예제 #1
    def load_key(self, user, pub, priv, temp=False):
        key_path = self.key_path(user, temp)

        if pub:
            key = xsystem([self.sslname, 'rsa', '-pubout', '-in', key_path])
            if not key:
                warning('keymanagement: Could not load public key\n')
                return None
        if priv:
            key = xsystem([self.sslname, 'rsa', '-in', key_path])
            if not key:
                warning('keymanagement: Could not load private key\n')
                return None

        return key
예제 #2
 def sym_enc(self, plain, passphrase):
     """ Encrypts message with AES using given passphrase """
     ciph = xsystem([self.sslname, self.symmetric, '-e', '-pass', 'stdin'],
         passphrase + '\n' + plain)
     if not ciph:
         warning('keymanagement: Unable to perform symmetric encryption\n')
         return None
     return ciph
예제 #3
    def sym_dec(self, ciph, passphrase):
        """ Decrypts message with AES using given passphrase """
        (rfd, wfd) = xpipe()
        os.write(wfd, passphrase + '\n')
        plain = xsystem([self.sslname, self.symmetric, '-d', '-pass',
            'fd:' + str(rfd)], ciph)
        if not plain:
            warning('keymanagement: Unable to decrypt because %s does not exist\n' %(self.sslname))
            return None

        return plain
예제 #4
    def asym_dec(self, ciph, keyfile):
        """ Decrypts encrypted message with given private key.
            First decrypt the encrypted symmetric key with the private key
            and then decrypt the actual message with that symmetric key. """
        ciph = ciph.split('\0')
        ciphkey_len = int(ciph[0])
        ciph = '\0'.join(ciph[1:])
        ciphkey = ciph[:ciphkey_len]
        ciph = ciph[ciphkey_len:]

        passphrase = xsystem([self.sslname, 'rsautl', '-decrypt', '-inkey',
            keyfile], ciphkey)
        if not passphrase:
            warning('keymanagement: Unable to perform asymmetric decryption\n')
            return None

        return self.sym_dec(ciph, passphrase)
예제 #5
    def asym_enc(self, plain, keyfile):
        """ Encrypts message with given public key.
            This is done by creating a random key for symmetric cipher,
            encrypting that key with the public key and then using the
            symmetric key to encrypt the actual message. """
        f = open('/dev/urandom')
        passphrase = b64encode(f.read(64))

        ciphkey = xsystem([self.sslname, 'rsautl', '-encrypt', '-pubin',
            '-inkey', keyfile], passphrase)
        if not ciphkey:
            warning('keymanagement: Unable to perform asymmetric encryption\n')
            return None

        ciph = self.sym_enc(plain, passphrase)
        if not ciph:
            return None

        return str(len(ciphkey)) + '\0' + ciphkey + ciph