.cfg") + "' -> Configuration details about the login credentials already configured in the framework."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + os.path.join(paths["appPath"], "api_keys.cfg") + "' -> Configuration details about the API credentials already configured."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + os.path.join(paths["appPath"], "browser.cfg") + "' -> Connection configuration about how the browsers will be connected."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + os.path.join(paths["appPath"], "general.cfg") + "' -> General configuration of the different utils containing the default options."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + paths["appPathDefaults"] + "/' -> Directory containing default files as a backup."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + paths["appPathPlugins"] + "/' -> Directory containing the details of the user defined plugins."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + paths["appPathPatterns"] + "/' -> Directory containing the user-defined patterns for entify.py."
        configInfo += "\n\t- '" + paths["appPathWrappers"] + "/' -> Directory containing the user-defined wrappers for usufy, searchfy and phonefy platforms."
        configInfo += "\n"
        print(general.title(self.info) + general.info(configInfo))

    def do_use(self, line):
        This command will define which of the framework's utilities will be loaded.

        The available options are the following:
            - domainfy
            - entify
            - mailfy
            - phonefy
            - searchfy
            - usufy
        For example, type 'use usufy' to load the usufy util. You can always use
        the <TAB> to be helped using the autocomplete options.
        if line not in UTILS:
            print(general.warning("[!] Util is not correct. Try 'help use' to check the available options."))
            return False
        elif line == "domainfy":
        elif line == "entify":
        elif line == "mailfy":
        elif line == "phonefy":
        elif line == "searchfy":
        elif line == "usufy":
            print(general.warning("[!] Not implemented yet. Try 'help use' to check the available options."))

    def complete_use(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
        if not text:
            completions = UTILS
            completions = [ f
                for f in UTILS
                if f.startswith(text.lower())
        return completions

    def do_exit(self, line):
        This command will exit osrfconsole normally.
예제 #4
class OSRFConsoleEntify(OSRFConsoleUtil):
    """Class that controls an interactive entify program."""
    # Setting up the name of the module
    UNAME = "entify.py"

    intro = ""
    # Defining the prompt
    prompt = 'osrf (' + UNAME.split('.')[0] + ') > '
    # Defining the character to create hyphens
    ruler = '-'

    DEFAULT_VALUES = configuration.returnListOfConfigurationValues("entify")

    # Defining the configuration for this module
    CONFIG = {}
    CONFIG["URL"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The URL to be checked.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : None,
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : None,
        "REQUIRED" : True,
        "OPTIONS" : []
    CONFIG["REGEXP"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The regular expressions to be checked.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : "all",
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : "all",
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames(),
    CONFIG["OUTPUT"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The path to the output folder where the files will be created.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["output_folder"],
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["output_folder"],
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : []
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The default extension of the files to be written.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["extension"],
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["extension"],
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'json', 'gml']

    def _getParams(self):
        """ Function that creates the array with the params that will work with this function"""
        # Creating the parameters as if they were created using the command line
        params = [
            "-u", self.CONFIG["URL"]["CURRENT_VALUE"],
            "-r" ] + self.CONFIG["REGEXP"]["CURRENT_VALUE"].split() + [
            "-o", self.CONFIG["OUTPUT"]["CURRENT_VALUE"],
            "-e" ] + self.CONFIG["EXTENSION"]["CURRENT_VALUE"].split()

        return params

    def do_run(self, line):
        """Running the current application. This method should be redefined for each util."""
        # Checking if all the required parameters have been set
        if self._checkIfRequiredAreSet():
            print(general.info("Collecting the options set by the user..."))
            # Getting the parser...
            parser = entify.getParser()

            # Generating the parameters
            params = self._getParams()

            args = parser.parse_args(params)

            print(general.info("Launching " + self.UNAME + " with the following parameters: ") + general.emphashis(str(params)))

            except Exception as e:
                print(gemeral.error("[!] ERROR. Something happened when launching the utility. Type 'show options' to check the parameters. "))
                print(general.error("Traceback: " + str(e)))
            print(general.error("[!] ERROR. There are required parameters which have not been set."))
        print(general.success("Execution ended successfully."))
예제 #5
        if "json" in args.extension:
            with open(os.path.join(args.output_folder, "results.json"), "w") as oF:

    return results

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='entify.py - entify.py is a program designed to extract using regular expressions all the entities from the files on a given folder. This software also provides an interface to look for these entities in any given text.', prog='entify.py', epilog="", add_help=False)
    parser._optionals.title = "Input options (one required)"

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupMainOptions = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    listAll = regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames()
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-r', '--regexp', metavar='<name>', choices=listAll, action='store', nargs='+', help='select the regular expressions to be looked for amongst the following: ' + str(listAll))
    groupMainOptions.add_argument('-R', '--new_regexp', metavar='<regular_expression>', action='store', help='add a new regular expression, for example, for testing purposes.')    

    # Adding the main options
    # Defining the mutually exclusive group for the main options
    groupInput = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    groupInput.add_argument('-i', '--input_folder',  metavar='<path_to_input_folder>', default=None, action='store',  help='path to the folder to analyse.')
    groupInput.add_argument('-w', '--web',  metavar='<url>',  action='store', default=None, help='URI to be recovered and analysed.')
    # adding the option
    groupProcessing = parser.add_argument_group('Processing arguments', 'Configuring the processing parameters.')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-e', '--extension', metavar='<sum_ext>', nargs='+', choices=['json'], required=False, default = ['json'], action='store', help='output extension for the summary files (if not provided, json is assumed).')
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-o', '--output_folder',  metavar='<path_to_output_folder>',  action='store', help='path to the output folder where the results will be stored.', required=False)
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', metavar='<verbosity>', choices=[0, 1, 2], required=False, action='store', default=1, help='select the verbosity level: 0 - none; 1 - normal (default); 2 - debug.', type=int)
    groupProcessing.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='Asking the program not to show any output.')    
예제 #6
class OSRFConsoleEntify(OSRFConsoleUtil):
    Class that controls an interactive entify program.
    # Setting up the name of the module
    UNAME = "entify"

    intro = """
    Loading """ + UNAME + """..."""

    description = """
    A tool to look for known regular expressions in remote or local resources."""

    # Defining the prompt
    prompt = general.emphasis('\nosrf (' + UNAME + ') > ')
    # Defining the character to create hyphens
    ruler = '-'

    # Defining the configuration for this module
    CONFIG = {}
    DEFAULT_VALUES = configuration.returnListOfConfigurationValues("entify")

    # Defining the configuration for this module
    CONFIG = {}
    CONFIG["URL"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The URL to be checked.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : None,
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : None,
        "REQUIRED" : True,
        "OPTIONS" : []
    CONFIG["REGEXP"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The regular expressions to be checked.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : "all",
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : "all",
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : regexp_selection.getAllRegexpNames(),
    CONFIG["OUTPUT"] = {
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The path to the output folder where the files will be created.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["output_folder"],
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["output_folder"],
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : []
        "DESCRIPTION" : "The default extension of the files to be written.",
        "CURRENT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["extension"],
        "DEFAULT_VALUE" : DEFAULT_VALUES["extension"],
        "REQUIRED" : False,
        "OPTIONS" : ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'json', 'gml']

    def _getParams(self):
        Function that creates the array with the params of this function

            list: A list of the params that can be used
        # Creating the parameters as if they were created using the command line
        params = [
            "-u", self.CONFIG["URL"]["CURRENT_VALUE"],
            "-r" ] + self.CONFIG["REGEXP"]["CURRENT_VALUE"] + [
            "-o", self.CONFIG["OUTPUT"]["CURRENT_VALUE"],
            "-e" ] + self.CONFIG["EXTENSION"]["CURRENT_VALUE"]

        return params

    def do_run(self, line):
        Command that send the order to the framework to launch this util

            line: The string of the line typed.
        # Checking if all the required parameters have been set
        if self._checkIfRequiredAreSet():
            print(general.info("\nCollecting the options set by the user...\n"))
            # Getting the parser...
            parser = entify.getParser()

            # Generating the parameters
            params = self._getParams()

            args = parser.parse_args(params)

            print(general.info("\nLaunching " + self.UNAME + " with the following parameters:") + general.emphasis("\t$ " + self.UNAME + " " + utils.listToString(params) + "\n"))

            except Exception as e:
                print(general.error("\n[!!] ERROR. Something happened when launching the utility. Type 'show options' to check the parameters.\n"))
                print(general.error("Traceback: " + str(e)))
            print(general.error("\n[!!] ERROR. There are required parameters which have not been set."))
        print(general.success("Execution ended successfully."))