def reject2(args): """ 原子が 0 意外を出力 """ path, pos = args strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) tmpstr = [] for structure in strs: a = structure.label.num_atoms[int(pos)] if a != 0: tmpstr.append(structure) outstr = CVMStrs(tmpstr) fname = path + "_rejcted" outstr.make_file(fname)
def reject(path, limit): """ 条件で構造を絞る """ strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) tmpstr = [] for structure in strs: a = structure.label.num_atoms[0] / (structure.label.num_atoms[0] + structure.label.num_atoms[2] + structure.label.num_atoms[3]) if a != 0 and a < limit: tmpstr.append(structure) outstr = CVMStrs(tmpstr) fname = path + "_rejcted" outstr.make_file(fname)
def reject_bin(args): """ 条件で構造を絞る 二元系用 """ path, limit = args strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) tmpstr = [] for structure in strs: a = structure.label.num_atoms[0] / (structure.label.num_atoms[0] + structure.label.num_atoms[1]) if a <= limit: tmpstr.append(structure) outstr = CVMStrs(tmpstr) fname = path + "_rejcted" outstr.make_file(fname)
def replace(path, site, rep): """ * 元素ラベルを交換する\n * e.g.: ファイル名 --site "0011" --rep "AC BD"\n * --site は左から順に第一、第二、第三...サイトに対応\n 0 で交換判定しない、 1 で交換判定するサイトを指定\n * "0011" では 4 副格子中の 3 番目と 4 番目の site 原子ラベルを交換する設定\n * --rep で交換するラベルの組み合わせを指定する\n * "AC BD" は A を C に B を D に置き換える * ラベルを変えない場合は "AA" のように同じラベルを振る """ d = len(site) site_ids = [j + k*d for k in range(100) for j in [int(i) for i in range(len(site)) if site[i] == "1"]] print(site_ids) replace_dict = {x[0]:x[1] for x in rep.split()} strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) strs.replace_site_elements(site_ids, replace_dict) fname = path + "_rev" for s in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": if s in rep: largest = s strs.complete_elements("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".index(largest)+1) strs.make_file(fname) try: enes = CVMEnergies.from_energies_file("energies.txt") enes.rename_from_str_labels(strs) enes.make_file("energies.txt_rev") except IOError: pass
def make_poscar(args, disord): """ POSCAR を作成する str ファイルを引数に指定する """ path = args strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path, disord=disord) # strs[0] | fnc.echo strs.make_poscar()
def stack(args): """ hcp-fcc Mg stacking 構造を作成する """ path = args strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) for structure in strs: dirc = str(structure.label).split('*')[0] Bash.mkdir(dirc) structure.make_stack_poscar(os.path.join(dirc, "POSCAR"))
def rename_energies(path): """ energies.txt を str ファイルから修正する """ path = "hcp.str" strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) enes = CVMEnergies.from_energies_file("energies.txt") enes.rename_from_str_labels(strs) enes.make_file("energies.txt_rev")
def test_make_poscar(self): """ for make poscar """ path = os.path.join(self.PATH, 'str') strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(os.path.join(path, 'bcci.str')) # print(strs[100]) # print(strs[100].sites) # strs[100].sites.set_sorted() print(strs[100]) strs[100].make_poscar(1, path)
def make_sc(path, dim, disord, rep, key): """ supercell を作成 e.g.: make_sc hcpi.str --dim 2 1 1 --rep "BA" --key GS7_ """ strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path, disord=disord) replace_dict = {x[0]:x[1] for x in rep.split()} # strs[2].make_supercell(strs.disord.lattice.array, replace_dict, dim) supercells = strs.make_supercells(key, replace_dict, dim) # supercells.make_poscar() supercells.make_file('supercells.str')
def exchange_elements(path, elem1, elem2): """ 原子ラベルを交換したファイルを作成 """ strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) enes = CVMEnergies.from_energies_file("energies.txt") strs.exchange_elements(elem1, elem2) enes.exchange_elements(elem1, elem2) fname = path + "_rev" strs.make_file(fname) enes.make_file("energies.txt_rev")
def alt_scale(args): """ str ファイルの格子長の scale を変更する args: fname_str, scale scale は分数表記 小数を与えることができないので、整数に通分する """ path = args[0] scale = Fraction(args[1]) strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) strs.alt_lattice(scale) fname = path + '_rev' strs.make_file(fname)
def add_site(path, input_file): """ サイトを追加 """ with open(input_file, 'r') as rfile: lines = rfile.readlines() args = {} for line in lines: key = line.split("=")[0].split()[0] tmp = line.split("=")[1].split() if len(tmp) == 1: try: value = int(tmp[0]) except ValueError: value = tmp[0] else: value = [Fraction(x) for x in tmp] args.update({key: value}) strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) strs.add_site(**args) #pylint: disable=W0142 fname = path + "_added" strs.make_file(fname)
def add_site(args): """ サイトを追加 引数は path input_file """ path, input_file = args with open(input_file, 'r') as rfile: lines = rfile.readlines() args = {} for line in lines: key = line.split("=")[0].split()[0] if key in ['primitive_z', 'origin']: args.update({key: int(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])}) elif key == 'trans': value = [[Fraction(x) for x in y.split()] for y in line.split('=')[1].split(',')] args.update({key: value}) elif key == 'label': args.update({key: line.split('=')[1].split()[0]}) elif key == 'insert_idx': value = [int(x) for x in line.split('=')[1].split(',')] args.update({key: value}) else: print(key) strs = CVMStrs.from_str_file(path) tmp_args = {} tmp_args.update({'primitive_z': args['primitive_z'], 'origin': args['origin'], 'label': args['label']}) for i, idx in enumerate(args['insert_idx']): tmp_args.update({'insert_idx': idx}) tmp_args.update({'trans': args['trans'][i]}) strs.add_site(**tmp_args) #pylint: disable=W0142 if tmp_args['origin'] >= idx: tmp_args['origin'] += 1 tmp_args['primitive_z'] += 1 fname = path + '_added' strs.make_file(fname)