예제 #1
def run_vortexLoc():
  #fnames = cfsrFiles2()
  #fnames = ['/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/2week/tiedtke/x4.tiedtke.output.2006-07-24_12.00.00.nc',
  #          '/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/2week/tiedtke/x4.tiedtke.output.2006-07-31_12.00.00.nc']
  #fnames = ['/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/longer/x4.kf.output.2006-08-15_00.00.00.nc']
  #fnames = sorted(glob.glob('/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output/x4.cfsr.output.2006-07-*'))[-1::-1] #track backwards
  #fnames = ['/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output/x4.cfsr.output.2006-08-15_00.00.00.nc']
  fnames = sorted(glob.glob('/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x4/x4.t.output.2006-07-*'))
  #fnames = ['/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x7/x7.kf.output.2006-08-07_18.00.00.nc']
  #fnames = sorted(glob.glob('/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x4.t.output.2006-09-*'))
  pt_ll = np.empty(2,dtype='float')
  #pt_ll[0] = 90.*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 0.0
  pt_ll[0] = 87.05*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 18.86*np.pi/180. #for 20060801 start time
  #pt_ll[0] = 85.38*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 352.97*np.pi/180. #for 2006080312 start time
  #pt_ll[0] = 86.1*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 137.*np.pi/180. #for 2006080718
  #pt_ll[0] = 82.5*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 41.95*np.pi/180. # for 2006081500
  #pt_ll[0] = 71.55*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 153.1*np.pi/180. #for 2006072412
  #pt_ll[0] = 81.05*np.pi/180.; pt_ll[1] = 19.4*np.pi/180. #for 2006091900
  #pt_ll[0] = 1.41; pt_ll[1] = 0.27
  #give initial guess of cClose. guess is just seed to search, so can choose anything.
  cClose = 71791 #131735 #x4 mesh for 20060801 start time
  #cClose = 102439 #x7 mesh for 20060801 start time
  c0IsMin = True;
  #load in mesh data
  fpath = fnames[0]
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  nEdgesOnCell = data.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:];
  cellsOnCell = data.variables['cellsOnCell'][:]-1;
  latCell = data.variables['latCell'][:];
  lonCell = data.variables['lonCell'][:];
  cellList = []
  minValList = []
  for iFile, fpath in enumerate(fnames):
    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)

    #timeInds = xrange(0,28,4)
    #timeInds = [0]
    nTimes = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
    #timeInds = xrange(0,nTimes,1)
    timeInds = xrange(26,nTimes,1)
    #timeInds = xrange(nTimes-1,-1,-1)
    #search for cyclone center
    cClose = conn.findOwner_horizNbrs_latLon(pt_ll, cClose, latCell, lonCell, nEdgesOnCell, cellsOnCell)

    cCloseList, pt_ll, minVals = driver_vortexLoc(data, timeInds, pt_ll, cClose, cellsOnCell, nEdgesOnCell, latCell, lonCell, c0IsMin)
    cClose = cCloseList[-1]
  print cellList
  print minValList
예제 #2
def example(ncNameFile):
  #Input file is a list of each output file on its own line.
  #Paraview has a hard time animating the 0 time step .nc files. Maybe it's an issue with the MPAS reader?
  #We can get around it by creating vtk files of the fields of interest named fnameN.vtk where N is an integer that indicates time.
  #store the names of the files we want in order in a file
  #ncNameFile = 'ncNames.txt'
  fp = open(ncNameFile,'r')

  #output the files to
  outNameBase = 'june'
  i = 0
  for line in fp:
    ncfname = line.rstrip('\n') #do we have to strip off any characters like \n?
    if (i==0):
      #reference field for orientation
      vtkfname = outNameBase+'_ref'+'.vtk'
      data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)

      #header and mesh info
      fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
      nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
      nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
      fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
    vtkfname = outNameBase+str(i)+'.vtk'

    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
    #header and mesh info
    fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
    nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
    nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
    #write cell data
    fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
    time = 0
    vLevel = 18
    output_data.write_vtk_cellCenterVelocity(fvtk, data, time, vLevel, nCells)
    output_data.write_vtk_var_timeLevelCells(fvtk, 'pv_cell', data, vLevel, time, nCells)
    i = i+1
    #close files

예제 #3
def example():

    # file properties
    ncfname = "/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output.2006-08-07_12.00.00.nc"
    # ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
    vtkfname = "plotTest.vtk"  # output file

    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)

    # open the output vtk file and write header. -------------------
    fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)

    # write nodes and cells
    nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
    nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
    nLevels = len(data.dimensions["nVertLevels"])

    # write some cell data --------------------
    fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

    output_data.write_vtk_staticGeoFields(fvtk, data, nCells)

    # time dependent stuff goes in different files
    time = 0
    output_data.write_vtk_pressureHeights(fvtk, data, nCells, time, nLevels, 50000)  # 500mb = 50,000Pa

    # write some node data

    # close the .nc and vtk files
예제 #4
def driver_tracers():
  given .nc (MPAS NETCDF) file and initial location for tracer, we want to 
  advect that tracer with the wind velocity through all time steps.
  #file properties
  ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  tSteps = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
  vertLevels = len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels']);
  r = np.empty(3);
  r[0] = 50.; r[1]=50.; r[2] = 5000.;
  dt = 6.*60.*60.; #can parse xtime in file as actual timestep
  #loop through time steps
  vel = np.empty(3);
  for i in range(tSteps):
    (hCell, vCell) = findOwner_coord(r, data, vertLevels);
    r = integrate(r,u,dt);
    print r
예제 #5
def driver_ncGeo2vtk(ncfname):
  given .nc (MPAS NETCDF) file, output the surface geography data into classic vtk format.
  The MPAS NetCDF reader in Paraview loads only the "critical" netcdf variables, ie with time and vertLevels.
  Rather than edit that reader, we can create a file of the vars we care about on the scvt mesh rather than the dual.
  I think they have to use the dual for the volume mesh since the elements need to be of supported VTK type (eg prism, hex,...)
  #file properties
  #ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
  vtkfname = 'geoTest.vtk' #output file
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  #open the output vtk file and write header.
  fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
  #write nodes and cells
  nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
  nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
  vLevels =  len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  nTimes = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
  #write some geographic cell data
  fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
  write_vtk_timeGeoFields(fvtk,data,nCells, nTimes)
  #write node data (none for geog)
  #close the .nc and vtk files
예제 #6
def example_2pvu():
    # fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/kf/v1.1/x4.kf.output.2006-08-01_00.00.00.nc'
    fpath = "/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/tiedtke/v1.1/x4.t.output.2006-08-08_00.00.00.nc"
    # fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/kf/v1.1/x4.kf.output.2006-08-08_00.00.00.nc'
    # fnames = searchFiles()
    # for iFile, fpath in enumerate(fnames):
    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)

    for timeInd in xrange(0, 28, 4):
        # for timeInd in [0]:
        # open the output vtk file and write header, nodes, and cells
        vtkfname = "x4_t_2006-08-01_1day." + str(28 + timeInd) + ".vtk"
        # vtkfname = 'x4_cfsr_2006-07-25_1day.'+str(iFile)+'.vtk'
        fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, fpath)
        # fvtk = open(vtkfname,'w'); nCells = 163842
        nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
        nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)

        # write some cell dataa
        fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

        # calc values
        # timeInd = 0
        epv_ht, theta_trop = calc_height_theta_2PVU(data, timeInd)

        output_data.write_levelData_float("ht_2pvu", fvtk, epv_ht, nCells)
        output_data.write_levelData_float("theta_2pvu", fvtk, theta_trop, nCells)

예제 #7
def test_run_hgt():
  #long term mean
  fname_mean = '/data01/forONR/hgt.mon.1981-2010.ltm.nc'
  lev_500 = 5 #level of 500hPa
  month = 8 #august
  dataMean = netCDF4.Dataset(fname_mean,'r')
  hgtMean = dataMean.variables['hgt'][month,lev_500,:,:] #lat,lon
  #hgtMean += dataMean.variables['hgt'][month-1,lev_500,:,:]
  #hgtMean += dataMean.variables['hgt'][month-2,lev_500,:,:]
  #hgtMean /= 3.
  latMean = dataMean.variables['lat'][:]*np.pi/180. #stored in degrees!
  lonMean = dataMean.variables['lon'][:]*np.pi/180.
  nlat = len(latMean)
  nlon = len(lonMean)
  var = np.zeros((nlat,nlon), dtype=float)
  #mpas files
  #fnames = []
  fnames = sorted(glob.glob('/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x4/x4.t.output.2006-08-*'))
  #fnames = sorted(glob.glob('/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x4/*.output.2006-08*'))
  counter = 0
  for iFile, fpath in enumerate(fnames):
    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
    nEdgesOnCell = data.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:];
    cellsOnCell = data.variables['cellsOnCell'][:]-1;
    latCell = data.variables['latCell'][:];
    lonCell = data.variables['lonCell'][:];
    nTimes = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
    #nTimes = 1 #3
    nCells = len(latCell)
    geop_mpas = np.zeros(nCells,dtype=float)
    for iTime in xrange(nTimes):
      #get average value for mesh over these times so can even anomaly different meshes together
      output_data.print_xtime(data, iTime)
      hgt_mpas = data.variables['height_500hPa'][iTime,:]
      #average here to avoid summing to large number over many times
      geop_mpas += mpas_hgt2geopotential(nCells, hgt_mpas, latCell)/nTimes
    llMap = makeMap_ll2mpas(latMean, lonMean, latCell, lonCell, nEdgesOnCell, cellsOnCell)
    var += calc_diff_field(hgtMean, geop_mpas, llMap, nlat, nlon)
    #print var
    counter = counter+1
  var /= counter
  #var = hgtMean
  # add wrap-around point in longitude.
  var, lonMean = addcyclic(var, lonMean)
  lats,lons = np.meshgrid(latMean, lonMean)
  lats *= 180./np.pi; lons *= 180./np.pi
  plot_anomaly_ll(lats, lons, np.transpose(var))
예제 #8
def example():
  #file properties
  ana_fname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #analysis file
  sim_fname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #simulation file
  vtkfname = 'fieldDiff.vtk' #output file
  #read in reference and simulation files
  anaData = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ana_fname)
  simData = output_data.open_netcdf_data(sim_fname)
  #assuming same mesh between ana and sim
  nTimes = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
  nCells = len(data.dimensions['nCells']);
  nVert = len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  #I don't know how to write a 3 or 4d field into the .nc format so we're going to have
  #to hold off on that.
  #take differences of individual fields (3d, height levels, pressure levels,...)
  #and generate output (surfaces-horiz and vertical, field statistics,...).
  tSim = 0 #index into time steps of simulation corresponding to analysis
  tAna = 0
  fieldKeys = ['pv_cell','theta','rho']
  for k in fieldKeys:
    #index is [time,cell,vLevel]
    varAna = data.variables[k][tAna,:,:]
    varSim = data.variables[k][tSim,:,:]
    diff = varSim-varAna
    avg = sum(diff)/(nCells*nVert)
    str = 'Variable %s has sim-ana mean= %s for simInd %s\n' %(k, avg, tSim)
    print str
    rms = sum(diff*diff)/(nCells*nVert) #square and mean
    rms = np.sqrt(rms) #root
    str = 'Variable %s has sim-ana RMS= %s for simInd %s\n' %(k, rms, tSim)
    print str
예제 #9
def derivedSfcs(ncfname, vtkfname):
  #write some derived surfaces to file
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  #header info
  fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
  nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
  nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
  nLevels =  len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  #cell data
  fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
  #geo for reference
  time = 0
  #500 mb
  output_data.write_vtk_pressureHeights(fvtk, data, nCells, time, vLevels, 50000.)
  #theta on dynamic tropopause
  pv = np.empty((nCells,nLevels), dtype=float)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    for l in range(nLevels):
      pv[hcell,l] = vars.calc_ertelPV(data, 'theta', time, hcell, l, nLevels)
  pvuVal = 2.
  thetaVal = np.empty(nCells)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    (l,dl) = output_data.calcIndexOfValue(pvuVal,pv[hcell,:], nLevels)
    thetaVal[hcell] = output_data.calcValueOfIndex(l,dl,data.variables['theta'][time,hcell,:])
  output_data.write_levelData_float('theta_pv', fvtk, thetaVal, nCells)
  slp = np.empty(nCells)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    slp[hcell] = vars.calc_slp(data, hcell, nLevels, time)
  output_data.write_levelData_float('slp', fvtk, slp, nCells)
  #close da files
예제 #10
def example_vars():
    # for every 6 hours of the IC CFSR data,
    # write a vtk file with slp, 500mb heights, and theta on 2 pv surface

    t0 = dt.datetime(2006, 6, 1, 0)
    # tf = dt.datetime(2006,9,29,18)
    tf = dt.datetime(2006, 6, 1, 13)
    h6 = dt.timedelta(hours=6)

    cfsrPath = "/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/"
    vtkBase = "cfsrIC."

    i = 1
    t = t0
    while t <= tf:  # since increment t after check, don't do
        # open the .nc data file for this datetime
        tString = cfsr.form_cfsrTimeString(t)
        ncName = "vert_sfc." + tString + ".nc"  # initial condition netcdf file
        ncName = cfsrPath + ncName
        data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncName)

        # open the output vtk file and write header. -------------------
        vtkfname = vtkBase + str(i - 1) + ".vtk"
        fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncName)

        # write nodes and cells
        nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
        nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
        nLevels = len(data.dimensions["nVertLevels"])

        # write some cell data --------------------
        fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

        timeInd = 0


        # increment day
        t = t0 + i * h6
        i = i + 1
예제 #11
def plotPoints_example():
  fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output/x4.cfsr.output.2006-08-01_00.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  latCell = data.variables['latCell'][:];
  lonCell = data.variables['lonCell'][:];
  map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=0,lat_0=90, resolution='l')
  cellInds_cfsr = [56355, 28662, 11263, 131726, 84718, 84714, 46582, 105453, 114078, 
  25622, 37141, 6428, 50655, 160926, 144268, 156040, 98770, 42664, 137842, 24214, 
  151512, 2568, 96729, 11246, 131490, 19940, 163620, 119379, 136917, 104557, 36439, 
  150649, 21865, 30589, 119446, 71817, 10022, 131487, 84705, 156231, 84691, 5142, 
  151475, 79538, 28657, 79527, 162909, 151551, 160897, 119355, 151474, 114095, 
  151473, 41958, 131519, 131551, 131556, 3564]
  cellInds_t = [56355, 14136, 62441, 105460, 62444, 131720, 84715, 84718, 46589, 58118, 103293, 
  119276, 119271, 38013, 131725, 20012, 131711, 96797, 1630, 20010, 79513, 79515, 
  151526, 131702, 41980, 71822, 144522, 137231, 14763]
  cellInds_kf = [56355, 14136, 62441, 105460, 62444, 50736, 84714, 84713, 46589, 
  58118, 10538, 119277, 15864, 84711, 131725, 20012, 50734, 50738, 131727, 119266, 
  38009, 71828, 10022, 33361, 8554, 137254, 66155, 4203, 137296]
  cellInds_cfsr = cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_july_cells
  lonp = lonCell[cellInds_cfsr]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cellInds_cfsr]*180./np.pi
  xcfsr,ycfsr = map(lonp, latp)
  #cells_guess = [40419,26537,10552,1634,7338,20030,437,2896,11920,22053,19965,19961,28617]
  cells_guess = mpasStats.x4_t_0724_cells
  cells_f500 = [138657, 149403, 38051, 28687, 131782, 131766, 71977, 58328, 22007, 11933, 14811, 72391, 103406]
  cells_f1000 = [138657, 149403, 38051, 28687, 131782, 131766, 71977, 58328, 33409, 149420, 5194, 93157, 16019]

  lonp = lonCell[cells_guess]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cells_guess]*180./np.pi
  xcfsr_g,ycfsr_g = map(lonp, latp)
  lonp = lonCell[cells_f500]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cells_f500]*180./np.pi
  xcfsr_f500,ycfsr_f500 = map(lonp, latp)
  lonp = lonCell[cells_f1000]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cells_f1000]*180./np.pi
  xcfsr_f1000,ycfsr_f1000 = map(lonp, latp)

  lonp = lonCell[cellInds_t]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cellInds_t]*180./np.pi
  xtiedtke,ytiedtke = map(lonp, latp)
  lonp = lonCell[cellInds_kf]*180./np.pi
  latp = latCell[cellInds_kf]*180./np.pi
  xkf,ykf = map(lonp, latp)
  #map.scatter(x,y, picker=5)
  map.plot(xcfsr,ycfsr,'b*--', label='back')
  map.plot(xcfsr_g,ycfsr_g, 'go-', label='07-24_12') # label='user')
  map.plot(xcfsr_f500,ycfsr_f500,'gs:', label='f,r500km')
  map.plot(xcfsr_f1000,ycfsr_f1000,'r*-.', label='f,r1000km')
  legend = plt.legend('back', 'user', 'forward')
  for label in legend.get_texts():
  #map.plot(xcfsr,ycfsr,'b*--', xtiedtke,ytiedtke, 'go-.', xkf,ykf, 'rs:') #, markersize=10)
  #plt.legend('cfsr', 'tiedtke', 'kf')
예제 #12
def example_mpas_horiz_tri():
  #plot triangulation on a map projection
  #ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
  ncfname = '/arctic1/nick/cases/163842/r2614/output.163842.2006-07-08_00.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  nCells = len(data.dimensions['nCells'])
  nVertices = len(data.dimensions['nVertices'])
  nLevels = len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  lat = data.variables['latCell'][:]*180./np.pi; #in degrees
  lon = data.variables['lonCell'][:]*180./np.pi;
  level = 0; time=15;
  var = data.variables['theta'][time,:,level];# minVar = np.amin(var); maxVar = np.amax(var);
  ''' #we can triangulate the map projection coords
  #although the needed connectivity information is in the mesh,
  #I don't feel like accumulating the edges into triangles so we'll compute a convex hull
  #that we "know" will be the same as the dual of the Voronoi
  xc = data.variables['xCell'][:]; yc = data.variables['yCell'][:]; zc = data.variables['zCell'][:];
  coords = np.array([xc,yc,zc]).transpose()
  triang = Delaunay(coords)
  #create the triangulation data structure since I've had issues with scipy's delaunay and such.
  #We can't triangulate all of the projected x,y since opposing sides of the earth will overlay each other
  tris = recoverTriangles(data, nCells); print "Triangulation finished\n"  
  nContours = 50
  #plt.tripcolor(x, y, tris, facecolors=zfaces, edgecolors='k')
  plt.tripcolor(lon, lat, tris, var)
  #map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=-105,lat_0=40, resolution='l')
  map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=-100,lat_0=60, resolution='l')
  x,y = map(lon, lat)
  map.pcolor(x,y,var,tri=True,shading='flat',edgecolors='none',cmap=plt.cm.jet) #cmap=plt.cm.hot_r) #,vmin=100,vmax=1000)
  map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=45,lon_0=-100,resolution='l')
  x, y = map(lon,lat)
  #cs = map.contour(lon,lat, 50, nContours, latlon=True, tri=True)
  #cs = map.contour(x,y, var, nContours, latlon=False, tri=True, triangulation=triang)
  #cs = map.pcolor(x,y, var, tri=True,triangulation=triang)
  plt.title('Test plot')
예제 #13
    # xyz gets errors of 1.6e-5.
    if fVersion == 3:
        fac = 1.0e6
        xyz = xyz / fac
        val = xyz[0] * xyz[1] * xyz[2]
        fac = fac * fac * fac
        deriv = (xyz[1] * xyz[2] / fac, xyz[0] * xyz[2] / fac, xyz[1] * xyz[0] / fac)
        return (val, deriv)

    # sinusoids: rms errors of (dval/dxyz): 0.00063592  0.00068587  0.000641 (refLen=300km)
    # 8.51791496e-05   8.49776813e-05   6.93804044e-05 (refLen=1200km)
    if fVersion == 4:
        refLen = 60.0e3 * 20.0
        scale = 2.0 * np.pi / refLen
        val = np.sin(scale * xyz[0]) + np.cos(scale * xyz[1]) + 3.0 * np.sin(scale * xyz[2])
        deriv = (scale * np.cos(scale * xyz[0]), -scale * np.cos(scale * xyz[1]), scale * 3.0 * np.cos(scale * xyz[2]))
        return (val, deriv)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # test out the least squares
    fpath = "/arctic1/nick/cases/40962/output.40962.2006-06-01_00.00.00.nc"
    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
    nLevels = len(data.dimensions["nVertLevels"])
    nCells = len(data.dimensions["nCells"])

    nCellsRMS = 20
    nLevelsRMS = 8
    testLSTSQ(data, nCellsRMS, nLevelsRMS)
예제 #14
def plotTracks_dist_time():
  #how to show longitude is a vexing question since it wraps -180,180 or 360,0...
  rEarth = 6371. #km
  fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output/x4.cfsr.output.2006-08-01_00.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  latCell_x4 = data.variables['latCell'][:]
  lonCell_x4 = data.variables['lonCell'][:]
  fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x7/x7.kf.output.2006-08-07_18.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  latCell_x7 = data.variables['latCell'][:]
  lonCell_x7 = data.variables['lonCell'][:]
  cells_cfsr = cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_cell
  lat_cfsr = latCell_x4[cells_cfsr]
  lon_cfsr = lonCell_x4[cells_cfsr]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_cfsr)
  dateList_cfsr = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=12*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'b', label='x4_t')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_kf_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'g', label='x4_kf')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_t_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'r.-', label='x7_t')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_kf_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'k--', label='x7_kf')
  #x7 2006-08-07_18
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_kf_0807_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,7,18)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'k--')
  #x7 2006-08-03_12
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_t_0803_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,3,12)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'r.-')
  #x4_t 2006081500
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_0815_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,15,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'b')
  #all cfsr ------------------------
  cells_cfsr = np.array(cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_july_cells+cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_cell+cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_0919_cells)
  lat_cfsr = latCell_x4[cells_cfsr]
  lon_cfsr = lonCell_x4[cells_cfsr]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,7,24,12)
  nSteps = len(cells_cfsr)-len(cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_0919_cells)
  dateList_c_all = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=12*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,9,19,0)
  nSteps = len(cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_0919_cells)
  dateList_cfsr = dateList_c_all + [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=12*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  #x4_t 2006072412
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_0724_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x4[cells_x]
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,7,24,12)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'b')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_0919_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  lon_x = lonCell_x4[cells_x]
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,9,19,0)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  vals = calc_distSphere_multiple(rEarth, lat_x[ind_x], lon_x[ind_x], lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], lon_cfsr[ind_cfsr])
  plt.plot(dates_common,vals, 'b')
  plt.ylabel('$|\Delta x|$'+', km')
  #plotOrder = ['x4_t', 'x4_kf', 'x7_t', 'x7_kf']
  #plt.legend(loc=3) #bottom left
예제 #15
def plotTracks_lat_time():
  #how to show longitude is a vexing question since it wraps -180,180 or 360,0...
  fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output/x4.cfsr.output.2006-08-01_00.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  latCell_x4 = data.variables['latCell'][:]*180./np.pi
  fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/vduda/x7/x7.kf.output.2006-08-07_18.00.00.nc'
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)
  latCell_x7 = data.variables['latCell'][:]*180./np.pi
  cells_cfsr = cfsrStats.x4_cfsr_cell
  lat_cfsr = latCell_x4[cells_cfsr]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_cfsr)
  dateList_cfsr = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=12*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'b', label='x4_t')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_kf_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'g', label='x4_kf')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_t_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'r.-', label='x7_t')
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_kf_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,1,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'k--', label='x7_kf')
  #x7 2006-08-07_18
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_kf_0807_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,7,18)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'k--')
  #x7 2006-08-03_12
  cells_x = mpasStats.x7_t_0803_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x7[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,3,12)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'r.-')
  #x4_t 2006081500
  cells_x = mpasStats.x4_t_0815_cells
  lat_x = latCell_x4[cells_x]
  tBase = dt.datetime(2006,8,15,0)
  nSteps = len(cells_x)
  dateList_x = [ tBase + dt.timedelta(hours=6*x) for x in range(0,nSteps) ]
  ind_cfsr, ind_x, dates_common = get_commonIndices_time(dateList_cfsr, dateList_x)
  plt.plot(dates_common,lat_x[ind_x]-lat_cfsr[ind_cfsr], 'b')
  plt.ylabel('$\Delta\phi_{min}$'+', ' +'$\deg$')
  #plotOrder = ['x4_t', 'x4_kf', 'x7_t', 'x7_kf']