예제 #1
def _update_msa(mkfile):
    msa      = mkfile["MultipleSequenceAlignment"]
    defaults = msa.pop("Defaults")
    defaults.setdefault("Program", "MAFFT")
    defaults["MAFFT"].setdefault("Algorithm", "MAFFT")

    for key in mkfile["Project"]["Regions"]:
        msa[key] = fill_dict(msa.get(key, {}), defaults)

    unknown_regions = set(msa) - set(mkfile["Project"]["Regions"])
    if unknown_regions:
        raise MakefileError("Unknown Regions of Interest in Genotyping: %s" \
                            % (", ".join(unknown_regions),))
예제 #2
def _update_msa(mkfile):
    msa      = mkfile["MultipleSequenceAlignment"]
    defaults = msa.pop("Defaults")
    defaults.setdefault("Program", "MAFFT")
    defaults["MAFFT"].setdefault("Algorithm", "MAFFT")

    for key in mkfile["Project"]["Regions"]:
        msa[key] = fill_dict(msa.get(key, {}), defaults)

    unknown_regions = set(msa) - set(mkfile["Project"]["Regions"])
    if unknown_regions:
        raise MakefileError("Unknown Regions of Interest in Genotyping: %s" \
                            % (", ".join(unknown_regions),))
예제 #3
    def _do_update_options(options, data, path):
        options = copy.deepcopy(options)
        if "Options" in data:
            if "Features" in data["Options"]:
                raise MakefileError("Features may only be specified at root "
                                    "level, not at %r" % (" :: ".join(path), ))

            # Fill out missing values using those of prior levels
            options = fill_dict(destination=data.pop("Options"),

        if len(path) < 3:
            for key in data:
                if key != "Options":
                    _do_update_options(options, data[key], path + (key, ))
            data["Options"] = options
예제 #4
def _update_genotyping(mkfile):
    genotyping = mkfile["Genotyping"]
    defaults = genotyping.pop("Defaults")
    defaults.setdefault("Padding", 5)
    defaults["VCF_Filter"].setdefault("MaxReadDepth", 0)

    for (key, subdd) in genotyping.items():
        if subdd.get("GenotypeEntirePrefix"):
            message = ("GenotypeEntirePrefix is only allowed for prefixes "
                       "using default parameters, but is set for %r" % (key, ))
            raise MakefileError(message)

    for key in mkfile["Project"]["Regions"]:
        genotyping[key] = fill_dict(genotyping.get(key, {}), defaults)

    regions = set(genotyping)
    unknown_regions = regions - set(mkfile["Project"]["Regions"])
    if unknown_regions:
        raise MakefileError("Unknown Regions of Interest in Genotyping: %s" %
                            (", ".join(unknown_regions), ))
예제 #5
    def _do_update_options(options, data, path):
        options = copy.deepcopy(options)
        if "Options" in data:
            if "Features" in data["Options"]:
                raise MakefileError("Features may only be specified at root "
                                    "level, not at %r" % (" :: ".join(path), ))

            # Fill out missing values using those of prior levels
            options = fill_dict(destination=data.pop("Options"),

            # Force feature if 'RescaleQualities' is set, see _mangle_features
            if options.pop('RescaleQualities', None):
                options['Features']['mapDamage'] = 'rescale'

        if len(path) < 2:
            for key in data:
                if key != "Options":
                    _do_update_options(options, data[key], path + (key, ))
            data["Options"] = options
예제 #6
    def _do_update_options(options, data, path):
        options = copy.deepcopy(options)
        if "Options" in data:
            if "Features" in data["Options"]:
                raise MakefileError("Features may only be specified at root "
                                    "level, not at %r" % (" :: ".join(path),))

            # Fill out missing values using those of prior levels
            options = fill_dict(destination=data.pop("Options"),

            # Force feature if 'RescaleQualities' is set, see _mangle_features
            if options.pop('RescaleQualities', None):
                options['Features']['mapDamage'] = 'rescale'

        if len(path) < 2:
            for key in data:
                if key != "Options":
                    _do_update_options(options, data[key], path + (key,))
            data["Options"] = options
예제 #7
def _update_genotyping(mkfile):
    genotyping = mkfile["Genotyping"]
    defaults   = genotyping.pop("Defaults")
    defaults.setdefault("Padding", 5)
    defaults["VCF_Filter"].setdefault("MaxReadDepth", 0)

    for (key, subdd) in genotyping.iteritems():
        if subdd.get("GenotypeEntirePrefix"):
            message = "GenotypeEntirePrefix is only allowed for prefixes " \
                      "using default parameters, but is set for %r" % (key,)
            raise MakefileError(message)

    for key in mkfile["Project"]["Regions"]:
        subdd = fill_dict(genotyping.get(key, {}), defaults)
        subdd["Random"]["--padding"] = subdd["Padding"]
        genotyping[key] = subdd

    regions = set(genotyping)
    unknown_regions = regions - set(mkfile["Project"]["Regions"])
    if unknown_regions:
        raise MakefileError("Unknown Regions of Interest in Genotyping: %s" \
                            % (", ".join(unknown_regions),))
예제 #8
def test_fill_dict__source_not_modified():
    expected = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    source = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    destination = {"b": {"d": 0}}
    utils.fill_dict(destination, source)
    assert_equal(source, expected)
예제 #9
def test_fill_dict__destination_not_modified():
    source = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    destination = {"b": {"d": 0}}
    utils.fill_dict(destination, source)
    assert_equal(destination, {"b": {"d": 0}})
예제 #10
def test_fill_dict__filling_full_dict():
    source = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    destination = {"a": 2, "b": {"c": 3, "d": 4}}
    expected = {"a": 2, "b": {"c": 3, "d": 4}}
    result = utils.fill_dict(destination, source)
    assert_equal(result, expected)
예제 #11
def test_fill_dict__filling_empty_dict():
    source = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    expected = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    result = utils.fill_dict({}, source)
    assert_equal(result, expected)
예제 #12
def test_fill_dict__empty_dicts():
    result = utils.fill_dict({}, {})
    assert_equal(result, {})
예제 #13
def test_fill_dict__source_must_be_dict():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        utils.fill_dict({}, [])
예제 #14
def test_fill_dict__destination_must_be_dict():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        utils.fill_dict([], {})
예제 #15
def test_fill_dict__empty_dicts():
    result = utils.fill_dict({}, {})
    assert result == {}