예제 #1
파일: blogdir.py 프로젝트: xakon/dwiki
def directory(ctx):
    """List the contents of the current directory, with links to each
	page and subdirectory. Supports VirtualDirectory restrictions, but
	always shows subdirectories."""
    res = []
    if ctx.page.type != "dir" or not ctx.page.displayable():
        return ''

    # Just in case:
    dl = ctx.page.children()
    if not dl:
        return ''
    # Restrict the results if we've been asked to. This is complicated
    # by our need to preserve directories *always*, because we don't
    # know if they have any files within the restriction inside them.
    if pageranges.is_restriction(ctx):
        dirl = [z for z in dl if z.type == 'dir']
        tl = pageranges.filter_files(ctx, [(z.timestamp, z.path)
                                           for z in dl if z.type != 'dir'])
        if not tl and not dirl:
            return ''
        dl = [ctx.model.get_page(z[1]) for z in tl]
        dl.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)

    for de in dl:
        res.append("\n<li> ")
        res.append(htmlrends.makelink(de.name, ctx.url(de)))
    return ''.join(res)
예제 #2
파일: blogdir.py 프로젝트: siebenmann/dwiki
def directory(ctx):
	"""List the contents of the current directory, with links to each
	page and subdirectory. Supports VirtualDirectory restrictions, but
	always shows subdirectories."""
	res = []
	if ctx.page.type != "dir" or not ctx.page.displayable():
		return ''

	# Just in case:
	dl = ctx.page.children()
	if not dl:
		return ''
	# Restrict the results if we've been asked to. This is complicated
	# by our need to preserve directories *always*, because we don't
	# know if they have any files within the restriction inside them.
	if pageranges.is_restriction(ctx):
		dirl = [z for z in dl if z.type == 'dir']
		tl = pageranges.filter_files(ctx, [(z.timestamp, z.path)
						   for z in dl
						   if z.type != 'dir'])
		if not tl and not dirl:
			return ''
		dl = [ctx.model.get_page(z[1]) for z in tl]
		dl.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)

	for de in dl:
		res.append("\n<li> ")
		res.append(htmlrends.makelink(de.name, ctx.url(de)))
	return ''.join(res)
예제 #3
파일: pages.py 프로젝트: samveen/dwiki
	def descendants(self, context):
		# It is evil to call into the context so that we can load
		# descendant information from the caches, but it vastly
		# speeds up handling virtual directories. We'll live with
		# it for now.
		# (This just shows that the interface is wrong.)
		return pageranges.filter_files(context,
예제 #4
파일: blogdir.py 프로젝트: siebenmann/dwiki
def blogdir(context):
	"""Generate a BlogDir rendering of the current directory:
	display all real pages in the current directory from most
	recent to oldest, rendering each with the template
	_blog/blogdirpage.tmpl_. Supports VirtualDirectory restrictions."""
	if context.page.type != "dir":
		return ''
	if not context.page.displayable():
		raise derrors.IntErr("undisplayable directory page")
	dl = context.page.children("file")
	if not dl:
		return ''
	# Boil it down to just files, in modtime order.
	# (Technically this is real files: displayable, non-redirect.)
	dl = [z for z in dl if z.realpage() and not z.is_util()]
	# This directory might have nothing.
	if not dl:
		return ''

	# Apply restrictions, backwardly.
	# Because restrictions are designed to be hugely scalable, they
	# want the output we'd get from page.descendants().
	if pageranges.is_restriction(context):
		tl = pageranges.filter_files(context, [(z.timestamp, z.path)
						       for z in dl])
		if not tl:
			return ''
		dl = [context.model.get_page(z[1]) for z in tl]
		dl.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp, reverse=True)

	# For each file, clone the context, set the current page to
	# it (!), and render it with the blogentry template.
	to = context.model.get_template("blog/blogdirpage.tmpl")
	context.setvar(rollvar, {})
	res = []
	for page in dl:
		# Note: we do not reset the view type, because we do
		# not render through the interface that cares; we go
		# straight to template.
		nc = context.clone_to_page(page)
	return ''.join(res)
예제 #5
파일: blogdir.py 프로젝트: xakon/dwiki
def blogdir(context):
    """Generate a BlogDir rendering of the current directory:
	display all real pages in the current directory from most
	recent to oldest, rendering each with the template
	_blog/blogdirpage.tmpl_. Supports VirtualDirectory restrictions."""
    if context.page.type != "dir":
        return ''
    if not context.page.displayable():
        raise derrors.IntErr("undisplayable directory page")
    dl = context.page.children("file")
    if not dl:
        return ''
    # Boil it down to just files, in modtime order.
    # (Technically this is real files: displayable, non-redirect.)
    dl = [z for z in dl if z.realpage() and not z.is_util()]
    # This directory might have nothing.
    if not dl:
        return ''

    # Apply restrictions, backwardly.
    # Because restrictions are designed to be hugely scalable, they
    # want the output we'd get from page.descendants().
    if pageranges.is_restriction(context):
        tl = pageranges.filter_files(context,
                                     [(z.timestamp, z.path) for z in dl])
        if not tl:
            return ''
        dl = [context.model.get_page(z[1]) for z in tl]
        dl.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp, reverse=True)

    # For each file, clone the context, set the current page to
    # it (!), and render it with the blogentry template.
    to = context.model.get_template("blog/blogdirpage.tmpl")
    context.setvar(rollvar, {})
    res = []
    for page in dl:
        # Note: we do not reset the view type, because we do
        # not render through the interface that cares; we go
        # straight to template.
        nc = context.clone_to_page(page)
    return ''.join(res)