def test_label_entity_serialization(self):
        This test serializes LabelEntity and checks serialized representation.
        Then it compares deserialized LabelEntity with original one.

        cur_date = now()
        red = randint(0, 255)  # nosec
        green = randint(0, 255)  # nosec
        blue = randint(0, 255)  # nosec
        alpha = randint(0, 255)  # nosec

        label = LabelEntity(
            color=Color(red, green, blue, alpha),
        serialized = LabelMapper.forward(label)

        assert serialized == {
            "_id": "0000213",
            "name": "my_label",
            "color": {"red": red, "green": green, "blue": blue, "alpha": alpha},
            "hotkey": "ctrl+1",
            "domain": "DETECTION",
            "creation_date": DatetimeMapper.forward(cur_date),
            "is_empty": False,

        deserialized = LabelMapper.backward(serialized)
        assert label == deserialized
    def convert_to_annotation(
            predictions: np.ndarray,
            metadata: Optional[Dict] = None) -> AnnotationSceneEntity:
        Converts a set of predictions into an AnnotationScene object

        :param predictions: Prediction with shape [num_predictions, 6] or
                            [num_predictions, 7]
        Supported detection formats are

        * [label, confidence, x1, y1, x2, y2]
        * [_, label, confidence, x1, y1, x2, y2]

        .. note::
           `label` can be any integer that can be mapped to `self.labels`
           `confidence` should be a value between 0 and 1
           `x1`, `x2`, `y1` and `y2` are expected to be normalized.

        :returns AnnotationScene: AnnotationScene Object containing the boxes
                                  obtained from the prediction
        annotations = self.__convert_to_annotations(predictions)
        # media_identifier = ImageIdentifier(image_id=ID())
        annotation_scene = AnnotationSceneEntity(

        return annotation_scene
    def __init__(
        points: List[Point],
        labels: Optional[List[ScoredLabel]] = None,
        modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        labels = [] if labels is None else labels
        modification_date = now(
        ) if modification_date is None else modification_date

        if len(points) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create polygon with no points")

        self.points = points

        self.min_x = min(points, key=attrgetter("x")).x
        self.max_x = max(points, key=attrgetter("x")).x
        self.min_y = min(points, key=attrgetter("y")).y
        self.max_y = max(points, key=attrgetter("y")).y

        is_valid = True
        for (x, y) in [(self.min_x, self.min_y), (self.max_x, self.max_y)]:
            is_valid = is_valid and self._validate_coordinates(x, y)
        if not is_valid:
            points_str = "; ".join(str(p) for p in self.points)
                f"{type(self).__name__} coordinates are invalid : {points_str}",
    def __init__(
        x1: float,
        y1: float,
        x2: float,
        y2: float,
        labels: Optional[List[ScoredLabel]] = None,
        modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        labels = [] if labels is None else labels
        modification_date = now(
        ) if modification_date is None else modification_date

        for (x, y) in [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]:
            self._validate_coordinates(x, y)

        self.x1 = x1
        self.y1 = y1
        self.x2 = x2
        self.y2 = y2
        if self.width <= 0 or self.height <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid Ellipse with coordinates: x1={self.x1}, y1={self.y1}, x2={self.x2},"
                f" y2={self.y2}")
    def __init__(
        x1: float,
        y1: float,
        x2: float,
        y2: float,
        labels: Optional[List[ScoredLabel]] = None,
        modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        labels = [] if labels is None else labels
        modification_date = now(
        ) if modification_date is None else modification_date

        is_valid = True
        for (x, y) in [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]:
            is_valid = is_valid and self._validate_coordinates(x, y)
        if not is_valid:
                f"{type(self).__name__} coordinates are invalid : x1={x1}, y1={y1}, x2={x2}, y2={y2}",

        self.x1 = x1
        self.y1 = y1
        self.x2 = x2
        self.y2 = y2
        if self.width <= 0 or self.height <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid rectangle with coordinates: x1={self.x1}, y1={self.y1}, "
                f"x2={self.x2}, y2={self.y2}")
예제 #6
    def backward(instance: Union[None, str]) -> datetime.datetime:
        """Deserializes datetime from str or create new one if it is None"""

        if isinstance(instance, str):
            modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                instance, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"
            return modification_date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

        return now()
예제 #7
    def test_serialization_deserialization(self):
        This test serializes datetime, deserializes serialized datetime and compares with original one.

        original_time = now()
        serialized_time = DatetimeMapper.forward(original_time)
        assert serialized_time == original_time.strftime(

        deserialized_time = DatetimeMapper.backward(serialized_time)
        assert original_time == deserialized_time
 def __init__(
     annotations: List[Annotation],
     kind: AnnotationSceneKind,
     editor: str = "",
     creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
     id: Optional[ID] = None,
     self.__annotations = annotations
     self.__kind = kind
     self.__editor = editor
     self.__creation_date = now(
     ) if creation_date is None else creation_date
     self.__id = ID() if id is None else id
 def __init__(
     model: ModelEntity,
     ground_truth_dataset: DatasetEntity,
     prediction_dataset: DatasetEntity,
     purpose: ResultsetPurpose = ResultsetPurpose.EVALUATION,
     performance: Optional[Performance] = None,
     creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
     id: Optional[ID] = None,
     id = ID() if id is None else id
     performance = NullPerformance() if performance is None else performance
     creation_date = now() if creation_date is None else creation_date
     self.__id = id
     self.__model = model
     self.__prediction_dataset = prediction_dataset
     self.__ground_truth_dataset = ground_truth_dataset
     self.__performance = performance
     self.__purpose = purpose
     self.__creation_date = creation_date
예제 #10
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        domain: Domain,
        color: Optional[Color] = None,
        hotkey: str = "",
        creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        is_empty: bool = False,
        id: Optional[ID] = None,
        id = ID() if id is None else id
        color = Color.random() if color is None else color
        creation_date = now() if creation_date is None else creation_date
        if not hotkey and is_empty:
            hotkey = "ctrl+0"

        self._name = name
        self._color = color
        self._hotkey = hotkey
        self._domain = domain
        self._is_empty = is_empty
        self._creation_date = creation_date
        self._id = id
예제 #11
class TestLabelEntity:

    creation_date = now()

    label_car_params = {
        "name": "car",
        "domain": Domain.DETECTION,
        "color": Color(255, 0, 0),
        "hotkey": "ctrl+1",
        "creation_date": creation_date,
        "is_empty": False,
        "id": ID(123456789),

    label_person_params = {
        "name": "person",
        "domain": Domain.DETECTION,
        "color": Color(255, 17, 17),
        "hotkey": "ctrl+2",
        "creation_date": creation_date,
        "is_empty": False,
        "id": ID(987654321),
    car = LabelEntity(**label_car_params)  # type: ignore
    empty = LabelEntity(name="empty",
    person = LabelEntity(**label_person_params)  # type: ignore

    def test_label_entity(self):
        Check the LabelEntity can correctly return the value

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Dummy data

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if incoming data is processed correctly

        1. Use already created dummy data
        2. Check the processing of default values
        3. Check the processing of changed values

        assert == LabelEntity(**self.label_car_params)
        assert != Domain
        assert != self.person

        for attr in [
            assert getattr(, attr) == self.label_car_params[attr]

        label_car_new_name = "electric car"
        label_car_new_domain = Domain.CLASSIFICATION
        label_car_new_color = Color(0, 255, 0)
        label_car_new_hotkey = "ctrl+2"
        label_car_new_id = ID(987654321)

        setattr(, "name", label_car_new_name)
        setattr(, "domain", label_car_new_domain)
        setattr(, "color", label_car_new_color)
        setattr(, "hotkey", label_car_new_hotkey)
        setattr(, "id", label_car_new_id)

        assert == label_car_new_name
        assert == label_car_new_domain
        assert == label_car_new_color
        assert == label_car_new_hotkey
        assert == label_car_new_id

        test_label_entity_repr = [

        for i in test_label_entity_repr:
            assert i in

        assert hash( == hash(str(
        assert is False
        assert is False

    def test_empty_label_entity(self):
        Check the LabelEntity can correctly return the value for empty label

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Dummy data

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if incoming data is processed correctly

        1. Use already created dummy data
        2. Check the processing of default values

        assert self.empty.hotkey == "ctrl+0"
        assert == ID()
        assert type(self.empty.color) == Color

    def test_label_comparison(self):
        Check the LabelEntity __lt__, __gt__ methods with changed id

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Dummy data

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if incoming data is processed correctly

        1. Use already created dummy data
        2. Check the processing of changed id
        """ = ID(999999999)
        assert self.empty >
        assert < self.empty
class TestModelEntity:
    creation_date = now()

    def generate_random_image(self):
        with generate_random_single_image() as path:
            image = Image(file_path=path)
            return DatasetItemEntity(
                media=image, annotation_scene=NullAnnotationSceneEntity())

    def dataset(self):
        return DatasetEntity(items=[self.generate_random_image()])

    def configuration(self):
        parameters = ConfigurableParameters(header="Test header")
        label_schema = LabelSchemaEntity()
        return ModelConfiguration(configurable_parameters=parameters,

    def other_configuration(self):
        parameters = ConfigurableParameters(header="Other test header")
        label_schema = LabelSchemaEntity()
        return ModelConfiguration(configurable_parameters=parameters,

    def test_model_entity_default_values(self):
        Check that ModelEntity correctly returns the default values

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if ModelEntity correctly returns the default values

        1. Check default values in the ModelEntity

        model_entity = ModelEntity(train_dataset=self.dataset(),

        assert == ID()
        assert type(model_entity.configuration) == ModelConfiguration
        assert type(model_entity.creation_date) == datetime
        assert type(model_entity.train_dataset) == DatasetEntity
        assert model_entity.version == 1
        assert model_entity.model_status == ModelStatus.SUCCESS
        assert model_entity.model_format == ModelFormat.OPENVINO
        assert model_entity.precision == [ModelPrecision.FP32]
        assert model_entity.target_device == TargetDevice.CPU
        assert model_entity.optimization_type == ModelOptimizationType.NONE
        assert model_entity.performance == NullPerformance()

        for default_val_none in [
            assert getattr(model_entity, default_val_none) is None

        for default_val_0_0 in ["training_duration", "model_size_reduction"]:
            assert getattr(model_entity, default_val_0_0) == 0.0

        for default_val_empty_list in ["tags", "optimization_methods"]:
            assert getattr(model_entity, default_val_empty_list) == []

        for default_val_empty_dict in [
            assert getattr(model_entity, default_val_empty_dict) == {}

        for default_val_zero in ["latency", "fps_throughput"]:
            assert getattr(model_entity, default_val_zero) == 0

        assert model_entity.is_optimized() is False

    def test_model_entity_sets_values(self):
        Check that ModelEntity correctly returns the set values

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if ModelEntity correctly returns the set values

        1. Check set values in the ModelEntity
        def __get_path_to_file(filename: str):
            Return the path to the file named 'filename', which lives in the tests/entities directory
            return str(Path(__file__).parent / Path(filename))

        car = LabelEntity(name="car", domain=Domain.DETECTION)
        labels_list = [car]
        dummy_template = __get_path_to_file("./dummy_template.yaml")
        model_template = parse_model_template(dummy_template)
        hyper_parameters =
        params = ote_config_helper.create(hyper_parameters)
        labels_schema = LabelSchemaEntity.from_labels(labels_list)
        environment = TaskEnvironment(

        item = self.generate_random_image()
        dataset = DatasetEntity(items=[item])
        score_metric = ScoreMetric(name="Model accuracy", value=0.5)

        model_entity = ModelEntity(train_dataset=self.dataset(),

        set_params = {
            "configuration": environment.get_model_configuration(),
            "train_dataset": dataset,
            "id": ID(1234567890),
            "creation_date": self.creation_date,
            "previous_trained_revision": 5,
            "previous_revision": 2,
            "version": 2,
            "tags": ["tree", "person"],
            "model_status": ModelStatus.TRAINED_NO_STATS,
            "model_format": ModelFormat.BASE_FRAMEWORK,
            "performance": Performance(score_metric),
            "training_duration": 5.8,
            "precision": [ModelPrecision.INT8],
            "latency": 328,
            "fps_throughput": 20,
            "target_device": TargetDevice.GPU,
            "target_device_type": "notebook",
            "optimization_methods": [OptimizationMethod.QUANTIZATION],
            "optimization_type": ModelOptimizationType.MO,
            "optimization_objectives": {
                "param": "Test param"
            "performance_improvement": {"speed", 0.5},
            "model_size_reduction": 1.0,

        for key, value in set_params.items():
            setattr(model_entity, key, value)
            assert getattr(model_entity, key) == value

        assert model_entity.is_optimized() is True

    def test_model_entity_model_adapters(self):
        Check that ModelEntity correctly returns the adapters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if ModelEntity correctly returns the adapters

        1. Create a ModelEntity with adapters
        2. Change data source for an adapter
        3. Remove an adapter

        data_source_0 = b"{0: binaryrepo://localhost/repo/data_source/0}"
        data_source_1 = b"binaryrepo://localhost/repo/data_source/1"
        data_source_2 = b"binaryrepo://localhost/repo/data_source/2"
        data_source_3 = b"binaryrepo://localhost/repo/data_source/3"

        temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
        temp_file = os.path.join(, "data_source_0")

        with open(temp_file, "wb") as tmp:

        model_adapters = {
            "0": ModelAdapter(data_source=data_source_0),
            "1": ModelAdapter(data_source=data_source_1),
            "2": ModelAdapter(data_source=data_source_2),

        model_entity = ModelEntity(

        assert model_entity.weight_paths == {}

        # Adapter with key 0 not from file
        assert model_entity.model_adapters["0"].from_file_storage is False

        model_entity.set_data("0", temp_file)

        for adapter in model_entity.model_adapters:
            if adapter == "0":
                # Adapter with key 0 from file
                assert model_entity.model_adapters[
                    adapter].from_file_storage is True
                assert model_entity.model_adapters[
                    adapter].from_file_storage is False

        assert model_entity.get_data("1") == data_source_1

        model_entity.set_data("2", data_source_1)
        assert model_entity.get_data("2") == data_source_1
        assert len(model_entity.model_adapters) == 3

        model_entity.set_data("3", data_source_3)
        assert model_entity.get_data("3") == data_source_3
        assert len(model_entity.model_adapters) == 4

        assert len(model_entity.model_adapters) == 3

        # Attempt to retrieve a missing and deleted key
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        # The presence of outdated code in ModelEntity "model_adapter.data_source.binary_url"
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assert model_entity.weight_paths == {"0": temp_file}

    def test_model_entity__eq__(self):
        Check that ModelEntity __eq__ method

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if ModelEntity equal ModelEntity and not equal another type
        dataset = self.dataset()
        other_model_entity = ModelEntity(train_dataset=dataset,
        model_entity = ModelEntity(train_dataset=dataset,
        third_model_entity = ModelEntity(
        assert model_entity.__eq__("") is False
        assert model_entity == other_model_entity
        assert model_entity != third_model_entity
    def test_flat_label_schema_serialization(self):
        This test serializes flat LabelSchema and checks serialized representation.
        Then it compares deserialized LabelSchema with original one.

        cur_date = now()
        names = ["cat", "dog", "mouse"]
        colors = [
                randint(0, 255),  # nosec
                randint(0, 255),  # nosec
                randint(0, 255),  # nosec
                randint(0, 255),  # nosec
            )  # nosec  # noqa
            for _ in range(3)
        labels = [
            for i, name in enumerate(names)
        label_shema = LabelSchemaEntity.from_labels(labels)
        serialized = LabelSchemaMapper.forward(label_shema)

        assert serialized == {
            "label_tree": {"type": "tree", "directed": True, "nodes": [], "edges": []},
            "exclusivity_graph": {
                "type": "graph",
                "directed": False,
                "nodes": [],
                "edges": [],
            "label_groups": [
                    "_id": label_shema.get_groups()[0].id,
                    "name": "from_label_list",
                    "label_ids": ["0", "1", "2"],
                    "relation_type": "EXCLUSIVE",
            "all_labels": {
                "0": {
                    "_id": "0",
                    "name": "cat",
                    "color": ColorMapper.forward(colors[0]),
                    "hotkey": "",
                    "domain": "CLASSIFICATION",
                    "creation_date": DatetimeMapper.forward(cur_date),
                    "is_empty": False,
                "1": {
                    "_id": "1",
                    "name": "dog",
                    "color": ColorMapper.forward(colors[1]),
                    "hotkey": "",
                    "domain": "CLASSIFICATION",
                    "creation_date": DatetimeMapper.forward(cur_date),
                    "is_empty": False,
                "2": {
                    "_id": "2",
                    "name": "mouse",
                    "color": ColorMapper.forward(colors[2]),
                    "hotkey": "",
                    "domain": "CLASSIFICATION",
                    "creation_date": DatetimeMapper.forward(cur_date),
                    "is_empty": False,

        deserialized = LabelSchemaMapper.backward(serialized)
        assert label_shema == deserialized
class TestAnnotationSceneEntity:

    creation_date = now()
    labels: List[ScoredLabel] = []
    rectangle = Rectangle(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.5)
    annotation = Annotation(shape=rectangle, labels=labels)

    point1 = Point(0.3, 0.1)
    point2 = Point(0.8, 0.3)
    point3 = Point(0.6, 0.2)
    points = [point1, point2, point3]
    polygon = Polygon(points=points)
    annotation2 = Annotation(shape=polygon, labels=labels)

    annotations = [annotation, annotation2]

    annotation_scene_entity = AnnotationSceneEntity(
        annotations=annotations, kind=AnnotationSceneKind.ANNOTATION)

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_default_value(self):
        Check that AnnotationSceneEntity default values

        <b>Input data:</b>
        AnnotationSceneEntity class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if the AnnotationSceneEntity return correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check default values

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        assert == ID()
        assert annotation_scene_entity.kind == AnnotationSceneKind.ANNOTATION
        assert annotation_scene_entity.editor_name == ""
        assert type(annotation_scene_entity.creation_date) == datetime.datetime
        assert "Annotation(shape=Rectangle" in str(
        assert "Annotation(shape=Polygon" in str(
        assert annotation_scene_entity.shapes == [self.rectangle, self.polygon]

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_setters(self):
        Check that AnnotationSceneEntity can correctly return modified property value

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Annotation class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if the AnnotationSceneEntity return correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Set another values
        3. Check changed values

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        creation_date = self.creation_date = ID(123456789)
        annotation_scene_entity.kind = AnnotationSceneKind.PREDICTION
        annotation_scene_entity.editor_name = "editor"
        annotation_scene_entity.creation_date = creation_date
        annotation_scene_entity.annotations = self.annotation

        assert == ID(123456789)
        assert annotation_scene_entity.kind == AnnotationSceneKind.PREDICTION
        assert annotation_scene_entity.editor_name == "editor"
        assert annotation_scene_entity.creation_date == creation_date
        assert annotation_scene_entity.annotations == self.annotation

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_magic_methods(self):
        Check Annotation __repr__ method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity magic method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of magic method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        annotation_scene_entity_repr = [
            f"annotations={annotation_scene_entity.annotations}, "
            f"kind={annotation_scene_entity.kind}, "
            f"editor={annotation_scene_entity.editor_name}, "
            f"creation_date={annotation_scene_entity.creation_date}, "

        for i in annotation_scene_entity_repr:
            assert i in repr(annotation_scene_entity)

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_contains_any(self):
        Check Annotation contains_any method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity contains_any method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of contains_any method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity
        annotation_scene_entity.annotations = self.annotations

        car = LabelEntity(name="car", domain=Domain.DETECTION, is_empty=True)
        person = LabelEntity(name="person", domain=Domain.DETECTION)
        tree = LabelEntity(name="tree", domain=Domain.DETECTION)
        car_label = ScoredLabel(car)
        person_label = ScoredLabel(person)
        tree_label = ScoredLabel(tree)
        labels = [car_label]
        labels2 = [car_label, person_label]

        annotation = Annotation(shape=self.rectangle, labels=labels2)
        annotations = [annotation]
        annotation_scene_entity2 = AnnotationSceneEntity(
            annotations=annotations, kind=AnnotationSceneKind.ANNOTATION)

        assert annotation_scene_entity.contains_any(labels=labels) is False
        assert annotation_scene_entity2.contains_any(labels=labels2) is True
        assert annotation_scene_entity2.contains_any(
            labels=[tree_label]) is False

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_append_annotation(self):
        Check Annotation append_annotation method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity append_annotation method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of append_annotation method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        tree = LabelEntity(name="tree", domain=Domain.DETECTION)
        tree_label = ScoredLabel(tree)
        labels = [tree_label]
        annotation = Annotation(shape=self.rectangle, labels=labels)

        assert len(annotation_scene_entity.annotations) == 2

        assert len(annotation_scene_entity.annotations) == 3

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_append_annotations(self):
        Check Annotation append_annotations method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity append_annotations method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of append_annotations method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        assert len(annotation_scene_entity.annotations) == 6

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_get_labels(self):
        Check Annotation get_labels method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity get_labels method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of get_labels method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        assert len(annotation_scene_entity.get_labels()) == 1
        assert "name=tree" in str(annotation_scene_entity.get_labels())

    def test_annotation_scene_entity_get_label_ids(self):
        Check Annotation get_label_ids method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of AnnotationSceneEntity

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if AnnotationSceneEntity get_label_ids method returns correct values

        1. Create AnnotationSceneEntity instances
        2. Check returning value of get_label_ids method

        annotation_scene_entity = self.annotation_scene_entity

        assert annotation_scene_entity.get_label_ids() == {ID()}

        bus = LabelEntity(id=ID(123456789),
        bus_label = ScoredLabel(bus)
        labels = [bus_label]
        annotation = Annotation(shape=self.rectangle, labels=labels)

        assert annotation_scene_entity.get_label_ids() == {ID(), ID(123456789)}
예제 #15
    def __init__(
        train_dataset: "DatasetEntity",
        configuration: ModelConfiguration,
        creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        performance: Optional[Performance] = None,
        previous_trained_revision: Optional["ModelEntity"] = None,
        previous_revision: Optional["ModelEntity"] = None,
        version: int = 1,
        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        model_status: ModelStatus = ModelStatus.SUCCESS,
        model_format: ModelFormat = ModelFormat.OPENVINO,
        training_duration: float = 0.0,
        model_adapters: Optional[Dict[str, ModelAdapter]] = None,
        exportable_code_adapter: Optional[ExportableCodeAdapter] = None,
        precision: Optional[List[ModelPrecision]] = None,
        latency: int = 0,
        fps_throughput: int = 0,
        target_device: TargetDevice = TargetDevice.CPU,
        target_device_type: Optional[str] = None,
        optimization_type: ModelOptimizationType = ModelOptimizationType.NONE,
        optimization_methods: List[OptimizationMethod] = None,
        optimization_objectives: Dict[str, str] = None,
        performance_improvement: Dict[str, float] = None,
        model_size_reduction: float = 0.0,
        _id: Optional[ID] = None,
        _id = ID() if _id is None else _id
        performance = NullPerformance() if performance is None else performance
        creation_date = now() if creation_date is None else creation_date

        optimization_methods = (
            [] if optimization_methods is None else optimization_methods
        optimization_objectives = (
            {} if optimization_objectives is None else optimization_objectives
        performance_improvement = (
            {} if performance_improvement is None else performance_improvement

        tags = [] if tags is None else tags
        precision = [ModelPrecision.FP32] if precision is None else precision

        if model_adapters is None:
            model_adapters = {}

        self.__id = _id
        self.__creation_date = creation_date
        self.__train_dataset = train_dataset
        self.__previous_trained_revision = previous_trained_revision
        self.__previous_revision = previous_revision
        self.__version = version
        self.__tags = tags
        self.__model_status = model_status
        self.__model_format = model_format
        self.__performance = performance
        self.__training_duration = training_duration
        self.__configuration = configuration
        self.__model_adapters = model_adapters
        self.__exportable_code_adapter = exportable_code_adapter
        self.model_adapters_to_delete: List[ModelAdapter] = []
        self.__precision = precision
        self.__latency = latency
        self.__fps_throughput = fps_throughput
        self.__target_device = target_device
        self.__target_device_type = target_device_type
        self.__optimization_type = optimization_type
        self.__optimization_methods = optimization_methods
        self.__optimization_objectives = optimization_objectives
        self.__performance_improvement = performance_improvement
        self.__model_size_reduction = model_size_reduction
class TestRectangle:
    modification_date = now()

    def rectangle_labels() -> list:
        rectangle_label = LabelEntity(
            name="Rectangle label",
            color=Color(red=100, green=50, blue=200),
        other_rectangle_label = LabelEntity(
            name="Other rectangle label",
            color=Color(red=200, green=80, blue=100),
        return [

    def horizontal_rectangle_params() -> dict:
        return {"x1": 0.1, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 0.4, "y2": 0.2}

    def horizontal_rectangle(self) -> Rectangle:
        return Rectangle(**self.horizontal_rectangle_params())

    def vertical_rectangle_params(self) -> dict:
        return {
            "x1": 0.1,
            "y1": 0.1,
            "x2": 0.3,
            "y2": 0.4,
            "labels": self.rectangle_labels(),
            "modification_date": datetime(
                year=2020, month=1, day=1, hour=9, minute=30, second=15, microsecond=2

    def vertical_rectangle(self) -> Rectangle:
        return Rectangle(**self.vertical_rectangle_params())

    def square_params() -> dict:
        return {"x1": 0.1, "y1": 0.1, "x2": 0.3, "y2": 0.3}

    def square(self) -> Rectangle:
        return Rectangle(**self.square_params())

    def test_rectangle_required_parameters(self):
        Check Rectangle class instance required parameters

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Rectangle class initiation parameters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Rectangle instance has expected attributes specified during required parameters initiation

        1. Compare x1, y1, x2, y2 and type Rectangle instance parameters with expected values
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        assert rectangle.x1 == 0.1
        assert rectangle.y1 == 0.0
        assert rectangle.x2 == 0.4
        assert rectangle.y2 == 0.2
        assert rectangle.type == ShapeType.RECTANGLE

    def test_rectangle_optional_parameters(self):
        Check Rectangle optional parameters

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Rectangle instance has expected labels and modification attributes specified during Rectangle
        class object initiation with optional parameters

        1. Compare default label Rectangle instance attribute with expected value
        2. Check type of default modification_date Rectangle instance attribute
        3. Compare specified label Rectangle instance attribute with expected value
        4. Compare specified modification_date Rectangle instance attribute with expected value
        # Checking default values of optional parameters
        default_params_rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        assert default_params_rectangle._labels == []
        assert isinstance(default_params_rectangle.modification_date, datetime)
        # check for specified values of optional parameters
        specified_params_rectangle = self.vertical_rectangle()
        assert specified_params_rectangle._labels == self.rectangle_labels()
        assert specified_params_rectangle.modification_date == datetime(
            year=2020, month=1, day=1, hour=9, minute=30, second=15, microsecond=2

    def test_rectangle_coordinates_validation(self):
        Check Rectangle coordinates

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Rectangle class initiation parameters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Rectangle correctly checks coordinates during initiation of Rectangle object

        1. Check Rectangle coordinates with correct width and height
        2. Check Rectangle coordinates with incorrect width: (x2 - x1) <= 0
        3. Check Rectangle coordinates with incorrect height: (y2 - y1) <= 0
        4. Check Rectangle coordinates with all coordinates equal 0
        # checks for correct width and height
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
            Rectangle(x1=0.2, y1=0.1, x2=1.4, y2=1.5)
        Rectangle(x1=0.2, y1=0.1, x2=0.4, y2=0.5)
        # checks for incorrect coordinates
        width_less_than_zero_params = {"x1": 0.4, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 0.1, "y2": 0.2}
        width_equal_zero_params = {"x1": 0.1, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 0.1, "y2": 0.2}
        height_less_than_zero_params = {"x1": 0.1, "y1": 0.4, "x2": 0.3, "y2": 0.1}
        height_params_equal_zero_params = {"x1": 0.1, "y1": 0.4, "x2": 0.3, "y2": 0.4}
        zero_rectangle_params = {"x1": 0.0, "x2": 0.0, "y1": 0.0, "y2": 0.0}
        for incorrect_coordinates in [
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_rectangle_repr(self):
        Check Rectangle __repr__ method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if __repr__ method prints expected message for Rectangle class instance

        1. Check message printed by __repr__ method
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        assert (
            == "Rectangle(x=0.1, y=0.0, width=0.30000000000000004, height=0.2)"

    def test_rectangle_eq(self):
        Check Rectangle __eq__ method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instances of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if __eq__ method returns expected bool value

        1. Check __eq__ method for instances of Rectangle class with equal parameters
        2. Check __eq__ method for different instances of Rectangle class
        3. Check __eq__ method for instances of different classes
        4. Check __eq__ method for instances of Rectangle class with unequal labels attribute
        5. Check __eq__ method for instances of Rectangle class with unequal x1, y1, x2, y2 and
        modification_date attributes
        rectangle = self.vertical_rectangle()
        # Check for instances with equal parameters
        equal_rectangle = self.vertical_rectangle()
        assert rectangle == equal_rectangle
        # Check for different instances of Rectangle class
        assert rectangle != self.horizontal_rectangle()
        # Check for different types branch
        assert rectangle != str
        # Check for unequal labels parameters. Expected that different labels are not affecting equality
        unequal_label = LabelEntity(
            name="Unequal label", domain=Domain.SEGMENTATION, id=ID("unequal_label_1")
        unequal_scored_label = ScoredLabel(label=unequal_label)
        assert rectangle == equal_rectangle
        # Check for instances with unequal parameters combinations
        # Generating all possible scenarios of parameter values submission
        keys_list = ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "modification_date"]
        parameter_combinations = []
        for i in range(1, len(keys_list) + 1):
            parameter_combinations.append(list(itertools.combinations(keys_list, i)))
        # In each of scenario creating a copy of equal Rectangle parameters and replacing to values from prepared
        # dictionary
        unequal_values_dict = {
            "x1": 0.09,
            "y1": 0.09,
            "x2": 0.29,
            "y2": 0.39,
            "modification_date": datetime(
                year=2019, month=2, day=3, hour=7, minute=15, second=10, microsecond=1
        for scenario in parameter_combinations:
            for rectangle_parameters in scenario:
                unequal_rectangle_params_dict = dict(self.vertical_rectangle_params())
                for key in rectangle_parameters:
                    unequal_rectangle_params_dict[key] = unequal_values_dict.get(key)
                unequal_rectangle = Rectangle(**unequal_rectangle_params_dict)
                assert rectangle != unequal_rectangle, (
                    "Failed to check that Rectangle instances with different "
                    f"{rectangle_parameters} are unequal"

    def test_rectangle_hash(self):
        Check Rectangle __hash__ method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if __hash__ method returns expected value

        1. Check value returned by __hash__ method
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        assert hash(rectangle) == hash(str(rectangle))

    def test_rectangle_clip_to_visible_region(self):
        Check Rectangle clip_to_visible_region method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Rectangle class initiation parameters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if clip_to_visible_region method return correct value

        1. Check values returned by clip_to_visible_region method for 0<x1<x2, 0<y1<y2, x1<x2<1, y1<y2<1
        2. Check values returned by clip_to_visible_region method for x1<0, y1<0, x2>1, y2>1
        3. Check values returned by clip_to_visible_region method for x1=0, y1=0, x2=1, y2=1
        4. Check ValueError exception raised if x1<0 and x1<x2<0: clipped Rectangle width will be equal 0
        5. Check ValueError exception raised if 1<x1<x2 and x2>1: clipped Rectangle width will be equal 0
        6. Check ValueError exception raised if y1<0 and y1<y2<0: clipped Rectangle height will be equal 0
        7. Check ValueError exception raised if 1<y1<y2 and y2>1: clipped Rectangle height will be equal 0
        positive_scenarios = [
                "input_params": {
                    "x1": 0.3,
                    "y1": 0.2,
                    "x2": 0.6,
                    "y2": 0.4,
                    "labels": self.rectangle_labels(),
                "params_expected": {"x1": 0.3, "y1": 0.2, "x2": 0.6, "y2": 0.4},
                "input_params": {
                    "x1": -0.2,
                    "y1": -0.3,
                    "x2": 1.6,
                    "y2": 1.4,
                    "labels": self.rectangle_labels(),
                "params_expected": {"x1": 0.0, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 1.0, "y2": 1.0},
                "input_params": {
                    "x1": 0.0,
                    "y1": 0.0,
                    "x2": 1.0,
                    "y2": 1.0,
                    "labels": self.rectangle_labels(),
                "params_expected": {"x1": 0.0, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 1.0, "y2": 1.0},
        for scenario in positive_scenarios:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
                rectangle_actual = Rectangle(**scenario.get("input_params"))
            rectangle_expected = Rectangle(**scenario.get("params_expected"))
            rectangle_actual.modification_date = self.modification_date
            rectangle_expected.modification_date = self.modification_date
            assert rectangle_actual.clip_to_visible_region() == rectangle_expected
        negative_scenarios = [
            {"x1": -0.4, "y1": 0.2, "x2": -0.2, "y2": 0.4},
            {"x1": 1.2, "y1": 0.2, "x2": 1.6, "y2": 0.4},
            {"x1": 0.4, "y1": -0.4, "x2": 0.6, "y2": -0.2},
            {"x1": 1.2, "y1": 1.2, "x2": 1.6, "y2": 1.4},
        for scenario in negative_scenarios:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
                rectangle_actual = Rectangle(**scenario)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_rectangle_normalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Rectangle normalize_wrt_roi_shape method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if normalize_wrt_roi_shape method returns expected instance of Rectangle class

        1. Check values returned by normalized Rectangle instance
        2. Check raise ValueError exception when roi parameter has unexpected type
        # Positive scenario
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
            roi_shape = Rectangle(x1=0.0, y1=0.0, x2=2.1, y2=2.2)
        normalized = rectangle.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_shape)
        assert normalized.x1 == 0.1
        assert normalized.y1 == 0.0
        assert normalized.x2 == 0.4
        assert normalized.y2 == 0.2
        assert normalized.modification_date == rectangle.modification_date
        # Negative scenario
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_rectangle_denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Rectangle denormalize_wrt_roi_shape method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if denormalize_wrt_roi_shape method return expected instance of Rectangle class

        1. Check values returned by denormalized Rectangle instance
        2. Check raise ValueError exception when roi parameter has unexpected type
        # Positive scenario
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        roi_shape = Rectangle(x1=0.2, y1=0.2, x2=0.4, y2=0.4)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
            denormalized = rectangle.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_shape)
        assert denormalized.x1 == -0.5
        assert denormalized.y1 == -1.0
        assert denormalized.x2 == 1.0
        assert denormalized.y2 == 0.0
        assert denormalized.modification_date == rectangle.modification_date
        # Negative scenario
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_rectangle_as_shapely_polygon(self):
        Check Rectangle _as_shapely_polygon method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if _as_shapely_polygon method returns expected instance of Polygon class

        1. Check Polygon instance returned by _as_shapely_polygon method
        rectangle = self.horizontal_rectangle()
        shapely_polygon = rectangle._as_shapely_polygon()
        assert shapely_polygon.__class__ == Polygon
        assert shapely_polygon.bounds == (0.1, 0.0, 0.4, 0.2)
        assert shapely_polygon.area == 0.06000000000000001

    def test_rectangle_generate_full_box(self):
        Check Rectangle generate_full_box method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Labels specified for full_box instance of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if generate_full_box method returns instance of Rectangle class with coordinates
        (x1=0.0, y1=0.0, x2=1.0, y2=1.0)

        1. Check generate_full_box method for Rectangle instance with no labels specified
        2. Check generate_full_box method for Rectangle instance with labels specified
        detection_label = ScoredLabel(
            LabelEntity(name="detection", domain=Domain.DETECTION)
        for label_actual, label_expected in [
            (None, []),
            ([detection_label], [detection_label]),
            full_box = Rectangle.generate_full_box(label_actual)
            assert full_box.type == ShapeType.RECTANGLE
            assert full_box.x1 == full_box.y1 == 0.0
            assert full_box.x2 == full_box.y2 == 1.0
            assert full_box._labels == label_expected

    def test_rectangle_is_full_box(self):
        Check Rectangle is_full_box method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Rectangle class initiation parameters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if is_full_box method return expected bool value

        1. Check positive scenario for is_full_box method: x1=y1=0, x2=y2=1
        2. Check negative scenarios for is_full_box method
        full_box_rectangle_params = {"x1": 0.0, "y1": 0.0, "x2": 1.0, "y2": 1.0}
        # Positive scenario for Rectangle instance
        full_box_rectangle = Rectangle(**full_box_rectangle_params)
        assert Rectangle.is_full_box(full_box_rectangle)
        # Negative scenarios for Rectangle instance
        # Generating all scenarios when Rectangle object not a full_box
        keys_list = ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]
        parameter_combinations = []
        for i in range(1, len(keys_list) + 1):
            parameter_combinations.append(list(itertools.combinations(keys_list, i)))
        # In each of scenario creating a copy of full_Box rectangle parameters and replacing to values from prepared
        # dictionary
        not_full_box_values_dict = {"x1": 0.01, "y1": 0.01, "x2": 0.9, "y2": 0.9}
        for combination in parameter_combinations:
            for scenario in combination:
                not_full_box_params = dict(full_box_rectangle_params)
                for key in scenario:
                    not_full_box_params[key] = not_full_box_values_dict.get(key)
                not_full_box_rectangle = Rectangle(**not_full_box_params)
                assert not Rectangle.is_full_box(not_full_box_rectangle), (
                    f"Expected False returned by is_full_box method for rectangle with parameters "
        # Negative scenario for not Rectangle class instance
        assert not Rectangle.is_full_box(str)

    def test_rectangle_crop_numpy_array(self):
        Check Rectangle crop_numpy_array method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Rectangle class initiation parameters

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if crop_numpy_array method return expected cropped array
        1. Check crop_numpy_array method for Rectangle with parameters less than 0
        2. Check crop_numpy_array method for Rectangle with parameters range from 0 to 1
        3. Check crop_numpy_array method for Rectangle with parameters more than 1
        image_height = image_width = 128
        numpy_image_array = np.random.uniform(
            low=0.0, high=255.0, size=(image_height, image_width, 3)
        scenarios = [
                "input_params": {"x1": -0.2, "x2": -0.1, "y1": -0.3, "y2": -0.2},
                "cropped_expected": {"x1": 0, "y1": 0, "x2": 0, "y2": 0},
                "input_params": {"x1": 0.2, "x2": 0.3, "y1": 0.4, "y2": 0.8},
                "cropped_expected": {"x1": 26, "y1": 51, "x2": 38, "y2": 102},
                "input_params": {"x1": 1.1, "x2": 1.3, "y1": 1.1, "y2": 1.5},
                "cropped_expected": {"x1": 141, "y1": 141, "x2": 166, "y2": 192},
        for rectangle_parameters in scenarios:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
                rectangle = Rectangle(**rectangle_parameters.get("input_params"))
            expected_output = rectangle_parameters.get("cropped_expected")
            actual_cropped_image_array = rectangle.crop_numpy_array(numpy_image_array)
            expected_image_array = numpy_image_array[
                expected_output.get("y1") : expected_output.get("y2"),
                expected_output.get("x1") : expected_output.get("x2"),
            assert actual_cropped_image_array.shape[2] == 3
                assert (expected_image_array == actual_cropped_image_array).all()
            except AttributeError:
                raise AssertionError("Unequal expected and cropped image arrays")

    def test_rectangle_width(self):
        Check Rectangle width method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instances of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if width method returns expected value of Rectangle width

        1. Check width method for Rectangle instances
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
            negative_x1_rectangle = Rectangle(x1=-0.3, y1=0.2, x2=0.7, y2=0.5)
        for rectangle, expected_width in [
            (self.horizontal_rectangle(), 0.30000000000000004),
            (self.vertical_rectangle(), 0.19999999999999998),
            (self.square(), 0.19999999999999998),
            (negative_x1_rectangle, 1.0),
            assert rectangle.width == expected_width

    def test_rectangle_height(self):
        Check Rectangle height method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instances of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if height method returns expected value of Rectangle height

        1. Check height method for Rectangle instances
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Rectangle coordinates")
            negative_y1_rectangle = Rectangle(x1=0.3, y1=-0.4, x2=0.7, y2=0.5)
        for rectangle, expected_height in [
            (self.horizontal_rectangle(), 0.2),
            (self.vertical_rectangle(), 0.30000000000000004),
            (self.square(), 0.19999999999999998),
            (negative_y1_rectangle, 0.9),
            assert rectangle.height == expected_height

    def test_rectangle_diagonal(self):
        Check Rectangle diagonal method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instances of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if diagonal method returns expected value of Rectangle diagonal

        1. Check diagonal method for Rectangle instance
        for rectangle, expected_diagonal in [
            (self.horizontal_rectangle(), 0.360555127546399),
            (self.vertical_rectangle(), 0.3605551275463989),
            (self.square(), 0.282842712474619),
            assert rectangle.diagonal == expected_diagonal

    def test_rectangle_get_area(self):
        Check Rectangle get_area method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Instances of Rectangle class

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if get_area method returns expected value of Rectangle diagonal

        1. Check get_area method for Rectangle instance
        for rectangle, expected_area in [
            (self.horizontal_rectangle(), 0.06000000000000001),
            (self.vertical_rectangle(), 0.060000000000000005),
            (self.square(), 0.039999999999999994),
            assert rectangle.get_area() == expected_area
class TestResultset:
    creation_date = now()

    def test_resultset_purpose(self):
        Check the ResultsetPurpose can correctly return the value

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Denotes, stages

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if the results match

        denotes = ["EVALUATION", "TEST", "PREEVALUATION"]
        stages = ["Validation", "Test", "Pre-validation"]

        resultset_purpose = ResultsetPurpose
        assert len(resultset_purpose) == 3

        for i in ResultsetPurpose:
            resultset_purpose = ResultsetPurpose(i)
            assert repr(resultset_purpose) == denotes[i.value]
            assert str(resultset_purpose) == stages[i.value]

    def test_resultset_entity(self):
        Check the ResultSetEntity can correctly return the value

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Mock data

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if incoming data is processed correctly

        1. Create dummy data
        2. Check the processing of default values
        3. Check the processing of changed values

        test_data = {
            "model": None,
            "ground_truth_dataset": None,
            "prediction_dataset": None,
            "purpose": None,
            "performance": None,
            "creation_date": None,
            "id": None,

        result_set = ResultSetEntity(**test_data)

        for name, value in test_data.items():
            set_attr_name = f"test_{name}"
            if name in [
                assert getattr(result_set, name) == value
                setattr(result_set, name, set_attr_name)
                assert getattr(result_set, name) == set_attr_name

        assert result_set.performance == NullPerformance()
        assert type(result_set.creation_date) == datetime.datetime
        assert == ID()

        assert result_set.has_score_metric() is False
        result_set.performance = "test_performance"
        assert result_set.performance != NullPerformance()
        assert result_set.has_score_metric() is True

        creation_date = self.creation_date
        result_set.creation_date = creation_date
        assert result_set.creation_date == creation_date

        set_attr_id = ID(123456789) = set_attr_id
        assert == set_attr_id

        test_result_set_repr = [

        for i in test_result_set_repr:
            assert i in repr(result_set)
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, name: str, date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None): = name
     if date is None:
         date = now() = date
class TestEllipse:
    modification_date = now()

    def ellipse_params(self):
        ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0.5,
            "x2": 1.0,
            "y1": 0.0,
            "y2": 0.5,
            "modification_date": self.modification_date,
        return ellipse_params

    def ellipse(self):
        return Ellipse(**self.ellipse_params())

    def width_gt_height_ellipse_params(self):
        width_gt_height_ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0.5,
            "x2": 0.8,
            "y1": 0.1,
            "y2": 0.3,
        return width_gt_height_ellipse_params

    def test_ellipse(self):
        Check ellipse parameters

        <b>Input data:</b>

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse correctly calculates parameters and returns default values

        1. Check ellipse params
        2. Check ellipse default values
        3. Check ellipse with incorrect coordinates

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        modification_date = self.modification_date

        assert ellipse.width == 0.5
        assert ellipse.height == 0.5
        assert ellipse.x_center == 0.75
        assert ellipse.y_center == 0.25
        assert ellipse.minor_axis == 0.25
        assert ellipse.major_axis == 0.25
        assert ellipse._labels == []
        assert ellipse.modification_date == modification_date

        incorrect_ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0,
            "x2": 0,
            "y1": 0,
            "y2": 0,

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        width_lt_height_ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0.4,
            "x2": 0.5,
            "y1": 0.3,
            "y2": 0.4,

        width_lt_height_ellipse = Ellipse(**width_lt_height_ellipse_params)
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.height > width_lt_height_ellipse.width
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.major_axis == width_lt_height_ellipse.height / 2
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.width == 0.09999999999999998
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.height == 0.10000000000000003
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.x_center == 0.45
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.y_center == 0.35
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.minor_axis == 0.04999999999999999
        assert width_lt_height_ellipse.major_axis == 0.05000000000000002

        width_gt_height_ellipse = Ellipse(
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.height < width_gt_height_ellipse.width
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.minor_axis == width_gt_height_ellipse.height / 2
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.width == 0.30000000000000004
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.height == 0.19999999999999998
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.x_center == 0.65
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.y_center == 0.2
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.minor_axis == 0.09999999999999999
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.major_axis == 0.15000000000000002

    def test_ellipse_magic_methods(self):
        Check Ellipse __repr__, __eq__, __hash__ methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse magic methods returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value of magic methods

        x1 = self.ellipse_params()["x1"]
        x2 = self.ellipse_params()["x2"]
        y1 = self.ellipse_params()["y1"]
        y2 = self.ellipse_params()["y2"]

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        assert repr(ellipse) == f"Ellipse(x1={x1}, y1={y1}, x2={x2}, y2={y2})"

        other_ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0.5,
            "x2": 1.0,
            "y1": 0.0,
            "y2": 0.5,
            "modification_date": self.modification_date,

        third_ellipse_params = {
            "x1": 0.3,
            "y1": 0.5,
            "x2": 0.4,
            "y2": 0.6,
            "modification_date": self.modification_date,

        other_ellipse = Ellipse(**other_ellipse_params)
        third_ellipse = Ellipse(**third_ellipse_params)

        assert ellipse == other_ellipse
        assert ellipse != third_ellipse
        assert ellipse != str

        assert hash(ellipse) == hash(str(ellipse))

    def test_ellipse_normalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Ellipse normalize_wrt_roi_shape methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse
        Initialized instance of Rectangle

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse normalize_wrt_roi_shape returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        roi = Rectangle(x1=0.0, x2=0.5, y1=0.0, y2=0.5)
        normalized = ellipse.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi)
        assert normalized.x1 == 0.25
        assert normalized.y1 == 0.0
        assert normalized.x2 == 0.5
        assert normalized.y2 == 0.25

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_ellipse_denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Ellipse denormalize_wrt_roi_shape methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse
        Initialized instance of Rectangle

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse denormalize_wrt_roi_shape returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        roi = Rectangle(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=1.0)
        denormalized = ellipse.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi)
        assert denormalized.x1 == 0.0
        assert denormalized.y1 == 0.0
        assert denormalized.x2 == 1.0
        assert denormalized.y2 == 0.5

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_ellipse_get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates(self):
        Check Ellipse get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        number_of_coordinates = 3
        coordinates_ellipse_line = ellipse.get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates(
        assert len(coordinates_ellipse_line) == 3
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[0] == (1.0, 0.25)
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[1] == (0.625, 0.4665063509461097)
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[2] == (0.6249999999999999,

        width_gt_height_ellipse = Ellipse(
        coordinates_ellipse_line = (
        assert width_gt_height_ellipse.height < width_gt_height_ellipse.width
        assert len(coordinates_ellipse_line) == 3
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[0] == (0.65, 0.3)
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[1] == (0.7666223198362645,
        assert coordinates_ellipse_line[2] == (0.5333776801637811,

    def test_ellipse__as_shapely_polygon(self):
        Check Ellipse _as_shapely_polygon methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse _as_shapely_polygon returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        shapely_polygon = ellipse._as_shapely_polygon()
        assert shapely_polygon.__class__ == Polygon
        assert shapely_polygon.area == 0.1958331774442254

    def test_ellipse_get_area(self):
        Check Ellipse get_area methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Ellipse

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Ellipse get_area returns correct values

        1. Initialize Ellipse instance
        2. Check returning value

        ellipse = self.ellipse()
        area = ellipse.get_area()
        assert area == 0.19634954084936207
예제 #20
class TestPolygon:
    modification_date = now()

    def points(self):
        point1 = Point(0.5, 0.0)
        point2 = Point(0.75, 0.2)
        point3 = Point(0.6, 0.1)
        return [point1, point2, point3]

    def other_points(self):
        point1 = Point(0.3, 0.1)
        point2 = Point(0.8, 0.3)
        point3 = Point(0.6, 0.2)
        return [point1, point2, point3]

    def polygon(self):
        return Polygon(self.points(), modification_date=self.modification_date)

    def other_polygon(self):
        return Polygon(self.other_points(),

    def test_polygon(self):
        Check Polygon parameters

        <b>Input data:</b>

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon correctly calculates parameters and returns default values

        1. Check Polygon params
        2. Check Polygon default values
        3. Check Polygon with empty points

        polygon = self.polygon()
        modification_date = self.modification_date
        assert len(polygon.points) == 3
        assert polygon.modification_date == modification_date
        assert polygon.points == self.points()

        empty_points_list = []
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_polygon_magic_methods(self):
        Check Polygon __repr__, __eq__, __hash__ methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Polygon

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon magic methods returns correct values

        1. Initialize Polygon instance
        2. Check returning value of magic methods

        polygon = self.polygon()
        points_len = len(self.points())
        min_x = min(self.points(), key=attrgetter("x")).x
        max_x = max(self.points(), key=attrgetter("x")).x
        min_y = min(self.points(), key=attrgetter("y")).y
        max_y = max(self.points(), key=attrgetter("y")).y

        assert f"Polygon(len(points)={points_len}, min_x={min_x}" in repr(
        assert f", max_x={max_x}, min_y={min_y}, max_y={max_y})" in repr(

        other_polygon = self.polygon()
        thirs_polygon = self.other_polygon()
        assert polygon == other_polygon
        assert polygon != thirs_polygon
        assert polygon != str

        assert hash(polygon) == hash(str(polygon))

    def test_polygon_normalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Polygon normalize_wrt_roi_shape methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Polygon
        Initialized instance of Rectangle

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon normalize_wrt_roi_shape returns correct values

        1. Initialize Polygon instance
        2. Check returning value

        polygon = self.polygon()
        roi = Rectangle(x1=0.0, x2=0.5, y1=0.0, y2=0.5)
        normalized = polygon.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi)
        assert len(normalized.points) == 3
        assert normalized.min_x == 0.25
        assert normalized.max_x == 0.375
        assert normalized.min_y == 0.0
        assert normalized.max_y == 0.1

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_polygon_denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(self):
        Check Polygon denormalize_wrt_roi_shape methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Polygon
        Initialized instance of Rectangle

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon denormalize_wrt_roi_shape returns correct values

        1. Initialize Polygon instance
        2. Check returning value

        polygon = self.polygon()
        roi = Rectangle(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=1.0)
        denormalized = polygon.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi)
        assert len(denormalized.points) == 3
        assert denormalized.min_x == 0.0
        assert denormalized.max_x == 0.5
        assert denormalized.min_y == 0.0
        assert denormalized.max_y == 0.2

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_polygon__as_shapely_polygon(self):
        Check Polygon _as_shapely_polygon methods

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Polygon

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon _as_shapely_polygon returns correct values

        1. Initialize Polygon instance
        2. Check returning value

        polygon = self.polygon()
        polygon2 = self.other_polygon()
        shapely_polygon = polygon._as_shapely_polygon()
        shapely_polygon2 = polygon2._as_shapely_polygon()
        assert shapely_polygon.area == 0.0025000000000000022
        assert str(
            shapely_polygon) == "POLYGON ((0.5 0, 0.75 0.2, 0.6 0.1, 0.5 0))"
        assert shapely_polygon != shapely_polygon2

    def test_polygon_get_area(self):
        Check Polygon get_area method

        <b>Input data:</b>
        Initialized instance of Polygon

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        Test passes if Polygon get_area returns correct values

        1. Initialize Polygon instance
        2. Check returning value

        polygon = self.polygon()
        polygon2 = self.other_polygon()
        area = polygon.get_area()
        area2 = polygon2.get_area()
        assert area == 0.0025000000000000022
        assert area != area2