예제 #1
    def min_value(self, state: GameState, depth: int, ghost_num: int) -> int:

        # Game over or search depth has been reached
        if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or depth <= 0:
            return self.evaluationFunction(state)

        # Sanity check: valid ghost number?
        assert 1 <= ghost_num < state.getNumAgents()

        legal_actions = state.getLegalActions(ghost_num)

        successors = [
            state.generateSuccessor(ghost_num, ghost_action)
            for ghost_action in legal_actions

        # If this is the last ghost, next optimizer should be from pacman's
        # perspective
        next_optimizer = self.max_value \
            if ghost_num == state.getNumAgents() - 1 \
            else self.min_value

        # If this is the last ghost, decrement depth
        next_depth = depth - 1 \
            if ghost_num == state.getNumAgents() - 1 \
            else depth

        utilities = [
            next_optimizer(state, next_depth, ghost_num + 1)
            for state in successors

        return min(utilities)
예제 #2
    def min_value(
        state: GameState,
        depth: int,
        alpha: int,
        beta: int,
        ghost_num: int,
    ) -> int:

        # Game over or search depth has been reached
        if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or depth <= 0:
            return self.evaluationFunction(state)

        # Sanity check: valid ghost number?
        assert 1 <= ghost_num < state.getNumAgents()

        legal_actions = state.getLegalActions(ghost_num)

        # If this is the last ghost, next optimizer should be from pacman's
        # perspective
        next_optimizer = self.max_value \
            if ghost_num == state.getNumAgents() - 1 \
            else self.min_value

        # If this is the last ghost, decrement depth
        next_depth = depth - 1 if ghost_num == state.getNumAgents(
        ) - 1 else depth

        utility = inf
        for action in legal_actions:
            successor = state.generateSuccessor(
            utility = min(
                    ghost_num + 1,

            if utility < alpha:
                return utility

            beta = min(beta, utility)

        return utility
예제 #3
 def searchTree(state: GameState, depth: int, agent: int):
     actions = state.getLegalActions(agent)
     nextAgent = (agent + 1) % state.getNumAgents()
     if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or len(actions) == 0:
         return [state.getScore(), None]
     elif depth == 0:
         return [self.evaluationFunction(state), None]
     elif agent == 0:
         successors = [
             searchTree(state.generateSuccessor(agent, action), depth,
                        nextAgent)[0] for action in actions
         maximum = max(successors)
         maxIndex = successors.index(maximum)
         return [maximum, actions[maxIndex]]
         nextDepth = depth
         if nextAgent == 0:
             nextDepth -= 1
         successors = [
             searchTree(state.generateSuccessor(agent, action),
                        nextDepth, nextAgent)[0] for action in actions
         expected = sum(successors) * 1.0 / len(successors)
         return [expected, None]
예제 #4
    def max_value(
        state: GameState,
        depth: int,
        alpha: int,
        beta: int,
        actor: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        # Sanity check: have all the ghosts been evaluated the last round?
        if actor is not None:
            assert actor == state.getNumAgents()

        # Game over or search depth has been reached
        if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or depth <= 0:
            return self.evaluationFunction(state)

        legal_actions = state.getLegalActions(agentIndex=0)

        utility = -inf
        for action in legal_actions:
            successor = state.generateSuccessor(agentIndex=0, action=action)
            utility = max(
                self.min_value(successor, depth, alpha, beta, ghost_num=1),

            if utility > beta:
                return utility

            alpha = max(alpha, utility)

        return utility
예제 #5
    def _alphabeta(self, gameState: GameState, idx: int, ab: List[float]) -> Tuple[float, str]:
        n = gameState.getNumAgents()

        if idx / n >= self.depth or gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose():
            return (self.evaluationFunction(gameState), None)

        agent = idx % n
        legalActions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)

        pacman = (agent == 0)
        idx0 = int(pacman)
        idx1 = int(not pacman)
        mod = 1 if pacman else -1
        best_score = -float('inf') * mod
        best_action = None
        for legalAction in legalActions:
            s = gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, legalAction)
            score = self._alphabeta(s, idx + 1, [*ab])[0]
            if score * mod > best_score * mod:
                best_score, best_action = score, legalAction
            if best_score * mod > ab[idx0] * mod:
            ab[idx1] = max(ab[idx1] * mod, best_score * mod) * mod
        return (best_score, best_action)
예제 #6
def minimax(evalFunc: classmethod, agent: int, depth: int, gameState: GameState, maxDepth: int) -> float:
    if gameState.isLose() or gameState.isWin() or depth == maxDepth:
        return evalFunc(gameState)
    if agent == 0:
        return max(minimax(evalFunc, 1, depth, gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, state), maxDepth) for state in gameState.getLegalActions(agent))
        nextAgent = agent + 1
        if gameState.getNumAgents() == nextAgent:
            nextAgent = 0
        if nextAgent == 0:
            depth += 1
        return min(minimax(evalFunc, nextAgent, depth, gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, state), maxDepth) for state in gameState.getLegalActions(agent))
예제 #7
    def _minimax(self, gameState: GameState, idx: int) -> Tuple[float, str]:
        n = gameState.getNumAgents()

        if idx / n >= self.depth or gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose():
            return (self.evaluationFunction(gameState), None)

        agent = idx % n
        legalActions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)

        mod = 1 if agent == 0 else -1
        best_score = -float('inf') * mod
        best_action = None
        for legalAction in legalActions:
            s = gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, legalAction)
            score = self._minimax(s, idx + 1)[0]
            if score * mod > best_score * mod:
                best_score, best_action = score, legalAction
        return (best_score, best_action)
예제 #8
    def max_value(self,
                  state: GameState,
                  depth: int,
                  actor: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
        # Sanity check: have all the ghosts been evaluated the last round?
        if actor is not None:
            assert actor == state.getNumAgents()

        # Game over or search depth has been reached
        if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or depth <= 0:
            return self.evaluationFunction(state)

        legal_actions = state.getLegalActions(agentIndex=0)
        successors = [
            state.generateSuccessor(agentIndex=0, action=action)
            for action in legal_actions
        utilities = [
            self.min_value(state, depth, ghost_num=1) for state in successors

        return max(utilities)
예제 #9
    def _expectimax(self, gameState: GameState, idx: int) -> Tuple[float, str]:
        n = gameState.getNumAgents()

        if idx / n >= self.depth or gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose():
            return (self.evaluationFunction(gameState), None)

        agent = idx % n
        legalActions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)
        n_actions = len(legalActions)

        ret_score = -float('inf') if agent == 0 else 0
        ret_action = None

        for legalAction in legalActions:
            s = gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, legalAction)
            score = self._expectimax(s, idx + 1)[0]
            if agent != 0:
                ret_score += score / n_actions
            elif score > ret_score:
                ret_score, ret_action = score, legalAction
        return (ret_score, ret_action)
예제 #10
 def searchTree(state: GameState, depth: int, agent: int, a, b):
     actions = state.getLegalActions(agent)
     nextAgent = (agent + 1) % state.getNumAgents()
     if state.isLose() or state.isWin() or len(actions) == 0:
         return [state.getScore(), None]
     elif depth == 0:
         return [self.evaluationFunction(state), None]
     elif agent == 0:
         value = float('-inf')
         successors = []
         for action in actions:
             curr = searchTree(state.generateSuccessor(agent, action),
                               depth, nextAgent, a, b)[0]
             value = max(value, curr)
             a = max(a, value)
             if a >= b:
         maxIndex = successors.index(value)
         return [value, actions[maxIndex]]
         nextDepth = depth
         if nextAgent == 0:
             nextDepth -= 1
         value = float('inf')
         successors = []
         for action in actions:
             curr = searchTree(state.generateSuccessor(agent, action),
                               nextDepth, nextAgent, a, b)[0]
             value = min(value, curr)
             b = min(b, value)
             if a >= b:
         minIndex = successors.index(value)
         return [value, actions[minIndex]]
예제 #11
 def is_a_new_level_of_search(self, game_state: GameState, current_ghost_index):
     return current_ghost_index == game_state.getNumAgents() - 1