예제 #1
 def test_astype_object(self):
     tdi = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['1 Day', '3 Hours'])
     arr = TimedeltaArrayMixin(tdi)
     asobj = arr.astype('O')
     assert isinstance(asobj, np.ndarray)
     assert asobj.dtype == 'O'
     assert list(asobj) == list(tdi)
예제 #2
    def __sub__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._sub_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._sub_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._time_shift(-other)

        elif isinstance(other, Period):
            result = self._sub_period(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            result = self._sub_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # PeriodIndex
            result = self._sub_period_array(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}".format(
                cls=type(self).__name__, typ=type(other).__name__))
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}".format(
                dtype=other.dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
예제 #3
    def _add_delta(self, delta):
        Add a timedelta-like, DateOffset, or TimedeltaIndex-like object
        to self.

        delta : {timedelta, np.timedelta64, DateOffset,
                 TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]}

        result : same type as self

        The result's name is set outside of _add_delta by the calling
        method (__add__ or __sub__)
        from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin

        if isinstance(delta, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            new_values = self._add_delta_td(delta)
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(delta):
            if not isinstance(delta, TimedeltaArrayMixin):
                delta = TimedeltaArrayMixin(delta)
            new_values = self._add_delta_tdi(delta)
            new_values = self.astype('O') + delta

        tz = 'UTC' if self.tz is not None else None
        result = type(self)(new_values, tz=tz, freq='infer')
        if self.tz is not None and self.tz is not utc:
            result = result.tz_convert(self.tz)
        return result
예제 #4
    def test_int_properties(self, timedelta_index, propname):
        tdi = timedelta_index
        arr = TimedeltaArrayMixin(tdi)

        result = getattr(arr, propname)
        expected = np.array(getattr(tdi, propname), dtype=result.dtype)

        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
예제 #5
    def test_total_seconds(self, timedelta_index):
        tdi = timedelta_index
        arr = TimedeltaArrayMixin(tdi)

        expected = tdi.total_seconds()
        result = arr.total_seconds()

        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected.values)
예제 #6
    def test_to_pytimedelta(self, timedelta_index):
        tdi = timedelta_index
        arr = TimedeltaArrayMixin(tdi)

        expected = tdi.to_pytimedelta()
        result = arr.to_pytimedelta()

        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
예제 #7
    def __add__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._add_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._add_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._time_shift(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            return self._add_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot add {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # if self is a TimedeltaArray and other is a PeriodArray with
            #  a timedelta-like (i.e. Tick) freq, this operation is valid.
            #  Defer to the PeriodArray implementation.
            # In remaining cases, this will end up raising TypeError.
            return NotImplemented
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
예제 #8
    def test_from_tdi(self):
        tdi = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['1 Day', '3 Hours'])
        arr = TimedeltaArrayMixin(tdi)
        assert list(arr) == list(tdi)

        # Check that Index.__new__ knows what to do with TimedeltaArray
        tdi2 = pd.Index(arr)
        assert isinstance(tdi2, pd.TimedeltaIndex)
        assert list(tdi2) == list(arr)
예제 #9
파일: datetimes.py 프로젝트: tawsifh/pandas
    def to_perioddelta(self, freq):
        Calculate TimedeltaArray of difference between index
        values and index converted to PeriodArray at specified
        freq. Used for vectorized offsets

        freq: Period frequency

        # TODO: consider privatizing (discussion in GH#23113)
        from pandas.core.arrays.timedeltas import TimedeltaArrayMixin
        i8delta = self.asi8 - self.to_period(freq).to_timestamp().asi8
        return TimedeltaArrayMixin(i8delta)