def update_dailies(): """Update daily rank information.""" # Do this once to get consistent results in the event that the day changes # while we are running this function today = for i, idol in enumerate(Idol.query.order_by(desc(Idol.vote_percentage)).all()): daily = DailyHistory.query.filter(and_(DailyHistory.idol == idol, == today)).first() if daily: daily.update(vote_percentage=idol.vote_percentage, rank=i + 1) else: daily = DailyHistory.create(idol=idol, date=today, vote_percentage=idol.vote_percentage, rank=i + 1) idol.update(prev_rank=daily.rank, prev_vote_percentage=daily.vote_percentage) print('Successfully updated dailies')
def test_dailies(self): """Add a daily to a user.""" idol = IdolFactory() daily = DailyHistory(idol=idol, date=dt.datetime.utcnow().date()) assert daily in idol.dailies