예제 #1
#left_side = True # POSITION="right"

# read otl file into memory
filelines = codecs.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

# remove those that are too deep or body text and pesky end of line characters
#filelines = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in filelines if otl.level(line) <= depth]
#filelines = [line for line in filelines if otl.is_heading(line)]

# first handle the body texts turn it into a list of headings with associated 
# body text for each one this is because the body text especially multi-line is 
# what makes it awkward.
headings = []
bodytexts = []
for line in filelines:
    if otl.is_heading(line):
        # TODO this ': ' removal should go in otl.py?
        bodytexts[-1].append(line.lstrip()[2:] + '\n')

#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
oldheading = ''
for heading, bodytext in zip(headings, bodytexts):
    if debug: print heading, bodytext

    level = otl.level(heading)
    oldlevel = otl.level(oldheading)

    if level == oldlevel:
예제 #2
def otl2mm(*arg, **kwarg):
    fname = arg[0][0]

    # node ID should be based on the line number of line in the
    # otl file for easier debugging
    #  for lineno, line in enumerate(open(fname)):
    # enumerate starts at 0 I want to start at 1
    mapnode = et.Element('map')
    mapnode.set('version', '0.9.0')

    topnode = et.SubElement(mapnode, 'node')
    topnode.set('TEXT', fname)

    parents = [mapnode, topnode]

    # left_side = True # POSITION="right"

    # read otl file into memory
    filelines = codecs.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

    # first handle the body texts turn it into a list of headings
    # with associated body text for each one this is because the
    # body text especially multi-line is what makes it awkward.
    headings = []
    bodytexts = []
    for line in filelines:
        if otl.is_heading(line):
            # TODO this ': ' removal should go in otl.py?
            bodytexts[-1].append(line.lstrip()[2:] + '\n')

    oldheading = ''
    for heading, bodytext in zip(headings, bodytexts):
        if debug:
            print("%s\t%s" % (heading, bodytext))

        level = otl.level(heading)
        oldlevel = otl.level(oldheading)

        if level == oldlevel:
        elif level > oldlevel:
            # about to go down in the hierarchy so add this line
            # as a parent to the stack
            # FIXME freemind.py|149| W802 undefined name 'node'
        elif level < oldlevel:
            # about to go up in the hierarchy so remove parents from the stack
            leveldiff = oldlevel - level
            parents = parents[:-leveldiff]

        node = et.SubElement(parents[-1], 'node')
        node.set('TEXT', heading.lstrip().rstrip('\r\n'))
        attach_note(node, bodytext)

        oldheading = heading

    xmltree = et.ElementTree(mapnode)
    xmltree.write(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
예제 #3
def otl2mm(*arg, **kwarg):
    fname = arg[0][0]

    # node ID should be based on the line number of line in the
    # otl file for easier debugging
    #for lineno, line in enumerate(open(fname)):
    # enumerate starts at 0 I want to start at 1
	# FIXME freemind.py|107| W806 local variable 'lineno' is assigned to but never used
    lineno = 0

    mapnode = et.Element('map')
    mapnode.set('version', '0.9.0')

    topnode = et.SubElement(mapnode, 'node')
    topnode.set('TEXT', fname)

    parents = [mapnode, topnode]

    #left_side = True # POSITION="right"

    # read otl file into memory
    filelines = codecs.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

    # first handle the body texts turn it into a list of headings
    # with associated body text for each one this is because the
    # body text especially multi-line is what makes it awkward.
    headings = []
    bodytexts = []
    for line in filelines:
        if otl.is_heading(line):
            # TODO this ': ' removal should go in otl.py?
            bodytexts[-1].append(line.lstrip()[2:] + '\n')

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    oldheading = ''
    for heading, bodytext in zip(headings, bodytexts):
        if debug:
            print heading, bodytext

        level = otl.level(heading)
        oldlevel = otl.level(oldheading)

        if level == oldlevel:
        elif level > oldlevel:
            # about to go down in the hierarchy so add this line
            # as a parent to the stack
			# FIXME freemind.py|149| W802 undefined name 'node'
        elif level < oldlevel:
            # about to go up in the hierarchy so remove parents from the stack
            leveldiff = oldlevel - level
            parents = parents[:-leveldiff]

        node = et.SubElement(parents[-1], 'node')
        node.set('TEXT', heading.lstrip().rstrip('\r\n'))
        #if len(bodytext) > 0:
        attach_note(node, bodytext)

        oldheading = heading

    xmltree = et.ElementTree(mapnode)
    xmltree.write(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
예제 #4
#left_side = True # POSITION="right"

# read otl file into memory
filelines = open(fname).readlines()

# remove those that are too deep or body text and pesky end of line characters
#filelines = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in filelines if otl.level(line) <= depth]
#filelines = [line for line in filelines if otl.is_heading(line)]

# first handle the body texts turn it into a list of headings with associated
# body text for each one this is because the body text especially multi-line is
# what makes it awkward.
headings = []
bodytexts = []
for line in filelines:
    if otl.is_heading(line):
        # TODO this ': ' removal should go in otl.py?
        bodytexts[-1].append(line.lstrip()[2:] + '\n')

#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
oldheading = ''
for heading, bodytext in zip(headings, bodytexts):
    if debug: print heading, bodytext

    level = otl.level(heading)
    oldlevel = otl.level(oldheading)

    if level == oldlevel: